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World of Warcraft |OT8| CITIZENS OF DALARAN


The only character I have that has a healing spec is my paladin, but I don't have any gear with int on her. Can't imagine that would go super well.

Doesn't the gear you have just switch to int mode when you are in holy?

Though I agree, premades vs randoms is horrible. If I see a premade, I /sit and wait.

Edit: Oh yeah, new system, so only ilvl matters in BGs now, and even then it's barely.


Modesty becomes a woman
Doesn't stop the random BG queue I jumped in from being a bunch of randoms on my team and the complete opposite on the enemies team.
The only character I have that has a healing spec is my paladin, but I don't have any gear with int on her. Can't imagine that would go super well.

Gear literally does not matter. Your stats are based on your item level and you get a predetermined set of stats for the spec you are when you join.

Again, you're right. I'm sure the randoms who get steamrolled by premades care more about those 15 minutes than actually having a fair match.

Casual mode is casual. It happens. Is there a single MP game out there where the pub game mode is balanced?


I lost my old screenshots, but you would've had fun seeing my old UI, mixing default and awful addons all of that accompanied by extremely low res and graphic details.

Better was in my old guild back in LK when we were sharing screencaps to see other guildmates' UIs and one of them asked where was Omen. I said I didn't use Omen and never had. Oh man the mayhem and complaints, that was gold as none of them could comprehend a DPS not having Omen. I was one of the few Hunter in the guild back then and the concept of easily wiping agro was foreign to the majority (specially Warriors lol). Many laughs were had.


So tomorrow we are getting DH, Demon Invasions and Ulduar quest?

Yes to the first two, not sure about the Ulduar thing. They said that line would be slowly rolled out, but who knows what that really means. Maybe Ulduar tomorrow, Karazhan next week, Dalaran the week after? /shrug


Doesn't the gear you have just switch to int mode when you are in holy?

Though I agree, premades vs randoms is horrible. If I see a premade, I /sit and wait.

Edit: Oh yeah, new system, so only ilvl matters in BGs now, and even then it's barely.

You don't need to have gear correct for your spec? Huh. That's cool.


Gear literally does not matter. Your stats are based on your item level and you get a predetermined set of stats for the spec you are when you join.

Casual mode is casual. It happens. Is there a single MP game out there where the pub game mode is balanced?

But but Blizzard...nah, you're right. I'll see how PvP ends up a month after Legion launch.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
DKs getting Wraithform really highlights how god damn fucking slow Warlocks are now though. Like if it wasn't before, even DKs are blitzing past them.
Got my warrior to 83 tonight. I'm so burnt out on these dungeons that I'm looking forward to getting back to Frostfire Ridge for the ninth or tenth time.


Went looking for some old screenshots.... and found this one, oh the pain...


Can't believe how I played this game so much running @ 10fps smh, the struggle was real. And I don't even want to talk about the ping.... and holy shit my character was broke... would've been from all the respecs... 4-5 nights raiding, respect for pvp, back to raiding, back to pvp, feel like trying a diff pvp spec (vanilla specs were so awesome for mage pvp)

But dat AP/Trinket/POM Pyro combo....
And dem engineering grenades...

Smh @ dem keybinds though, I think I clicked sheep back in vanilla

Seeing my UI from TBC, I wouldn't mind rocking it again if I could.


Looks like my PC was upgraded, though 32 fps still shit, ping was better but still broke lol.

Pretty much just used stock UI from the end of Cata onwards.


So tomorrow we are getting DH, Demon Invasions and Ulduar quest?
What's the Ulduar quest??

Went looking for some old screenshots.... and found this one, oh the pain...


Can't believe how I played this game so much running @ 10fps smh, the struggle was real. And I don't even want to talk about the ping.... and holy shit my character was broke... would've been from all the respecs... 4-5 nights raiding, respect for pvp, back to raiding, back to pvp, feel like trying a diff pvp spec (vanilla specs were so awesome for mage pvp)

But dat AP/Trinket/POM Pyro combo....
And dem engineering grenades...

