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World of Warcraft |OT8| CITIZENS OF DALARAN


Got a legendary in my first emissary cache on my main. 895 boots on a DK oh baby

I'm gonna run around and do all the emissary junk and any WQs with gear rewards, then I'm not sure what. Back to suramar? I'd like to gear up for heroics, but so far my luck with dungeons has been abysmal. How'd all of you gear up for them?

fhck u


I guess there has to be one guy who actually likes Warlocks anymore.

I mean by all means, Affliction is weak and Demonology has ramp up time on top of ramp up time. But Destruction's still solid and flexible, as it tends to be. And survivability certainly isn't an issue.


Got a legendary in my first emissary cache on my main. 895 boots on a DK oh baby

I'm gonna run around and do all the emissary junk and any WQs with gear rewards, then I'm not sure what. Back to suramar? I'd like to gear up for heroics, but so far my luck with dungeons has been abysmal. How'd all of you gear up for them?

Some dungeons, World Quests, Order Hall set (the first 3 items you get pretty fast and they can be upgraded to 830) and... well, we entered the first few heroics on foot because our itemlevel was too low. xD
New sims as of today or?

Looks like Noxxic is in the process of updating their projections. Assassination dropped from 1st to 6th :(

My guess for Arcane is that they were modeling a core ability wrong. It was at sub-90k dps and now projected at 275k. Either they just weren't factoring in artifact abilities, or they had a fundamental flaw with their model.


Water is not wet!
DH is hands down the best dungeon runner now. Between the extreme speed even on Tank spec to the ability to bypass entire areas or use shortcuts only rockets and/or double jump/glide/aerial charge can get.


I hope that Blizzard finds some way to fix the Underbelly so that it's possible to fish down there. There is literally someone inviting 40 man raids from other servers to farm people in every corner of the Underbelly on my low pop server. I hope they die in a fire. That is the sort of behavior that should be banned, because they are exploiting a flaw in the system that makes the guards completely ineffective yet Blizzard is doing absolutely jack fucking squat about it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Just have to get this out there. People always obsess over the latest simcraft stack rankings and it drives me a bit nuts. Of course your spec could still be under-tuned or something, but the stack ranks are not gospel
What you're saying is completely true, but the disparity between what is good and what is bad is pretty staggering. The specs that don't see finely tuned sims are ignored for a reason, because who wants to do the work and go, "Oh, Frost DK is still abysmal."
Looks like Noxxic is in the process of updating their projections. Assassination dropped from 1st to 6th :(
Noxxic is not even worth paying attention to. Assassination dropped a long time ago after a nerf well before Legion was out.


IIRC in the beta there were quests where you went around the world finding out the backstory to your weapon or something - did they get removed or are they just further down the class hall progression than I'm at?

Or did I completely imagine them?
Anyone with mining just never getting the Ruth items to spawn? I seemed to get the felslate items to drop almost immediately after getting rank 1, but I've yet to get the leystone equivalents for rank 2.
Noxxic is not even worth paying attention to. Assassination dropped a long time ago after a nerf well before Legion was out.

I use them as the vaguest of guidelines. Basically anything in the top half is okay and everything in the bottom half is meh. They are the only consolidated source for this kind of thing though. If you want numbers you either have to download simcraft and run it yourself, or pick through various forums dedicated to each class--and even then there is quite a bit of variance.


What you're saying is completely true, but the disparity between what is good and what is bad is pretty staggering. The specs that don't see finely tuned sims are ignored for a reason, because who wants to do the work and go, "Oh, Frost DK is still abysmal."

I sorta wish Blizzard would at least comment on specs like Frost. Even... "we're seeing Frost perform better than players are saying, look out for using x more or w/e". Kinda like when Brewmasters flipped a shit during alpha when they said we were "great" and Celestalon had to go over how the spec was supposed to work.

Maybe players aren't figuring Frost out properly (which would surprise me, it seems simple?), and if that's the case Blizzard should probably step in. Or buff the spec if it's just bad, which they may in coming weeks

I use them as the vaguest of guidelines. Basically anything in the top half is okay and everything in the bottom half is meh. They are the only consolidated source for this kind of thing though. If you want numbers you either have to download simcraft and run it yourself, or pick through various forums dedicated to each class--and even then there is quite a bit of variance.

