Warlocks have been one of my favorite classes since vanilla (I missed MoP and WoD) so I leveled my old one up and I don't like any spec. Affliction used to be my favorite by far and it feels boring and clunky.
Unstable Affliction being the big soul shard spender feels weird. Should've just had that be a regular rotation spell and give us a nuke type skill to use shards on.
But warlock is still the coolest class around.
affliction locks seem kind of silly to me, like once their shit gets going and they do a trillion damage and you can't hurt them at all
US? I'm in a social oneprobably a terrible place to ask, but anybody know of dalaran horde guilds?
US? I'm in a social one
Is outlaw rogue supposed to always feel like I'm energy starved?
You could always talent into Vigor for a little help with that.
Having not looked into warlocks in Legion at all, what exactly are they doing to absorb any and all damage on them? I'll sit there wailing on a warlock for 20 seconds and all it says is absorbed and i just die. Is there a counter to it or do you just have to sit and wait for a buff to drop off?
I've only tried Affliction in 7.0 and found it to be... not very fun. I don't generally like Demo anyway and apparently it's a trainwreck right now anyway? Is Destro at least decent?
10% of damage dealt is converted to an absorb shield thanks to Soul Leech. By default it's capped at max 15% of total health. Talent can increase the cap to 20% and also makes it generate passively at 1% per second.Having not looked into warlocks in Legion at all, what exactly are they doing to absorb any and all damage on them? I'll sit there wailing on a warlock for 20 seconds and all it says is absorbed and i just die. Is there a counter to it or do you just have to sit and wait for a buff to drop off?
Has this interview been linked here?
It is an interview with Tom Chilton and the interesting part is at 4min 40secs, he mentions that future patches of Legion will take us more and more out of Azeroth.
I honestly love BM, and not in a "I love Demo shut up la la la" way. But then again I dont think wow needs 15 buttons for a class to be fun.
Cobra Shot, Dire Beast, Kill Command, Beastial Wrath, Crows. 5 active skills regularly, add in chimera shot and its 6, with Cobra shot you having to keep an eye out for your focus so you dont cap but also dont go dry for when you need to use kill command or dire beast. 2 cooldowns in stampede and the crit buff (forget the name). A self heal, speed boost, a dmg reducing bubble, a literal disengage and also feign death, some nice utility with binding shot or misdirect (although this one is barely useful these days).
Artifact adds a lightning aoe around your pets skill I believe?
And of course visually its great with all the animals attacking from dire beast procs and what not, even better with your second pet from the artifact I imagine.
Didnt SV just get a buff tho? Pet does double dmg or something?
Legion worlds maybe?
Well the Legion has scoured thousands of worlds, gotta be a fair few out there we can visit! Maybe that was their alternative to Thal'dranah or whatever that scrapped zone was called.Legion worlds maybe?
Well that's absurd. Hopefully this gets changed for PVP in some way because you might as well not even try to kill a lock right now.10% of damage dealt is converted to an absorb shield thanks to Soul Leech. By default it's capped at max 15% of total health. Talent can increase the cap to 20% and also makes it generate passively at 1% per second.
Spoilers from Beta:
Illidan asks you retrieve the sargerite keystone to invade legion worlds during the demon hunter class quests at 110.
My guess would be 7.2 or 7.3 would be a raid/firelands event in a legion world
when burning crusade came out they said that they were planning to visit different worlds with different xpacsLegion worlds maybe?
Man this expansion class changes has really made my eyes open, as someone that hates everything with release of new classes, I think its time to let my vanilla pride go and realise that some of my favorite classes from vanilla/tbc just wont find its way back. Rip lock+rogue+warrior.
Couldnt stand the thought of the newer classes like monk and dk before and refused to play them, only have a monk due to the lvl90 Wod boost+ lvlpotions, and dk due to the legion 100 boost, but damn now that ive been playing those classes a bit, they sure am fun. Hope I didnt miss too much of these specs the previous expansions..