Smh @ dem keybinds though, I think I clicked sheep back in vanilla

Seeing my UI from TBC, I wouldn't mind rocking it again if I could.


Looks like my PC was upgraded, though 32 fps still shit, ping was better but still broke lol.

Pretty much just used stock UI from the end of Cata onwards.
Lol that first screen is great. So much fog.

I struggled through vanilla and TBC also with a shit PC. I remember doing Alterac at like 20 FPS. Wasn't until Wrath that I got a real gaming PC.


Went looking for some old screenshots.... and found this one, oh the pain...


Can't believe how I played this game so much running @ 10fps smh, the struggle was real. And I don't even want to talk about the ping.... and holy shit my character was broke... would've been from all the respecs... 4-5 nights raiding, respect for pvp, back to raiding, back to pvp, feel like trying a diff pvp spec (vanilla specs were so awesome for mage pvp)

But dat AP/Trinket/POM Pyro combo....
And dem engineering grenades...

Smh @ dem keybinds though, I think I clicked sheep back in vanilla

Seeing my UI from TBC, I wouldn't mind rocking it again if I could.


Looks like my PC was upgraded, though 32 fps still shit, ping was better but still broke lol.

Pretty much just used stock UI from the end of Cata onwards.

That draw distance though. Is Turok right over that bridge? :p


Oh nice, Invasions scale all the way down to level 10. Good to get all the transmogs for each armor type/weapon if you don't have everything at top level.


Lol that first screen is great. So much fog.

The worst part was that it randomly froze every now and then, not often but enough and it of course happened at key points at times and made me rage. I used to think I was hot shit @ pvp (I wasn't, though the vanilla/tbc me would absolutely smoke my current self) so when I died due to my shit pc I used to rage lol...

BC was definitely the era of custom giant hp bars

like using XPerl and sticking every characters face on it

This one is Xperl yeah? Pretty much the only other Vanilla pic I have unless I go dig out one of my old pcs and hope it works lol.


I still remember that game well, was when they made honor easy to get and was the 2.0 patch IIRC. Everyone bought shoulders first lol... to that point they had to increase the cost.

Was an easy game, went up 2-0 in like 5 mins and I got hit my a thorium grenade out of nowhere and I was like, who the fuck uses that. The other team had quit en masse and Nurfed who just transferred to Blackrock (and hence my battlegroup) had joined. Got schooled even though we held out for a bit.....

That draw distance though. Is Turok right over that bridge? :p

Lets just say, when people asked how was stables I didn't really reply lol....

Oh nice, Invasions scale all the way down to level 10. Good to get all the transmogs for each armor type/weapon if you don't have everything at top level.

Nice, no rush to level up some characters.
So, let's say I hated myself, and decided to PvP for the sake of getting exalted Wrynn's Vanguard.

I am not good at PvP.

What's a reasonable amount of time to expect exalted?


why are people still getting run over by umbriss? how many cataclysm timewalking events have we had now?

Most people aren't subbed all year so "how many by now" is never the point

But yeah I noticed that too. Many people are returning and have basically never done cataclysm dungeons or so long ago they don't remember it


So, let's say I hated myself, and decided to PvP for the sake of getting exalted Wrynn's Vanguard.

I am not good at PvP.

What's a reasonable amount of time to expect exalted?

Get a good ashran group and it can take basically just a day or two, get bad groups and maybe a week....all depends really. Ashran doesn't require being good at pvp, just numbers and rushing to a objective on time....I mean if you get their before the other team you esstinally win that event each time.


If you're in void form and /say anything, like say a DBM /say, it'll be in Shath'Yar. Cute.

