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World of Warcraft

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SatelliteOfLove said:
Yeah, Hakkar is NASTY now. One serious slip-up, especially a tank dying, is a wipe. Thankfully, everyone listens and is top-notch in our guild, so it's now more bad luck rather than forgetfullness or whatever. We're doing one-day clears now, and our non-Hakkar Epic drought has ended with Warblade of the Hakkari, Runed Bloodstained Hauberk, Will of Arlokk, and Marli's Touch on one run. :D

Hakkar is such a loot pinata that he will actually go into loot pinata mode and just stand there while you kill him.


Wellt he gates of that thing opened on ym server today. Lots of dark crystals everywhere and lots of insecs and big statues :lol I didnt get any pickups aside from goo :( What did i miss?


Took our second foray in AQ 20 tonight. Got to Buru. Wiped at 4% first try. Second try got him down to 30% and suddenly he was back to full health. Third try we had everything down perfect, no deaths, everyone kiting correctly then suddenly, the person kiting and buru get teleported to the side of a cliff. We attempt to fight him where he's stuck but it was futile. We give up, send a GM ticket, and HS out. Sucked, cause the Buru fight was pretty damn entertaining otherwise.

Anyone else having problems like this?


I am really tired of losing my Felhunter/Succubus in Battlegrounds. I'll go into a BG with one, summon nothing else and randomly I'll respawn with an imp. The game just changes my summoned pet at its own discourse much to the displeasure of my soulshard supply.

When is Blizzard going to fix this?
Guild killed Kurinnaxx this past weekend. Started a PUG with 4 other Guild members and we downed Kurinnaxx on the second try. Guild made it to 3rd or 4th wave of Captains. PUG made it to 2nd. Try again on Friday and Sunday. I want to get to Moam. He drops some nice cloth.
Son of Godzilla said:
Hakkar is such a loot pinata that he will actually go into loot pinata mode and just stand there while you kill him.

Right before we downed him our first time, (9th go at it), one of the tanks he insaned went into the temple thru a crack and he stood still until till the other passed him in aggro. Then there was the time we were wiping and he got stuck on the stairs chasing a druid down with 4 left. He still jokes about tanking a raid boss for 5 minutes till he debugged in healing gear and Resto specced. :lol

Grand total of 4 MC+ epics guild-wide, although next week that should change. :D


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
etiolate said:
I am really tired of losing my Felhunter/Succubus in Battlegrounds. I'll go into a BG with one, summon nothing else and randomly I'll respawn with an imp. The game just changes my summoned pet at its own discourse much to the displeasure of my soulshard supply.

When is Blizzard going to fix this?

Unfortunately, you will only respawn with your pet if you summon him once you enter the battleground. If you bring a pet in with you the imp will respawn with you until you summon something else. Even once you summon a pet inside the instance, the game still screws up sometimes and gives you an imp randomly.


Pet workaround- enter BG release current pet (even if desired pet) summon desired pet

If no pet- summon imp release imp summon desired pet

Should solve most of your BG pet problems.

On another note: Last night was weapon/BF night for my guild

Bloodfang off the first 3 bosses, Untamed Blade, Dragonfang Blade (mine yay), HeartStriker, Draconic Maul, and Doom's Edge. Pick up again at Ebonroc tonight (gogo drake fang), and hopefully an xbow or cts off Chrommy this week.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ToyMachine228 said:
I know they say Blackwing Lair is hard, but really how hard is it? Like what are the signs that your guild is ready to start BWL? Or qualifications?
basic tricks for Razorgore:
kite ALL melee. there should be a group that is doing nothing but kiting and another group that is making sure the kiters stay alive. if you aren't kiting melee, OTing razorgore, or MAing the controller, then you are killing dragons and casters. after dragons and casters are down, and controller is down, then help the kiters and start taking out melee. after that it is just DPS on razor. overall the encounter isn't hard.. it's just getting everyone in the guild on the same page. everyone has to know their role and pull it off. probably one of the more unique encounters we've come across so far.

now vael is another story.. still working on him.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
borghe said:
basic tricks for Razorgore:
kite ALL melee. there should be a group that is doing nothing but kiting and another group that is making sure the kiters stay alive. if you aren't kiting melee, OTing razorgore, or MAing the controller, then you are killing dragons and casters. after dragons and casters are down, and controller is down, then help the kiters and start taking out melee. after that it is just DPS on razor. overall the encounter isn't hard.. it's just getting everyone in the guild on the same page. everyone has to know their role and pull it off. probably one of the more unique encounters we've come across so far.

now vael is another story.. still working on him.
We kite the dragons and kill all of the orcs. Melee and Casters


We kite the dragons and legionairres and just kill the mages. We tried the kill-all strategy a few times, but didnt get very far with it.

Currently stuck on Vael, got him to 3%. Cool fight though.
Ikse said:
We kite the dragons and legionairres and just kill the mages. We tried the kill-all strategy a few times, but didnt get very far with it.

That is our strategy as well. We usually come out of phase 1 with one or two deaths max.

