On cool down. For two hours. And it was more "fun" to beg in world for help and pay someone 100g?
I wish I had something to say here but I'm lost. Completely and totally lost.
He's playing on an RP server. Posted before about a cool RP encounter where he tried to "rob" someone but got payback. Sometimes people find things fun that you don't, not that surprising. Being lost and not wanting to hearth out can certainly be fun, especially if you add RP elements to it.
Also, totally unrelated, but man I feel like blizzard is just trolling Balance druids. I finally got a legendary on my alt Druid today and it is the
Lady and the Child, the one that makes Moonfire also hit another target within 20 yards. And the expansion right after they changed starfall to not just hid everything, they add a legendary that does just that. I mean, this thing is pretty cool, but it will hit ANYTHING within 20 yards. Hostile, neutral, critter, guard, player, doesn't matter. If I moonfire a target, SOMETHING will be getting hit with that 2nd moonfire. I personally love it 80% of the time, but the other 20% it has gotten me into some irritating situations, especially in Suramar. Wonder if they've fixed that next patch, kinda hope they did. Would be fine if it was my 3rd/4th legendary, but since it is my first I can't even swap it out for situations it is dangerous in. Guess I gotta learn to play around with it. Though it was kinda nice since Shoulders were my lowest ilvl slot, so it was a pretty big upgrade.
Subtle hint to keep trying to figure out what this actually does I guess? There actually WAS a datamined value that was reduced by 20%, but I don't think anyone as of yet has figured out what this actually does.