It fits the #fantasy pretty well, I think. Twilight cultists would probably use daggers for their human sacrifices to the Old Gods.
Fair enough!
So what's the consensus on how classes feel going into next week? Here's what I've gathered from this thread:
Priests: Disc wonky, Holy great, Shadow awesome
Warlock: Demo apparently awful, other specs serviceable but boring
Mage: Fire is awesome, other specs unknown
Druid: unknown
DH: Strong all around, Havoc really fun
Rogue: Outlaw really fun. Other specs unknown.
Monk: Mistweaver and WW great. Brew unknown
Hunter: All specs (or just MM?) feel solid but overly pruned?
Shaman: Enhancement is fantastic. Other specs unknown.
Paladin: Solid but boring (all specs)
Warrior: overly pruned? Unknown
Death Knight: Frost feels awesome but is underperforming?