I still don't get why people are so interested in sub numbers. Some people apparently care more than blizzard does :lol:
Blizzard cares despite what they say. More than any of us.
The brilliant thing that Blizzard did with the token is they got all that money up front, but all those subscriptions will be reported over a much longer amount of time. Just think how much lower their sub numbers would be now without it.
I still don't get why people are so interested in sub numbers. Some people apparently care more than blizzard does :lol:
Let's not imagine they're watching helplessly numbers go down and panicking in their offices wondering what to do.
(thanks largely to the rise MOBAs and the general stagnation of the MMORPG genre).
I don't think anyone is imagining that, or at least I hope not. But Blizzard would certainly care about how many people are playing their game for pretty obvious reasons. I mean, I would like to think they can look at WoD and see that what they did here isn't what they should do for keeping subs.
I mean...it was less than a year ago that WoW was putting up strong sub numbers. This is the first time WoW has seen a drop this precipitous, and the question remains for just how far the floor has fallen out beneath them.I think the sub-numbers are really only worth discussing in the context of "Man, WoW was on top of the world at one point."
I don't think the benefit of this strategy will last that long but anyway we're probably closer to the end of the amount of new stuff being added than the beginning, so maybe that's their long term strategy. For as long as I can remember their target was always new or returning players rather than people who want to continue playing, but maybe in the next years they'll have to cater to the existing playerbase rather than to people who'll no longer exist.
Nah, I agree with Rob Pardo, people just don't want to use the term MMO anymore because of expectations (thanks to WoW). Destiny is a themepark MMO despite what semantics people want to argue (it is just a stripped down WoW with guns). DayZ, Ark, Rust and all those games are just classic sandbox MMOs. MMOs haven't stagnated or anything, people have just chosen to stop using the term.
Hmm, can't decide what mount grind to focus on next. Shaohao rep for the Golden Cloud Serpent, Archaeology on my Mage for the Qiraji mount and Vial of the Sands, or Alani crystals.
It took me 5 years to get the Qiraji mount and I did a LOT of archeology, even had realm first achievements in the profession.
I got 1 single Skyshard in all my time playing MoP, which I did a lot.
Any way to make farming the Strat mount faster? Having to run all the way back on foot after a kill is annoying. Is there nothing like the mirror from Zelda to return you to a dungeon entrance?
BlizzCon this week! Are you guys excited?!?!?
BlizzCon this week! Are you guys excited?!?!?
My first time attending so hell yes!BlizzCon this week! Are you guys excited?!?!?
My first time attending so hell yes!
Rösti;183741998 said:Just a reminder:
Source: http://investor.activision.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=936316
How many subscriptions do you think will be reported for World of Warcraft?
At the end of the quarter ending June 30, subscriber amount was 5.6 million.
Rösti;183741998 said:Just a reminder:
Source: http://investor.activision.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=936316
How many subscriptions do you think will be reported for World of Warcraft?
At the end of the quarter ending June 30, subscriber amount was 5.6 million.
Any way to make farming the Strat mount faster? Having to run all the way back on foot after a kill is annoying. Is there nothing like the mirror from Zelda to return you to a dungeon entrance?
Poor Orgrim
and diablo 3's adventure mode. Random quests and bounties in old zones (I mean, if a demonic army invading the world is not the perfect excuse for them to make us go back to old zones nothing will and they're officially lazy) so the world feels alive and relevant again.
Don't screw up the rewards, make separate sets and currency if you have to.
...who am I kidding, they'll just steal GW2's system and scale down our level so we can do the old quests again. (which honestly would appeal to me but still)
(assuming you balance and update rewards properly as patches/expansions come along).
And actually I think legion events would not be outdated. Zones storylines are long done and still stuck in the cataclysm, but some demons doing shady shit is timeless.
BlizzCon this week! Are you guys excited?!?!?
It took me 5 years to get the Qiraji mount and I did a LOT of archeology, even had realm first achievements in the profession.
I got 1 single Skyshard in all my time playing MoP, which I did a lot.
I got 1 during MoP without even trying to farm them. Then, last week I had the bright idea:
"Lets farm Skyshards! Itll be eaaaaasy."
Worst part was, I got my second within 10 minutes of farming...Did it for 12 hours following that, got nothing.
Yeah I don't need that reskin THAT badly.
Any way to make farming the Strat mount faster? Having to run all the way back on foot after a kill is annoying. Is there nothing like the mirror from Zelda to return you to a dungeon entrance?
Fastest thing I know is be a DK, port to Acherus, then fly back. Should be faster than walking out.
I've always thought about going for this mount.
Huh, so the movie's real title is "Warcraft: The Beginning"
Huh, so the movie's real title is "Warcraft: The Beginning"
I'd actually like a mix of the two things you mention. After playing a bunch of random MMOs I've noticed one of the things I really like that most of them have yet WoW doesn't for some reason is public questing in every zone. Stuff like the events in GW2, FATES in FF14, Rifts in Rift. Those types of systems are cool as they keep zones relevant forever. You can always go back to them and just kill stuff but still get some sort of character progression regardless of your level. Seems like a dream system for Blizzard imo, it's something you put into the game once and it never loses value (assuming you balance and update rewards properly as patches/expansions come along).
Don't really even need the Legion excuse for it either, have the events in each zone tailored to the storylines of said zone and it wouldn't feel outdated once a new expansion comes along. Could even give them an excuse to finally do stuff with zones that never served a purpose to begin with like Gilneas, Crystalsong Forest, and Deadwind pass.
uh, where did you read that?