Log analysis is best, but there aren't any raid logs yet. Could still check dungeon logs

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I mean by all means, Affliction is weak and Demonology has ramp up time on top of ramp up time. But Destruction's still solid and flexible, as it tends to be. And survivability certainly isn't an issue.

Demo has ramp up time but even when its ramped up, it's not that strong

and it would basically require every fight to be patchwerk because demo have ZERO mobility and they need to be constantly casting


As a completely new WoW player I have a few questions.

I'm currently leveling a monk and I figured I'd go through the manual leveling process just so I could see the sights and all. Currently I'm at level 63.

1. Monk has a healing spec, but I've been rather diligently vendoring anything I didn't need for windwalker, so if I wanted to heal all of a sudden, what are my options for intellect gear at this moment?

2. Are dungeons a good leveling tool or should I just stick to questing? Compared to FFXIV, my very brief experince with WoW dungeons was: very chaotic, everybody runs forward at mach speed, barely anything to do but AOEing your heart out. Anything to look out for? The quests inside seem to be significant, what's the gameplay loop? As soon as the group was done everyone just left. What's the accepted etiquette for loot? Just roll Need if you can?

3. How practical is it to keep two specs at the endgame with wildly different stats? For example, with monk my options are healing and DPS - I heard bad things about the tanking spec - can I eventually gear them both properly?

4. Any tips for not embarrassing myself in group content in general?

1. Your gear switches stats based on your spec, since the old way (the more intuitive way honestly) required healers and tanks to maintain tons of extra gear just for the 'pleasure' of being able to do things like quest effectively. They realized this sucked for those thankless jobs.

2. Dungeons are great xp, but you're right that people will blow through them. Welcome to a 12 year old game. Etiquette is mostly just don't be a douche, don't pull extra mobs, ask if you have questions rather than just not giving a shit and doing something bad. You almost surely can't wipe the group in anything below level 80 or 90 at this point, because the rest of the group is overpowered as fuck in heirlooms and knows the dungeon by heart. I mean, they're fun, but not in the traditional dungeon-y way, it's just way too far past the point when anyone cares about low level dungeons for it to give you that experience, that said the actual XP is still good and worth doing most of them once for quests at least, but it's not a real representation of actual dungeons. FF14 max level dungeons are about right for max level wow dungeons.

3. keeping 2 specs is pretty easy. Artifact weapons this expansion make it a bit different, but in general it's just weapons/trinkets you really look out for gearwise that are totally different. You might value different stats differently, but if you're just talking aboug 5 mans or doing quests it makes 0 difference. In terms of raiding, you'll be behind in one while progressing but it's easy to eventually be strong in everything if your guild will hook you up with the spare loot.

4. Oh. I addressed this in 2.

RE: Frost DKs. The problem is that Blizz and the high end DK theorycraft community have been masturbatory about Unholy for years, and frost has been the red-headed stepchild since sometime during Cataclysm. Not much else to it, they refuse to understand how long it's been since that spec was even viable and it's frankly pathetic. Not everyone gives a shit about Unholy's class fantasy. But everyone that matters does, so GG. Frost is not remotely as bad as it looks, but it's still not worth being that guy and playing it, because unholy is just extremely versatile and has no real weakness.


Damn. Got my Monk alt to 110 and was excited to hit up world quests for gear. There's... one int trinket and one agi trinket. That is it. I'm sad now.


Frost is not remotely as bad as it looks, but it's still not worth being that guy and playing it, because unholy is just extremely versatile and has no real weakness.

Sounds about right. Our DK just lays D&D and Scourge Strikes and people can't compete with him on AoE, and single target CDs are strong as hell too. Doesn't hurt that he got the 10% ghoul rune reset legendary ring the other day



awwww yeah, got lucky and managed to get a few mythics in before reset


Anyone on Stormrage in need of Runescale Koi, have so many from farming AP for the fishing pole. I'm at around 4 stacks now, and since Nomi is a shit chef and not coughing up recipes I have nothing to do with them all.


