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World of Warcraft

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pxleyes said:
id like to see an admission that mages are gimped compared to most any class that can do similar spells or actions. we have no clear place in either pvp or pve anymore. the crossovers that blizzard has put in place between classes and the original mage intent has caused mages to become gimp in everything they were originally good at. you say we are fine yet you go on to ask what we want from you. you know what we want, admission we are right in our complaints.
Okay, here you go.

Eyonix: Mages are gimped. Sorry that you have no real purpose in the game since every class can fill your roles. :(

What then?

Srsly, it's just a game. I can understand you wanted changes and the changes made are possibly not what you wanted. Tell them how you feel with a cancellation of your account and move on.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Okay, here you go.

Eyonix: Mages are gimped. Sorry that you have no real purpose in the game since every class can fill your roles. :(

What then?

Srsly, it's just a game. I can understand you wanted changes and the changes made are possibly not what you wanted. Tell them how you feel with a cancellation of your account and move on.

:lol what a fucking cop-out response. I really wonder if you even play this game because you would actually understand that when you start playing a game and are told your class is for a specific purpose, you invest countless hours into said class, then are fucked up the ass by the developers by saying "sorry, you believed us. you lose." then you would be pissed too.

edit: way to ignore my first, more in-depth post on the subject too.
You're not getting it.

It's not that you're wrong or that I can't understand where you're coming from, it's that it's a videogame and you can quit at any time. Your "I've invested too many hours" response further proves my point that you've lost touch with reality and can't properly understand how awkward your angry rants over minor videogame balance issues appear to a normal human.

There's a line between discussing a videogame's balance issues, or growing irate and personally offended by those balance issues to the point that you're actually telling me to "piss off" because I'm not as strung-out as you over the problems.

Put your character on hold and try out another race/class or another game. Blizzard's ideas aren't in line with your own. You'll be happier that way.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're not getting it.

It's not that you're wrong or that I can't understand where you're coming from, it's that it's a videogame and you can quit at any time. Your "I've invested too many hours" response further proves my point that you've lost touch with reality and can't properly understand how awkward your angry rants over minor videogame balance issues appear to a normal human.

There's a line between discussing a videogame's balance issues, or growing irate and personally offended by those balance issues to the point that you're actually telling me to "piss off" because I'm not as strung-out as you over the problems.

Put your character on hold and try out another race/class or another game. Blizzard's ideas aren't in line with your own. You'll be happier that way.

there is also a line between customer service and ass fucking. I dont think you can find it. You realize people PAY to play this game right? Customer service should be a part of that. As much as you will trivialize it to a videogame for your own purposes (I'm still under the assumption you play it too), it doesn't justify this kind of treatment. The fact you are so apethetic to the whole concept of a player base getting what they paid for doesn't mean I want to throw money at them without the customer service. It also doesn't mean I still dont enjoy my time in the game as a result of who I play with and what I do in game. All those points STILL dont change the fact I have a right to gripe about something being done I am not happy with. Your argument as gone from "mages are fine" to "bitch less its a game" to "you are an idiot for getting upset over something you pay for." Maybe you will 'get it' now.


I'm glad for the shaman review, cause honestly it's been needed for awhile (and it still doesn't fix everything because they really shouldn't have to invest talents just to get 2h axes/maces - if they were trainable by default like they should be, horde would have more options for stuff like spinal reaper and there's some competition with druids for items like herald of woe) but the mage review... well, I haven't see anything on core gameplay changes. How have those turned out? Personally I think they should make fireball 3 seconds by default and pyroblast 4 seconds by default (and lower the cooldown), and make it so 3 second casts get 100% spell power damage, but that'll probably never happen.

Anyway, I do think the talent changes overall suck... it's like blizzard's test teams ignored a lot of the issues with mages. Maybe they'll change more of it, though. I can't think of any revamp that's been this hated, though maybe the pally one was (but then again, 90% of pally players believe they should have more DPS than warriors and better healing than priests).
With your horrible customer service ideals, you've officially brought the official WOW forums to GAF.

If you're not getting exactly what you want from a store, do you demand it and make it be given to you, or do you just stop going to that store? Seriously, if you're this incensed about the mage issues, do what I said in the first place: show them how you feel with your money. Your money pays for the service you've seen thus far that gives you the confidence in paying to play, not for the service you come to demand in the future.

I agree the mage changes were disappointing and minor. I've said so. Like I keep saying: what do you want GAF to say to you? Just drop it. Either play the game the way it's being provided to you and discuss issues rationally and maturely, or move on.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
With your horrible customer service ideals, you've officially brought the official WOW forums to GAF.

If you're not getting exactly what you want from a store, do you demand it and make it be given to you, or do you just stop going to that store? Seriously, if you're this incensed about the mage issues, do what I said in the first place: show them how you feel with your money. Your money pays for the service you've seen thus far that gives you the confidence in paying to play, not for the service you come to demand in the future.

