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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


Eh I just gave up and bought medallions to earn Draenor flying. I barely played that expansion and after a couple days of those absolutely torturous Tanaan dailies, I just couldn't take it anymore. Cost about 70k to get Revered with everyone, I guess it was worth it?
I had two legendaries drop within 25 minutes again a couple of nights ago, second time it's happened to me in as many weeks. Interestingly it dropped an all-class/spec legendary followed by a BM-specific piece, which is exactly what happened last time. It almost seems like the chances for a legendary to drop aren't fully reset by the all-classes/specs legendaries.

Anyway, that takes me up to 9/10, not including the crafting pieces. One to go before the BM shoulder nerf.


Eh I just gave up and bought medallions to earn Draenor flying. I barely played that expansion and after a couple days of those absolutely torturous Tanaan dailies, I just couldn't take it anymore. Cost about 70k to get Revered with everyone, I guess it was worth it?

If you think in terms of WoW token, 70k gold is about ~$14 (on NA at least) so it cost less than a store mount. And gold is plenty abundant anyway, I think it was worth it. Not having flying in WoD is awful now that it isn't current content anyway.

Though you could've saved a bit if you had just waited until Sunday to do this and used the 10% rep buff from the DMF!


My fury warrior now has every legendary in the game (have to select Arms now ugh... bring 7.2.5 already).

I'm also done with Heroic NH (I have prety much every piece I need) and my server is a dead end for mythic NH... oh well..


Eh I just gave up and bought medallions to earn Draenor flying. I barely played that expansion and after a couple days of those absolutely torturous Tanaan dailies, I just couldn't take it anymore. Cost about 70k to get Revered with everyone, I guess it was worth it?

I was thinking of doing this as well, but I'm broke on my current server Stormrage because I leveled all my toons via pre-legion invasions. I only recently started playing my Stormrage characters too, as WQs were horrible in Darkspear thanks to all the Horde gankers. So sad I left behind all my gold and professions. :( I only have 6 more days of the grind anyway, assuming I can mass do the missives on the same day?


Flew over to the Broken Shore, completed 4 World Quests on my way to get the new weekly quest. "Complete 12 World Quests". I really should've checked first.


Flew over to the Broken Shore, completed 4 World Quests on my way to get the new weekly quest. "Complete 12 World Quests". I really should've checked first.
Someone in my guild did the same thing and mentioned it in guild chat, which reminded me to go pick that up before doing it, heh.
I'm feeling legendary today. Have 3 remaining for Havoc.

If I get the trinket though I swear to god. Bracers or Shoulders plz.





I was thinking of mogging one of the appearances from a DH set onto some heirlooms to level a Rogue. If the item is a BoA, will it still lock the character out of wearing it if it isn't level 110?
Hope you got your BIS relics already:
We've been thrilled to see how positively players have responded to Mythic Keystone dungeons since Legion's release. However, there are a couple areas in which our original design for the system hasn't quite matched up with how things have worked out in practice. In an upcoming 7.2.5 PTR build, we're going to try out a couple of changes to how Keystone runs work.

The first big change is that we're getting rid of the depletion mechanic. We'd originally imagined that getting ahold of a Keystone would be more of a barrier than it is, but in reality, there are so many players participating that it's generally not too difficult to find someone with a Keystone you'd like to run. In that environment, depleting a Keystone is more of an annoyance than anything else – especially when it happens for reasons outside of your control (such as a player disconnecting).

Instead, we're going to try the following:
  • Completing the run on time will have the same results it currently does in 7.2: you'll get a new Keystone for a random dungeon that's 1-3 levels higher than the one you just completed, based on how quickly you finished.
  • If you complete the dungeon but don't make the timer, you'll get a Keystone for a random dungeon that's 1 level lower than the one you just used.
  • If you don't complete the dungeon at all, you'll have a Keystone for the same dungeon that's one level lower than the one you just used.
  • The other thing we're looking to change is the way that rewards are given at the end of a run. Currently, when you complete a run that upgrades your Keystone by 2 or 3 levels, you're also given a 2nd or 3rd chest. This is because, when we believed that Keystones would be rare, we didn't want you to miss out on any of the loot you might have collected from the runs you were ”skipping."
However, because of this, players tend to look for lower-level Keystones that they can easily stomp through, instead of higher-level Keystones that are appropriately challenging for their gear and skill. That, in turn, affects who they're willing to invite. AOE damage output is preferred over everything else, because the only concern is how quickly you can clear through easy trash packs. And gear requirements tend to outpace what actually drops: if you could find upgrades in a Mythic 6, you'll have a hard time finding a group, because the Mythic 6 groups are full of players who are capable of clearing 10+ and are just looking for an easy 3-chest.

