These PvP World Quests (were no PvP happens on my PvE Server so far) give really high honor. I am already rank 12 and didn't even do them the first few days (and still skip some). Some of those are also pretty cool, like the one were you can turn into a Murloc or where you can ride on various animals.
I do one big mega pull per side where I aggro the majority of dreadpetals and a couple of patrols, pop my cooldowns and aoe nuke them down, and then clean up the last few stray groups further in that I couldn't reach quickly. Run out, reset, rinse and repeat. One run takes about 4 minutes.
I wasn't really feeling the withered training the first few times but now that I know what to do it's a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it again. Plus it's so nice admiring your loot at the end of it.
I wasn't really feeling the withered training the first few times but now that I know what to do it's a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it again. Plus it's so nice admiring your loot at the end of it.
I wasn't really feeling the withered training the first few times but now that I know what to do it's a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it again. Plus it's so nice looking at your loot at the end of it.
its super fun. Also helps that now we have better gear and probably more mana to start with of course.
I am in such a strange place with the game right now. Im not burned out, but I only want to play my Hunter, who is now 840 so theres not much to upgrade for now. I don't have regular access to mythics because Im not in a guild (well technically I am, with 2 other dudes lol), nor do I want to join one. Im hoping a few of my (slow ass) friends that still play get to 110 and gear up, maybe we can do some mythics by grabbing a couple of pugs.
Meanwhile, I've always been a altholic but nothing continues to really grab me, probably because I just want to play the hunter. My DK is now 104 and im enjoying him fine I guess but...somethings missing. Lock is 102, and I did a bunch of artifact quests for other classes but again, nothing grabbed me like alts did in previous expansions.
Maybe when im off work next week and I can play a bit more and I can focus more on a alt it will be better.
We should organise some night where we got some gaffers for mythic runs, like a Saturday or something. You can do that right, cross realm and shit?
First thing you want to do is start with as many withered as you can. For mobs you want to interrupt almost anything that has a cast time as it does aoe to your withered. When the Arcane Entities start to detonate stun them if you can't kill them before the detonation. For bosses pull them into a cleared room and unleash the withered while also popping any cooldowns your have to kill them asap.
First thing you want to do is start with as many withered as you can. For mobs you want to interrupt almost anything that has a cast time as it does aoe to your withered. When the Arcane Entities start to detonate stun them if you can't kill them before the detonation. For bosses pull them into a cleared room and unleash the withered while also popping any cooldowns your have to kill them asap.
Chief problem as an arcane mage is I only have one thing that can interrupt that detonation of theirs, and its on a large enough cooldown that I only get one chance. But I'll keep at it. Thanks!
Chief problem as an arcane mage is I only have one thing that can interrupt that detonation of theirs, and its on a large enough cooldown that I only get one chance. But I'll keep at it. Thanks!
I pull carefully and I sheep where I can (thank god most of the mobs are vulnerable to it), though it gets annoying when the withered throw stones at it still.
I think the only race on it that knows what a bath is are the blood elves.
The only problem we got Alliance side is the smell of wet dog whenever it rains, but better that than rotting corpses and gunpowder!
Anyways, as a mage I never had much success trying to solo the MoP raids last expansion, but now at 1.5 million health and 825 ilevel, its fun returning. Time to try out ToT.
3 zones 100% done including collectables, 1 to go! Sitting at 802 iLevel, struggling to get up to the holy grail of 810, can I please get some gear World Quests?
3 zones 100% done including collectables, 1 to go! Sitting at 802 iLevel, struggling to get up to the holy grail of 810, can I please get some gear World Quests?
Did I tell you guys how earlier before coming to work I was short on resources for the 4th class order hall upgtade (10k), did a few world quests which gave me exactly 10k, went back to my order hall and the first thing I did was...
...start a random garrison mission which cost 250 resources? Because that happened >_>
I was so mad I actually said fuck it and re-rolled the third tier upgrade (which takes 3 days) because I couldnt stand those eagles any more, it actually fucks with your world quest whistle too, its so annoying.
Ill work on that 4th upgrade in 3 days then, I'll have 10k resources by then.
I'm really liking Stormheim as a zone. It feels weird sometimes with the terrain but I love the grappling hook.
The only thing I didn't like was coming out of a Vrykul camp, take a left and suddenly some level 110 alliance guards destroyed me.
Got fucking smoked near immediately on withered training again. Took 12 dudes in, went to first boss (Lapita or something?) and my withered decided to both pull the whole room despite being on follow mode, and half of started to run away at the same time
this quest really is a fucking god damn abortion piece of dogshit.