I agree the mage changes were disappointing and minor. I've said so. Like I keep saying: what do you want GAF to say to you? Just drop it. Either play the game the way it's being provided to you and discuss issues rationally and maturely, or move on.

yes, because you have done that by basically saying last page "mages are fine."

sorry, but your responses are nothing but excuses for not hearing gripes from other classes you dont play. If you dont like it, ignore me. I can gripe all I want, and I will continue to do so until something is done. Deal with it and me.

firex, they haven't revealed anything in regards to mage gameplay changes, and from what Tseric has said in regards to the talents and requested changes by mages, there wont be any. What you see is what you get. This is all bearing the impossible scenario this whole thing has been a big joke and mages will get a proper review that they will reveal at E3.


that's heavily weaksauce then. honestly, the big issue in pvp for mages AND warlocks is that instants and mobility > having to stand and channel shit for damage, and neither of them have many options in that regard while every other class is good for the most part. I mean priests have enough time on psychic scream to get their quick casting mind blast off, along with channeling a mind flay if someone's running. and the big issue in pve is that mages don't bring a lot to most fights (though the huge amount of bosses who are frost vulnerable means they can dps a lot) and are only really needed for one encounter (domo) while at least warlocks are able to banish a lot of raid level mobs.

seriously, IMO blizzard should've removed arcane power, replaced it with brilliance aura (a mana regen aura just like in warcraft 3) and buffed some other misc spells. I don't know nearly enough about all of the mage problems though, just the basic stuff I can get (pyro cast time, fireball cast time, snare/root effectiveness being my big problems) since my mage is only 41 and even if he were 60, he wouldn't be played as long as my warlock has been.

one thing I will say though, is it seems like most of the mage community thinks locks are what mages should be, when we're hardly better. locks have more hp but overall a shittier skill set, require way more steps to do things other classes can do with a single button, and their talents suck (but then again, so do mages' talents looking at this new review). honestly it's like they took the same approach to the warlock "review" that they did with mages, and just upgraded a couple of the lower-tier abilities without actually fixing the bigger issues. Then again, I think there's a LOT of changes blizzard needs to do to this game to inject some fun back into it.
firex said:
brilliance aura (a mana regen aura just like in warcraft 3)
I want this too and have posted it on the Blizzard forums before. Choosing talents between Ice Block for self-survival and Brilliance Aura to make your raid happy would be awesome.


I think I can adapt to the Shaman changes. Still haven't analyzed it completely (too tired), but I'm happy for the most part.

Link here for anyone that missed it.


The only things that really annoy me about the shaman changes are that parry and 2h axe/mace are still talents. They honestly shouldn't be - adding those in is minimal to their effect on pvp (as nearly every pvp spec aside from the 22 ele/21 resto/8 enh has it) and huge to their benefit in pve. But the new stuff is good. They mostly combined crap talents into better ones, and removed some of the prereqs. I think when I respec my shaman, I'll still go 22/21/8, but that 22 will be spent differently (definitely going to get earth's grasp).


pxleyes said:
sorry, but your responses are nothing but excuses for not hearing gripes from other classes you dont play. If you dont like it, ignore me. I can gripe all I want, and I will continue to do so until something is done. Deal with it and me.

Any chance you could do it on the WoW boards instead of here? Because you bitching about it here is never going to change a thing. Deal with that.

PS my main is a 60 mage, before you ask.


Meantime said:
Any chance you could do it on the WoW boards instead of here? Because you bitching about it here is never going to change a thing. Deal with that.

PS my main is a 60 mage, before you ask.

thats like telling someone who is bitching about sony to go to the playstation.com forums. give me an f'ing break.
pxleyes said:
sorry, but your responses are nothing but excuses for not hearing gripes from other classes you dont play. If you dont like it, ignore me. I can gripe all I want, and I will continue to do so until something is done. Deal with it and me.

I think an in-game protest would be more effective.


Screaming_Gremlin said:

First three of the Tier 3 sets were revealed on China's WoW site. Priest and Druid sets look nice. Warrior set looks... dark I guess. Not sure if I like it yet, better than Wrath at least. Can't wait to see the warlock set.
The new mage set is here. It's hard to believe, but it actually looks good! And a caster legendary, OMG.

PS Non-robe caster sets next time, pls.


epmode said:
The new mage set is here. It's hard to believe, but it actually looks good! And a caster legendary, OMG.

PS Non-robe caster sets next time, pls.

but 'frostfire'...I mean can they make it any more obvious they want mages to have elementalist builds. it does look a lot better than NW though.


pxleyes said:
but 'frostfire'...I mean can they make it any more obvious they want mages to have elementalist builds. it does look a lot better than NW though.

Holy shit man, you really are in a bitching mood aren't you? Even the name is a sin to you.



pxleyes said:
thats like telling someone who is bitching about sony to go to the playstation.com forums. give me an f'ing break.

And what exactly are you going to achieve by bitching about it here? Aside from annoying a bunch of people who can't influence the situation in any way whatsoever, obviously.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Alliance race is starting to leak, doods.


