Damm, servers down, my training monk is not gonna do dungeons today
Boy, Preach puts out some dumb videos
'I want to fill 2 roles'
'I don't want to tank'
later in the video
'I don't want to raid as a healer'
are you daffy m8
I wonder if these Overwatch script kiddies are going to be bored by the time Legion launches or if we'll still be dealing with these issues on top of the typical launch clog.
He's so full of hot air. With how artifacts are set up it's hard to see guilds really asking people to swap roles just for a fight when you could just bring another person or an alt that would be more powerful. I don't blame someone that played Rogue in WoD for wanting to push themselves and being completely turned off of melee though.Boy, Preach puts out some dumb videos
'I want to fill 2 roles'
'I don't want to tank'
later in the video
'I don't want to raid as a healer'
are you daffy m8
Boy, Preach puts out some dumb videos
'I want to fill 2 roles'
'I don't want to tank'
later in the video
'I don't want to raid as a healer'
are you daffy m8
Yep, I was thinking he would choose shaman because atleast he could could heal and dps...but then he mentions he doesn't like enh.....like enh wouldn't be needed because he stated he wouldn't be mythic raiding....
Well he said he is going to be a mythic raider. He didn't choose shaman cause he doesn't like melee trolls but loves caster trolls, and he came to the conclusion that it's best and most fun for him to push as a pure dps and not have to switch to healing for half a raid.
no he said he wasn't going to mythic raid because of his children........
So is there something special I have to do to get Ragnaros to spawn in Firelands...?
Kill all the bosses (including Shannox) get to his room and...he doesn't show up. Really confused.
Remember Nazgrim, I really miss that big guy, he was the only NPC as I remember who actually remembers your actions in previous expansions
He's so full of hot air. With how artifacts are set up it's hard to see guilds really asking people to swap roles just for a fight when you could just bring another person or an alt that would be more powerful. I don't blame someone that played Rogue in WoD for wanting to push themselves and being completely turned off of melee though.
Why is Heroic Leap even in the game? I'm standing on flat ground, targetting flat ground at the same elevation, and getting "You can't use that here."
What a shit ability.
It works a lot of the time, but it still suffers from the "blink at the wrong spot and go nowhere" problem
Been fooling around with artifact quests of classes/specs I'm never going to play on the beta.
Enhance Shaman = Uhhh... you kill a lot of troggs... and then you get the Doomhammer. The weapon itself is cool, the quest, not so much.
Holy Priest = the most meh story of the bunch I played, but having it set up so you heal NPCs like in an instance was pretty cool.
Frost Mage = Pretty damn cool. Alodi is a nice character addition and the quest itself is involved and fun. I liked solving the mystery of what happened to Ebonchill, and the connections to the Council of Tirisfall.
Assassination Rogue = Metal Gear Warcraft. You infiltrate a major city and have to avoid being seen by guards. Also involves Duskwood, and who doesn't love Duskwood?
Balance Druid = HOLLLLLYYY SHIIIIT! This one was amazing! You get confirmation on whoof Deadwind Pass are, who were spoken of since WAY back in Vanilla, you visitthe dark riders, and the Scythe of Elune story finally gets a conclusion! The Druid class hall is really neat, too, in that you FINALLY get to see where those portals all over Azeroth lead to.Karazhan's Crypt
Not in Twin Peaks.
I think in instances it has extra rules on it, when out in the world you can do some pretty crazy leaps
It's still one of the strongest mobility tools in the game though...Those extra rules make it useless then.
After swearing off WoW after the rubbish that was WoD, and having not much time to game nowadays, my mate has convinced me to join Legion. Of course. The rather heavy focus on questing & dungeons instead of just raiding at max level really appeals to me.
I haven't played a Warlock since Vanilla & TBC, but Demonology sounds pretty sweet now. Anyone have any impressions of them from the beta? I'm tossing up between that, Marksmanship Hunter or Arms Warrior. Potentially Ret Pally though I've never played a Pally and I've heard Ret Pallys are a bit boring. Dat sword though.
It's still one of the strongest mobility tools in the game though...
Aesthetically, Demonology is super cool. The rotation is offputting and I absolutely hated it first. I still think it needs work but the basic rotation is very, very predictable if that appeals to you at all. Well, with the current 'optimal' talent build. It is definitely the Warlock spec Blizzard spent the most time on in Legion since they redid it though it still suffers from dumb stuff like Grimoire of Supremacy. Give it a try and watch or read a guide on it because I didn't really understand the Empowerment rotation until I read up on Shadowy Inspiration and how it functioned.
You also get a floating skull for an artifact.
Im extremely grateful for the trabsmog system byt im annoyed that my hunter was the one who got the warglaives of azzinoth
Unholy Death Knight is the most confusing, least fun spec to play in the entire game.
So hey, let's make them the only ones that can use 2h weapons.
Watching Reckful play WoW has made want to resub more than the new patch coming out.
Blood, Fury, Arms, and Ret can also use them.
I was talking about Death Knights though.
Blood uses 2h aswell. Only 1 DK spec doesnt.
But your posts are borderline parody at this point so /shrug
Ah. Well Blood can still use them.
But here: http://www.wowhead.com/guides/classes/death-knight/unholy/overview
So basically you're saying you want every DK spec to use 2H?
This is where the new technology came in to play, and its all thanks to one of Warlords most-maligned features: the garrison. At one point we thought, so we got these garrisons and within the garrison technology it allowed you to spawn up buildings and swap them on the fly. That tech is what has allowed us to throw up giant demon buildings in demon invasions, and we didnt know we could do that until we tried it and we put a giant demon spire in the middle of Westfall. As soon as we saw that we said okay, thats something new and different that I havent seen in WoW before - now lets see if the engineers will let us blow it up!
Garrisons good for something shocker!
Garrisons good for something shocker!
welp I guess its not just US bnet being hamemred by ddos, EU just went down
I dont understand why they cant keep Garrisons relevant. I like having my own little zone.
Yea I'm in game and completely stuck atm with my latency rising. Can't cast spells or logout or anything.
I'm kind of torn about the whole artifact thing.
I consider Frost DK and Affliction Warlock way more fun than Unholy / Demonology, but I can't escape the feeling that if things go how they seem and the less fun specs are going to be more powerful, I'd be shooting myself in the foot picking the first artifact for my favorite specs..
I can't escape this minmax mentality from my vanilla world first race -days![]()