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World of Warcraft

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My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Not a big fan of the black book. The only two pets that it is useful for is the imp and succubus. And in group pvp the succubus is going to be busy with crowd control. I never use the imp at all in pvp, unless I ran out of shards and BG queues are to quick for me to have time to farm them. I prefer just to keep the ToEP and Hero's Charm equipped. While they can't be stacked anymore, they are both still useful. With how the timers are spaced you can almost always have one them popped when you are in battle.
cubicle47b said:
The trinket sucks. It's a free summon of the pet I use the least every half hour. Maybe it wasn't too bad before shard bags if you helped lower level people out in instances a lot but now it's just awful. The staff is one of the few items in the game that's a distinctive lock item. I'd take it even if I was going to replace it quickly with something like a rod of the ogre magi.

Speaking of lock trinkets, the black book dropped for the first time last night. None of the other locks wanted it so I picked it up to see if my felhunter could solo mages with the 5/8 felheart and unspoken names bonuses (haven't tried this out yet). It was pretty amusing to see my imp crit a fireball for close to 400, though.

Everyone, regardless of class, should take the trinket for their respective quest. The armor and weapons are all easily replaceable but the trinkets generally add unique affects unavailable anywhere else. It's useful as hell in PvP, especially AV and WSG, as it provides a shield for 0 mana.

And Black Book is good for armor boost on the bubble dude too. Great for pulling/distracting huge clumps of mobs like the npcs in towers in AV or soloing the prophet in silithis.


cubicle47b said:
The trinket sucks. It's a free summon of the pet I use the least every half hour. Maybe it wasn't too bad before shard bags if you helped lower level people out in instances a lot but now it's just awful. The staff is one of the few items in the game that's a distinctive lock item. I'd take it even if I was going to replace it quickly with something like a rod of the ogre magi.

Speaking of lock trinkets, the black book dropped for the first time last night. None of the other locks wanted it so I picked it up to see if my felhunter could solo mages with the 5/8 felheart and unspoken names bonuses (haven't tried this out yet). It was pretty amusing to see my imp crit a fireball for close to 400, though.
The voidwalker trinket sucks if you don't have demonic sacrifice, I guess, but it's otherwise awesome. It stacks perfectly with DS so you can just use the trinket, DS the vw, and use it again when the buff fades. The black book isn't great but it's mildly useful, moreso if they'd lower the cooldown on it. But the abyss shard >>>>>>> the staff or the robe by far.


I really can't see how *anyone* can find the abyss shard awesome. It either takes up a trinket slot full time (god I hope not) or you have to equip the trinket 30 seconds before you want to use it. It still takes a full 10 seconds to summon without talents. The only thing it saves you is a shard every half hour and the mana cost (which if you really need a VW quick you're going to fel dom and the mana cost there is what, 200 mana?).

If Blizzard reduced the cooldown to 10 or 15 minutes and allowed the shard to work with other pets I'd have gone for it. It would be a nice little convenience. As is, it's a waste of bag space to me.


if you're demonology like me, you can use the abyss shard for solo farming with DS and not have to spend a shard at all. And it's a good trick in pvp too if you're SL - summon a regular VW, sac it for the shield, then pop the abyss shard for it.

the main thing is, it's a unique item and actually has some use - the staff and the robe easily get replaced.

oh, and MAF, get over the purple envy please. he doesn't even have half of a set on in that picture.
10 people from my guild have been throwing a PvP group together the last couple nights, a nd we've been dominating both AB and WSG. Although the Horde tends to own PvP on my server, we've just been kicking all sorts of ass. We didn't lose a single game from 8pm-1am last night. We even had the most reknown Horde PvP group with High Warlords in it, afk out against us when they saw who they were up against. It feels so good to be on the other end for once.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah we did something similar with Alliance for a week. Went to all lvl 19 as whatever we wanted, then re-rolled all as Druids. Fun times had by all.
Horde as a rule dominates either WSG or AB or even both. AV however, due to the huge server population issues and the Alliance's tendancy to RAID instead of PVP, is usually won by the Alliance.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Re: Abyss Shard

