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World of Warcraft

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Hero said:
I also like how shamans are getting their reviews before rogues. This is simply from a perspective of fighting shamans in BGs and world pvp, but it seems every Shaman I fight just drops down an earthbind totem and the fireball one and runs away from me in a circle while casting frost shock. And if I actually do get them down to low health instant cast heal for the lose. I mean I was critted by a frost shock for 2193 the other day. What's up with that?
Well, the earthbind is to slow you down. The flame shock is to force you to pop up if you vanish. The frost shock is to slow you down, just incase you've destroyed the earthbind totem (which honestly, takes as long as it does to hit the "tab" key twice) or you've run out of range. Also, the "instant cast heal" you're referring to might be nature's switftness, which runs on a cooldown and requires points in the resto tree. If you're referring to the 1.5 sec cast Lesser Healing Wave, you do have "kick" at your disposal. That frost shock crit is pretty nice. With talents and my mostly blue gear (I've had 2 drops out of MC runs), I've done upwards of 1200. Chances are, you wouldn't have beat him anyway if he was doing that kind of spell damage.

The review we're getting is because of our hopelessly retarded talent tree, not because of the fact that some classes are better against other classes. So basically, the shamans that you fight are using the proper strategy against you. Rogues are also at a great disadvantage in PvP, because that's normally who I find myself fighting most of the time. I've racked up more kills (and deaths) against rogues than any other class and I'm sure that same goes for anyone. The more you fight a class, the more you learn. And an even better way to learn is to play that class.

As for MC/BWL ... my guild has been fortunate enough to make friends with other non-MC capable guilds, so we'll run it on occasion with them and then just roll on loot, then split the cores/etc. It's not the best way to do it, but we all hate raiding (ZG/AQ have been fun, mind you) and it's just a decent substitute.


MrAngryFace said:
So I will continue to play 50-59 tier bgs until Alliance gets good or I get all my PVP gear. Whichever comes first.
Which essentially means you'll be at that tier forever....or until you undergo a long period of unemployment/vacation.
"Which essentially means you'll be at that tier forever....or until you undergo a long period of unemployment/vacation."

He's talking about Rank 10, not rank 14.


Even Rank 10 is a pretty obnoxious grind, assuming you have a job (much less a life). I guess it depends on the server though.


Hero said:
Maybe not when the rogue is equipped with Thunderfury, but not all of us have that luxury.

Oh get off it, just because I've got really good gear doesn't make my point invalid. If anything it shows that I've been through the whole fucking mess you have. Hell I was in blues at lvl 60 for 7 months. There's plenty of neckpieces that would fit you better, from worst to best.

AV Necklace (Honored)

Get an emberfury tailsman (UBRS)

WSG Necklace (Honored)

Darkmoon faire necklace. (a pain to get but really nice for non raiders)
"Even Rank 10 is a pretty obnoxious grind, assuming you have a job (much less a life). I guess it depends on the server though."

I've probably spent less time PvPing (except for the last 2-ish weeks up to champion) than you have raiding or playing the game in general.


I've probably spent less time PvPing (except for the last 2-ish weeks up to champion) than you have raiding or playing the game in general.
I think you mistake me for someone arguing raiding over PVP. I've been on serious ZG runs like 3 times. That's the extent of my raid experience (unless you intend to count UBRS).

The problem with PVP is not the time sink, it's the fact that the time sink has to be super-concentrated over a short periods of time.....consecutively, week after week. Granted somebody farming instances for items spends more time in dungeons than you do in AB, but then again he can do it whenever he wants. At the high end of the Honor System (maybe rank 8 onward), you pretty much have to be playing everyday.


firex said:
If that's the case, max fel concentration, then get nightfall and grim reach, then amplify curse (if you don't have it), then get siphon life at 30.
If I always have a succubus or voidwalker tanking, why is Fel Concentration important?

Right now I'm 6 Affliction and 4 Demonology (all 4 in Demonic Embrace). Is it worth wasting a respec to go full Affliction?


border said:
If I always have a succubus or voidwalker tanking, why is Fel Concentration important?

Night now I'm 6 Affliction and 4 Demonology (all 4 in Demonic Embrace). Is it worth wasting a respec to go full Affliction?

A succubus won't tank. Fel Concentration allows you to be a tank.


What's the succubus for then? As I understood it at least from playing with warlocks, it's the DPS summon that can tank okay so long as you take down mobs quick.


border said:
What's the succubus for then? As I understood it at least from playing with warlocks, it's the DPS summon that can tank okay so long as you take down mobs quick.

