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World of Warcraft

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Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
What? Warriors are the absolute best PVP class, and I know it because my girlfriend and I are both epiced up level 60 warriors (she's Arms and I'm Fury) and we fucking demolish people just by auto-attack + Mortal Strike (or in my case, Heroic Strikes with Flurry + Bloodthirst). It doesn't matter if our opponents have better gear than us... a warrior in awesome PVP blues can destroy a tier 2 double trinket mage if you play it right. The gear just scales up so much more for melee classes.

Perhaps you should work on getting better gear or learning to play, because Warriors became the most overplayed class for a reason (taking over the title formerly held by rogues and hunters).

The problem with that is that, yes, warriors are extremely gear dependent and if you have great epic gear, you will be well fit against most opponents. But basically this means someone that plays as a warrior has to spend a heck of a lot more time to get great gear that will make the class competitive against someone that innately is. I wouldn't have much trouble with it if there was reasonably easy to acquire gear that would compensate for this. But as it is, there isn't.

Basically Blizzard continues to nerf warriors based on new epics as they're introduced, which won't be used by more than 1% of the population. I don't have all the time in the world to play, but I wish to be reasonably competitive against all other classes. I don't think it's too much to ask for.

I am basically packed with blues and a few greens and I KNOW how to play my class. I might have a chance against a cloth wearer if I get a jump-start on them, but otherwise, I won't be able to get anywhere near them. MS was nerfed, the protection tree is worthless for PvP (and yes, i know it's not focused towards that, but it has no survivability skills when it should) and dual wielding is worthless.

Oh, and I mean 1vs1 PVP. As I mentioned before, a warrior with a good healer in BGs is near unstoppable.
IJoel said:
dual wielding is worthless.

My guild will be happy to tell you how I, a dual-wielding Fury warrior, got #2 on the damage charts last Zul'Gurub behind our top rogue, even when I pulled out the shield and defense gear to tank bosses.

You really don't know what you're talking about and need to stop.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

My guild will be happy to tell you how I, a dual-wielding Fury warrior, got #2 on the damage charts last Zul'Gurub behind our top rogue, even when I pulled out the shield and defense gear to tank bosses.

You really don't know what you're talking about and need to stop.

I will admit I don't have as much dual wielding experience as you probably do, so I will retract what I said about it. That said, I'm talking PvP, not PvE. I think warriors are superb in PvE. As I said before, if you're a warrior with great epic gear, more power to you as you're most likely well positioned for 1v1 PvP.
SaitoH said:
Dual wielding fury warriors are DPS machines. Too close to rogues IMO.

If you ask me they're like plate wearing Rogues, which is a problem. But that's just me.

Anyway on a different subject, I rolled a Gnome Warlock as an alt and I've got it up to Level 10 and so I turn to GAF's professional Warlocks...What's the best spec for a Warlock?

dave is ok

aztek is ok
ToyMachine228 said:
If you ask me they're like plate wearing Rogues, which is a problem. But that's just me.

Anyway on a different subject, I rolled a Gnome Warlock as an alt and I've got it up to Level 10 and so I turn to GAF's professional Warlocks...What's the best spec for a Warlock?
Get imp corruption with your first 5 points.
ToyMachine228 said:
If you ask me they're like plate wearing Rogues, which is a problem. But that's just me.

Anyway on a different subject, I rolled a Gnome Warlock as an alt and I've got it up to Level 10 and so I turn to GAF's professional Warlocks...What's the best spec for a Warlock?

I've been mainly Affliction lvling up so far (lvl30) with some Demon and its been fairly easy.

EDIT: I wonder how bad things can get with the WOW server queue waits/ random disconnects before they bother to do something? 40+min waits nightly, with 2+ hour waits on the weekends now. And if someone disconnects on a raid, they are history.

THings were always bad, but this is a new slice of hell.
My lock is going Demonology and probably destruction. The whole +60 to all resists when you have the felhunter out seems like it would be too much fun against casters. :)


Yeah... our dual wielding Warrior in my guild crits 35-40% of the time.

Oh... and he's currently 30th on the Horde side of the server.

He's also not Epicced out.

Yah he's pretty sick. Nothing quite like a good damage dealing Warrior... NOTHING. I used to like to think how leet I was against Warriors... until I met good ones ;)


5. Intimidating Shout - when it's resisted by the target, the fear effect does not apply anymore. this skill can now be applied to 5 enemies.

So much for busting up mobs in AV. This is just stupid.