Damn. Got my Monk alt to 110 and was excited to hit up world quests for gear. There's... one int trinket and one agi trinket. That is it. I'm sad now.

It's spotty. I've gotten a lot of gear upgrades from world quests, including an 840 Mythic Agility trinket. What you might want to do is since you can save up to 3 slots for your Class Emissary dailies, just do one of the zones that gives you something useful and wait for tomorrow's quest reset.

It's still so early in the expansion, too. It seems like it will be quite easy to get gear that is well tuned for your spec plus a good set of off spec stuff. Right now I'm swimming in Crit and Mastery which is great for my Resto off-spec, but I'm in search of pieces to bring up my Haste to where it needs to be for Enhancement. For now I'm using Ancestral Swiftness instead of Hailstorm to help with the scaling and I've been happy as a clam with the results.


Fuck I hate this withered training trash.
Oh, whoops, an elite spawned that murdered you all instantly, lol sorry try again whenever this shit pops up again for another chance at 300 rep~


[RE: Frost DKs. The problem is that Blizz and the high end DK theorycraft community have been masturbatory about Unholy for years, and frost has been the red-headed stepchild since sometime during Cataclysm. Not much else to it, they refuse to understand how long it's been since that spec was even viable and it's frankly pathetic. Not everyone gives a shit about Unholy's class fantasy. But everyone that matters does, so GG. Frost is not remotely as bad as it looks, but it's still not worth being that guy and playing it, because unholy is just extremely versatile and has no real weakness.

Yup. It's such a shame really, I personally never cared for Unholy. I loved 2H Frost though back in WotLK. I said it before but at this point why not re-purpose Frost as a second tank spec. Priest has 2 healing specs and since Frost has nearly always under performed in the DPS department since cata as you said just make them tanks. Like it fits the class being these immortal knights that can take a beating, apart from Unholy who uses undead minions to compensate.

Just make Frost the pro-active tank and Blood the reactive tank.

edit: failed a 98% class hall mission, here's to another 12 hours -.-'.


PvP should be kept the hell away from my PvE experience in all shapes and forms. It's basically 2 different games, and I distinctly only signed up for one.

If the devs have time to get creative with mixing the two, then they bloody have time to allocate to other, more pressing issues. The Dalaran sewers are a prime example of a decision that anyone with common sense would have called out before it was implemented. Sometimes I think the devs don't actually play their own game enough.

Speaking of the sewers, I wasn't even understanding why I was insta-dying down in there initially. I saw some named and people attacking it, so I joined in from range with my hunter and then out of nowhere I was dead. By my second death I thought maybe I entered one part of the sewers which flagged me or something as I remember old Dalaran sewers had some PvP part to them (and the whole thing looks a bit suspicious), so I went online to look and learned the sewers are a FFA PvP zone which flags you when named pops or some such? Not what I'd call the smartest decision as a PvE player on a PvE realm (plus people's names still looked blue to me so it didn't even look like people were flagged).

Did they put FFA PvP zones in every new area btw? I was going through Stormheim and I was about to enter into another PvP FFA zone.


Not liking Highmountain, too many cows for my liking. Though that Huln Highmountain guy with the hunter's spear was all kinds of awesome, I'm thinking on running SV as the off-spec instead of MM. Because fuck MM.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Hit 110 finally, should I go to highmountain or go directly to Suramar?

Do just enough of Highmoutain to get friendly for now, then rush Suramar ASAP to unlock world quests.

The emissary quests give 1500 rep per, which is one of the fastest ways to get through the suramar rep grind.

Incidentally, I've done all the suramar quests I can, and outside of failing withered training twice (which is a loss of like 700 or so rep), I'm super behind my buddies who all hit 110 day one. I know there was a suramar emissary quest I missed, but are there any other big things, outside of doing blue dragon quests, that I may have also missed?

I did all the leylines, and all the portals I can.

I hate Suramar SO MUCH. Rep grinds are an awesome substitute for real content, right guys?

I get that it's doled out to leave SOMETHING for once everyone is just bored and grinding artifact power, but the rep gained per questing is pretty pitiful.


