As a completely new WoW player I have a few questions.
I'm currently leveling a monk and I figured I'd go through the manual leveling process just so I could see the sights and all. Currently I'm at level 63.
1. Monk has a healing spec, but I've been rather diligently vendoring anything I didn't need for windwalker, so if I wanted to heal all of a sudden, what are my options for intellect gear at this moment?
2. Are dungeons a good leveling tool or should I just stick to questing? Compared to FFXIV, my very brief experince with WoW dungeons was: very chaotic, everybody runs forward at mach speed, barely anything to do but AOEing your heart out. Anything to look out for? The quests inside seem to be significant, what's the gameplay loop? As soon as the group was done everyone just left. What's the accepted etiquette for loot? Just roll Need if you can?
3. How practical is it to keep two specs at the endgame with wildly different stats? For example, with monk my options are healing and DPS - I heard bad things about the tanking spec - can I eventually gear them both properly?
4. Any tips for not embarrassing myself in group content in general?
1. Your gear switches stats based on your spec, since the old way (the more intuitive way honestly) required healers and tanks to maintain tons of extra gear just for the 'pleasure' of being able to do things like quest effectively. They realized this sucked for those thankless jobs.
2. Dungeons are great xp, but you're right that people will blow through them. Welcome to a 12 year old game. Etiquette is mostly just don't be a douche, don't pull extra mobs, ask if you have questions rather than just not giving a shit and doing something bad. You almost surely can't wipe the group in anything below level 80 or 90 at this point, because the rest of the group is overpowered as fuck in heirlooms and knows the dungeon by heart. I mean, they're fun, but not in the traditional dungeon-y way, it's just way too far past the point when anyone cares about low level dungeons for it to give you that experience, that said the actual XP is still good and worth doing most of them once for quests at least, but it's not a real representation of actual dungeons. FF14 max level dungeons are about right for max level wow dungeons.
3. keeping 2 specs is pretty easy. Artifact weapons this expansion make it a bit different, but in general it's just weapons/trinkets you really look out for gearwise that are totally different. You might value different stats differently, but if you're just talking aboug 5 mans or doing quests it makes 0 difference. In terms of raiding, you'll be behind in one while progressing but it's easy to eventually be strong in everything if your guild will hook you up with the spare loot.
4. Oh. I addressed this in 2.
RE: Frost DKs. The problem is that Blizz and the high end DK theorycraft community have been masturbatory about Unholy for years, and frost has been the red-headed stepchild since sometime during Cataclysm. Not much else to it, they refuse to understand how long it's been since that spec was even viable and it's frankly pathetic. Not everyone gives a shit about Unholy's class fantasy. But everyone that matters does, so GG. Frost is not remotely as bad as it looks, but it's still not worth being that guy and playing it, because unholy is just extremely versatile and has no real weakness.