Also, my guild killed Nefarion for the first time this weekend. I wasn't there but I'm still proud. We started BWL at the end of November so it took us 3 total months to clear the zone. Plus our first attempt on Nefarion was 3 weeks ago so we also figured him out very fast.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
the thing our guild is learning about vael is that it is all about patience and consistency.. you have to maintain a steady balance of aggro. if someone is generating more threat than they should, the encounter quickly spirals out of control. the problem is further compounded by the fact that when you get him down into the single digits, people start thinking that if you just "lay a little more sauce" on him, that you will take it. this is where most guilds go wrong. vael has TONS of hitpoints. at 30% health he is the equivalent to more than 100% of many MC bosses. this means when he is down to 5%, it is actually more like an MC boss being down to only 15-20%. he is (as you obviously know) still able to wipe you at 1-2% pretty easily.

vael is definitely one of the toughest fights currently in the game. from what I understand, he is the toughest fight of BWL aside from nef, and tougher than any of the bosses in AQ40. again, from what I understand.


Looks like they're nerfing the combination of the Zandalarian Hero Charm and the Talisman of Ephemeral Power in 1.10 so you can't have them active at the same time.

If you activate the ToEP, you have the effect for 15 seconds, and the ZHC cools down for 15 seconds. Same deal with the ZHC.

Technically the same DPS, but the potential for burst damage is nerfed.

A few mages are less than pleased.

Not me though, I haven't had the opportunity to get the ZHC yet.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Azwethinkweiz said:
Doing the most dps and complaining that you're not doing double the dps of everyone else are two separate things.
pretty much. mages are supposed to be highest dps. that doesn't by default mean they are supposed to do 10 times the damage of second place.


borghe said:
the thing our guild is learning about vael is that it is all about patience and consistency.. you have to maintain a steady balance of aggro. if someone is generating more threat than they should, the encounter quickly spirals out of control. the problem is further compounded by the fact that when you get him down into the single digits, people start thinking that if you just "lay a little more sauce" on him, that you will take it. this is where most guilds go wrong. vael has TONS of hitpoints. at 30% health he is the equivalent to more than 100% of many MC bosses. this means when he is down to 5%, it is actually more like an MC boss being down to only 15-20%. he is (as you obviously know) still able to wipe you at 1-2% pretty easily.

vael is definitely one of the toughest fights currently in the game. from what I understand, he is the toughest fight of BWL aside from nef, and tougher than any of the bosses in AQ40. again, from what I understand.
vael is the second toughest boss in BWL, but c'thun in AQ40 is harder than nef or vael. and most likely ouro is as well.
Seems like my guild has been getting a lot of buggy stuff lately. We tried Rag last Friday night, and when he did his knockback a few of us actually walked back into the lava, and still got hit by it. And then Onyxia was teleporting our main tank to random places over and over. And hitting us with her knockback, despite standing at her wings. Weird and unlucky stuff.


Has problems recognising girls
^ Blizzard's way of pissing off random gamers over the copious amounts of negative feedback they receive on their forums whenever something happens to the servers.


- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.10.0

New High-Level Armor Sets!
Adventurers of Azeroth can now quest to upgrade their previous Rare-
quality Dungeon set to a new, higher-quality set, including epic gear!
These tasks include all-new boss encounters, so prepare your finest
group of dungeon-delvers and prepare for a challenge!

Weather has been introduced in the following areas around Azeroth:
- Elwynn Forest
- Tirisfal Glades
- Dun Morogh
- Darkshore
- Alterac Mountains
- Stranglethorn Vale
- Feralas
- Un'Goro Crater
- Tanaris
- Winterspring
- Ahn'Qiraj
We will be adding more weather to the world as time progresses; this
is simply the beginning!

High-Level Instance Changes
Along with the new Armor Sets, the high-level 5-10 man dungeons have
received some changes regarding loot. Many items have been improved
in quality and use. In addition, several epic items, such as
Headmaster's Charge and the Runeblade of Baron Rivendare, have had
their drop rates significantly increased. In order to preserve the
challenge of these dungeons, they have had their instance caps
lowered. Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Depths now allow a
maximum of five players inside, and Blackrock Spire allows a maximum
of ten.

Quest Experience to Gold Conversion at Level 60
Previously, quest experience was wasted if one completed a quest at
level 60. In this patch, any quests done at maximum level will have
their experience reward converted to a healthy amount of gold, thus
adding additional incentive to completing those quests in your log
once you hit 60.

New Final Destination Flight Paths!
If you're making several jumps to get to your destination, you will
now be able to choose that flight path from your initial Flight
Master. The costs will remain the same, but you no longer need to
manually click on each path. The UI has also been improved

- All spells/abilities that remove existing effects (e.g. Dispel Magic,
Cleanse, Remove Curse etc...) will now verify that there is an effect
that can be removed before casting.
- You will no longer lose your current target when affected by a crowd
control spell (e.g. Fear, Polymorph etc...).
- Various tooltips updated.

PvP & Battlegrounds
- Alterac Valley
Flavor items from player loot in Alterac Valley will now stack and
can be sold for a small value. These are items like Documents from
Boomstick Imports, Worn Running Shoes, etc.
Global reputation gains have been removed from several quests.
Frostwolf and Stormpike faction will now be gained by killing
players of the opposite faction. Reputation will no longer be split
up among the entire raid group.
- The reputation gain in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin has been
significantly increased.