I like it, I keep it in my bag. It's great for BG, when you get a free pet every time based on the last pet you summoned. You have plenty of time to equip the trinket and summon a VW before the match starts, then you're all set for the match. This is for people who like to PvP with the VW, personally I do.


i'm rank 12 and i raid, so pvp + pve = ftw

and as for MAF, he's just pissed because i would roll his warlock and laugh while spamming emotes
I switched back to demonology from affliction a few weeks ago for the threat reduction in BWL. I find a sac'd voidwalker to be a poor substitute, at least on level 60 mobs (twilight cultists in silithus). You lose the 10% shadow damage buff from shadow mastery and fel concentration which is your killing speed and survivability. You lose blood pact because you don't have the imp out. And it's really nice to have a second mana pool that isn't your health pool if you get in trouble. Maybe it would grow on me if I used it more, I don't know.

For now I grind with the succubus for the 13% bonus to all damage. Send her in, and let her get off that first hit + lash of pain and the mob won't turn on you until you've cast CoA, corruption, and immolate. Then it has to cover the 30 yards to you while it's taking 5 sources of damage (I wand). I usually take 4-5 hits at 30% absorption and then it's dead which is good because the melee cultists enrage.

In PVP I use my felhunter or succubus. When I was affliction I used my imp. Big blue gets pulled out for Garr and for the first pull of DM West if I feel like solo farming for a libram of focus, that's it.

Since we're posting pictures:



well, I haven't had to solo farm for awhile, but my spec doesn't have fel concentration either, so if I use the succubus it's because I have someone else to tag along (which obviously isn't solo farming). I'm SL/shadowburn/imp. lifetap. so a DSed voidwalker is basically infinite mana while soloing, where SL really isn't worth using for me. in pvp I use the felhunter most of the time, but if a match is heavy on melee I use the vw (succubus is too easily trinketed out of, and I have enough +damage gear to take down any class but warriors while tanking them, especially with SL). and when I solo, it's basically curse of elements, immolate, and then searing pain until it's dead - with all the damage gear I have, I get basically 2x the damage on searing pain, and it's not going to get interrupted as much. so the abyss shard would fit my playstyle a lot. it would also work well if I was MD/Ruin.

and on a side note, MAF, if you think raiding is lame, just wait until you try to pass rank 8 or 9 in pvp. at least with raiding you can clear something out in ~3-4 hours (which doesn't even have to be done all at once) and get drops that are just as good, if not better, than the pvp rewards. even if you like pvp (which I do), pveing is way better for gearing up for pvp if you're basically any class but a druid/priest. Let's say you clear MC 5 times and you get an upgrade in a different slot each time (a fair assumption if you're still in blues/greens). That's about 15-20 hours of work over 5 weeks, and gives you a big advantage over someone who pvps the same amount over 5 weeks. pvp rewards just flat out don't scale well - it's all top-heavy, and getting to the top requires so much constant playing and honor grinding that it will really burn you out.

I'm not saying "why pvp?" but rather "why pvp for the rewards?" Do it for fun instead, and don't focus on rank. I love to pvp, but I'm never going to focus on hitting HWL until they fix the broken honor farming system. also, the warlord's sets suck for the caster classes - you'll get way better pvp effectiveness by getting full felheart, and I'm not joking. I can only think of maybe 2 classes where their warlord's/marshal's sets are better than raided gear for dps - warriors and rogues - and I'm not even so sure about the rogue set (just that their set bonuses seem more useful than nightslayer at least, and I'd rather compare them to tier 1 because tier 2 raid sets are in another class by themselves). but, at least you can get a really cheap, cool epic mount by hitting rank 11. I know if I grinded enough to hit that on my warlock, I'd buy the black war wolf right away.


I just rolled a Warlock alt and am looking for any tips to help level as fast as possible. I have basically no familiarity with the class or its talents. If there's any requisite class quests along the way (that don't start from trainers) I'd also like to know, since I'm not planning on doing a lot of quests or talking to random NPCs.

