It's a gift and a curse.Odyn's balls are huge now.
You guys think that maybe they overtuned Nighthold? Was talking with a guildie about how we were wiping a bunch tonight and asked "what changed?" and he said that it was just fatigue and how demanding this raid has been. Now, I don't think fatigue was the root cause of us wiping on bosses that are on "farm" but I've noticed that while in past raids, we would come and one shot everything like it was nothing, in Nighthold we end up wiping on bosses that we shouldn't.
Our raid is currently the best it has ever been, too. So it's not like we suck, I really do think that these bosses are just a bit too demanding and some mechanics aren't made as trivial with gear as in past tiers.
You guys think that maybe they overtuned Nighthold? Was talking with a guildie about how we were wiping a bunch tonight and asked "what changed?" and he said that it was just fatigue and how demanding this raid has been. Now, I don't think fatigue was the root cause of us wiping on bosses that are on "farm" but I've noticed that while in past raids, we would come and one shot everything like it was nothing, in Nighthold we end up wiping on bosses that we shouldn't.
Our raid is currently the best it has ever been, too. So it's not like we suck, I really do think that these bosses are just a bit too demanding and some mechanics aren't made as trivial with gear as in past tiers.
A bunch of bosses were bugged after the patch, so depending on when you raided you might have hit those.
just because your shitty demon hunter npcs call illidan a lord doesnt mean he should actually get the title
Nah, we were just playing shitter tonight for whatever reason.
However, I'm talking about just in general and not today. Bosses like Krosus, spellblade pre-nerf, Botanist and Tich are just huge pains in the ass.
Oh gosh, did they finally fix fembelf weapons?
But Lord Illidan knows the way.
No, they broke them.
Now I'm fighting bosses with two surfboards.
the way of getting rejected by tyrande
the way of getting rekt by arthas
the way of getting rekt in outlands
Broken Shores feels like they forgot to put content in it.
Like, it's a whole zone and all I do there is 4 WQs and kill some rares now and then? Tanaan Jungle and Timeless Isles were much more interesting.
Then again, in 2 weeks it might be interesting.
because if I have to kill one more doomguard or felhunter, i'm gonna puke
I've been tanking heroics to learn pulls and I keep seeing really geared DPS in them almost no one in bad gear. My question is why are people that out gear heroics doing them?
I've been tanking heroics to learn pulls and I keep seeing really geared DPS in them almost no one in bad gear. My question is why are people that out gear heroics doing them?
Yeah im with you. Though id take an old god. Fucking tired of this fel shit. I get it, its warcraft and its been part of it. Im just sick of killing the same shitty named dreadlords and their shivarras. Legion has made me jaded and wod dropped the ball.I hope the next xpack is MOP style.
Fuck Lich King, fuck old gods, just give me all sorts of new enemies that I've never fought before because if I have to kill one more doomguard or felhunter, i'm gonna puke
and then ruin it later by adding trolls
Legs in inventory no longer affect the ilvl, is that right?
Also, is there anything I can do towards pathfinder 2 apart from the broken shore world quests?
Are the invasions not implemented yet? I haven't seen any attacks in any zones so far.
But you get rep only from world quests, is that right?Make sure to get the achievement to explore broken shore. You'll get most it from the starting quests. Then, just rep grind.
But you get rep only from world quests, is that right?
Probably the AP bonuses.
I am really disappointed with this patch. The whole thing is just a huge grindfest. They said it is like Timeless isle but I see nothing like it. They gate all the cool stuff, invasions, flying, order hall campaign, the raid. Instead they introduce more traits with 50 billion artifact power required, all blizzard knows to do now is add zeroes at the end of numbers to extend content.
Doing a turnin for a Broken Shore building construction is 150 reputation.
Rolled a Human DK on Tichondrius (I know), went to quest in Hellfire Peninsula after clearing the DK starting area, Honor Hold is being camped, quest givers are all dead, a Belf DH drops down in front of me, cc's me, one shots me and proceeds to camp me for a bit until he gets bored. About what I expected.
So far my limited experience with world PVP as a PVE carebear is this: I've only encountered individual players so far while leveling, everyone at or around my level takes a sniff, sees a Blood DK in full heirlooms and decides that I'm not worth the time or effort. No one has done the /wave emote thing to show they aren't hostile/don't intend to attack, I haven't done the emote thing to anyone but I also haven't been aggressive. Everyone at or around my level seems to not be interested in starting anything. Most other high level players on the other faction I've encountered flat out ignore me. The one player who trolled and camped me for a bit is the standard asshole that seems to troll Hellfire Peninsula no matter what kind of server you're on..PVE, RP, PVP...camping lowbie players and quest givers.
Not an entirely offputting experience so far, definitely makes simple activities gathering or navigating the environment different with constantly having to check my surroundings for other players. What does seem like it could be a shitshow is Legion PVE with WQ's driving high level/geared players around.
And which idiot thought that enemy players on a PvE realm needed their names changing to orange?