- Healing Touch - Mana cost on all ranks reduced approximately 9%.
- Ravage - Can no longer be dodged, parried, or blocked.
- Cure Poison - Can no longer be cast while in Moonkin form.
- Gift of the Wild - Range and area of effect increased.
- Rip - Is now properly considered a Bleed effect.
- All shapeshift forms can now use equipped items.
- Nature's Swiftness - Now makes Rebirth and Soothe Animal spells
instant cast.
- Bear Form and Dire Bear Form - It is no longer possible at very low
health to die when shifting out of these forms.
- Pounce - This ability will no longer apply its bleed effect when the
attack misses or is dodged.
- Some creature Mana Drain spells were previously able to mana drain
druids in forms that do not display mana. That has been fixed.
- Previously, shifting into an animal form granted a one-second
immunity to roots and snares. That has been changed to dispelling
roots and snares.

- Multi-Shot - This ability now has its attack power normalized the
same as melee instant attacks. This means that the attack power
contribution from all ranged weapons will be the same, no matter what
their speed. All weapons will contribute attack power as if they were
2.8 speed. Weapons slower than 2.8 speed will do slightly less damage
than previously; weapons faster than 2.8 speed will do slightly more
- Aimed Shot - This ability now has its attack power normalized the
same as melee instant attacks. This means that the attack power
contribution from all ranged weapons will be the same, no matter what
their speed. All weapons will contribute attack power as if they were
2.8 speed. Weapons slower than 2.8 speed will do slightly less damage
than previously; weapons faster than 2.8 speed will do slightly more
- Improved Aspect of the Hawk - The buff from this talent has had its
duration increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds. Note that the haste
it provides does not begin until the second shot after the triggering
shot. This change is to compensate for that delay.
- Hunter's Mark - This spell no longer triggers procs on the spell
caster. This was being abused to land debuffs without getting on the
creature's hate list.
- Claw and Bite - Pets using these abilities will now generate the
correct amount of threat. Only ranks 7 and 8 of claw were generating
the correct amount previously.
- Bestial Wrath - No longer generates threat for the Hunter.
- New high-level boars now exist in the Eastern Plaguelands and have a
new rank 6 version of the pet ability: Charge.

- Improved Frost Ward - This ability now functions properly again.
- Improved Fire Ward - This ability now functions properly again.
- Detect Magic - This spell no longer triggers procs on the spell
caster. This was being abused to land debuffs without getting on the
creature's hate list.
- Ignite - This talent will now only trigger off fire damage generated
by mage spells.
- Arcane Brilliance - Range and area of effect increased.

- Blessing of Light - Different ranks of this spell were stacking
without causing additional effect. It was never intended for them to
be able to stack, so they can no longer stack.
- Judgement of Justice - This judgement will now always hit.
- Righteous Fury - Righteous Fury will now always generate the correct
amount of additional threat on all holy damage. There were some
abilities, such as Retribution Aura, where this did not work
- Holy Shock - This ability now works with Divine Favor and
- Holy Shield - Mana cost reduced approximately 15%. The effect now has
a small bonus coefficient from spell damage items and effects.
- Eye for an Eye - This talent can now trigger while you are mounted.
- Blessing of Sacrifice - This Blessing can no longer be used to
prevent the death of a target that is supposed to die for a spell
effect (e.g.: Sacrifice, Demonic Sacrifice, Divine Intervention,
Ritual of Doom).
- Seal of Command - Will now be able to proc when the Paladin is
- Improved Seal of Righteousness - Tooltip updated to reflect actual
functionality. This talent increases Seal of Righteousness and
Judgement of Righteousness by 3-15%.
- Lay on Hands - Range increased.
- Divine Intervention - Range increased.
- Holy Shield - Tooltip updated to reflect that damage caused by Holy
Shield causes 20% additional threat. This has been active since 1.9,
but was undocumented.
- All Greater Blessings now have increased range.
- Holy Shock - Mana cost reduced.
- Creatures that were previously immune to Scorpid Sting are now also
immune to the Paladin Talent Vindication.

