Why does only California know about those chemicals?
Rösti;184316381 said:Here's a countdown to BlizzCon:
Yes, and the Investor Day event, which is officially part of BlizzCon, starts at 08.30 AM PT.The opening ceremony is at 11.
I'm just realizing now that this movie comes out on my birthday. Neat.
I really do hope they talk about the new transmog system.
I really do hope they talk about the new transmog system.
This weekend I am buying a carry for 8/8 challange mode gold.
It will cost me 200k gold but it's worth it for the Yeti mount, title, achievements and transmog gear.
I will also be buying a Blackhand Mythic kill for the mount for 300k.
Rösti;184319513 said:Yes, and the Investor Day event, which is officially part of BlizzCon, starts at 08.30 AM PT.
"expected game release on or before September 21, 2016"
oooo early access to demon hunter? sheeeeit that's some dastardly shit.
"expected game release on or before September 21, 2016"
I mean that's *gotta* be their worst case scenario date. Gotta be.
Without doubt. Their best case scenario date isn't going to be "on or before."
But still, September 2016 would be about 10 months late, in my opinion. Feels like Legion should be a few weeks away, not a few quarters.
Funny how they've basically made physical buyers second class citizens with the demon hunter early access. You'd think their retail partners would be mad about this but I'm sure Blizz would prefer all sales be digital now anyway, no cut to share.
An overwatch background from Blizzcon got leaked early. You can change the URL to legion and you get this. I'm not a WoW player so I'm not sure if the info is new or not.
Lv. 100 boost *and* early access to Demon Hunter?
I've never bought an xpac digitally before (always loved collecting Blizzard games physically), but I might end up breaking that tradition.
Is there an app or something I can use to stream Blizzcon on my phone?
The Blizzcon Guide app can do it.
I don't see a place to do it. Is there a place to log in?
Plus with the boom of Hearthstone and release of Overwatch, "digital content" profits will continue to rise, which is what looks good to investors. Seeing the cash cow slowly die wouldn't be motivating for anyone.
Think I said it in the other thread but subs are weird in a token world anyway. Like 6 months from now if they still have 5.5 million subs(lol) what does that even mean? Like I will have an active sub then but the money that contributed to that sub was from a year ago.
Whole thing seems weird.
The subs thing never made any sense, considering half or more of that number was always some made up estimate based on the completely different Asian markets. But when it did nothing but go up, they were happy to talk about it. Honestly the numbers I'd rather see are the number of copies of each expansions that sold, but they've never provided that beyond the first week/month numbers.
I think personally I am interested in just how much money they are making from the game each quarter. As a curiosity. I'm sure those stats already exist out there but I am lazy.
Also if they really want an influx of cash they need to expand that token system into other services. Like c'mon blizz, I don't want to pay $25 to race change my orc rogue I rarely play but I would be totally okay with someone else paying $30 for me to race change it. Make it happen!
I'd love to see the reaction at Blizzcon today if they announced they're aiming for a September 2016 release.
I'd love to see the reaction at Blizzcon today if they announced they're aiming for a September 2016 release.