With that in mind, here's the changes we're planning to test:
  • You no longer receive additional chests at the end of a run for completing it quickly.
  • When you finish a Mythic+ dungeon, the chest at the end will contain two items and an appropriate amount of Artifact Power.
  • If you beat the timer, regardless of how quickly, there will be a third item in the chest.
  • Keystones can still upgrade by 2 or 3 steps, so you can quickly get to a difficulty level appropriate for you.
Our overall goal with these changes is to incentivize groups to take on dungeons where they know they're likely to see upgrades, instead of preferring keys that are far too easy for them. Once the Tomb of Sargeras raid is available on Mythic difficulty, we'll also increase the maximum rewards from Mythic Keystone runs to level 15.
So more Blizzard band-aiding in the worst way. i.e., fixing problems by doing everything but fixing the core problem and just changing a lot of things for little reason.
How did they believe Mythic+ Keystones would be rare when they set the drop rate? How are they surprised by how many Mythic+ Keystone runs are being made?

The ilvl requirement for participating in group content is only going to rise when ToS is released. It's like they don't understand how their audience behaves/reacts over the course of an expansion.

About the only good thing from this news is keystones will no longer be depleted.


Suffering From Success
Got Velen's Future Sight and Ei'thas back to back.


So more Blizzard band-aiding in the worst way. i.e., fixing problems by doing everything but fixing the core problem and just changing a lot of things for little reason.

Honestly just sounds like they want to curb gearing speed and everything else is basically PR.


I'm fine with the change

The idea is to tackle challenging content, not to stomp trivial content through dozens of "carry groups" abusing the system with low level keys

Now pushing for higher m+ stones won't be punishing
I'm fine with the change

The idea is to tackle challenging content, not to stomp trivial content through dozens of "carry groups" abusing the system with low level keys

Now pushing for higher m+ stones won't be punishing
This is some odd logic considering their changes don't really encourage that. If anything it makes it easier to curb stomp low level keys. You no longer need to find a fifth with a key to do it, you can just reset your key down to curb stomp level whenever you want. In effect it gave the people you think are abusing the system infinite keys except they don't have to interact with others anymore.

Meanwhile, for normal pugs the only person who benefits from upgrading the key past +1 is the key holder, which creates a fun dynamic.

People don't push past 10 (15 in 7.2.5) because there isn't a point other than for shits and giggles. There still wont be a point after this.

Honestly just sounds like they want to curb gearing speed and everything else is basically PR.

That's it. Changing depletion mechanic and nerfing the gear drops. It's not about pushing higher keys or however people are framing it.
So basically because of Titanforge farming they're nerfing the rewards in Mythic+ drops to try to stop or slow down highly geared groups from farming certain low-ish Mythic+ key levels or from forming carry groups for the same purpose.


Gold Member
So basically because of Titanforge farming they're nerfing the rewards in Mythic+ drops to try to stop or slow down highly geared groups from farming certain low-ish Mythic+ key levels or from forming carry groups for the same purpose.

TF should not have been in the game to begin with. Just WF


No One Remembers
TF and WF should've been static increases.

WF: +5 item level from base with a CHANCE for ONE tertiary state AND/OR a Socket

TF: +10 item level from base WITH ONE tertiary state and a CHANCE for a socket.

I shouldn't be able to do a M +4 and get an item that titanforges with a socket and it's instantly better than the raid item I worked considerably harder for.


People called Romanes they go the house?
TF and WF should've been static increases.

WF: +5 item level from base with a CHANCE for ONE tertiary state AND/OR a Socket

TF: +10 item level from base WITH ONE tertiary state and a CHANCE for a socket.

I shouldn't be able to do a M +4 and get an item that titanforges with a socket and it's instantly better than the raid item I worked considerably harder for.

Agreed. The RNG of Titanforging just makes the occasional +15/20 ilevels feel overpowered. It's not at all 'earned', it's just random luck.

IMO, one solution could be to merge the WF/TF system with the WoD valor upgrade system, which (up to a cap) you could just improve all non-raid gear to eventually get up to raid level quality by getting points through completing mythic+ dungeons. More points for higher levels, but increasing the same item repeatedly would cost more, etc..