As for dual wields, any good FAQ about? I'm getting bored with cookie cutter for now and need a change.


destruction is shit past ruin if you ever intend to go on any raids, but ok if you want to pvp. affliction is the best leveling up build though.
Ripclawe said:
So much for busting up mobs in AV. This is just stupid.

As for dual wields, any good FAQ about? I'm getting bored with cookie cutter for now and need a change.
It was stupid before that you could effect an entire 40 man group.

As for dual-wielding: slow, high top-end damage weapon in your main hand, whatever you want in your off-hand. You'll have a 24% miss rate while dual-wielding, so get as much +hit% gear as you can. Load up your agility and +crit% so you crit a ton and proc Flurry all the time. Get an atk power above 800, unbuffed, minimum.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It was stupid before that you could effect an entire 40 man group.

3 minute cooldown, need a target, and moderately high Rage cost vs. instant cast but only a handful of targets. I await my Jin'rokh and Hand of Justice to keep me above the cut-off again.


it's harder to gear up a dw fury warrior than a MS warrior

fury requires a good balance of %crit, AP, and %hit items

get at least 1000 AP with battle shout up for bloodthrist

get around 25% to crit to keep flurry up as much as possible

dw fury warrior isnt as effective in pvp as an MS build imo

i will concede dw fury is king in pve dmg

when i get all my toys i'll respec fury for fun, but until then i'm staying 31/20

this is the build im going to try

33 fury/18 arms

5/5 cruelty
5/5 unbirdled wrath (some say this skill isnt worth it now since it was nerfed i guess you could dump 5/5 into booming voice)
4/5 improved battle shout
1/1 piercing howl
5/5 enrage
2/2 improved execute
2/2 improved intercept
1/1 deathwish
5/5 flurry
1/1 bloodthirst
2/2 imp zerker age

3/5 deflection
3/3 imp rend
5/5 tactical mastery
2/2 imp overpower
3/3 deep wounds
2/2 impale


Guys my hunter is level 22 now. Problem is earning money. I suck at it. Currently i am a miner and herbal person. But earning money is still tough i get most of my money from selling quest items.


Are you selling all your herbs and bars? That's all you need to do - search the AH for the stuff you've got, and sell it for about the avg. price you find. I did that selling herbs on a new server and made 12g by level 20 after training all the expensive spells and stuff.


Nothing sells. I use the auction house and price the lowest sometimes next to nothing. Nothing sems to sell. Now and aagin i get lucky. I think cloth is a big area. I make most money selling linen rather thana nything mining or herbs :lol Does skinning create cloths or is it tailoring?


Ripclawe said:
So much for busting up mobs in AV. This is just stupid.
Yeah, it seems like there wasn't much for warriors to do in AV aside from breaking up groups and laying down some good AoE debuffs before getting stunlocked and insta-murdered. Now we can't even break up groups to help push the lines back or cap a GY flag. 5 target max is retarded if the cooldown is going to be so long....

Glad I'm Exalted already, as this would probably make AV more dull.
Deg said:
Guys my hunter is level 22 now. Problem is earning money. I suck at it. Currently i am a miner and herbal person. But earning money is still tough i get most of my money from selling quest items.
No one wants to buy your level 20 shit. Just keep leveling and stop worrying about money. You should always naturally have enough money to buy your new abilities, repair, and buy yourself a nice new piece of gear every now and then.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
No one wants to buy your level 20 shit. Just keep leveling and stop worrying about money. You should always naturally have enough money to buy your new abilities, repair, and buy yourself a nice new piece of gear every now and then.

Wool Cloth. Coarse Stone. Level 19 blues and +damage gear. Blackmouth Oil. That IS how lowbies "naturally have enough money".
SatelliteOfLove said:
Wool Cloth. Coarse Stone. Level 19 blues and +damage gear. Blackmouth Oil. That IS how lowbies "naturally have enough money".
What does he need money at level 22 for? I know VanCleef is a tough guy, but you don't need an Arcanite Reaper to do the job.


Selling straight up Linen Cloth works quite well too and I was making like 5g in under 2-3 hours by just demolishing humanoids in West Fall and selling the stacks for 50-60s on the AH when I first started out on my hunter. I don't know why it was going for that much but it worked to my advantage.

Herbs don't make money until higher levels unless you get a lot of Swiftthistle which I've seen go as high as 30-40g a stack (averages 15-20g on my server)
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
What does he need money at level 22 for? I know VanCleef is a tough guy, but you don't need an Arcanite Reaper to do the job.

Low level bg twinks on non native servers = you doing inventive stuff to afford the twinkage.


Deg said:
Guys my hunter is level 22 now. Problem is earning money. I suck at it. Currently i am a miner and herbal person. But earning money is still tough i get most of my money from selling quest items.

