Sölf;223023179 said:For the next 2 weeks, yes.
I know what I'll be doing tomorrow then! Thanks.
Sölf;223023179 said:For the next 2 weeks, yes.
If I buy the virtual ticket, will I be able to watch the WoW panel on VOD?
If I buy the virtual ticket, will I be able to watch the WoW panel on VOD?
Well apparently my guild fell apart last friday. Feels bad, man.
...and you're from finding out now?
Why is nobody talking about the fact that in 7.1.5 alts can straight up purchase artifact knowledge levels with order resources instead of waiting a few reduced days?
Thats huge.
15 v 15 arena battles will be hilarious.
Teeming is not that bad, especially in Vault because a lot of the trash is in the form of the mini-bosses. Only the trash before the first boss is really a problem and once you are past that there is almost no difference difficulty-wise.Got a +5 VotW keystone with teeming. Nope!!
Even something like the new Brawler's guild looks awesome and I didn't think I would care Brawler's ever again.
Yup. Apparently there was a huge fight after we logged out from our Friday night raid clear. I haven't logged in all week cause of work. Logged in for our raid tonight and the guild splintered. So I guess I'm going back to my old guild and seeing what they're up to....and you're from finding out now?
Yeah, that mage mount....no...
Yeah, that mage mount....no...
At least there is only one one other mount remotely like it.
And that shaman mount ha!
but orochi-kun
don't you liketto my roundo discus desu
Umm so I started playing this last week and started with a Night Elf Mage. I am now level 9 but leveling has slowed down a lot and the gameplay is extremely repetitive (see en
emy, cast Frostbolt and Fire Blast, rinse and repeat) and the quests uninteresting. Am I missing something here?
Umm so I started playing this last week and started with a Night Elf Mage. I am now level 9 but leveling has slowed down a lot and the gameplay is extremely repetitive (see enemy, cast Frostbolt and Fire Blast, rinse and repeat) and the quests uninteresting. Am I missing something here?
Yea, that low you kinda missed the prime time that was actually fun.
This game is about max level and endgame.
Sölf;223069123 said:The scaling is a real problem in lower levels, even though they actually made enemies stronger. They also removed quite a few abilities in this and the last expansion, so you have less abilities than you used to have.
So sadly, you are not missing anything. It does get more interesting later on, but that's the thing: Later on. Even the first few dungeons will be boring as hell, because most people who are leveling their tenth char are using Heirlooms, which grants them bonus EXP, but also makes them much stronger than what you would be at that point.
Hmm, so what's the fastest way to grind those levels out?
I've got some friends at Legion end-game so I need to hit level 110 to join them. What's the best way to get there? Buy Legion and use the free level 100 and then work my way from there? Or should I just level my current character to 110 and learn the ropes gradually?
@davesignal @WarcraftDevs @Celestalon They wouldn't. They'd have a shadow version. Wouldn't it be neat if such a thing existed...?
spoilers: it'll probably just be recolors
So guys, I need music...share yea lists!
Also they changing the artifact fishing pole or what?
**Just got my second legendary -.- in LFR