Got fucking smoked near immediately on withered training again. Took 12 dudes in, went to first boss (Lapita or something?) and my withered decided to both pull the whole room despite being on follow mode, and half of started to run away at the same time
this quest really is a fucking god damn abortion piece of dogshit.
After about 45 minutes I have concluded that the leatherworking quest "Mounting Made Easy" is the worst quest in the game. So many pathing issues and there is no way to know where the moose is going. At least I am done with it.
Welp, I hit a wall in ToT with Dark Animus. Bosses may only do minimal damage at best, but when you have so many of the robots beating on you, they tear through you pretty quick. Ah well, I can do a mount run here easily now at least.
I haven't really figured out how to do withered training effectively on priest. I've only done it twice, but neither time did I make it very far beyond even the first door.
Most of them involve abandoned Warden watchtowers that the Forsaken/Gilneans are fighting over for control purposes. Its a way to PVP or to work on your PVP talents via PVE (completing one increases your honor).
The other stuff are stuff like arenas and the like in the world. They're trying to get world PVP going. For the most part it seemed like it didn't but today the one on the western coast of Azsuna on my server was positively mobbed by players of both sides.
Thanks, I'll do that when I log on the DH, currently doing the underwater Shaman starting area and hating life, what an awful zone, for a start I can't use my underwater mount and the quest markers are bugged.
Was wondering why it seemed I was getting more resources than I was supposed to earlier. Just noticed on the app that my Rexxar has a blue equipment item that gives me 50 resources every time I do a world quest with him. That actually adds up fast, its great.
Will gems be cheaper? I got a pair of blue boots that have a socket and as scrubby as it feels to leave it empty I'm not about to pay 5000 fucking gold to gem some mid-tier boots.....
I forgot how much I despise PvP because of Paladins and their bullshit "I'm not going to ever die" buttons.
Me and other Alliance members had to watch each other's backs last night cause Horde was in there just killing everybody as soon as they got to half health or less.
I dig the tower quests though, cause I can solo them and they're easy AP. Even easier if you get a group going.
Welp, I hit a wall in ToT with Dark Animus. Bosses may only do minimal damage at best, but when you have so many of the robots beating on you, they tear through you pretty quick. Ah well, I can do a mount run here easily now at least.
Do you know the mechanics? You have to single target down those robots, they are basically immune to AoE abilities. And if they are close to one another, they multiply each others' damage output, so you can quickly get to exponential levels if you aren't getting them down.
Will gems be cheaper? I got a pair of blue boots that have a socket and as scrubby as it feels to leave it empty I'm not about to pay 5000 fucking gold to gem some mid-tier boots.....
Do you know the mechanics? You have to single target down those robots, they are basically immune to AoE abilities. And if they are close to one another, they multiply each others' damage output, so you can quickly get to exponential levels if you aren't getting them down.
Do you know if amber shaper is soloable? Some guides say yes but I have no idea how. I did HoF 25m hc np until him, but as soon as he gets to 70%, he turns me into the monster and I die. I read if you kill the giant that spawns fast enough he wont turn you but I dont even have time to start dpsing the giant and hes already casted reshape life on me.
Do you know if amber shaper is soloable? Some guides say yes but I have no idea how. I did HoF 25m hc np until him, but as soon as he gets to 70%, he turns me into the monster and I die. I read if you kill the giant that spawns fast enough he wont turn you but I dont even have time to start dpsing the giant and hes already casted reshape life on me.
Apparently the key is to burst him really hard off the gun to get him through that phase before he casts Reshape Life. I think it is RNG as well. I haven't been able to do it myself, but now that I have an 835 Enhancement I'll go back and see how I do. If it's just about being a DPS check then it should be doable with that class.
Apparently the key is to burst him really hard off the gun to get him through that phase before he casts Reshape Life. I think it is RNG as well. I haven't been able to do it myself, but now that I have an 835 Enhancement I'll go back and see how I do. If it's just about being a DPS check then it should be doable with that class.
The only successful kills I see on Youtube used the legendary ring to burst super hard and go from around 75% all the way to the phase after. Like an Enhancement hitting with Maalus so hard he went to 40%.
The only successful kills I see on Youtube used the legendary ring to burst super hard and go from around 75% all the way to the phase after. Like an Enhancement hitting with Maalus so hard he went to 40%.
I just looked at that video, he cheesed the Soul Capacitor trinket to allow him to one-shot the boss. That's a creative strategy but he said it took 15 minutes of kiting before the trinket charged up enough.