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World of Warcraft

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ToyMachine228 said:
I've been saying this for a while, but it's way too easy for players to get good weapons like The Unstoppable Force and The Lobotomizer through AV when the other side bends over and takes in the Hershey Highway.

Sorry, it's true. :)

Seriously, this will ream my Disc/holy priest; all I do is heal, announce stuff, and escape death. And isn't HEALING in a bg what people bitch about not getting? This will make it worse. I guess I'll just juke up the Mage's power and keep them alive and get rep from objectives instead...

The reputation gain in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin has been
significantly increased.

Well, it ain't all bad news.

- Inner Fire - Redesigned. Now increases armor by a significant amount
but has 20 charges. Each melee or ranged damage hit will remove a
charge. Lasts 10 minutes, mana cost increased.

Interesting. Still can't survive long enough to Smite a Perdition's Blade wielding Rogue to death by the time you're wiffled, though.

- Greater Heal - Cast time reduced to 3 seconds. Healing and Mana cost
reduced so that the healing per second is unchanged, but the healing
per mana is increased approximately 10%. Note that spells with less
than 3.5 second cast time will not receive the full bonus from plus
healing items.

So...no Priest spells get the full +healing? Oh well.

Execute - This ability will now work with Sweeping Strikes again. If
the second victim is below 20% health, they will be hit with the full
Execute amount. If the second victim is not below 20% health, they
will be hit with normal melee swing damage.
- Whirlwind - When this ability is used with Sweeping Strikes, it will
burn only one charge of Sweeping Strikes and will generate only one
additional attack

"Sweet, now to get great weapon..."

- Intimidating Shout - The cowering in fear effect will no longer be
applied when the target resists this shout. In addition, this shout
will now affect a maximum of 5 targets.

"...after 5 months of few kills in AV, and little actual use in battle other than nuke target."

- Many items in Blackrock Depths, Stratholme, Scholomance, and
Blackrock Spire have been re-evaluated and adjusted to make them more
appealing. In addition several new items have been added to all of
these instances.
- The following item sets have had their set bonuses adjusted: Valor,
Magister's, Lightforge, Shadowcraft, Dreadmist, Devout, Wildheart,
Beaststalker, and Elements.

But...but...2 Arcane damage per melee hit was awesome... :p

- Many Recipes now have different icons. Recipe icons should correspond
with the item color; a green-glowing scroll is a green recipe, and a
blue-glowing scroll is a blue recipe, for example. As a reminder,
white recipes can be purchased from a vendor somewhere in the world,
so players should not pay too much for them at the Auction House.

Some still will. Accurate scope recipe for 5g anyone? :D

New high level World Drop epic recipes have been added for
Hammersmiths, Swordsmiths and Armorsmiths.

Some that make Epics, even if the epics are ~ 52 or something, would rock.

Tendris Warpwood will now call upon any protectors still alive to
aid him.

Getcher belts now, Hunters! lol


Is there a way to restore all the chat defaults? For some reason everything got screwed up and I'm not tuning in to the proper channels when I enter/leave cities.


firex said:
Naxxramas (the raid in Stratholme) will go live.

Yes it will.

Of course I'll never see it and I doubt all but the most elite guilds will anytime soon. Naxx will probably require guilds that have AQ40 on farm status or something and considering that most end game raiding guilds are still stuck in the MC/BWL mindset I can only see Naxx being truly accessible for but a tiny minority of players for a long time to come. With that being said Naxx is allegedly going to have a multi-winged design like scarlet monastery; so certain areas maybe be doable by weaker guilds but I’m sure Kel'Thuzad will be off limits for all but the elite of the elite for a good while.

Perhaps this is a good thing; but I certainly hope they take a step back from all this raid content after Naxx and implement some casual oriented end-game 5 man content which the game is in need of.


I like WoW....but they put all the grinding at the end, as opposed to dispersing it between 1 and the highest level and then giving you sexual quests at the end/rewards. I wish they put in better end game content.

Hopefully BC livens some things up for me in the WoW universe, at least a little



Is this old news?
xabre said:
Of course I'll never see it and I doubt all but the most elite guilds will anytime soon. Naxx will probably require guilds that have AQ40 on farm status or something and considering that most end game raiding guilds are still stuck in the MC/BWL mindset I can only see Naxx being truly accessible for but a tiny minority of players for a long time to come. With that being said Naxx is allegedly going to have a multi-winged design like scarlet monastery; so certain areas maybe be doable by weaker guilds but I’m sure Kel'Thuzad will be off limits for all but the elite of the elite for a good while.