But that would give people a way to 'be done', and going off of WF/TF, Legendary, and AK/AP in general, Blizz really doesn't want to even give a hint of that (somewhat justified from WoD's backlash)


well, one more thing that I found fun about this game that's being killed off. Wait, speedrunning my 10-12 key for the week was the only thing I still liked doing...


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I assume that's what was meant by "for everyone" (I appreciate it's an awkward term to have chosen!), given it's contrasted with by "for each person"

Ahh yeah. That is some tricky wording.
I exoect all this diablo shit to be gone by next xp
Anything Blizzard believes drives engagement and playtime will stay in one form or another. We might not have artifact weapons and AP for instance, but it's a good bet there will be something similar reworked.

The implementation matters, of course. But I don't think many of these are going away.


I was thinking of mogging one of the appearances from a DH set onto some heirlooms to level a Rogue. If the item is a BoA, will it still lock the character out of wearing it if it isn't level 110?

So I found the answer to this. If you put a transmog on a BoA then ship it to another character, the transmog disappears. Blizzard hates fun.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Anything Blizzard believes drives engagement and playtime will stay in one form or another. We might not have artifact weapons and AP for instance, but it's a good bet there will be something similar reworked.

The implementation matters, of course. But I don't think many of these are going away.

I think, on some level, implementing Diablo 3 levels of grind, in a game that's comparatively much slower to see the flashy loot hit your screen, has gone too far in the opposite of WoD's 'hands-off' approach.

But yeah, while Blizz will probably moderate it down, in some form, AP/Paragon constant leveling for incremental power increase will likely stay.

WF/TF I'm less sure on, as it has contributed to the (or at least been a part of) the huge disparity between ilevels of a fresh 110 and a Nighthold/Mythic10+ player, and Blizz trying to balance content by ilevel mob scaling (which resulted in a pretty severe backlash).

What I think happened on that front is that by and large, people don't do dailies/WQs because they enjoy them, they want to feel like they're gearing up to be able to blow past them.

Mythic + allows a much better relative example of scaling up difficulty in an intended setting, unlike world quests.


I haven't actively raided or M+'d since Jan, but I have done a ton of emissary quests and other content per patch (like all broken shore WQs almost ever day on my main)

All told, I still have only 3 legendaries on my main and only 1 on my alt. Hearing that people have 9 or 10 is totally crazy. I feel like I play A LOT. I can't imagine how much more I'd have to play to get 10. Jesus. Like, I have fucking 18 days /played at 110 across all characters. 14 on my main.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I haven't actively raided or M+'d since Jan, but I have done a ton of emissary quests and other content per patch (like all broken shore WQs almost ever day on my main)

All told, I still have only 3 legendaries on my main and only 1 on my alt. Hearing that people have 9 or 10 is totally crazy. I feel like I play A LOT. I can't imagine how much more I'd have to play to get 10. Jesus. Like, I have fucking 18 days /played at 110 across all characters. 14 on my main.

IIRC from what's been determined (or at least assumed) with the big 10k people 'study' on the legendary formula, Mythic+, Raids (any difficulty), and Weekly Mythic+ reward chests have a pretty big cumulative effect on increasing your legendary chance compared to only doing heroics/emissaries alone.


This is some odd logic considering their changes don't really encourage that. If anything it makes it easier to curb stomp low level keys. You no longer need to find a fifth with a key to do it, you can just reset your key down to curb stomp level whenever you want. In effect it gave the people you think are abusing the system infinite keys except they don't have to interact with others anymore.

Meanwhile, for normal pugs the only person who benefits from upgrading the key past +1 is the key holder, which creates a fun dynamic.

People don't push past 10 (15 in 7.2.5) because there isn't a point other than for shits and giggles. There still wont be a point after this.

That's it. Changing depletion mechanic and nerfing the gear drops. It's not about pushing higher keys or however people are framing it.

Actually to go from 3 chests to a single one will seriously lower the odds of getting your specific item your oh so generously carrying for those low keys.

No the idea is threefold :

1 - Stop the lack of higher level keys pushing with groups dedicated to farming 4-7 keys of a specific dungeon
2 - Curb TF farming of so called BiS items dropping from dungeons by groups vastly outgearing them and preventing proper level players from doing them outside of those carry groups
3 - Not punish people who actually try to push themselves further by giving them a usefull key (randomly generated) after they fail the timer. Right now no one runs a depleted key.

