No, Ferocious Bite refreshes Rip regardless of enemy health (just checked the tooltip.)
That's only if you have the Sabertooth talent.
No, Ferocious Bite refreshes Rip regardless of enemy health (just checked the tooltip.)
My low 90s characters are getting about 65% of a level per invasion. This isn't too shabby.
My game freezes quickly like three times everytime I log a character in. IT's annoying and I don't know what causes it.
At first I thought it was an add on but it happens on beta as well :|
What level can you start getting XP for them? I can tell you it isn't level 5 haha
You need to recheck it then.
My game freezes quickly like three times everytime I log a character in. IT's annoying and I don't know what causes it.
At first I thought it was an add on but it happens on beta as well :|
My game freezes quickly like three times everytime I log a character in. IT's annoying and I don't know what causes it.
At first I thought it was an add on but it happens on beta as well :|
Oh man, that started happening to me too this week, happens when I enter the game for the first time (Does not happen after logging in with different characters).
Invasion related maybe?
17 hours ago
Hi all,
I wanted to jump in here regarding this issue, this is actually something that is being worked on already. The main cause is the game loading in hotfix data, the stutter will go away after ~10-15 seconds or so in most cases and depending on the connection/hardware. So as a workaround, you can try logging into the character let it sit for 10 seconds or so before moving around, should help.
My game freezes quickly like three times everytime I log a character in. IT's annoying and I don't know what causes it.
At first I thought it was an add on but it happens on beta as well :|
No, Ferocious Bite refreshes Rip regardless of enemy health (just checked the tooltip.)
so another dh perspective they get any quest or anything that takes them to the new dalaran? or to the broken shores? or is their quest line basically done once youre out and the rest is just go yourself?
the dalaran quest isnt in the game yet its next week, for everyone
Will we get new stuff each week until Legion comes out?
On my first DH kill lol
Im thinking something is up here. I got the same on my first run. There are several others reporting this as well. I think its too much to be a coincidence. Granted there are a ton of people playing them right now.
seems so. my sub is up in 5 days, Ill still catch the next reset but I might let it lapse for a couple of weeks until legion is out, and resub then so I dont "waste" 2 weeks of game time. Im winding down hard on fel bat farming and I got all the gear on my 3-4 characters I care about, and transmog runs are boiling down to 1 or 2 bosses for specific pieces I want
On my first DH kill lol
unsurprising, you seem like you play 12 hour stretches at a time lol
Yass, finally got the 1H caster sword from an invasion. Functionally useless for me without an off-hand, but it's pretty hot for transmog.
Welcome Back
Were you banned?
What's an easy offhand to acquire to go with the invasion one hand caster weapon? All I had to this point is a staff...
W-what? So far I have only the wand but no the staff
What's an easy offhand to acquire to go with the invasion one hand caster weapon? All I had to this point is a staff...
At the fel forge in Tanaan there's a 650 off-hand treasure you can pick up. It's a huge tome near the void mob.
W-what? So far I have only the wand but no the staff
On my first DH kill lol
Which day does the Ulduar quest activate does anyone know?
On my first DH kill lol
Can I ask what UI you're using? It looks slick.
Can I ask what UI you're using? It looks slick.
What UI is this?
Staff and agi sword both acn't drop. Wish I knew that prior to wasting forever trying.
Caster Mace
Caster Sword
Agi Axe
Agi Polearm
Agi Glaive
Str 1h Axe
Str 2h Mace
Pretty sure that's all you can actually get.
Ah right. Here's hoping I haven't loot it already.
Wow, speed leveling through Draenor is surprisingly easy with pathfinder, all of the bonus objectives and treasures make it fairly easy to hit 100 in short order. It's better than spamming the dungeon queue, that's for certain.
GW2 ui best ui
I'm really shocked at how improved the mistweaver monk is. Wow.
Any point to new Dalaran floating over Kara right now? I went there and you cant go into the sewers or buy anything.