I think I finally figured out my Legion roster. (I always have 1 of each role and atleast 1 of each faction at max lvl to see as much as possible of all quests and gameplay mechanics)
Shadow priest (my main, and it feels amazing compared to the shit rotation you had to play in wod beginning)
Windwalker monk (Was rogue in vanilla as main, and every expansion ive lvld it and every time I just cant enjoy it as much as I want.. time to let go. WW feels so fluid and fun to play. Really solid and wellmade spec.)
Blood DK ( I just want a alt with tons of hp that can be immortal in solo content and do loads of healing, and bear feels stupid with all those other that wants leather gear)
Resto shaman (lvling as enhancement, but this spec also feels very fun to play, and no more putting those anoying shields up. I love being raid healer in big groups so this spec should do the job, and 1h+shield looks cooler than 1h+offhand)
Made my monk a Pandaren, I wonder how long I will stand looking at it, they tend to not look especcialy cool in gear.
Have you guys finally set for classes or still having preexpansion panic attacks?![]()
Any EU Alliance Engineers around?
so something new comes out and you don't even try it because you loved vanilla?
I'll be maining Prot Warrior in Legion. I'm a tiny bit tempted to switch to Fire Mage, but Warrior tanking is just so fun now![]()
Oh please. PvP has been a laughing stock for ages and the balance was terrible because of boring stuff like binary stun combos. This is the first chance it's had to be good in forever, just have to see where the season takes us.I miss Explosive shot stunning people. And the double Bestial wrath + Intimidation, together with my holy pally buddy (bubble = uniterrupted healing for 10 secs lolololol)
I stopped doing pvp once I saw the fun was not allowed.
Most of this stuff is still in the game or was never good for it. You miss the passive attack power ability? Okay...I miss charge stunning people
I miss intervene
I miss intervening to banners
I miss banners
I miss a heal that didn't make me have to use bloodthirst
I miss spell reflect
I miss defensive stance
I miss shield wall
I miss victory rush
I miss battle shout
I miss heroic strike
Pruning is the worst thing that has happened to WoW.
The boosting system has made me the laziest player in the world. I've got my mage sat at level 91, and whilst i want to get him to cap, the thought of going through Draenor again is enough to drive me mad.
Quick question, but is artifact power tied to a specific artifact or can you accumulate it with one weapon and spend it on another?
Like is it possible to level as an enhancement shaman, save up as much artifact power as possible and then dump that into the resto artifact at 110?
Get the holy buff and level through invasions. Should be easy enough, and you'll have a full set of 700 gear when you reach 100.
Funny you say this as I just got this pet todayI just hate how BM summons these random fucking animals. I don't want to kill a boss with a fucking Toucan.
Quick question, but is artifact power tied to a specific artifact or can you accumulate it with one weapon and spend it on another?
Like is it possible to level as an enhancement shaman, save up as much artifact power as possible and then dump that into the resto artifact at 110?
I'm seriously considering switching from Paladin. Prot Wars are just... more engagingI'll be maining Prot Warrior in Legion. I'm a tiny bit tempted to switch to Fire Mage, but Warrior tanking is just so fun now![]()
Quick question, but is artifact power tied to a specific artifact or can you accumulate it with one weapon and spend it on another?
Like is it possible to level as an enhancement shaman, save up as much artifact power as possible and then dump that into the resto artifact at 110?
I hadn't even read about this, thank you
Also, random question I know to you guys, i've recently had eye surgery (detatched retina, long story) And as such since then, until i've made a full recovery, i'm not able to get a new set of prescription glasses. I'm able to see the game fine enough, however i'm having a real issue with reading quests that i'm receiving, does anyone know of any addons that are available that would let me change either the text color/size, or the background image so that it's not so bright? Many thanks in advance!
BM is boring but steady, MM is boring but fireworks, SV is awesome but hit like a wet noodle. Blizzard.
fuck warlocks. There, I said it.