Yup. It's such a shame really, I personally never cared for Unholy. I loved 2H Frost though back in WotLK. I said it before but at this point why not re-purpose Frost as a second tank spec. Priest has 2 healing specs and since Frost has nearly always under performed in the DPS department since cata as you said just make them tanks. Like it fits the class being these immortal knights that can take a beating, apart from Unholy who uses undead minions to compensate.

Just make Frost the pro-active tank and Blood the reactive tank.

edit: failed a 98% class hall mission, here's to another 12 hours -.-'.

fuck that, they've truly failed if suddenly the only way to dps on a DK is as a pet class. The pet isn't a hassle to control or anything, but it's not what many people enjoy about DKs. They don't have to change anything but make Frost 'good' once in a while. One spec is always going to be better. or make UH better at single target but have anemic cleave or something, that's how it was in Dragon Soul - UH was the 'good' spec, but frost was superior for progression on the two last bosses due to how the spec functioned. That was a good judge of who actually knew their class.

I hate Suramar SO MUCH. Rep grinds are an awesome substitute for real content, right guys?

Maybe you'd have a point if it were a rep 'grind' but...what are you grinding? There's literally nothing to grind. It's gated, but it's not grindy in the least. You complain an awful lot about truly trivial shit, to be perfectly honest. For example:
Fuck I hate this withered training trash.
Oh, whoops, an elite spawned that murdered you all instantly, lol sorry try again whenever this shit pops up again for another chance at 300 rep~

Sorry? If you can't learn anything from failure, you're destined to fail again. It's just like the treasure room in throne of thunder - a scenario that involves actual skill and adaptation and that you can improve at every time you do it. Or you can watch a guide or something, but that's on you. Does the spy guy suck the first time? absolutely, but he's easily handled also, it's a scenario that rewards critical thinking and observation. If you could spam it, that would probably diminish how much learning you bothered to do instead of just bashing your face into it (also, THEN it would actually be a grind, but since you can't, it's not).


fuck that, they've truly failed if suddenly the only way to dps on a DK is as a pet class. The pet isn't a hassle to control or anything, but it's not what many people enjoy about DKs. They don't have to change anything but make Frost 'good' once in a while. One spec is always going to be better. or make UH better at single target but have anemic cleave or something, that's how it was in Dragon Soul - UH was the 'good' spec, but frost was superior for progression on the two last bosses due to how the spec functioned. That was a good judge of who actually knew their class.

Maybe you'd have a point if it were a rep 'grind' but...what are you grinding? There's literally nothing to grind. It's gated, but it's not grindy in the least. You complain an awful lot about truly trivial shit, to be perfectly honest. For example:

Sorry? If you can't learn anything from failure, you're destined to fail again. It's just like the treasure room in throne of thunder - a scenario that involves actual skill and adaptation and that you can improve at every time you do it. Or you can watch a guide or something, but that's on you. Does the spy guy suck the first time? absolutely, but he's easily handled also, it's a scenario that rewards critical thinking and observation. If you could spam it, that would probably diminish how much learning you bothered to do instead of just bashing your face into it (also, THEN it would actually be a grind, but since you can't, it's not).
They tell you to get honored, and then the quests to actually GET rep, mysteriously stop existing.

And there's not much I can do as a shadow priest to kill the guy that literally two shots me. And has stealth. And spawns randomly. But I guess that's my problem. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Are people really surprised that there is grinding and timesink/gating in an MMO? Maybe my expectations are out of whack but as far as I'm aware that's always come with the territory. And honestly, Suramar/Class Hall are far from egregious examples, WoW itself has had much worst.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
They tell you to get honored, and then the quests to actually GET rep, mysteriously stop existing.

And there's not much I can do as a shadow priest to kill the guy that literally two shots me. And has stealth. And spawns randomly. But I guess that's my problem. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can get decent rewards and power up your withered from the areas well before he even shows up. Obviously the further you can go the better, but it's okay to do smaller runs that power up your army with the easily attainable chests in the first few rooms.