- Due to significant talent changes, Priests will have all talent
points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent
spell replacements have been significantly reduced.
- All racial priest spell replacements have had their training costs
- Prayer of Fortitude - Range and area of effect increased.
- Holy Fire - Is now available to all priests, starting at level 20.
- Mind Soothe - Is now instant cast.
- Shadowform - Now reduces all physical damage taken (melee and ranged),
as the tooltip suggests.
- Feedback (Human) - Redesigned. The priest surrounds himself with
anti-magic energy. Any successful spell cast against the priest will
burn mana from the attacker and cause Shadow damage.
- Elune's Grace (Night Elf) - Now also increases chance to dodge.
Ranged damage reduction increased, duration decreased, mana cost
decreased, now has a cooldown.
- Shadowguard (Troll) - Is now instant cast. Updated tooltip to reflect
that damage caused by Shadowguard causes no threat. This was
previously the case, but was undocumented.
- Inner Fire - Redesigned. Now increases armor by a significant amount
but has 20 charges. Each melee or ranged damage hit will remove a
charge. Lasts 10 minutes, mana cost increased.
- Desperate Prayer (Dwarf/Human) - Cooldown reduced.
- Touch of Weakness (Undead) - Now a 10 min. buff on the caster that is
triggered when they are struck in melee. The effect is otherwise the
same. Mana cost decreased substantially.
- Hex of Weakness (Troll) - Now also applies a -20% healing modifier in
addition to its normal effect. The healing debuff does not stack with
the warrior's Mortal Strike ability, although the damage penalty now
stacks with either Touch of Weakness or Curse of Weakness. Mana cost
decreased substantially.
- Starshards (Night Elf) - This spell now works like Curse of Agony,
with lower initial damage which increases as the duration continues.
Mana cost dropped approximately 30% on all ranks. Ranks 1 and 2
increased to 6 second duration. Damage increased approximately 17%.
- Lesser Heal - Mana cost dropped approximately 9%.
- Heal - Ranks 2, 3, and 4, cast time reduced to 3 seconds. Rank 1 mana
cost dropped approximately 9%. Rank 2, 3, and 4 the healing amount
has been reduced to generate the same amount of healing per cast time
as before the cast time was reduced. Rank 2, 3, and 4, the mana cost
was reduced to cost approximately 9% less mana per point of healing
generated. The net effect on all ranks is that the healing per mana
is 10% higher, the cast time is limited to 3 seconds, and the healing
per second is unchanged. Note that spells with less than 3.5 second
cast time will not receive the full bonus from plus healing items.
- Greater Heal - Cast time reduced to 3 seconds. Healing and Mana cost
reduced so that the healing per second is unchanged, but the healing
per mana is increased approximately 10%. Note that spells with less
than 3.5 second cast time will not receive the full bonus from plus
healing items.
- Vampiric Embrace - Damage resisted by the target will no longer be
counted as damage caused for the purposes of the healing from this
- Power Word: Shield - This spell will now get a small bonus from items
and effects which increase your healing.
- Holy Nova - Self cooldown on this spell removed. Mana cost increased.

- Slice and Dice - This ability can no longer be blocked, dodged, or
parried, and cannot miss. If you attempt to use this ability when
your target is dead, you will now receive an error message instead of
displaying the spell animations.
- Sap - Lightning Shield will no longer break Stealth when the Sap is
- Remorseless Attacks - This ability will no longer trigger off killing
creatures that do not award experience, or players that do not award
- Distract - This ability will no longer trigger a Shaman's Lightning
Shield (which caused the Rogue to lose stealth).
- Blade Flurry - The additonal attacks generated by this ability will
now properly take into account the armor of the second target.
- Blind - Now considered a ranged attack. It can no longer be dodged
or parried.
- Lightning Shield - Bonfires and other environmental damage sources
will no longer consume charges of the Lightning Shield. Warsong Gulch
power-ups will also no longer consume the charges.
- Grounding Totem - This totem will no longer absorb the procs from:
Frostguard, Annihilator, Bludgeon of the Grinning Dog, The Chief's
Enforcer, The Judge's Gavel, Hammer of the Titans, Blackblade of
Shahram, and Bonereaver's Edge. Tooltip updated to be more clear.
- Flurry - Your haste will now last only the intended next 3 swings.
- Healing Wave - Mana cost on all ranks reduced approximately 9%.
- Shaman can now use equipped items while in Ghost Wolf form.

- Curse of Agony - The damage over time component of this curse will
now only trigger periodic triggerable procs.
- Soulburn - The debuff which produces the soul shard upon death is
now visible to the player and has a 5 sec duration. The Warlock will
no longer sometimes receive two soul shards upon the victim's death.
Targets which do not grant experience or honor will no longer produce
- Rain of Fire - This ability will correctly trigger Pyroclasm again.
- Master Demonologist - Pets that were crowd controlled at the moment
of summon prevented you from receiving the buff from this talent.
That has been fixed.
- Curse of Doom - This curse can no longer be cast on players who are
under the control of a creature.
- Shadowburn - This spell will no longer apply its debuff to the
creature when the spell is resisted. Targets which do not grant
experience or honor will no longer produce shards.
- Curse of Weakness - Mana cost decreased substantially.
- Curse of Recklessness - Mana cost decreased.
- Creatures immune to fear are now also properly immune to the fear
effect of Death Coil.
- Suffering (Voidwalker) - Radius increased, tooltip updated.

- Execute - This ability will now work with Sweeping Strikes again. If
the second victim is below 20% health, they will be hit with the full
Execute amount. If the second victim is not below 20% health, they
will be hit with normal melee swing damage.
- Whirlwind - When this ability is used with Sweeping Strikes, it will
burn only one charge of Sweeping Strikes and will generate only one
additional attack.
- Flurry - Ranks 1 through 4 of this talent will now activate correctly
- Retaliation - This ability will now function correctly at full melee
- Intimidating Shout - The cowering in fear effect will no longer be
applied when the target resists this shout. In addition, this shout
will now affect a maximum of 5 targets.
- Flurry - Your haste will now last only the intended next 3 swings.
- Sweeping Strikes - The additonal attacks generated by this ability
will now properly take into account the armor of the second target.