Shadow priests are too cool these days. Their artifact will whisper shit to them in the broken isles.
I admit I almost decided to switch to shadow solely for that. So jealous ;(


Most people aren't subbed all year so "how many by now" is never the point

But yeah I noticed that too. Many people are returning and have basically never done cataclysm dungeons or so long ago they don't remember it

I just put the important bits of the fight in the chat every time.
"dodge his charge"
*partymember dies*
"that's why you dodge"

and then on the third fight
"kill the adds on this fight and don't let them catch you"
*warrior charges in, explodes"
"..or that happens"

All in the same run today >_>

Still, smooth run otherwise. No wipes or anything.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Shadow priests are too cool these days. Their artifact will whisper shit to them in the broken isles.
I admit I almost decided to switch to shadow solely for that. So jealous ;(

A couple artifacts talk. I think the Arcane Mage one does if you get low on mana, and I think the Frost DK one does too.
I'm used to it from Garrosh's 2hander from SoO though.

I do wish our off-hand was a little cooler though. Our right hand should just turn into a tentacle or a lobster claw
You get a boost when you buy the new expansion. It's called Legion and the boost is to level 100 (Legion is 100-110 and it opens up August 30th, but if you pre-order you get the boost now).

Aside from what anyone else will mention, leveling is not nearly as long as it used to be, even going 1-100 or 1-110. A LOT has changed since you've been out of the game, too much to list really. To be honest, I would just enjoy leveling and doing that with a fresh face, since using a boost may overwhelm you at first. But yes, with the purchase of the latest expansion, Legion, you will get a free boost to level 100 to use on a character.

The raiding scene is pretty different nowadays as well - depending on what your goals are, it may be difficult to find a group that suits you as a long-absent player, particularly if you're interested in more organized/high-end stuff. You may have to climb through a ladder of guilds, gaining experience along the way.

Anyway, that's all I have for now.

Getting to 60/70 does not take as long as it used to back in the day. I am also a returning player from the BC days, and its really fun to play this game again. Id even suggest not doing the boost perse, as you will miss out on a lot of cool quests imo. But I can understand you not wanting to run through all of it, the world has changed a lot since Vanilla and I thought it was an amazing run through memory lane going through old areas.

Thanks for the info guys! The memory lane/nostalgia factor is definitely a big part of coming back for me. Doing 40 man raids and exploring the Horde continent for the first time were some of my best memories in gaming... I just felt like useless human garbage playing back in 8th grade when my parents paid for my account and I didn't do much productive.

I did pick Horde this time so that the leveling would be new to me, as I only had an Alliance character last time around. I suppose I could use the boost on a different character just to see what's new, then continue levelng my warrior normally.

A couple more quick questions: Do people still raid at level 60 and 70? Or is it just gonna be dungeons until max level?

Also, what has changed about leveling? So far it feels pretty much the same. What is it that makes it so much faster nowadays? I've just been questing so far.


Holy cripes on toast, I forgot how long it'd been since I'd been on my hunter alt.

My pet has a vanilla era character model.

My action buttons have "placeholder" written on them.

I have an ammo bag.

Survival rules, btw. I'm only level 80 and going through early Cata leveling content, but I am become death. This may well be the burstiest I've ever been on any class I've played. I can see it evening out in instances when I get focus starved in longer fights, but right now it's great. I initially forgot to bind exploding trap on this spec. It didn't slow me down. I fear for my spec when the time of the first post-expansion nerf wave hits. I haven't felt this powerful as a hunter since TBC, when I could just put autoshot on a raid boss and go get more coffee while damage meters bowed to my dark will.

EDIT: oh god where have glyphs gone


I'm loving all the old screenshots! Unfortunately my BC and early Wrath stuff wasn't backed up, but I have some later Wrath stuff and beyond

lol at having duplicate raid frames... /smh

If you're in void form and /say anything, like say a DBM /say, it'll be in Shath'Yar. Cute.

Warlocks had that problem for years with Meta, and it's dumb as hell they never made a glyph to undo it. It's *neat* lorewise, but obnoxious in reality


Pre-launch event looks immense! I can't wait for Wednesday (assuming it hits Wednesday for us EU scrub's?).


speaking of mods, can someone help me with a recommendation? spent a few hours messing with mods for the first time in years yesterday, and im pretty happy with everything except for the unit frames. i'd personally like my health and energy bars be a bit taller so they have more presence and stand out a bit more - but im not at all a fan of the bloated unit frame mods that turn your portrait into a 3D animated head, and all the other hangings-on that typically come with large unit frame mods

any help is appreciated



Does anyone have a list of good looking one handed runeblades? I've got The Turning Tide for my mainhand, but I kind of want a different looking sword for the offhand ya know?
Another week with no Slayer of the Lifeless drop. :(


(assuming it hits Wednesday for us EU scrub's?).