The Withered training mission is very much not designed well across all classes but that is WoW in general half the time. Somehow its ok for some DPS to take on 10 mobs at a time and kill them at the same speed another DPS fights one mob.
So, worst quest this expansion is "Mounting Made Easy" for Leatherworking, right? That was extremely frustrating.

I was staying away from the thread for the last week except to poke in-and-out occasionally so I wouldn't have too many things spoiled as I went in fairly fresh. But I'm 110 now, been doing World Quests, and generally chugging along nicely.

I'm curious what thoughts are on the dungeons so far. Is there a unanimous favorite and least favorite? I've done four of the eight in Normal mode and three I liked just fine (Hall of Valor, Eye of Azshara, and Maw of Souls) but one I thought was a steaming turd (Darkheart Thicket, or whatever it's called). I look forward to moving to heroic versions as I prefer mechanics to matter and on normal sloppiness hasn't been punished much and people just ignore the actual mechanics.

I had a good time taking my 110 through a couple MoP raids to try for those mounts. But it wore me out enough with everything this week I couldn't bother taking my two alts through the normal level 100 raids I ran for mounts except for a couple quick Malygos kills. The rotation each week for mounts has definitely jumped up but it'll also mean I'll make some extra gold. That's not a bad thing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I was wrecked last night but after trying a bit of holy pali (well doing the art quest) in my quest to find a alt, I tried unholy DK. Better quest for sure, I liked the stuff with the dark riders, except that it apparently its the same as affliction lock and boomkin? oh well.

Apocalypse look cool but strangely small, maybe its a worgen thing, I think they have weird scaling with weapons tbh. The skill being 1.5min cooldown threw me for a loop as I could sware I saw it was 45secs before. Overall, im not sure im feeling it either. I know just the art quests arent enough for a "feel", but they kinda are tbh, at least so you know if this is something you see yourself playing.

I also did one more suramar chain in the fel demon area, and that wowhead guide continues to be great
Yes I finished it today. It's a sadistic quest made me want to quit life a few times

After dying several times on the waterfall portion alone I finally looked up information to see people say you're essentially required to be using Fighter Chow. So I ran off to fish the mats for that and was able to continue but that's steaming hot poop. I was grumpy once I got dismounted by an enemy because I was stubborn and didn't want to make the item that makes it so you can't get dismounted but once I did that it got a little better but there were still too many trial and error areas where the rope would break and there was nothing that could be done about it.



Yup. It's such a shame really, I personally never cared for Unholy. I loved 2H Frost though back in WotLK. I said it before but at this point why not re-purpose Frost as a second tank spec. Priest has 2 healing specs and since Frost has nearly always under performed in the DPS department since cata as you said just make them tanks. Like it fits the class being these immortal knights that can take a beating, apart from Unholy who uses undead minions to compensate.

Just make Frost the pro-active tank and Blood the reactive tank.

edit: failed a 98% class hall mission, here's to another 12 hours -.-'.
As a Frost DK main, no thanks. Knowing Blizz Frost would just be the inferior tank spec then anyway.


I was wrecked last night but after trying a bit of holy pali (well doing the art quest) in my quest to find a alt, I tried unholy DK. Better quest for sure, I liked the stuff with the dark riders, except that it apparently its the same as affliction lock and boomkin? oh well.

Apocalypse look cool but strangely small, maybe its a worgen thing, I think they have weird scaling with weapons tbh. The skill being 1.5min cooldown threw me for a loop as I could sware I saw it was 45secs before. Overall, im not sure im feeling it either. I know just the art quests arent enough for a "feel", but they kinda are tbh, at least so you know if this is something you see yourself playing.

I also did one more suramar chain in the fel demon area, and that wowhead guide continues to be great

Unholy artifact ability is actually really awesome. Basically you build preferably full stack of 8 Festering Wounds on the target and then pop Apocalypse. With the Bursting Sores talent all the wounds you pop do massive AoE damage, do even more damage to main target, summon zombies, and give you runic power. It literally makes trash packs explode when doing world content.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I should be gearing my main but I'm just playing my alts. What's wrong with me?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
ooh nightfallen emissary gives me my honored (actually I didnt even need the emissary, just the nightfallen world quests would have been enough but still)
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