Did you group with someone in the phase to get the buff? I have a 76 priest I'd love to power level with this tech.
Nope, I saw someone else mention that 98 wasn't the level requirement so I checked Stormwind Harbor and it phased me in to it.
Did you group with someone in the phase to get the buff? I have a 76 priest I'd love to power level with this tech.
Nope, I saw someone else mention that 98 wasn't the level requirement so I checked Stormwind Harbor and it phased me in to it.
So what, without taking the quest you go to the npcs in the harbour and they give you the buff????
Pandaren should have been Alliance only
Done a bunch of invasions to try and level and I've only leveled once and about 25%, this is pretty shit DPS, it's really not worth it.
Done a bunch of invasions to try and level and I've only leveled once and about 25%, this is pretty shit DPS, it's really not worth it.
At least if you're a lore nerd like me, otherwise it probably won't appeal to you too much
Speech upon clicking: It's just Calia now...
THIS IS ARTHAS' SISTER CALIA MENETHIL. She starts the Priest artifact quest.
Philosophically the Pandaren just don't align to the Horde very well. Some of this is in the really old lore books that are sort of retconned now. But really, the Pandaren should be fairly repulsed by the Undead, at odds with the materialistic nature of Goblins, way of the Blood Elves and their addiction to magic, and put off by how the trolls pervert nature into voodoo.But Chen Stormstout helps the horde in War3.
Well maybe some of them don't like the holier than thou attitude of the Alliance 🌚Philosophically the Pandaren just don't align to the Horde very well. Some of this is in the really old lore books that are sort of retconned now. But really, the Pandaren should be fairly repulsed by the Undead, at odds with the materialistic nature of Goblins, way of the Blood Elves and their addiction to magic, and put off by how the trolls pervert nature into voodoo.
So I have a question, I was not able to finish my legendary ring quest back in WoD and now that same questline is not available anymore, even though I started it before the pre-patch but did not pick up the next quests.
Almost all my gear is the warforged version from the invasions, with the exception of one ring and one of the trinkets.
Is there any way I can get one ilvl700 trinket and ring? I am stuck at ilvl 657 and i'd like to get to ilvl700 overall so I can try a few raids before Legion launches.
I have the Sandman's Pouch, but since I only now picked up inscription on my alt, I can't yet craft the upgrades for it and tarot prices at the AH are out of my price range.
How would you recommend I proceed?
You can get level 700 rings and trinkets for just 50 nethershards which is the Legion invasion currency you get for participating (afking)
So I have a question, I was not able to finish my legendary ring quest back in WoD and now that same questline is not available anymore, even though I started it before the pre-patch but did not pick up the next quests.
Almost all my gear is the warforged version from the invasions, with the exception of one ring and one of the trinkets.
Is there any way I can get one ilvl700 trinket and ring? I am stuck at ilvl 657 and i'd like to get to ilvl700 overall so I can try a few raids before Legion launches.
I have the Sandman's Pouch, but since I only now picked up inscription on my alt, I can't yet craft the upgrades for it and tarot prices at the AH are out of my price range.
How would you recommend I proceed?
Hit Supreme Kazzak. He drops 720 stuff. He's a world boss, and you can just join a group.
It's a daily right? I have done it a couple of times in a group but have been extremely unlucky and got nothing. Now that my backup toon is also 100, I will have the time to regularly try Kazzak every day on my main.
At least if you're a lore nerd like me, otherwise it probably won't appeal to you too much
Speech upon clicking: It's just Calia now...
THIS IS ARTHAS' SISTER CALIA MENETHIL. She starts the Priest artifact quest.
At least if you're a lore nerd like me, otherwise it probably won't appeal to you too much
Speech upon clicking: It's just Calia now...
THIS IS ARTHAS' SISTER CALIA MENETHIL. She starts the Priest artifact quest.
The Mythic priest armor is probably one of the coolest I've seen since the ever famous Judgement gear. Serious Warhammer 40k librarian vibes.
I've been agonizing over which character I want to play this expansion (provided I end up having a choice) I think it's likely I'll stick with Enh shaman again. I'd love to play the Demon Hunter but of course it'll probably be a nightmare finding a raid group.
Man that's fucking cool
And hunter is this turd
Thank god for transmogs, but still...
Any place I can see all mythic armors?
Damn, I am more and more excited about coming backJust read about randomized mythic dungeons - sounds dope. Now, only to find some decent guild
Is it my idea or the extended view distance isn't that noticable? Thought they said view distance is double the old one.
You can be in Dalaran and see Ulduar now. The thing is, old zones still have their thick fog. New Legion zones look better.
Man that's fucking cool
And hunter is this turd
Thank god for transmogs, but still...
You can see them at wowhead. I like most of the sets. Really don't like Monk and Hunter though.
What the hell is this?![]()
Come on guys you link those tiers and don't post the best tier in legion by far?
Come on guys you link those tiers and don't post the best tier in legion by far?
"Arthas Shmarthas."
This definitely doesn't suck, either:
The shaman set seems to actually have different versions for each element, not sure how that works.
"Arthas Shmarthas."
This definitely doesn't suck, either:
The shaman set seems to actually have different versions for each element, not sure how that works.
Can't believe we are getting 11 world bosses at launch, they really have gone all out for Legion.