- Relics have been introduced to the game. These are class specific
items for Druids, Paladins, and Shaman which can be equipped in the
ranged slot. Currently there are a handful for each class which can
be found scattered throughout Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Spire, Dire
Maul, Scholomance, Stratholme, and The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. We hope
that you enjoy the first round of available relics and we will
continue to add more in future patches.
- Many items in Blackrock Depths, Stratholme, Scholomance, and
Blackrock Spire have been re-evaluated and adjusted to make them more
appealing. In addition several new items have been added to all of
these instances.
- The following item sets have had their set bonuses adjusted: Valor,
Magister's, Lightforge, Shadowcraft, Dreadmist, Devout, Wildheart,
Beaststalker, and Elements.
- The locations of some of the waist, wrist, and hand slot pieces of
the dungeon armor sets have been moved from their old creatures,
including the Lightforge Gauntlets and the Magister's Boots.
Additional creature types can also drop many of the previously
difficult to obtain armor pieces.
- All of the hand slot items in the dungeon armor sets are now bind on
equip. The Belt of Valor is also now bind on equip.
- Death's Head Judgement and Wolfrunner Shoes now have stats more
appropriate for cloth wearers.
- The value of Health per 5 seconds items was re-evaluated and has been
changed to be the same as Mana per 5 items. As a result most items
that restore Health per 5 seconds will see an increase in
- Biznicks 247x127 Accurascope now only affects ranged attacks, and
Elemental Sharpening Stones no longer will affect ranged weaponry. The
schematic for the Accurascope will now drop once again in the Molten
- Item use can no longer trigger the effect on the Five Thunders set or
the Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon trinket.
- The On Use ability on the Blade of Eternal Darkness has been changed
to an On Equip triggered effect with a chance to occur on any damage
- The Netherwind set's instant cast spell bonus will no longer be
consumed if the mage is not facing his or her target.
- The Lightning Shield bonus on the Ten Storms set will now work the
same way as all other Lightning Shield auras, including increased
damage from bonus spell damage effects.
- The tooltip on Thunderfury has been clarified to indicate that only
the primary target will receive the slowing effect. In addition, the
two effects have been broken down into two different debuffs to
prevent incorrect information from appearing in the debuff tooltip
for secondary targets (previously secondary targets were told they
were slowed when they were not actually slowed).
- Wrath of Cenarius will now trigger off all damaging spells.
- The charges from the Zandalarian Hero Charm will now be consumed by
melee and ranged abilities and spells which do non-physical damage.
This includes: Hammer of Wrath, Judgement of Righteousness, Seal of
Command, Judgement of Command, Volley, and Arcane Shot. The trinket
will also now burn charges from each casting of a damage over time
spell, heal over time spell, and area aura spells such as Blizzard
and Consecration. Only one charge will be burned per area spell cast,
rather than multiple charges per target hit as was previously the
- The Panther Hide Bag from High Priestess Arlokk will no longer take
the place of other items. Instead, this item will now sometimes drop
in addition to the normal loot.
- The following items were found to be more powerful than intended and
have been tuned to be more in line with their level: Satyr's Bow,
Inventor's Focal Sword, and Scepter of the Unholy.
- Green Whelp Armor no longer affects targets above level 50 and the
sleep duration was reduced to 10 seconds.
- Many Recipes now have different icons. Recipe icons should correspond
with the item color; a green-glowing scroll is a green recipe, and a
blue-glowing scroll is a blue recipe, for example. As a reminder,
white recipes can be purchased from a vendor somewhere in the world,
so players should not pay too much for them at the Auction House.
- The Phantom Blade's effect will now prevent players from trying to
become stealthed or invisible.
- The Luffa and Talisman of Ephemeral Power now have sell prices.
- The Heavy Leather Ball now has an inventory sound.
- The Crystal Force, Crystal Ward, and Oil of Immolation effects now
have effect tooltips.
- The Royal Sceptre of Vek'lor has the proper spell hit chance instead
of melee hit chance.
- The damage dealt by Demonic Rune and Dark Rune will no longer be
affected by the user's increased spell damage items.
- The target of the Demon Forged Breastplate's effect no longer has to
be in front of the wearer.
- The spell hit effect on the Felheart Robes is now properly listed as
an On Equip effect.
- The Augural Shroud and Spidertank Oilrag now have stats more
appropriate for cloth wearers.
- The Skeletal Guardian and Skeletal Berserker now drop loot
appropriate to their non-elite status.
- Flavor items from the Stratholme postbox are now listed as poor
- The Black Diamond and Pristine Black Diamond now stack to 20, the
same as other gems.
- The tooltip of the Seeping Willow's effect has been reworded for
- The Chromatic Boots and Boots of the Fallen Hero have had their stats
- The duration of the Fetish of the Sand Reaver's effect has been
increased, but the effect lowered.
- Many trinkets will now trigger a cooldown equal to the duration of
their effects that will prevent simultaneous use of more than one of
these trinkets. The Trinkets affected include the Zandalarian Hero
Charm, Zandalarian Hero Badge, Zandalarian Hero Medallion, and most
all the other Trinkets available from Zul'Gurub, Earthstrike, the
Talisman of Ephemeral Power, and the level 50 class quest trinkets
such as the Devilsaur Eye.
- Rumsey Rum gained from fishing is no longer soulbound.
- The Innkeeper in Everlook now sells Winter Kimchi.
- The drop rate for Essence of Air has been increased.
- The Diablo Stone now has a unique icon.
- Fixed typos in the names of Last Month's Mutton and Last Year's
- The Expose Weakness effect of the Hunter's Dragonstalker set can no
longer be resisted as a magical spell.
- The Dawn Treaders, Timbermaw Brawlers and Might of the Timbermaw now
make sounds when moved in your inventory.
- The Zulian Stone Axe has the proper inventory icon again.
- Clarified the Hand of Justice and Force of Will tooltips to better
describe their functionalities.