Head to Loch Modan and spend an hour mining, you'll come away with a few stacks of copper which should sell for pretty decent money. You may find that skinning brings in money more quickly than herbalism too (at least at your level), I usually find it easier to sell leather than herbs.
Son of Godzilla said:
Low level bg twinks on non native servers = you doing inventive stuff to afford the twinkage.

That twinking's not even for him; just to have his mount paid off by 30 and his epic by 55 and to keep him with a solid nest egg the whole time (Deg, it sounds as if you're new to the game, pardon if I'm wrong). I like to dish out good advise. :)
My Rogue is just not fun to play anymore. It has become hard work to kill any class. If I don't open I might as well flee. My fights against Warriors goes something like me trying to cheapshot, backstab, gouge, re-stealth, repeat process and I still end up loosing most of the time. I refuse to use Blind anymore. I'm not dragging my ass no where to collect Fadeleaf and I'm not paying ridiculous amounts of gold for it either. Why can't I just buy the damn reagent at the poison reagont vendor like all the other reagonts for every other poison?

I hope Blizz will show rogues some love in the future but for now I will continue to level my new Priest alt.


RonaldoSan said:
My Rogue is just not fun to play anymore. It has become hard work to kill any class. If I don't open I might as well flee. My fights against Warriors goes something like me trying to cheapshot, backstab, gouge, re-stealth, repeat process and I still end up loosing most of the time. I refuse to use Blind anymore. I'm not dragging my ass no where to collect Fadeleaf and I'm not paying ridiculous amounts of gold for it either. Why can't I just buy the damn reagent at the poison reagont vendor like all the other reagonts for every other poison?

I hope Blizz will show rogues some love in the future but for now I will continue to level my new Priest alt.

Rogues absolutely need good gear, or they'll get creamed. There's a big drop off around 50-60 that you'll notice your rogue starts getting smashed around really good. I was really frustrated with my rogue for a long time, until I started getting some good gear (MC runs ect). Now I don't have that problem anymore, even against people geared out better than me.


The problem is that Rogue's are overpowered up until the late 40s/early 50s when they are reeled in by every other class. As Ferrio said once you get some good gear you will end up causing some problems but otherwise you're gimped.
Went to AQ20 last night for the first time, we killed Kurinaxx on the first shot, but then ran in to a problem on our two General attempts. We were just way to short on healers to be able to keep him alive, so we scratched it for another night when we get more healers on.

Fun instance though, I'd rate it higher than ZG.


Shouta said:
Selling straight up Linen Cloth works quite well too and I was making like 5g in under 2-3 hours by just demolishing humanoids in West Fall and selling the stacks for 50-60s on the AH when I first started out on my hunter. I don't know why it was going for that much but it worked to my advantage.

Herbs don't make money until higher levels unless you get a lot of Swiftthistle which I've seen go as high as 30-40g a stack (averages 15-20g on my server)

Thats quite lucky. I am guessing it depends on servers as people take up different professions.

When i hit lvl 60 is skinning a better profesion than herbalism?



Speaking of rogues ... man, is their DPS depressing. I have a non-raid rogue and warrior, both well equipped in that regard and their DPS, when soloing, is the same (about 190-200). Yet my warrior has almost 2k more hit points, and much higher damage mitigation. I also have a fury warrior friend (non-MC gear) and his DPS is 260 while soloing. Even more depressing was breaking out my rogue for a tribute run with a hunter friend of mine yesterday. End of the run my DPS was about 230 while his was almost 260 + his pet was another 50 and he doesn't even have all blues yet. Never played with a hunter much before (only crappy ones) but he's really opened my eyes to their potential.

Rogue was my first character, and I haven't used in her in forever, but I'm just shocked how much they've fallen down the DPS ladder. I mean that's all they do afterall.
I dunno, my only purple is Nightslayer Pants, and I have the shanker/distracting dagger combo (+15 agi on both) and I'm usually up top on dps and the overall damage meter. Once I realized that Shadowcraft = crap, I did a lot better. My attack power is around 700ish pending what I equip (I'll keep 3 pieces of SC up for the +2 daggers, which combined with the +6 on distracting is pretty nice), and I'm happy with the numbers I put up.

In MC, I can still get 5th on the meter up to Geddon, losing out to 4 aoe mages due to the way we do the corehound packs (rogues stay out) and surgers (ranged only), and even then I'm fairly close.

Ahn'Qiraj though is fun for a rogue, you get to do more then just backstab, backstab, backstab, SnD, repeat add in cold blood blah blah blah. Kidney punches actually work.

