I like Suramar a lot, there's some crappy quests but I really like the zone.
I HATE the central quest area cave.
And I feel like I've done 40 or 50 quests but have just one chapter done at this point :\
I like Suramar a lot, there's some crappy quests but I really like the zone.
Suramar, like so many of the zones, is amazing visually, but traversing it on Alt #X sucks ass.
Flying pls.
Gotta say, I really hope that at the end of the Suramar quest chain/Nighthold raid, we get to make Suramar into the new Shatt/Dal. That city is expansive and absolutely beautiful, and I want to have my character live there.
I was thinking of something like that while flying over it the other day. It'd be a shame to just leave the city behind after Suramar is finished. It looks amazing.Gotta say, I really hope that at the end of the Suramar quest chain/Nighthold raid, we get to make Suramar into the new Shatt/Dal. That city is expansive and absolutely beautiful, and I want to have my character live there.
Suramar, like so many of the zones, is amazing visually, but traversing it on Alt #X sucks ass.
Flying pls.
I HATE the central quest area cave.
And I feel like I've done 40 or 50 quests but have just one chapter done at this point :\
Flying will completely ruin the experience of Suramar.
Hence why it's a good thing that flying is gated behind a patch or two and requires that you finish the zone before you can get it.
It doesn't tell you where any of the other chapters start, you gotta find them (or look up Good Suramaritian on Wowhead)... at this point I've got all the chapters I can do until I hit 8k Revered.
Just to be sure... all these withered upgrade items I get after every training are permanent for ALL future trainings right? Not just the next one?
This is stupid... all my followers are at 815, yet my missions are either 820 or 830. Is it intended or what? Back with Garrisons, at least it used to wait until at least one guy were at that required lvl...
Yeah, thought the PSA was received ages ago: stockpile follower upgrades till you can get 3 dudes to 830, THEN start using them. Don't use them as you get them.
Is 830 the max lvl for followers?
Is 830 the max lvl for followers?
I don't perform badly in dungeons. I've learned to abuse havoc to pad the numbers, and if there's a lot of little trash minion I spec Brimstone to cheese even further. If I know the tank is going balls to the wall pulls I spec the full 4/4 aoe build even.
And I was #1 in EN LFR last night(because everyone sucked and my 200k dps was apparently expectional).
I think other than raiding I'm done. Normally I'd be in alt territory but the artifact grind is shit, what they did to tanks is shit, and I'm not having fun outside of the leveling process. Raiding is fun but I'm not feeling the grind at the moment. What's ironic is if we got everything we got from Legion in place of WoD I'd probably be playing non stop but I'm just not feeling it. It feels TOO grindy now.
I think other than raiding I'm done. Normally I'd be in alt territory but the artifact grind is shit, what they did to tanks is shit, and I'm not having fun outside of the leveling process. Raiding is fun but I'm not feeling the grind at the moment. What's ironic is if we got everything we got from Legion in place of WoD I'd probably be playing non stop but I'm just not feeling it. It feels TOO grindy now.
The Illidan stuff...I can't be the only one who finds it super bad, right?
I'm sure I'll run into them as I complete more stuff, it just feels like I've been there forever already but only got a single chapter done. Should have been a zone scaled for level 108 or something
The Illidan stuff...I can't be the only one who finds it super bad, right?
Just got Sephuz's Secret on my DK. Pretty sure nothing can even proc it except my pet's 1.5 minute cooldown stun.
Do we know what the scales are for Enhance shaman yet? I know Mastery > Haste (17%) > Crit > Vers but does anyone know the numbers for scales?
The Woolomancer's Charge, the hidden artifact skin for Aluneth (Arcane mages), has been found.
You get something special when you sheep a mob.
How to get it, for any fellow Arcane Mages:
First off, you need Artifact Knowledge 6.
Step 1: Sheep one mob in each of the five Broken Isles zones: Azsuna - Cliffwing Hippogryph Highmountain - Highpeak Goat Stormheim - Plains Runehorn Calf Suramar - Heartwood Doe Val'sharah - Wild Dreamrunner
2. Blinking toward the portal to Dalaran in mage class hall and then displacing backward has a chance for Cote Metcalf to generate a message and a sheep to spawn in your class hall near you. If you are AK6 and this doesn't work you can try it over and over by relogging after each failed attempt (not sure if this is bugged or not).
3. Spam click the spawned sheep until it explodes.
4. Go to Stormheim and find a Volatile Elwynn Sheep north of Greywatch...spam click it until it explodes.
5. Go to the tower of Azora in Elywnn Forest where an event will take place...you will get the skin.
Info courtesy of CannibalofAnfield who posted it on the subreddit.
Prepare for screaming sheep, people.
Okay that's pretty good.
monk campaign ending like 'get off my turtle'
Its crazy how the pandaren lost Pandaria , their main force got destroyed at the beginning