- Blacksmithing
The Statues in Ahn'Qiraj now drop chunks of obsidian that can be
crafted by blacksmiths in to various types of armor. The Recipes
come from both Cenarion Circle vendors as well as drops and other
The materials required to make the Gloves of the Dawn have been
New high level World Drop epic recipes have been added for
Hammersmiths, Swordsmiths and Armorsmiths.
- Engineering
The Alarm-o-Bot now pulses its detection every 7 seconds rather than
every 30 seconds.
Fused Wiring now stacks to 5.
Rocket Clusters now require Solid Blasting Powder and Large Rocket
Clusters require Dense Blasting Powder.
Target Dummies now have a much shorter duration, but have
significantly more health. They also have a general 3 minute
cooldown on their use.
The Goblin Mortar's maximum range has been increased from 20 yards
to 40 yards.
- Tailoring
Mooncloth Bag recipe only requires a single mooncloth to make.
Tailors can now make bags with up to 24 slots that can only hold
enchanting materials or herbs. The recipes can mostly be found on
vendors that sell enchanting materials or on vendors in Silithus.
- Enchanting
A new enchanting recipe that adds +25 Agility to two-handed weapons
has been added to the Timbermaw Furbolgs that requires Friendly
Enchant Gloves - Healing only requires a single Righteous Orb.
- Leatherworking
Many of the beast bosses in the game will now be skinnable for
significantly more leather.
There is now a fourth item in the Stormshroud Armor set: Stormshroud
The recipe for the Heavy Scorpid Vest is no longer soulbound.
The Dreamscale Breastplate is now Bind on Equip.
Red Dragonscales drop significantly more often off the dragonkin in
the Wetlands.
Golden Mantle of the Dawn no longer requires Righteous Orbs.
- Alchemy
There is now an Elixir of Greater Firepower recipe in the world. The
Dark Iron Dwarves of the Searing Gorge hold the secret.

Quests & Reputation
- The Hexxer's Head is no longer a requirement for the Collection of
Heads quest in Zul'Gurub.

Raids & Dungeons
- The Four Green Dragons will now spawn as originally intended. They
should all now spawn at the same time everytime.
- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Ayamiss the Hunter now flies down from the air much earlier.
Lieutenant General Andorov will now offer supplies if kept alive
through the battle.
The Plague effect from Anubisath Defenders and Anubisath Sentinel's
is no longer amplified by +damage gear.
Certain monsters have had their hitpoints reduced.
- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Spawn of Fankriss will now enrage if not dealt with in a timely
- Blackwing Lair
Nefarian's reset should now consistently be 15 minutes regardless of
what phase your raid may have wiped out on.
- Dire Maul
Tendris Warpwood will now call upon any protectors still alive to
aid him.
Magister Kalendris has been moved in to the middle of the hall.
Guard Slip'kik's patrol path has been altered.
- Blackrock Spire
Some monsters were removed to reduce the time it takes to run the
Mother's Milk off Mother Smolderweb will now only affect players.
Spire Spiderlings now have fewer hitpoints.
- Blackrock Depths
Lord Roccor is no longer a rare spawn. His patrol path was altered
Pick lock and Seaforium now work on the Shadowforge Gates Mechanism.
The difficulty of the Lord Incendius and Ambassador Flamelash
encounters has been increased.
- Stratholme
Some of the undead that invade the Scarlet Bastion after Balnazzar's
death have been removed to make exiting faster.
- Zul'Farrak
The summoned zombies will now attack any player in the instance
after their grave has been disturbed.

User Interface
- The Reputation UI has gotten a significant overhaul:
You can now click on a faction in the reputation pane to get
additional details/options.
You can display one of your reputations on your main display where
your experience bar currently displays. If you are not level 60 it
displays two thin bars - experience and reputation.
You can mark any of your factions as "Inactive". These factions will
be moved to the bottom of your reputation pane in a callout that is
closed by default.
- Your experience bar will no longer display when you are level 60. The
primary benefit of this relates to the improvements to the Reputation
- Shift-R will now reply to the last person that you sent a tell to
rather than the last person who sent a tell to you.
- Purchasing Bank Slots now has a confirmation dialogue to prevent
accidental purchase.
- All Set bonuses for a set now display even if you do not have all the
required items for that set. The set bonuses that you do not have yet
display in gray and also show in parenthesis the number of pieces of
the set required for that bonus.
- You can now mouseover items in your mailbox and get item mouseover
information without opening the mail.
- The raid option to "Show Castable Buffs" should now work correctly.
- If a /who search brings up few enough names that those names are
displayed to the chat interface, those names will be right clickable
for invite/whisper purposes.