That does suck, however when The Burning Crusade comes out, and we're all above Level 60 we should be able to go back in and smoke through Naxx.


border said:
Is there a way to restore all the chat defaults? For some reason everything got screwed up and I'm not tuning in to the proper channels when I enter/leave cities.
usually going to "Simple chat" in the interface options will set everything back to default, aside from chat colors.


and so you guys know what the hell I mean about Naxxramas:


again, I'm only speculating, but of all the "server first" things I'd actually want to do, getting the Book of Medivh and opening the Dark Portal is the only one that really interests me. of course, I haven't even set foot in AQ40... but my guild's been doing BWL for the last month and we're going to kill Chromaggus tonight.

and honestly? A lot of the drops in AQ40, from what I've seen, aren't so great (then again, there aren't that many drops listed on sites so far, or shown by any of the other guilds on my server that have taken down the earlier bosses in AQ40 - but most Kilrogg horde guilds that say they are "elite" and "uber" actually suck ass). However, I'd imagine that if anyone kills C'thun, he probably drops some disgustingly powerful weapons, or items that start quests for legendaries. he is an "Old God" after all, so I'd imagine the gear he drops vs. everyone else in the game would be like how Rags drops gear so much better than Ony/anything else in MC.


ToyMachine228 said:
You dont think a group of Level 70 players will have ease going back to Level 60 dungeons?

They might cap the dungeon to actually preserve the dungeon itself. Otherwise Molten Core would be a super-quick farm.


ErasureAcer said:
That AQ40 staffs with +10 resistances to all and other mad stats owns. Don't say there's no good drops in AQ40.
I didn't say there's no good drops, just that most of the ones I've seen so far (and not the stuff that takes elementium, like all the "qiraji" weapons do) aren't that impressive.
Tamanon said:
They might cap the dungeon to actually preserve the dungeon itself. Otherwise Molten Core would be a super-quick farm.

Now that you say something Blizzard really is going to have to do something about Molten Core, BWL, AQ, and Naxxramas when the expansion comes out. Players who reach Level 60 to run these instances aren't going to be able to find 40-man groups to run them through them. Most guilds will be focused on content above Level 60, and in the expansion and you sure as hell won't see 40-man pug's. It is possible to put a pug together for ZG, but MC, and above...No way. So it will be interesting to see how Blizzard handles the situation.
hey Ferrio did you fuck up icq or something? haven't seen you for weeks and I don't have your email address

I'd PM you but your box is full.
ToyMachine228 said:
You dont think a group of Level 70 players will have ease going back to Level 60 dungeons?
The items in these 40-man raids are like level 70 to 85 in quality. Once the patch comes out, I'm guessing these places will have a level 70 requirement instead of 60. The items will still be valuable in that they're better than level 70 blues, but they won't be so hugely valuable like they are now since we're capped at 60.

Also, since the items are not so valuable, it won't be a big deal to farm MC to get the items... it would just be like running a 10-man instance today. It'll just be casual playtime.
I think Blizz will leave the high-end stuff like it is. It's not like everyone will be lvl 70 in a couple of weeks and ready to go take down epic dropping bosses. I think a raid full of epic equipped and experienced players at lvl 60 will do better than a random raid of lvl 70 with shitty gear and no experience.

BTW did anyone ever figure out how much experience you need for lvl 70?


what sucks the most is that if a 3rd person wants to play the game they have to buy a new copy! :lol I dont get why cant someone just buy another key for the game? Instead of rebuying the whole game. Its stupid.
Deg said:
what sucks the most is that if a 3rd person wants to play the game they have to buy a new copy! :lol I dont get why cant someone just buy another key for the game? Instead of rebuying the whole game. Its stupid.
What's the difference between being charged for having a physical product and a key or being charged the same to just get the CD key without the install discs?

Blizzard isn't the one that's stupid.


I'm 31/20/0 Mortal Strike now and I'm looking to move some points from Fury over to Protection. What's the best way to go?

I found this in some tanking guide -- is it solid analysis or bunk?

- Shield Block. Every time this is up, you should use it. Blocked attacks may only absorb 120 or so damage, but they will also PREVENT YOU FROM BEING CRIT OR CRUSHED. This is what makes shield spec/imp shield block superior to anticipation in the 31/3-5/15-17 MS/Prot build.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
What's the difference between being charged for having a physical product and a key or being charged the same to just get the CD key without the install discs?

Blizzard isn't the one that's stupid.

They arent? :lol Its greedy that another copy has to be brought for another two sets of keys. Buying the actual game gets you a month free but i assumed they would have the option to let you buy another key if needed, Steam style.


Check this out, pretty much one of the top WoW guilds >overall< (loads of worldwide server firsts, meaning they made the strats a lot of guilds probably use now a days -- we won't count AQ since some servers opened sooner than others, but still incredible!)