However, I will admit my spec blows for PvP, so I stay out of it.


Funny thing is when I raid with my Priest, rogues are always top of the charts. So why the disparity in a non-raid situation?

My rogue does use shadowcraft, in spite of having an almost full set of attack power gear and I use heartseeker / Scarlet kris.

I'd say I suck, but "any" 5-man I do with a non-raid rogue in my group, they seem to top out about 200-220 DPS. Mind you hunters usually sit around 150 DPS ...
Energy loss. The loger the battle, the more time for energy to be expended and more time for the average to dip due to the wait for energy to build back up. Even with something like relentless strikes, you'll spend a lot of time waiting for energy to replenish in a 5 man. In a raid, the target goes down faster, so there's less energy expended - and less time for the dps average to drop.

Sound good? :D


My guild downed Ragnaros for the second time last night. Now that everyone knows what they're doing, we should be killing him regularly each week. His drops weren't great though, Essence of the Pure Flame dropped and nobody wanted it.

We also finally got the hang of Onyxia, hunters still like to pull aggro though.

Hakkar is still kicking our asses post-patch buff, and we haven't been able to beat Buru the Gorger in AQ20 because we keep forgetting to bring nature protection potions.


speshylives said:
Energy loss. The loger the battle, the more time for energy to be expended and more time for the average to dip due to the wait for energy to build back up. Even with something like relentless strikes, you'll spend a lot of time waiting for energy to replenish in a 5 man. In a raid, the target goes down faster, so there's less energy expended - and less time for the dps average to drop.

Sound good? :D

Actually, that does sound good. I do know that my hunter friend blows through mana like crazy.


dave is ok said:
Nature pots? Buru? /boggle

At 21%, break the last egg. That'll bring him to 14% and just go dps crazy at that point
Yeah, but people keep dying to the plague and his adds before we can take him down. What I think is happening is people don't realize that the egg that cracks Buru is the last one and they're still trying to whack eggs instead of DPSing Buru.

It also doesn't help that people who die during the fight are zoning back in, jumping back into the pit and dying again from falling too far.
I know they say Blackwing Lair is hard, but really how hard is it? Like what are the signs that your guild is ready to start BWL? Or qualifications?
ToyMachine228 said:
I know they say Blackwing Lair is hard, but really how hard is it? Like what are the signs that your guild is ready to start BWL? Or qualifications?

Don't start until you have Ragnaros on farm status.


explodet said:
Yeah, but people keep dying to the plague and his adds before we can take him down. What I think is happening is people don't realize that the egg that cracks Buru is the last one and they're still trying to whack eggs instead of DPSing Buru.

It also doesn't help that people who die during the fight are zoning back in, jumping back into the pit and dying again from falling too far.
here's how you beat buru (and possibly a pve reason why intimidating shout is getting nerfed): at 21% break the egg to knock him down to 14%. when he goes psycho he breaks all the eggs and sends the hatchlings in, so that's when the warriors on him fear bomb. and if people are zoning in and want to jump down to rejoin the fight, they need to jump for the waterfall. you can fall into that pool (the only area where the water is deep enough to swim) and not lose any health.

but really, nobody should die unless they're screwing up when kiting buru. we've killed him first time on each AQ20 visit since our first kill of him. And we don't seem to have the ossirian strategy just down yet. I think maybe we need a better order to use the crystals, though they also seemed to repop randomly. every other boss we have down, including Ayamiss and Moam (both are fun fights).
explodet said:
My guild downed Ragnaros for the second time last night. Now that everyone knows what they're doing, we should be killing him regularly each week. His drops weren't great though, Essence of the Pure Flame dropped and nobody wanted it.

We also finally got the hang of Onyxia, hunters still like to pull aggro though.

Hakkar is still kicking our asses post-patch buff, and we haven't been able to beat Buru the Gorger in AQ20 because we keep forgetting to bring nature protection potions.

Yeah, Hakkar is NASTY now. One serious slip-up, especially a tank dying, is a wipe. Thankfully, everyone listens and is top-notch in our guild, so it's now more bad luck rather than forgetfullness or whatever. We're doing one-day clears now, and our non-Hakkar Epic drought has ended with Warblade of the Hakkari, Runed Bloodstained Hauberk, Will of Arlokk, and Marli's Touch on one run. :D
ToyMachine228 said:
I know they say Blackwing Lair is hard, but really how hard is it? Like what are the signs that your guild is ready to start BWL? Or qualifications?
Go inside and try it. Razorgore is right there, there's no trash to clear through. Start the fight, and then you'll understand.
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