What are some good servers to transfer too?
What are some good servers to transfer too?
Don't transfer to Illidan if you are Alliance
Don't transfer to Sargeras if you are Horde
Which RP servers are balanced and with a nice community?
Which RP servers are balanced and with a nice community?
The nice thing about BM Hunters is I dont feel compelled to unlock the artifact skins b ecause they're all hideous
Dont you love logging in on patch day losing 20k to 40k dps only to have to grind to get back where you were at for mythic guldan progress.
So funn
Dont you love logging in on patch day losing 20k to 40k dps only to have to grind to get back where you were at for mythic guldan progress.
So funn
Did they nerf your spec?
I was under the impression that everyone is getting, at the very least least, a 10% buff.
Unless they nerfed your spec really hard.
Pretty sure he's referring to losing the paragon points and having to get one of the new traits to get those buffs back.
I mean, not that I trust Blizz 100% about things they say, but they did say:
"After Patch 7.2 is available, players who have an Artifact Weapon of at least rank 35 will be able to further empower that Artifact through a short quest chain. Completing this quest chain will consume any ranks beyond 35, increase the overall power of your Artifact Weapon (to ensure that losing ranks 35+ isnt a downgrade), and unlock access to the new 7.2 traits."
So it looks like there shouldn't be a huge DPS loss from losing that trait, as the quest increases the overall power to make up for it.
What do they mean by increasing power? Item level boost?
No, my two bis legendaries got gutted. Im not coming out ahead for at least two weeks.Pretty sure he's referring to losing the paragon points and having to get one of the new traits to get those buffs back.
Which RP servers are balanced and with a nice community?
Realms still down?
Oh tiiiight, new buff to the shadow priest legendary helm? That was my first legendary and it's been rotting in my bags ever since I got the bracers to add to my ring. I think I'll swap the ring out now, probably. Amazing!
And it's not that far behind the ones considered BIS.
(keep in mind that sephuz at the top is if you can proc it on cooldown, it goes down a lot if you can't)
Servers are up!
I've been looking for weighting on the priest legendaries forever. Are these your own calculations?
The only legendary I have on my priest is that shit twins ring. It is barely even noticeable. The ring almost may as well just be 940 ilvl with no proc.
Now this is a change I can get behind. Some love for my alts.old order hall advanceements are cheaper and quicker now
1 day for 2 legendaries at 8k resources
Ugh. Having to do single player scenario stuff just to unlock a new zone is terrible MMO design. Isle of Thunder was bad enough and I thought they had learned from that.
Ugh. Having to do single player scenario stuff just to unlock a new zone is terrible MMO design. Isle of Thunder was bad enough and I thought they had learned from that.
Oh wow, good news for my DK alt (not that he'll be getting a second legendary anytime soon lol).old order hall advanceements are cheaper and quicker now
1 day for 2 legendaries at 8k resources
old order hall advanceements are cheaper and quicker now
1 day for 2 legendaries at 8k resources
How is this something that people still bitch about?
Wait so I feel kind of retarded, but I can't figure out how to unlock the new artifact traits or AK 26. I finished all the broken shores stuff up to the point where I have a dungeon quest for Cathedral, and there's nothing else I can see. Do I have to do the dungeon before I can get AK26 or new traits? I didn't think so...
Wait so I feel kind of retarded, but I can't figure out how to unlock the new artifact traits or AK 26. I finished all the broken shores stuff up to the point where I have a dungeon quest for Cathedral, and there's nothing else I can see. Do I have to do the dungeon before I can get AK26 or new traits? I didn't think so...
You should be able to go to your order hall and start AK26.
Someone in guild chat said the new traits are locked behind a 2 week gate.
They aren't. You'll get a quest to find a "hidden threat" that just means you have to loot a scroll from a mob in the area and then goes from there. I got it off one of the marked elites on the map.
The 2 week gate is for the invasions to start up.
You should have gotten a quest to talk to the AK guy in your class hall. You get it after the quest for gathering the knowledge from the three locations in Broken Shore.
Smh. WoW fans suck sometimes.Owned.