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World of Warcraft |OT8| CITIZENS OF DALARAN


Forgot to ask with my last "Sorry, been a while since I've played post".

On one of my characters, I was going through all the dungeons and raids in order to get the achievement/mount. However, I can't remember how I did it.

Sorry, if this is a weirdly posed question but was I physically going to each dungeon and raid portal in order to access the ones I was too high level for?


I have 1-5, G, T, Q, E, and then Shift+ those keys hotkeyed for the various abilities above. I have F hotkeyed to OPIE so that I can pull up other things (like quest items and professions) pretty quickly.

What do you all do?


I use a spreadsheet to organize bindings for my different specs, and revise it each expansion as abilities known shift around. It's color-coded by key accessibility, and has space for my clique bindings as well. My TBC-era resto shaman had ~120 bindings, including downranking and focus modifiers for pvp, but none of my characters approach that many anymore.
I use a razer naga so generally I do the following this is the setup for my rogue who is currently outlaw.

F=Saber Slash
E=Pistol Shot
X=Roll The bones
Shift+F=Crimson Vial
Shift+Space=Cloak of Shadows
Shift+T=Mount A (generally my flying mount)
Shift+B=Mount B (generally a repair mount)
2=Blade Flurry

Then for the mouse (naga is 12 keys in a 3/4 setup) I use the numpad keys for these

N1=Run Through (Finisher one)
N2=Marked for Death/Death From Above (Finisher 2)
N3=Between the Eyes (Finisher 3)
N4=Grappling Hook
N6=Tricks of the Trade Macro to bosses target
N7-N12= Various healing items, utility items, healthstones, auto attack toggle, ect

Then For CD's I use my Naga with a shift modifier

Shift+N1=Killing Spree
Shift+N2= Legendary Ring
Shift+N3= Adrenaline Rush
Shift+N4=Racial ability (Arcane Torrent)
Shift+N5=unused (doesn't work for some reason)
Shift+N6=Trinket 1 (if its a use trinket)
Shift+N7=Agility Potion
Shift+N9=Trinket 2 (if its a secondary on use trinket which isn't generally used)
Shift+N10=Honorable Medallion
Shift+N11=Drums of Fury (Bloodlust)

The general Idea though is that I use a near similar setup for every character, so my main damage abilities are F,E and occasionally R. N1-3 are generally selective uses (so like my finishers for my rogue, dots/short CD spells on casters, N3 is always whatever primary stun I have for that character, ect) N4-6 are utility/movement abilities, C is always interrupt, 1-4 are generally class abilities or on healing classes heals, Z/Shift+Space are generally my 'oh shit' abilities to either get away from combat or something to that effect, ect. Damaging CD's are almost always Shift+N-1-3 and I try to pull long CD's or certain powerful effects (like bloodlust/battle res) on Shift+N11/12 so I don't ever hit them by accident.

Works pretty well for me, I use the mouse to control the camera so I never need to use e/q to strafe.


I don't change my UI or use raiding/dungeon helpers or anything like that.

WoD needed Master Plan, but don't need that anymore.

I do use a mod called Hide Cleanup Bags Button which does what it says on the tin. I hit that more than once and caused chaos before.

The new transmog setup also encouraged me to install mOnArs WardrobeHelper.

If nothing else, I find the default UI inadequately laid out for how people actually play the game. It's been discussed a lot above, but it seems like most people primarily use 1-5 or 1-6 for abilities, so having a long bar that goes all the way to = doesn't make much sense. Way back in vanilla, the first action bar addon I used was Flexbar because it let me arrange my action bars into a layout that made sense for how I play.

Beyond that, healing became dramatically more intuitive and fun when WatchDog came out with the concept of clickcasting. From that, Clique was born and the rest is history. I wouldn't even entertain the idea of healing without clickcasting anymore.


If nothing else, WoW has always been completely overwhelming and unreasonable in terms of the sheer amount of content there is to complete. Draenor is the first time they got that wrong, but Legion is completely on the opposite side of the spectrum. It's designed to make completionists die of sleep deprivation.

I am not looking forward to rep grinds and world quests to keep up my artifact. The next month is going to be just a pain


Forgot to ask with my last "Sorry, been a while since I've played post".

On one of my characters, I was going through all the dungeons and raids in order to get the achievement/mount. However, I can't remember how I did it.

Sorry, if this is a weirdly posed question but was I physically going to each dungeon and raid portal in order to access the ones I was too high level for?


so 6 days before Legion, any must have mods you guys recomend? not big UI stuff, im happy with the GW2 UI, thinking more quality of life stuff
Some stuff I use:

Auctionator for auctions. Probably not as powerful as Auctioneer or whatever but it has a fair amount of functionality that is perfect for my needs.