Any screenshots that might suggest the most preferable UI setup would be nice as well. I've played a druid to lvl 40, but beyond that I'm not really sure how to set up a UI for caster classes.
Yeah, if you want the easiest way to getting a leg-up in PvP, look to raiding guilds. If you don't suck, you'll find that many of them do MC in their sleep in a few hours and no one except the new people need 90% of the loot. Which means that you get the items pretty much defaulted to you at minimal, if any, point expense. That means pretty much free purples.

AQ20 and ZG have some nice items too that again, are orders of magnitude easier to get and the encounters are really fun (Jindo, Hakkar) when they aren't bugged out (Rajaxx).


border said:
I just rolled a Warlock alt and am looking for any tips to help level as fast as possible. I have basically no familiarity with the class or its talents. If there's any requisite class quests along the way (that don't start from trainers) I'd also like to know, since I'm not planning on doing a lot of quests or talking to random NPCs.

Any screenshots that might suggest the most preferable UI setup would be nice as well. I've played a druid to lvl 40, but beyond that I'm not really sure how to set up a UI for caster classes.
You HAVE to quest for each of your pets, so get ready with that.

As far as a good leveling build... I highly recommend heavy affliction. At the very least, go up to siphon life, making sure you get improved lifetap, fel concentration and nightfall. From then on you can either go destruction (making it so you basically have your imp out for extra HP and DPS) or demonology (depending how deep you go, you may want to use demonic sacrifice on a pet even if you have improved pets, just because those buffs can really help with grinding/downtime).

IMO fel concentration + nightfall is the premier grinding talent combo, as you can "drain tank" mobs with drain life and lose little of your HP, and most likely proc nightfall for an instant shadowbolt to blast them. It doesn't hurt going dark pact - I did that, though it was over a year ago so they've changed the talent trees a bit. Dark pact isn't great, but it's basically free mana if you solo with the imp/succubus (turn off her autocasts aside from invis, and just leave the imp on passive) and that lets you grind a lot, cause you'll always be able to fill up and drain tank the next mob. I think the newer grinding combo is something like siphon life/demonic sacrifice so you can DS the vw (he stops being an effective tank at around level 35 anyway) and use siphon and drain life to keep your hp up, along with corruption and nightfall shadowbolts to destroy mobs. It's a good balance between sustained and burst, plus the voidwalker's demonic sacrifice is another way to keep your hp up.

Gear-wise, in case you aren't sure, get stamina as first priority, then spell damage as second. The only exception is if you can get blues with spell damage and some stats - just don't toss out a stamina green for a shadow damage green. And when it comes to the UI, just make sure your primary dots and shadowbolt are in easy places for you to access them. Typically as a warlock you pull a mob with a curse or a shadowbolt (if it's particularly strong and your dots + drain life won't take it down to fleeing %), then you tack on instant dots while it's running to you, and then you either wand, drain tank, or searing pain depending upon your spec.
Our guild downed Rag. No Ony buff, but more pots, flasks and Blasted Lands buffs then you could shake a stick at. Got him to 30% before the sons, and coasted from there.

After what seemed like an eternity of bad rogue drops, I wound up with Perd's and Band of Accuria. A very happy rogue am I. I sat around South Shore shooting bears, gouging them and backstabbing for 15 minutes before work this morning.

Fun stuff.
speshylives said:
Our guild downed Rag. No Ony buff, but more pots, flasks and Blasted Lands buffs then you could shake a stick at. Got him to 30% before the sons, and coasted from there.

Grats on downing Rag and the new loot. Really once you down Rag once, it becomes pretty easy. Since downing Rag for the first time my guild has done Rag first try ever since. We're actually doing Domo and Rag in MC tonight, and then having a Round 2 against Razorgore. It'll be our second time in BWL and hopefully we'll bring Razorgore down. Last time we tried we only had 33 people and we got down to 6 eggs remaining. So I'm pretty hopeful for tonight.
Yeah I don't think my guild has wiped on Rag since the first time we killed him. All we do now is see how low we can get him before sons pop. Our record is 12%. Someday, someday we'll down Rag pre-sons.
I was kinda shocked how easy our Rag kill went on our 3rd night of attempts. While we killed Ony on our 1st night of tries (2nd pull), I think she's tougher due to unpredicatability. People always find a way to bunch up and cause a deep breath, get feared or knocked in to whelps, pull aggro off the MT, etc.


man... I totally missed the learning stages of MC with most of my guild. But it's funny cause once you've got Rags on farm status, it feels easier than doing a 5 man baron run, almost.
Getting in on the ground floor was awesome... except for when nobody understood the art of decursing/cleansing on Lucifron. That sucked.


