Female draenei are thicc.
After a bunch of random bow 'mog runs, I finally got enough material to make that subdued ranger I was griping about.
My Gnome is cuter. RIP Pandas.
Female draenei are thicc.
After a bunch of random bow 'mog runs, I finally got enough material to make that subdued ranger I was griping about.
Complained about not being part of the guild activities, Core tells me I am not in their list because I am not part of the raid core , I was asking for random mythic dungeons.
So I've been wasting my time doing it twice!?
I got loot on both runs though..
Some guildies are giving me shit for going panda because orc/troll have the better pve racials. Man I need to look cute to play, sorry!
Every gear on gnome looks comically scaled or oddly compressed, like Mini-Me from Austin Powers. Acquired taste I guess.My Gnome is cuter. RIP Pandas.
Every gear on gnome looks comically scaled or oddly compressed, like Mini-Me from Austin Powers. Acquired taste I guess.
I'm pretty sure you're just jealous about how awesome Gnomes are in every way. Pretty sure. Because they are awesome and the best and awesomely the best.
You even sound like a Gnome.
I remember when gnomes and dwarves could get stuck in the bones in throne room in BWL. That was op.
https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/commen...c_en_just_fine_but_i_struggle_with_m6/d9hd17p see 1st reply
I'm not experienced with high level mythics (my highest within timer is +7), is this the best way to tank Mythic+?
Hmm I have not pugged EN before.I have to pug...
It it how I got 7/7 on EN H.
Based on my WoD raid pugging experience, you can luck into raid PUGs which are way better than dedicated guilds.Pugged 7/7 Heroic EN? How do you still have your sanity?
Pugged 7/7 Heroic EN? How do you still have your sanity?
Pugged 7/7 Heroic EN? How do you still have your sanity?
I just got Katsuo's Eclipse.
I got two Legendaries in one week.
I'm not going to get any other loot for the rest of this expansion. >_>
Only four wipes and only had to replace 5 people. Pretty happy in regards to this expansion and pugging.
The boots are pretty problematic. I wish you luck.
Mythic pugging has been hit and miss but I think that's just the nature of the beast. If you're reading this and have ever thrown a tantrum over missing 1 chest: re-evaluate your life.
I mean I think it works. If they lockout was shared you wouldn't get loot the second time around right? Also saw comments on wow head that you can do it twice.well, if you have been able to do twice per week, then keep at it. it certainly hasn't been the case for me. i wanted to go female troll, but i couldnt get pass the toe thing.
So, we (my wife and I) started playing WoW again recently after a very long hiatus. Hadn't played since mid-Cata. A few days ago we hit 110, two nights ago did our first emissary quest.
Last night, in her third emissary quest ever, my wife got her first Legendary, the hunter War Belt.
I couldn't even act surprised, her luck has always been amazing. But still, playing for about two weeks, only ran 2 normals, and on her third emissary gets a legendary. Damn.
Let me tell you about my SO.
And her fear of group content.
And her two legendaries.
Finished my Pet Battle event quest. No idea what to spend the battle stone on.
Fought the Knight-Captain Murky pet... that thing is broken as fuck with the clone it creates.
Can you elaborate?
Let me tell you about my SO.
And her fear of group content.
And her two legendaries.
Oh tell me about it. Same thing generally. Ever since the days of large group runs on Strath/Scholo/UBRS she's been really sour on group content :/. Long lost sisters hahah.
Man, I have so many fun pvp talents I wish I could use some of them in pve ;'(
So I got my hidden artifact skin or w/e for a spec I do not even use, but how do I set it? It isn't in appearances.
At the place you use to level up the artifact. For me it's the soul forge, there's another tab.
For some reason I'm excited to see what comes out of blizzcon. There's been no rumors or anything really. That either means nothing or they might have actually kept things secret