The reason the Succubus isn't really a tank is that it doesn't have a taunt. In fact it's got a threat-reducer. It's basically for your DPS, if you fear kite or drain tank, or if you're in a group. I personally only brought it out in groups, preferring to rely on Big Blue.


border said:
If I always have a succubus or voidwalker tanking, why is Fel Concentration important?

Right now I'm 6 Affliction and 4 Demonology (all 4 in Demonic Embrace). Is it worth wasting a respec to go full Affliction?
because the voidwalker can't tank for shit past level 35ish (maybe even before then), and you'll always pull aggro off every other pet you have, even moreso as you level up. so fel concentration allows you to channel drain life so you don't take as much damage while tanking mobs, and your dps pet helps you kill them.


Once you have Fel Concentration, does the Imp become a more viable choice?? What's it supposed to be for? So far it seems kind of useless, aside from the group buff in instances.

Right now I'm mostly just liking the Voidwalker, since I can dot 1 mob and have the VW kill it while I take down a second mob. That strategy no longer works past 35? Even if I don't use Shadowbolts on the tanked mob? That seems to be the only thing that pulls aggro right now.


here's the thing, most of your spell upgrades will cause more threat total than the VW can pull with a single torment. and you get those upgrades staggered out across every 10th level (when you upgrade torment). I personally found that by level 35 I was going with imp/succubus and drain tanking the mobs. The imp is a good dps pet, but not as good as the succubus and she's also good while soloing if you're handling humanoids so she can control one with seduction.

you CAN let the VW tank for you from level 10 to 60... but the faster way is to drain tank and lifetap/dark pact (or DS the VW and use no pet, but that effect scales more with a lot of HP). a few things:
1) the vw's mana pool and mana regen are both pretty small, so you usually wind up waiting for him to regen more than anything else
2) the imp's mana regen is really fast, to the point where it's possible to dark pact him down to nothing and then he'll be full 30 seconds later
3) if you go dark pact, the only things your succubus will use mana on are invis (which is fixed and doesn't cost much) and seduction, so she's also going to be at 80%-100% mana pretty much all the time unless things are going really badly

the main reason most warlocks drain tank in their 30s and then onward for grinding is that it's just faster overall. you kill things, but your downtime is only for the occasional bandage/food. the vw just doesn't scale well at all, after awhile the cost for his torment makes more downtime than having your imp or succubus adding DPS while you tank it.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I remember back when spamming paranoia with the felhunter would cause aggro. You could bind it to a key and just spam it non-stop and the felhunter would pretty much keep aggro through anything. Shame they fixed it.
What's the succubus for then?

She's essentially a very weak rogue. In fact, she used to only be able to lash of pain from behind. It was her backstab. And of course she has limited invisibility which is like stealth, soothing kiss which is kind of like feint, and seduction which is kind of like sap.


truth be told, yeah, the succubus is kind of a rogue-like pet, but LOP is basically like SS... and overall IMO it's not worth using except in pvp for burst damage (or on occasion to break seduction earlier). seduction is pretty much like polymorph, though its downsides are way more major (takes the pet out of the fight completely since she has to channel it, which also means it can be interrupted by mobs/players)


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Yeah, for all intents and purposes the succubus is for crowd control. And in the end game, is probably my favorite pet. It pisses off melee to no end when they can't touch us because of seduce and deathcoil.

In battlegrounds I wouldn't even bother having her attack anything. It is to easy to kill her.


Ferrio said:
Oh get off it, just because I've got really good gear doesn't make my point invalid. If anything it shows that I've been through the whole fucking mess you have. Hell I was in blues at lvl 60 for 7 months. There's plenty of neckpieces that would fit you better, from worst to best.

AV Necklace (Honored)

Get an emberfury tailsman (UBRS)

WSG Necklace (Honored)

Darkmoon faire necklace. (a pain to get but really nice for non raiders)

You're a rogue and have TF? o_O Who's the retarded guild leader who gave you this over the MT? Oh let me guess... NE Female Rogue? That explains it I guess


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Fularu said:
You're a rogue and have TF? o_O Who's the retarded guild leader who gave you this over the MT? Oh let me guess... NE Female Rogue? That explains it I guess

Odds are he got one or both of the bindings before anyone knew what Thunderfury would end up being. It is the same reason why there are some hunters out there with it.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Odds are he got one or both of the bindings before anyone knew what Thunderfury would end up being. It is the same reason why there are some hunters out there with it.

While I haven't seen a Hunter with it on my server, I have seen several warriors, both protection, and dual-wield, as well as some Rogues. We're always joking around in my guild that we're going to give our next bindings to a Paladin:lol


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Odds are he got one or both of the bindings before anyone knew what Thunderfury would end up being. It is the same reason why there are some hunters out there with it.