Over and over and over it sucked. :lol

Garr was a pain in the ass at too, everything else after Garr wound up smooth sailing.
Yeah, that's what got me about this place, the mystique just ain't there once you start dropping big red nasties in there.

Luci: 2 to down.

Mag: 2 to down.

Gehennas: 1st try.

Garr took a little longer till we figured out the trick to the pull, around

Baron: 1st try.

Shazz was another minor setback; kept having ones where a resisted taunt or crit heal would cause him to sit and mulch a group with that aoe; 5th try.

Sulfuron: 1st try.

Golemagg: 1st try.

The lava packs give us more trouble now; and the lava packs are more of an "OH SHIT! FADE FADE FADE FUCK!!!" right off the bat if a fire guy gets loose rather than an actual wipe.


border said:
I just rolled a Warlock alt and am looking for any tips to help level as fast as possible. I have basically no familiarity with the class or its talents. If there's any requisite class quests along the way (that don't start from trainers) I'd also like to know, since I'm not planning on doing a lot of quests or talking to random NPCs.

Any screenshots that might suggest the most preferable UI setup would be nice as well. I've played a druid to lvl 40, but beyond that I'm not really sure how to set up a UI for caster classes.

Here you go.

Well MC used to be a lot harder. The whole instance was nerfed a few times to make it more accessible to more people. I believe that all the mobs in the instance have about 30% less health than they did originally.
Yeah the only thing that hasn't been nerfed in MC is the number of trash mobs, which is the only thing that keeps it from being a total blitz through. Even on farm status there's just tons and tons of trash.

It's still a fantastic and necessary place though-the loot is good if you're coming from Dire Maul/ZG/AQ20 blues and you do learn a good deal about how 40-mans work and how to listen and pay attention if you've never raided before. The latter is the most imporrant skill to learn, because BWL is all about testing raid coordination ( Chromaggus, Nefarion, Razorgore) and everyone knowning just WTF they need to do.

MC is also good for letting feral druids tank in a raid setting outside of Jindo the Haxx0r.
Had our Round 2 versus Razorgore in BWL last night, and he went down. It was complete chaos, and was beyond intense, but we pulled it off. Looking forward to going back :)


ToyMachine228 said:
Had our Round 2 versus Razorgore in BWL last night, and he went down. It was complete chaos, and was beyond intense, but we pulled it off. Looking forward to going back :)

Now on to vael.... I feel for you guys, really I do.
So our guild killed Fankriss for the first time today and decided to take a stab at Princess Huhuron. All I can say is....HOLY FUCKING NATURE RESIST. That bitch is just nasty <30%.

We're gonna stock up on NR gear this week and drop her next week though. I mean shit, we took her to 21% today with no NR gear at all.


Yeah, I hear that you could probably 20 man Huhuran, nature resist or no, if it wasn't for the enrage at 30%.

(We're not going to be in AQ for another few weeks. Sadface.)
I think we're starting AQ40 in the next week or so. We don't have the ony cloaks for Nef phase 2 and we'll have BWL (aside from that) down to 2 nights.

I duo'd the oracle for my stormrager today (I'm making a wand collection for BWL). I almost solo'd the courier but she breaks fear too often. Good times.
So I got my infernal last night....without a group.

Yeah so im stopped at level 58, stopping for certain at 59 till I get champion WANT ARMOR SO BAD.

Anyway I decide I need this cause lowbie big guild locks are running around dishing them out. They arent even that good a summon really but OMG IMPOSING.

So I gathered the first fel essence quite easily from aszhera or whatever. Used my demondar and hunted down the satyr. The second on in Felwood was harder cause I showed up RIGHT as a 60 dwarf in epics was...grinding them or something. I needed certain mobs o I had to race this whore to get the essence, and in the very end I did. I RULE!

I then went to the blasted lands to get the last essence. Saved by an ALLIANCE mage, I went home in shame with all 3 fel essences.