World Environment
- New flight paths have been added between:
Ironforge and Light's Hope Chapel
Stonetalon Peak and Astranaar
Talendris Point and Everlook
Theramore and Talendris Point
Sepulcher and Tarren Mill
- The Ice Totem effects from Wildpaw Shamans will no longer stack.
- Stable master added to Grom'gol.



More good news:


Originally Posted by Ordinn
In January we outlined our plans for improving the performance and overall play experience in World of Warcraft. [http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/th...ral&t=6635412] We’re farther along with implementing some of the changes mentioned in that update, and we wanted to share the details with you.

We’ve spent the past few weeks obtaining new, top-of-the-line equipment and preparing it for deployment at a new World of Warcraft site. This new site, which we expect to go live by the beginning of April, will allow us to open new realms to accommodate our growing player base. In addition, we will be able to transfer existing realms to this new hardware to alleviate pressure on our current systems.

To make sure the launch of the new site goes well, we plan on testing the new hardware, along with the 1.10 content patch, on the public test realms. This testing phase is scheduled to go live next week. In addition to monitoring the impact of the new game content, we will be able to observe the performance of the new hardware under conditions that closely resemble a live environment.

To make things interesting, we will be holding three skill-based contests during this test. Players with active accounts in Europe, Korea, and North America will be able to participate in these contests, and each winner will receive a spot in the beta test for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. We’ll be announcing the contest details on the official World of Warcraft community Web sites in each region soon, so be sure to check back from time to time in the days ahead.
I'm surprised that UD Strat is going to be 5-man only in the new patch. While 5-man SS-Strat is cake, making UD Strat 5-man only is going to make it a lot harder. You're going to have to have a group of good players because there's a couple pulls in UD Strat that can easily wipe a 5-man group if not done right.


Going to be hard on the people that just got to 60 with their first character, otherwise I love the changes. I can't say how much I hate doing strath/scholo raids.


Wow. If those really are the 1.10 patch notes I'll be a happy camper.

Added flight paths and final destination selections make things so much easier.

Seems like hunters are getting a slight nerf.

5 man Scholo and Strat? That'll be interesting. It's not that it's particularly hard, but you have to know what pulls to do....not sure if this'll be a good thing. 10 man BRS should be fine though.

Better start farming Lord Incendius some more if they're gonna buff him up...


ToyMachine228 said:
I'm surprised that UD Strat is going to be 5-man only in the new patch. While 5-man SS-Strat is cake, making UD Strat 5-man only is going to make it a lot harder. You're going to have to have a group of good players because there's a couple pulls in UD Strat that can easily wipe a 5-man group if not done right.

In shouldn't really surprise you, all the quests in Strat are 5-man - a clear indication of the party size it was intended for.

My first runs ever in Strat were 5-man runs on the living and UD side to get the Argent Crusader for my mage. As long as you have smart people along who don't get in a rush the only difficult part is the Baron IMO.
I still dont see why they cant fukin fix warlocks losing a summon that requires a SHARD every time I wanna hop a bat. Blizzard give me some Warlock Rope or something to tie my fucking pet to the bat for gods sake.


they can't "fix" it because it's been that way since the class was put in during alpha, unfortunately. I'm hoping the expansion changes the game enough for them to give warlocks a better pet system similar to hunters (i.e. whistling the pet back if it despawns, but having to revive, or in the lock's case, resummon, when it's dead).

I lose my pet a lot when I'm mounted, even before I got my dreadsteed.


PvP & Battlegrounds
- Alterac Valley
Flavor items from player loot in Alterac Valley will now stack and
can be sold for a small value. These are items like Documents from
Boomstick Imports, Worn Running Shoes, etc.
Global reputation gains have been removed from several quests.
Frostwolf and Stormpike faction will now be gained by killing
players of the opposite faction. Reputation will no longer be split
up among the entire raid group.
- The reputation gain in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin has been
significantly increased.

They completely screwed up AV, thankfully i am almost exalted.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but wait for the test realms before you complain about the patch! Who knows, maybe Blizz will actually do something better with regards to rep than they have before.

... ok, so I don't believe it, either. I'm mildly excited about the changes to AB/WSG though. makes it that much easier to get friendly with WSG (yeah, I still don't have it - too much damn raiding going on on my server to have the time for a pvp group beyond the occasional pug), and some of the AB purchases are nice.
Teknopathetic said:
Well, I can kiss my Lobotomizer good bye until well after I'm 60. Dagger Rogues get shafted :(.

I've been saying this for a while, but it's way too easy for players to get good weapons like The Unstoppable Force and The Lobotomizer through AV.