AutoVendor for automatically vendoring trash.

Bagnon for bags. Hate logging into betas and PTR where it doesn't work lol, the stock bag interface is trash compared to Bagnon.

Legion Wardrobe and mOnAr's WardrobeHelper for transmog. The former has better drop info than the stock UI, better previewing and lets you do stuff like filter to your current zone and find recolours of items. The former simply provides you with checklists of appearances you've yet to find in dungeons and raids.


I've never cared about fancy UIs and that feeling has only gotten stronger as the default UI has improved. At best I hate the look of them, but then you get into shit like raids being delayed because some kid with too much free time (and a serious case of esport pro worship) had his elaborate setup break on a patch day. My guild used to laugh at my horrible raid frames that were literally pulled out in haphazard fashion in about 12 seconds of setup. But I quit healing years ago, I don't give a shit. The default ones seem quite nice these days.

I REALLY dislike anything that affects the responsiveness of the game - I had auctioneer or something for a while in WoD to gauge item prices from stuff I got out of salvage crates. But it caused enough performance issues that I had to ditch it. I'll run recount and DBM out of necessity. I think we had one other required thing as well during mythic foundry...it was some kind of mod where the raid leader could assign roles to people and lay out a strategy. It was real nice for someone who barely pays attention to pre-fight chatter and tends to learn by doing.

I will admit that Weakauras is amazing as someone who has taken several long breaks. It's training wheels: the mod. But even after I was comfortable with my rotation I found it great as a buff/debuff timer.


I am also basically using stock UI. The only extra things I use are DBM, Recount, Grid (because the normal raid frames are to big) and Postal. New for Legion the aforementioned Legion Wardrobe, which is great to look for missing stuff in dungeons and zones.

But yeah, that's it. I did install Tradeskill Master, but I have used that for a few days and I was never big on the whole AH game - maybe this addon changes it? Well, can't answer that now.


Forgot to ask with my last "Sorry, been a while since I've played post".

On one of my characters, I was going through all the dungeons and raids in order to get the achievement/mount. However, I can't remember how I did it.

Sorry, if this is a weirdly posed question but was I physically going to each dungeon and raid portal in order to access the ones I was too high level for?

To add to that, there are sites that will help you come up with good paths for mount/achievement farming.

I've been using this one for mounts: http://telsa-productions.co.uk/telsa-wow/web/mount/home

You put your character name in and it gives you paths you should travel to hit different dungeons/raids/other events that can give mounts.

Super helpful for people like me that can't remember how to travel to places.

Edit: Also have a look at Wowhead's 'Character Planner' for info on what you're missing, how to get it, etc: http://www.wowhead.com/planner


I've been using "Details!" for damage and healing number collection. There are a bunch of different categories you can switch between on the fly, really easy to use, minimal footprint on the screen.

Bagnon is a good one.

I've been messing around with a few different UI mods to try and get a minimal look, but most are a pain in the ass to setup and use.


Best thing about all these invasion boosts I did is that I can now go kill Onyxia seven times. She never gives me her damn mount, so I'm evening the odds a bit.


No One Remembers
I've been using "Details!" for damage and healing number collection. There are a bunch of different categories you can switch between on the fly, really easy to use, minimal footprint on the screen.

What's the difference between that and Skada? They booth look very similar.

Also, I can't seem to find it, but I saw a screenshot of a UI that had a more modern looking TitanPanel but I cannot remember the name of it for the life of me. Anyone?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
damn, Hunter T14 looks awesome. Love the giant skull shoulder (im also partial to assimetrical shoulders, as in one different from the other), love the helm, for some reason I never checked it in atlasloot until now. I know what ill be farming for at 110 during downtimes


What's the difference between that and Skada? They booth look very similar.

Also, I can't seem to find it, but I saw a screenshot of a UI that had a more modern looking TitanPanel but I cannot remember the name of it for the life of me. Anyone?

Details uses less memory if iirc


Archy is fantastic if you're doing Archaeology at all. It doesn't exactly make it fun, but it makes the whole process less annoying.
I can't figure this shit out

either i'm missing something or elvui is supressing combat text?

I sometimes see when I get heals, but I can't for the life of me find a way to show damage/crits at all


I've never been terribly hung up on cosmetic stuff or mounts. But I decided to check out the BMAH for the first time last night and of course it's apparently gone until the expansion.

How much do you think it'd cost me for a dreadnaught helm/shoulders (assuming I ever see them)? I really don't care about any other items for transmog in the history of the game. It's really against my nature to spend gold on that kind of thing, especially when gearing for progression. But I've always loved the look of that set and I didn't raid as a warrior back then.