That's not he end of course, you have to fight the summon before you get it. So the guys like yeah youre gonna die, and I think maybe he's right but I figured id try it out anyway. I find his remains, but lo and behold a bunch of alliance are hanging around farming those entropic beasts. REAL close to where he is too. I sorta gestured to one of them at the remains but they ignored me.

Fuck it, rose the thing. Holy shit it was pissed, punched me into the air and into a tree, but then he saw all my alliance friends. That's when I got my PUG lol.

Long story short I have probably the most useless summon in the game but OMG LOOKS COOL!


Aight, I'm seriously drawing a blank here, what's the UI mod that tracks your highest spell hits and crits and alerts you when you hit a new "Record"? I like bright things dangit!


Has problems recognising girls
MrAngryFace said:
Fuck it, rose the thing. Holy shit it was pissed, punched me into the air and into a tree, but then he saw all my alliance friends. That's when I got my PUG lol.
I would've loved to have seen that. In Stormwind once a Gnome Warlock had his Infernal out showing all these low level fella's going whoa awesome wow I want one etc etc. It was quite fun when he "accidently" let it go and the Infernal ripped apart all these poor bastards before they knew what happened.
For some reason very few Warlocks in PVP on Horde side on Gilneas either have Infernal or USE infernal, but I usually whip it out during the most critical moment of WSG, the move for the last cap. Its such a surprise to Alliance when they're making a move to stop us than a giant meteor crashing on them and one big ass infernal popping up.

Just set him on Aggro and keep your distance so they cant axe you. Other locks can banish it ok, which is why i tell my group to kill warlocks asap once it rises. cause it WILL mess up melee.

I remember once alliance was coming down our tunnel with our flag, right as they exited I nailed em with the meteor, they see the thing rise and run BACK up the tunnel haha. So I charge in with the infernal and he starts beating em down and they''re just freaking out so I cast hellfire on top of it haha. Took out 3 or 4 of them at once.

Tho the cooldown is an hour and I get 5 minutes before I have to enslave it which takes its speed n such down 30% but I rarely need him for 5 whole minutes anyway.

Im gonna post this too, made it on the WoW Warlock forums and got some nods. Might help anyone willing to make a warlock as an alt:

Ok, well im a pure on AfflictLock, been so forver, been tweaking here and there. I exclusively PVP in the 50-59 PVP tier until I get all my armor. So for this specific situation I can vouch for it being great. Its also a great build for PVE, but in groups youll probably pull aggro unless you just hang back on purpose which is boring.

So I just didnt group. I also am wearing like 1 blue right now haha. All greens, all high level Of the Eagle equipment which is honestly more than enough for the 50-59 tier.

As follows:

Affliction Tree:

5 - Supression
5 - Improve Corruption
2 - Improved Lifetap
5 - Improved Lifedrain
3 - Curse of Agony
5 - Fel Concentration (essential)
1 - Amp Curse (makes curse of agony so agonylicious)
2 - Grim Reach
2 - Nightfall
1 - Siphon Life (obviously)
1 - Curse of Exhaustion
1 - Improved Curse of Exhaustion
5 - Shadow Mastery
1 - Dark Pact

Demonology Tree

2 - Improved HealthStone
3 - Demonic Embrace (just need to get to 5)
5 - Fel Intellect (To help Dark Pact Along)
1 - Fel Domination (comes in handy)

Now if I was not a WSG !@!#& I would totally put the curse of exhaustion points into something else entirely.

Fel concetration is essential for an afflict lock because your life drain is a VERY deadly weapon since it tracks like mad and combined with your instacast dots you dont even really NEED immolate unless its a rough spot.

Fel Intellect supports your use of Dark Pact.

Im still not convinced I could play a Destruct lock well, ive yet to see the potential behind it in my opposition but I was recently shown a video which did make me cry a little. Looks like some insane burst damage.

Afflict locks should in my opinion NEVER stop moving. You aren't a nuke launcher, youre a roaving batch of sick that should affect as many of your opponents as possible and zero in when the time is right.

Enough corruption and you'll be hitting nightfall in no time and youre launching full blown bolts while in full sprint weaving in and out of the mob.