Yup. Should go live in all regions this week's reset.

speaking of mods, can someone help me with a recommendation? spent a few hours messing with mods for the first time in years yesterday, and im pretty happy with everything except for the unit frames. i'd personally like my health and energy bars be a bit taller so they have more presence and stand out a bit more - but im not at all a fan of the bloated unit frame mods that turn your portrait into a 3D animated head, and all the other hangings-on that typically come with large unit frame mods

any help is appreciated

You could try shadowed-unit-frames, they should have an option to not use the 3D head, or disable it altogether. You'll have to comb through a lot of settings though

An alternative would be to get WeakAuras and just make health bar and energy bar (and combo points if you want) weak auras, move them where you want and adjust the size how you want.

Here's one I found (for Monks, but the HP/energy should still work):

Meant to post this yesterday but finally decided to do Netherwing rep which I started years ago and just never finished and last night I finally finished it and got my drakes. It did annoy me somewhat though that you do the quest and leave Netherwing and the Dragonmaw and fly all the way to Shatt to get your free drake then have to fly all the way back to Netherwing to buy the rest >.> couldn't they have just put an NPC where you get the free ones?


The oldest screenshots I have are from shortly before the patch 3.0 scourge invasion. You don't really think much of it at the time you take those screenshots but they end up holding so much sentimental value years down the road. I thought I had some even older BC era screenshots on my 2007 laptop but I couldn't find them unfortunately.

Context for the SHITe comment: I managed to speedboost while infected into the battleground NPC area behind the Stormwind throne room where people needed to be to queue up for BGs. Normally an Argent Dawn NPC in the throne room would cure people of infections to prevent that, which I managed to bypass. Turned all the NPCs in the room into zombies, giving players returning from BGs a nasty surprise :)

And this is the reason why every pre-expansion event since has been completely toothless and forgettable.

Also that SunnArt viewport I had in the second screenshot seems to have mysteriously vanished from the internet, because I have not been able to find it since.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Does anyone have a list of good looking one handed runeblades? I've got The Turning Tide for my mainhand, but I kind of want a different looking sword for the offhand ya know?
Another week with no Slayer of the Lifeless drop. :(

Lava Spine from BWD looks runebladey



Meant to post this yesterday but finally decided to do Netherwing rep which I started years ago and just never finished and last night I finally finished it and got my drakes. It did annoy me somewhat though that you do the quest and leave Netherwing and the Dragonmaw and fly all the way to Shatt to get your free drake then have to fly all the way back to Netherwing to buy the rest >.> couldn't they have just put an NPC where you get the free ones?

Who had the money and bag space to buy more right away?! :p

Might just be because buying all of the mounts wasn't really a thing then since each one took up bag space.

Context for the SHITe comment: I managed to speedboost while infected into the battleground NPC area behind the Stormwind throne room where people needed to be to queue up for BGs. Normally an Argent Dawn NPC in the throne room would cure people of infections to prevent that, which I managed to bypass. Turned all the NPCs in the room into zombies, giving players returning from BGs a nasty surprise :)

And this is the reason why every pre-expansion event since has been completely toothless and forgettable.

Also that SunnArt viewport I had in the second screenshot seems to have mysteriously vanished from the internet, because I have not been able to find it since.

That's amazing. I'm sad I missed out on that event, because it sounds hilarious

Sunn is still on Curse, or you mean that specific piece of art? https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/sunn-viewport-art


sputum-flecked apoplexy
As someone who hasn't really played much WoW since, well, vanilla/BC, is my impression that melee classes have a huge amount more CC than my mage true? It feels like I can almost completely locked down by a warrior now, whereas my only options are polymorph (which heals) and freeze effects that break constantly.
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