ToyMachine228 said:
I've been saying this for a while, but it's way too easy for players to get good weapons like The Unstoppable Force and The Lobotomizer through AV.
I disagree. Zin'rokh from ZG, and several other rather easy to get purples (easy as in a 20 man raid group, or even a 40 man guild alliance raid group can get them) are way better than the pvp purples like TUF and Lobo. And they may as well be easy to get, cause it's so easy with enough gear to destroy a lot of raid content that it makes the raid geared people dominate pvp over anyone who's a fresh 60 and still has all blues and greens.

btw, rumors I've heard on my server (Kilrogg) about patch 1.11:

Naxxramas (the raid in Stratholme) will go live
Rogues, Shaman and Mages will get their full talent review (yes, all 3 in this patch - so I'd expect it to be out sometime in 2008)

Personally I'm looking forward to it - I wanna kill Kel'Thuzad (boss of Naxxramas) since I believe he'll drop the spellbook that warlocks will need to open the dark portal. And in my experience with raid content, the harder the better, and from BWL onward Blizzard's made it a lot more interesting, utilizing more of each class's uniqueness than in MC and ZG.
test relms up so far as for hunters

BS set bonuses nerfed
SM breaks as soon as you hit aimed shot
tier .5 cost 40 gold a peice and is nothing more then grinding mostly in sitilus with the other 1001 people going for thier tier .5 trying to kill the same exact mobs you are..FUN FUN!

Arcane shot and serpent sting are on the same timer.

but hey Druid bears dance?!

EDIT: the beastMASTER bindings are 20G and 20 blood samples form winterspring


Seems like non-raiders get hammered again with this patch. Getting epics from AV will probably be harder, and new size limits on Strat/Scholo/BRD will make collecting Tier 0 Blue items harder. Being able to get epics from questing was a cool idea, but it kinda sucks that you have to have the Tier 0 set just to get started on that. Not looking forward to farming Breastplate of Valor.....


In the grand scheme of things, if you could get the .5 tier armour without tier 0 why would you bother with tier 0 in the first place? This is a good compromise because both sets have value.

I don't "love" everything they've done here, but overall I think it's fairly well implimented. Big thing I'm wondering about it the re-tune of scholo, strath and BRS. Looking forward seeing how things have changed, and hopefully, improved.


ToyMachine228 said:
I've been saying this for a while, but it's way too easy for players to get good weapons like The Unstoppable Force and The Lobotomizer through AV.

No its not, AV playing is harder than getting into a raid group where an epic might drop. You earn your weapons in the BGs.
The hardest part of AV are the Ram Hides, cause the people on O dont fukin keep track of the ones they collect and wont give them up to be taken to the rear lines for fukin quest. So the quest is always half finished.

Fucking hate AV right now cause its a bunch of dumbasses ROAR! I LIKED IT AT FIRST BUT NOW I DONT!


I would have preferred a compromise that allows longtime Tier 0 owners to upgrade, and new players to do a very long quest chain for Tier .5 (if they don't have Tier 0). Part of being a non-raider is that you're not into grinding instances and praying for a lucky drop....which is essentially what this brings things back to. I do like that two of the Valor setpieces are going to be reset to Bind-On-Equip, at least. I'll think I'm gonna try and grab as much as I can of the non-BoE pieces before the new patch drops.....

If Scholo, Strat, and BRD are made to work well for 5-man groups, then they should be cool. I've had good 5-mans with them before, but if you end up in a bad group then it's an absolute nightmare. On the bright side, I'll probably be able to get a lot of my quests for those dungeons finished.....it used to be a hassle finding people willing to do it as a 5-man.


Ripclawe said:
No its not, AV playing is harder than getting into a raid group where an epic might drop. You earn your weapons in the BGs.
Yeah, I don't think AV needed any adjustment. Consider that many matches last for 3-4 hours and that you probably need to win at least 30-40 times to get to Exalted. If you spent that much time in a raid dungeon you'd probably walk away with much better gear. In AV you probably won't get more than 2 epics that are useful to your class.

The only reason you see so many people with AV epic items is because it's one of the only ways you can get epics on your own time, whenever you like, without joining a raiding guild.

AV was also a great place to grind reputation with the your side's major factions, but for some reason that's been totally nerfed as well. I guess it's back to turning in Runecloth for reputation-nuts.
Great Wasabi Man said:
test relms up so far as for hunters
SM breaks as soon as you hit aimed shot

Best thing I've heard ever. Now those no-talent NE hunters can actually gain some skill and learn how to play their fucking class like the rest of us hunters.


Damn I sit there forever trying to figure out what SM stood for :lol But yea that shit is broke as hell in BGs..."Oh look the mine is open,4 aimed shots and a charging NE warrior Inc." :p


Azwethinkweiz said:
Best thing I've heard ever. Now those no-talent NE hunters can actually gain some skill and learn how to play their fucking class like the rest of us hunters.

No doubt, playing from both Ally and Horde side but on my horde 40's-50's characters SM is insane. I remember towards the end of one game.. heading to stables.. I thought i had it when a SM hunter came out.. i hurt him and an SM Druid came out to heal. It's a very strong ability especially for hunters in PvP. Aimed Shot from stealth is not right.. if it were they would have left mage's with Invis and let them Pyro ppl from stealth
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