Ugh not you ignorant fucks again.

Ok look. First of all when I got the bindings this was before the pre nerf thunderfury (got the bindings like 7 months ago) , so no other weapon came close to it.

Second normalization makes the weapon not bad for rogues, actually it's considered the best sword for rogues, and by far the best PVP sword for rogues. The weapon in a rogue's hands is great as they can pump the most damage outta the damn thing and make it proc the most AND still not gain aggro.

Third no other person wanted it at the time, (100 bars of arcanite scared everyone off).

To say the thing is strictly for warriors is plain retarded, the weapon is awesome for either class.

And as an epilogue, our MT eventually got one after he was forced to take the bindings.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Er... wasn't trying to insult or pass judgement on you Ferrio. If none of your tanks wanted it, then by all means I say go for it. If we get the bindings to drop for a third time (our first two went to two of our tanks) I wouldn't be surprised if one of our rogues will want it.
Not that I'm a rogue or war, but you guys should count your lucky stars that you even have Thunderfurys. I've been doing MC so long that I'm exalted with Hydraxian Warlords, and I have NEVER seen either binding drop. Every week our guild is like "surely we'll get a binding this week, we're way overdue." And every week it's the same, no bindings. We do have 2 hand of rags in our guild though.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Yeah, for all intents and purposes the succubus is for crowd control. And in the end game, is probably my favorite pet. It pisses off melee to no end when they can't touch us because of seduce and deathcoil.

In battlegrounds I wouldn't even bother having her attack anything. It is to easy to kill her.

I love killing warlocks' succubi. Even if I lose (which usually is the case), I smile in the fact they've lost a shard.
Our GL has a saying: "Those losers in Barrens chat gotta level up sometime". It's frighteningly appopriate considering that MC chat is almost indistinguishable from Barrens chat now... "/leave General"

At times, I'm wanting to toss out "so, yall finally get Hakkar yet?" (we told one guild how to do the new Hakkar step by step when the whined to us), or "<Spamming Guild>: Picking Up Cast-Offs from <BoF> Since 2005", but it would only stoke them. :p


Ferrio said:
Ugh not you ignorant fucks again.

Wow coming from a dude that spends more time drawing or wanking at hentai crap, or who can't play thi game without staring at a NE girl ass, you sure as hell are fast at the name calling

TF is crap on anything but a tank for PVE, that it's good for PVP I don't care at all, those kind of items drop for PVE advancement, if you need pvp weapos, do the pvp grind.

The aggro and the hate generated by it must probably mean that you are hitting less than with most of your weapons, feinting much much more just so that you don't grab the aggro. But eh, I guess that the cliché type of characters that you've always seemed to favor can't go on without the need to taint his legendary e-peen.

In a *real* pve guild (read, not run by idiots), this would have been handed straight to the MT and the arcanite/elementium would have been a (very easy) guild effort.

I always find it funny that each time I see a TF on anything but a tank, it's alliance side. GG

At least, i's not as retarded as druids with hand of rag.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ferrio said:
I love killing warlocks' succubi. Even if I lose (which usually is the case), I smile in the fact they've lost a shard.

Warlocks everywhere cry :(

Of course I do it to hunter pets whenever I can :D


LOL Warlocks don't lose a shard in BG's if you kill their succubus. When they resurrect they automatically get their previous pet back at no cost.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Our GL has a saying: "Those losers in Barrens chat gotta level up sometime". It's frighteningly appopriate considering that MC chat is almost indistinguishable from Barrens chat now... "/leave General"

At times, I'm wanting to toss out "so, yall finally get Hakkar yet?" (we told one guild how to do the new Hakkar step by step when the whined to us), or "<Spamming Guild>: Picking Up Cast-Offs from <BoF> Since 2005", but it would only stoke them. :p

It's like that on Greymane too :(

10 guilds have MC on farm whiel another guild that can't get past Garr spams /1 with bullshit and all the other guilds constantly telling them to stfu.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Boomer said:
LOL Warlocks don't lose a shard in BG's if you kill their succubus. When they resurrect they automatically get their previous pet back at no cost.

I am fairly certain he knows that and was referring to killing them in world pvp. Besides, depending on how close the game is in the BG, I might have to waste the shard and resummon before I die and get to rez. Just to ensure that I every option available to me.
"I love killing warlocks' succubi. Even if I lose (which usually is the case), I smile in the fact they've lost a shard."

They could just DS you as you're dying and get it right back.

"How is it that Barrens Chat is retarded on every single server? Why is there no Alliance equivalent?"