They took down one of the optional bosses in AQ40 (think hexxar or bloodlord from ZG, but likely 100x harder :p).
dave is ok said:
Shattered Hand rules.
Confirmed. We already opened Naxxramas. LOL @ THE REST OF YOU.
border said:
- Shield Block. Every time this is up, you should use it. Blocked attacks may only absorb 120 or so damage, but they will also PREVENT YOU FROM BEING CRIT OR CRUSHED. This is what makes shield spec/imp shield block superior to anticipation in the 31/3-5/15-17 MS/Prot build.
Everyone thought I was trolling when I said the +10 defense talent is a shitty bandaid way earlier in this thread. :(
deg said:
They arent? Its greedy that another copy has to be brought for another two sets of keys. Buying the actual game gets you a month free but i assumed they would have the option to let you buy another key if needed, Steam style.
Once again, how is buying just a CD-key online any less greedy than buying another physical copy? And how are you calling them greedy when they give you a month free and a separate trial account key in every box? Who else does that?


trilobyte said:
1.10 testers saying bliz nerfed preist spells pretty good. mind flay now has a 1.5 cooldown after the spell completes :-/

Apparently its on all channelled spells for all classes


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Confirmed. We already opened Naxxramas. LOL @ THE REST OF YOU.Everyone thought I was trolling when I said the +10 defense talent is a shitty bandaid way earlier in this thread. :(Once again, how is buying just a CD-key online any less greedy than buying another physical copy? And how are you calling them greedy when they give you a month free and a separate trial account key in every box? Who else does that?
Work it out. It costs more for buying the game again. Valve have a better system for getting the game.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Any ideas on who the new race for the Alliance is going to be?

It was said to originally have been the Pandaren, but Blizzard scrapped the idea due to complications with the Endangered Species list, and the Chinese userbase of WoW. Right now most people have their money on the Dranei, but I have heard just about everything from the Naga, to the Wildhammer Dwarves :lol There is a chance we may find out at E3, but right now I don't think anyone really knows.


whoever it is, if Blizzard's going to try and balance the race/class combos across faction, they'll have to be:
Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Mage, Warlock
ToyMachine228 said:
It was said to originally have been the Pandaren, but Blizzard scrapped the idea due to complications with the Endangered Species list, and the Chinese userbase of WoW. Right now most people have their money on the Dranei, but I have heard just about everything from the Naga, to the Wildhammer Dwarves :lol There is a chance we may find out at E3, but right now I don't think anyone really knows.

My latest feeling is Worgen.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Everyone thought I was trolling when I said the +10 defense talent is a shitty bandaid way earlier in this thread. :(
I remember you complaining about the Protection tree...is there anything there that you'd recommend if I have 15-20 points to spend? The one FAQ seems to be big on imp shield block, but what's the point? It doesn't seem like I have much trouble getting in a block before the effect wears off. 90% of the time I'm being constrained by the cooldown on Revenge, not the duration of Shield Block...they ought to have a talent that lowers the time on that (Revenge cooldown).
Deg said:
Work it out. It costs more for buying the game again. Valve have a better system for getting the game.
I can't believe you're complaining about $20-$40 dollars at retail.

And I can't believe you're complaining about Blizzard not issuing the same service as Valve's one-of-a-kind Steam service. Is every single PC company other than Valve greedy?
border said:
I remember you complaining about the Protection tree...is there anything there that you'd recommend if I have 15-20 points to spend? The one FAQ seems to be big on imp shield block, but what's the point? It doesn't seem like I have much trouble getting in a block before the effect wears off. 90% of the time I'm being constrained by the cooldown on Revenge, not the duration of Shield Block...they ought to have a talent that lowers the time on that.
I'd go with http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info...134201050010500000000000000053200130000000000 give or take a few points depending on your playstyle.

If you're Horde, I'd recommend the +threat talent, and if you really want Iron Will instead of Anticipation, that's a good talent as well. With the talent to make Shield Block block twice, and the +5% to block, you'll be a blocking machine (with the +10% block from both the talents and Might set on top of shield block values, you're looking at 15% block, not counting your other numbers that add to it and your dodge/parry %).

My whole problem with the Protection tree is that everything below that top 15 points is totally worthless, and Protection doesn't actually offer the stamina/tanking ability you'd expect from it. Instead it's just random stuns, silences and Rage reducers, all of which are totally worthless in raid content.


MAde some serious sales in the auction house :D 40 gold at lvl 27 now. Rising faster.

fallout said:
Wow ... after HL2, I never thought I'd hear someone say that.

Well i was late with HL2. But its unfair as its a one off fee. WOW is abit expensive considering its just for one person!


Deg said:
Well i was late with HL2. But its unfair as its a one off fee. WOW is abit expensive considering its just for one person!
So is HL2. I doubt Valve is going to allow simultaneous logins of the same CD-Key.


Question for all you WoW experts:

Should my paladin be using a sword and shield or a two-handed sword/mace? Or should I use both? The latter for soloing and the former for groups/tanking.
SD-Ness said:
should I use both? The latter for soloing and the former for groups/tanking.
You got it.

Even if you're not tanking and you're the healer, you should be wearing the shield to protect yourself, unless you find yourself a really good two-hand healing mace or a nice off-hand healing book.


Guild downed Firemaw monday night. Of course the goblin packs after him didn't drop a single elementium. God dammit.
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