Also, back in early Wrath I was very excited to get myself a Frost Wyrm mount for my DK (I think it showed one on the box...). Of course, I hate arenas and I quit long before ICC. I decided with the revival of that DK I should get on that, lo and behold I must have been drunkenly grabbed for an ICC run at some point because I think I've got every achievement but one. I believe it said I had to kill a boss while 1 of each of a specific mob type is still up. Should be easy!


Unconfirmed Member
Today I acquired Fiery Warhorse, and ordered new computer and GPU. Legion launch should be good.


Welp, was trying to solo Siege of Ogrimmar on my Hunter for that pet. Finally killed Immerseus but the cutscene that's supposed to happen once you walk up the stairs never did, so now I'm stuck and can't get to the second boss :(

And nowadays there's no way to contact a GM ingame :(
Oh my god I'm not the only one.

I'm surprised at how well it works out, aside from tab-targeting being occasionally awful.

I just use a tab target macro instead. Mostly because I had no idea the targeting was built in to LT+A. My /targetenemy macro seems to work better, and I have the muscle memory for my key combo so I just don't use LT+A lol. Kind of a pain, but I've set it up on all my characters now.
Nice, my garrison fishing daily reward satchel gave me a weather beaten journal so I could learn fish tracking. Now I don't have to go back to Azeroth and fish random schools to get it. Almost done Draenor PVE (for the umpteenth time) with this monk. Just have part of Nagrand, it's treasures and bonus objectives left to wrap up. I really only enjoy Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley and Spires of Arak, the starters zones are both really enjoyable and epic set-ups that aren't followed through on and Spires is at least an interesting self-contained story that does something interesting with the Arrakoans, but it is kinda heavy on the themepark design. Gorgrond, Talador and Nagrand are zones I'm glad to push through and be done with.

Leveled some of my monks garrison up, which has helped immensely with its profession catch-up. I guess I'll just focus on professions from now until Legion when I finish off Nagrand. I dunno if I want to go to Tanaan again anytime soon.

As for Legion's launch, looks like I'll be working but I'm in no rush to hit 110. I wanna get Legion Loremaster and enjoy all of the questing before moving on to doing dailies, world quests, rep grinds and all of that.
I use consoleport to use my xbone controller to play the game. Highly recommend it, cured my wrist pain and it's a lot of fun, especially on melee characters.

I am incredibly interested in this. I would love to have movement with the joysticks, and I feel like with some kind of "shift" mechanic, there would be plenty of buttons on the controller for movement and combat.

Only thing I'm not sure about is targeting and mouse cursor use. Do you change to keyboard and mouse when going through menus/bags/character screen and such?


Sölf;214807137 said:
Eh, I will do the same as always, not racing to max level, just enjoying the leveling experience.

I'm the opposite. Auto quest accept/turn-in addon, hundreds of consumables, and a leveling path already mapped out.


I keep wondering why people keep ignoring all the named demons (roamers and spawned buildings guards) which give the same exp and shards as the skulls on the map.
Also why mostly no one uses the bombs when at Gadgetzan. Bombs get rid of stuff quick and give you the exp, yet people don't make use of them.
What's the difference between that and Skada? They booth look very similar.

Also, I can't seem to find it, but I saw a screenshot of a UI that had a more modern looking TitanPanel but I cannot remember the name of it for the life of me. Anyone?

Well ElvUI sort of has its own built-in TitanPanel-eque functionality. If you're referring to one of my screenshots, I use TitanPanel, but with a different skin than the default - default skin is butt ugly.


In other news, I finished leveling my priest the other day, so I have 12 100s on my main server now - 2 DKs, no paladin. One of everything else. Probably gonna level some more Alliance characters on Sargeras this week while the goings still good.


How many lvl 100s do you guys have?
What are your plans for playing alts? As moneymakers or for fun/raiding etc?

I have 8 lvl 100, 5 of them are dedicated crafters i will now have to play because of recipes/blood of sargeras but for some reason i'm okay with this.


No One Remembers
Well ElvUI sort of has its own built-in TitanPanel-eque functionality. If you're referring to one of my screenshots, I use TitanPanel, but with a different skin than the default - default skin is butt ugly.

Don't think they were using ElvUI, and it wasn't using TitanPanel. Another person asked what it was, and the person responded.

Fuck I wish I could remember it.


No One Remembers
How many lvl 100s do you guys have?
What are your plans for playing alts? As moneymakers or for fun/raiding etc?

I have: 2x Shaman, Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Hunter, Monk, Mage, Rogue, Druid at 100.

I really only bother with 1 of my Shaman, Mage, and sometimes my Monk.
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