It's a good idea and will make, in the end, grouping that much easier at prety much every m+ level
Actually to go from 3 chests to a single one will seriously lower the odds of getting your specific item your oh so generously carrying for those low keys.

No the idea is threefold :

1 - Stop the lack of higher level keys pushing with groups dedicated to farming 4-7 keys of a specific dungeon
2 - Curb TF farming of so called BiS items dropping from dungeons by groups vastly outgearing them and preventing proper level players from doing them outside of those carry groups
3 - Not punish people who actually try to push themselves further by giving them a usefull key (randomly generated) after they fail the timer. Right now no one runs a depleted key.

It's a good idea and will make, in the end, grouping that much easier at prety much every m+ level
Two and three are along the right lines. This is wholly designed to reduce the amount of loot distributed through M+ and also change the depletion mechanic.

But your first point makes little sense because there still is no compelling reason to run a key higher than the maximum ilvl reward tier. This change doesn't fix that, so there is no compelling reason this will change. Unless you are only talking about people who have a +6 and don't want to "waste" it and now don't have to face depletion, but any barriers to forming a group now will exist then, too, except joining that group will be less desirable than it is now and the key holder will get less from a good run. If they were just going to change the depletion mechanic, then this person would wholly benefit. But now they lose a lot to go with it.

It just makes doing M+ less desirable, both for people who need the loot and pursue it through normal groups and those who boost or get boosted. It is not some magic pill that suddenly makes everyone want to push a +19 EoA.
Quest about doing archaeology in Legion. I've never done it at all, anywhere, and haven't even learned it. Is it possible to jump right into doing it in Legion at zero skill or will I need to level up to 700 first? And if I have to, what's the fastest way of doing it?
Actually to go from 3 chests to a single one will seriously lower the odds of getting your specific item your oh so generously carrying for those low keys.

No the idea is threefold :

1 - Stop the lack of higher level keys pushing with groups dedicated to farming 4-7 keys of a specific dungeon
2 - Curb TF farming of so called BiS items dropping from dungeons by groups vastly outgearing them and preventing proper level players from doing them outside of those carry groups
3 - Not punish people who actually try to push themselves further by giving them a usefull key (randomly generated) after they fail the timer. Right now no one runs a depleted key.

It's a good idea and will make, in the end, grouping that much easier at prety much every m+ level
It's not a good idea, unless they're trying to get people to run fewer m+s or attempting to nerf the amount of loot that drops form m+s.

Let's address this point by point.
1 & 2)This system doesn't change people running the most efficient key that gives you the most loot, people are still going to be running +15 (insert key you want) instead of running a 15 and then resetting the random +16 into a random +15. The only case where this doesn't happen is in the case where everyone stops doing m+ to farm gear because the amount of loot drops isn't lucrative enough. This new system doesn't do anything to encourage people to run higher + keys than they normally would--because it doesn't address why most don't bother to push keys; there are no greater rewards for pushing past a +15, since the rewards aren't there most people don't bother.

On the other hand it does mean that players who were being carried have to run their own key, there's the assumption that these players that were getting carried are suddenly going to want to run their own keys, that's a big leap to make. A lot of these keys are just gonna be fallow.

3) The new system punishes the only people who spend their time running depleted keys; the people "who actually try to push themselves." You see, the groups that are trying to get the highest key possible tend to do this by getting a key that is favorable to that week's affixes, and then mastering that depleted key by running it over and over. So now, you get a +24 Eye key which is exactly what you want, but you fail your run and suddenly you have to run a +23 key to try and hope to get a key that's got good affixes.

Here's what the new system actually does:
-Discourages m+ farming in all forms by making it drop less gear.
-Relaxes the time trial aspect of m+s by flattening the reward structure.
-Makes it more difficult to push high keys by hunting for specific keys.
Quest about doing archaeology in Legion. I've never done it at all, anywhere, and haven't even learned it. Is it possible to jump right into doing it in Legion at zero skill or will I need to level up to 700 first? And if I have to, what's the fastest way of doing it?
You can do it from 1, IIRC.

Fastest way to get the items / achievements / This Side Up? Do the quest every two weeks for about 6 months.

Fastest way to clear dig sites? Be a druid, or be a Dwarf, or buy the surveying hand enchant.
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