Group play in PVP depends on you dotting more than just one person so there's a fantastic level of priority involved.

Also people mock the IMP as a PVP standard but honestly, I hate farming shards, and he has plenty of mana for me to leech and thats really the only reason I have him around anyway.

There's no fool proof build but ive found this particular build for afflict requires very little changing in PVP.


SaitoH said:
Thinking of respeccing my 31/5/15 warrior to Fury. Any build recommendations?
Before you respec I'd start farming for +Hit gear, as others have suggested. Many pages back Liu Kang listed all his +Hit stuff, you might wanna have a look at that. Between Titanic Leggings, Lionheart Helm, and Darksoul chest, you can immediately get +5% Hit if you're willing to throw down the gold on the crafted items. Enchant all 3 with +100 HP if you need lastability in instances. Darksoul Leggings give 2% to hit and they're probably cheaper than Titanic legs.

Supposedly you need about 12-14% +Hit to get a really good return, and don't be afraid to downgrade to Mail/Leather on a few slots if it's got the bonus. Pyroguard Emberseer in UBRS drops some decent leather +Hit Shoulders -- Truestrike Shoulders. Thottbot says that they're like 10% chance to drop, but I've been through long phases where he would drop nothing but the shoulders.


Oh yeah, so far I'm pretty pleased with how my warlock is going. If you play it right, there's basically no downtime for mana/life regaining....aside from a bandage or potion here and there. All the drinking was what turned me off casters (I played an Alliance Druid to 40 as my first character). I did Herbalism/Alchemy, and a lot of the potion buffs/heals seem to help. With the Demon Skin buff and Defense potions, you can take some pretty hard hits.

I'm having trouble getting 1 level per hour, as the guide on the class forums says you should. I'm not sure if it's the places I'm going or the strategy I'm using. The WoW forums people claim you should be taking on 2 fully dotted mobs at a time, but that always seems to turn into a mess for me. Any suggestions as to where I should go as 18-25 Lock? I found some good spots full of casters in the early teens, but lately it's just been a bunch of werewolves near SFK -- maybe that's what is slowing me down.

Noob caster question : How does the +Damage stat work? I got lucky and found a bunch of +Shadow stuff on the AH, but it seems my Shadowbolts do about the same damage either way. For dots does it add damage the full damage per tick (like, +4 every time for a +4 chestpiece), or does it just increase the total damage of the dot? For dots that scale up over time (Curse of Agony), does it add damage consistently on every tick or does the extra damage only come at the end? Does the damage stack on Shadow wands, or should I just use whatever wand has the highest DPS?
For most spells, the amount of damage you get as a bonus from your gear depends on the casting length. Shadow bolts, at 3.0 seconds (the base time, doesn't matter if you have talents that reduce the spell time, the original is what's taken into account), get like 85% or something. Dots get the full bonus and instant cast gets like 30% or something. That's not the specific numbers, but it gives you an idea of how it works.

"For dots does it add damage the full damage per tick (like, +4 every time for a +4 chestpiece), or does it just increase the total damage of the dot? For dots that scale up over time (Curse of Agony)"

No, it just increases the total damage of the dot. For Curse of agony, it scales accordingly.

"Does the damage stack on Shadow wands, or should I just use whatever wand has the highest DPS?"

I have no idea about that.
Instant cast spells like shadowburn get 43% of you +damage gear added unless they're DoTs or AoE. DoTs and AoE have the +damage added to the total and that number if divided into the ticks. Spells that also heal you like deathcoil and drain life get half the normal damage bonus.

3.5 seconds is the amount of casting time it takes for a spell to get the full bonus from your gear. A shadowbolt gets (3.0 seconds / 3.5 seconds) * damage gear added to the base of the spell. The multipliers like shadow mastery and curse of shadow are calc'd in.

The top alliance guild on our server got the server's first Thunderfury today (it opened in October 2005). They invited us down to watch / help (PVE server) which was kind of cool. I think I got off 4-5 shadowbolts before Thunderaan went down. Hopefully our MT will get his soon. He just needs one of the bindings now.


Wand damage is not affected by any of your gear.
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