The alliance equivalent is naked gnomes dancing in IF.


Fularu said:
Wow coming from a dude that spends more time drawing or wanking at hentai crap, or who can't play thi game without staring at a NE girl ass, you sure as hell are fast at the name calling

TF is crap on anything but a tank for PVE, that it's good for PVP I don't care at all, those kind of items drop for PVE advancement, if you need pvp weapos, do the pvp grind.

The aggro and the hate generated by it must probably mean that you are hitting less than with most of your weapons, feinting much much more just so that you don't grab the aggro. But eh, I guess that the cliché type of characters that you've always seemed to favor can't go on without the need to taint his legendary e-peen.

In a *real* pve guild (read, not run by idiots), this would have been handed straight to the MT and the arcanite/elementium would have been a (very easy) guild effort.

I always find it funny that each time I see a TF on anything but a tank, it's alliance side. GG

At least, i's not as retarded as druids with hand of rag.

Nice, taking posting lessons from the people on the WoW forums?


Ahaha no, we have it on our main tank :)

Even tho I tank much much more those days, I'm not really looking forward to it ;)

And as a horde guild, we're not going to hanf that to a hunter or a pally -.-

For now I'm much much more interested at (finaly) getting my scarab or finishing my wrath set -.-


Fularu said:
You're a rogue and have TF? o_O Who's the retarded guild leader who gave you this over the MT? Oh let me guess... NE Female Rogue? That explains it I guess

Not all raiding guilds are hardcore. Some, like the one I'm in, let anyone bid on anything.

Fularu sounds like he got shafted on a TF.

Or is just jealous.


border said:
How is it that Barrens Chat is retarded on every single server? Why is there no Alliance equivalent?

The alliance equivalent is usually Westfall I've seen. But that's not as consistent.

The reason Barrens is usually packed to the gills with dumbasses, that's pretty much the only zone for leveling 10-18, well Silverpine exists, but nobody likes going there if they don't have to(stupid Arugal guys). Plus the WSG entrance is there:p
Westfall chat is bad, but people alternate between Westfall and Loch Modan unlike Horde that avoid Silverpine like the plague. Barrens chat is SCARY BAD stuff, and has earned its place in infamy.

Really ugly seed last night for set items in BWL-Chromaggus and Nef went all Molten Core on us and dropped two druid shoulders and then the warlock chest and druid chest. General loot was not too much better.

We did one-shot a Chromaggus with Ignite Flesh and Time Lapse. That was cool. What wasn't cool was Unbreakable Will resisting Time Lapse. That sucked. I'm going to move those points into Wand spec, it's nice for PvP but I hate looking like a tard in high end encounters and fear anyway isn't a big deal because I'm a dwarf priest. :)


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah Westfall has its moments. I love psyching up the kids over there.. saying "LFG DM" and they all go "it's VC!!" But a lot of Westfall is all about "any1 seen the messenger??" and WAY too much "LFG VC".

Barrens never used to be like that though - now it's full of taunts, dicks and too much Chuck Norris love for me.

Silverpine rocks but yeah.. Son of Arugal scares you I think. Doesn't have a set-path so whenever I am in there farming for silver leaf, constantly moving the camera around cause the prick is fast when he spots you.
Oh, and just for the record, I find STV chat on alliance to be hilarious, especially in primetime as newb and newb gets rolled by people heading to Zul'Gurub and Nesingwary's gets camped by Horde.


SaitoH said:
Not all raiding guilds are hardcore. Some, like the one I'm in, let anyone bid on anything.

Or is just jealous.

Which end up having hunters with TF, Pallies and Druids with Hand of Rag and, oh, why not Claw of Cromie on a rogue? Yah right

Being *casual" != idioticaly alloting loot

As for beeing jealous on TF.. yeah right :rolleyes I pity the waste for the guild's tanks, that's all


speedpop said:
Yeah Westfall has its moments. I love psyching up the kids over there.. saying "LFG DM" and they all go "it's VC!!" But a lot of Westfall is all about "any1 seen the messenger??" and WAY too much "LFG VC".

Barrens never used to be like that though - now it's full of taunts, dicks and too much Chuck Norris love for me.

Silverpine rocks but yeah.. Son of Arugal scares you I think. Doesn't have a set-path so whenever I am in there farming for silver leaf, constantly moving the camera around cause the prick is fast when he spots you.

Ya see I never understood the whole DM/VC thing.

I mean if you were in another zone, sure VC makes sense, but nobody is looking for a Dire Maul group in WESTFALL. The only real reason people have to be in that zone at that level is if they're doing the Sweet Amber quest, haha.
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