Looks like...
Mini-Eredar?? (the same race as Archimonde, the enormous big bad demon guy from WC3). Apparently these ones are about the same size as Tauren. There is another screenshot floating around (lost the address and I need to leave for lunch, I'll have to post it after I get back) that has 2 or 3 of them standing around a starting area that looks kinda like Hyjal (where Archimonde died, btw! hmmm)

Very, very weird. Current lore doesn't fit at all.. looks like a lot of new lore is going to be added for em.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The current theory that actually makes a lot of sense is
the wisps who destroyed Archimonde at the end of WC3 absorbed him in some way... and have spawned a NEW version of the Eredar race. Which could explain the size, the slightly more noble appearence, and why the Alliance would accept them. Also, interestingly enough, if it were true it would seem that Blizz's april fool joke was a very clever and very big hint. =P

Here is that other pic: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/hatecrew86/WoW Comics/holycrapredar.jpg


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Personally... I think they are rather dumb. The lore theory I posted above is really rockin', though, and if it were true the concept BEHIND them is awesome. But they just look too funky and
to me.

Not that I play Alliance anyway, though! I guess they will be fun to kill. ;)


it's a lot cooler extra race than blood elves, though. I can see why this would be their choice since they needed a race that could somehow be warlocks, mages, warriors and hunters to balance out the class options available per each faction (since blood elves will be warriors, rogues, mages, priests and warlocks)


As the thunderous steps of Archimonde's army approached the summit of Mount Hyjal, all hope seemed lost. The camps of Jaina Proudmoore and the Warchief Thrall were overrun, and the forces of Archdruid Malfurian Stormrage were fighting for their life.

Then, the moment feared by all those fighting for the fate of Azeroth arrived. The Night Elf army was overrun, and the great Eredar warlock, destroyer of countless worlds, arrogantly marched to the World Tree. With flames surging in his eyes, he grasped the trunk with one vile claw... and the entire summit was shattered in a burst of brilliant, white light.

When the radiance faded, nothing remained of Archimonde but a charred skeleton, resting in the branches of the fatally-damaged Nordrassil. Malfurion, Jaina, and Thrall emerged from hiding; it was all an elaborate trap designed by Malfurion to take advantage of the demon's arrogance. In his lust for the World Tree's power, he did not notice the gathering flock of wisps take their positions around him and detonate themselves in a torrent of nature's fury.

With their commander gone, the remainder of the Burning Legion's army was cast into disarray. Malfurion and his companions escaped from the summit of Mount Hyjal, and the remaining Night Elves silently reflected upon the sacrifices of their Wisp companions.

Yet, the spirits of the Wisps lived on. Floating invisibly throughout Mount Hyjal and nearby Felwood, they began to slowly intertwine with the demons that had taken up residence there. Almost imperceptively their presence began to twist the forms and minds of the local Satyrs and other foul, demonic creatures.

Now, a handful of these creatures have been transformed in mind and body; they have the thoughts of the Night Elf spirits coarsing through their veins, yet their bodies mutated to take the form of the last creature the Wisps had made contact with -- the Eredar warlock, Archimonde.

Ashamed of their foul appearance, these creatures took into hiding beneath the roots of the shattered World Tree, Nordrassil. Despite their attempts to hide themselves from the outside world, they found themselves under constant seige from the demons who came to view them as abominations.

Now, with their very existance threatened, these Eredar -- demon in form, Night Elf in mind -- have made an impassioned plea to join the Alliance.

well, there you have it


That picture of what might be an Eredar in Paladin gear is a real surprise. Demon Paladins? Yikes!

I'll wait for the official Blizz announcement though.
Bregor said:
I'll wait for the official Blizz announcement though.

Is Vivendi or Blizzard holding a conference, or is it going to be revealed on the show floor, and through interviews and press releases?

And of this Eredar thing, I think it's pretty darn cool myself mostly because nobody could have predicted it. Everyone was just saying it'll be the dranei and it'll be lame, but this is a surprise, and a pretty cool one at that, so I'm happy.
ToyMachine228 said:
this is a surprise, and a pretty cool one at that
Explain how.

I can't imagine this being cool or fun to anyone. Blood Elves I can understand some people thinking they look awesome or whatever, but the Eredar seems like "blah" to me.


Some info on 1.12... real or not..... who knows. I HOPE


OH here it is sorta translated

Q: Very happy you can accept this interview, I just will obtain the news, the snow storm unfold at the meeting in E3 to display the evil spirit beastly world the material piece, the burning crusade, in other words, this material piece development already was near the end?
A: Yes, if does not have the accident, we will issue this section game in the summer. Now you already were allowed to carry on in the network to it prearrange.

Q: In other words, the burning crusade also has the possibility which postpones?
A: I may not such say. I may guarantee that, it cannot postpone a longer time compared to our former product.

Q: ... ... . Then, can you introduce burns crusade? What new content today have you certainly brought the for ours reader? For instance, all people all care about, the alliance new race, discloses?
A: Ha ha, after nearly each person saw me can ask my this question. But I may not want to deliver the court. I let you be disappointed, in front of E3, I could not disclose newly any, related burning crusade any content.

Q: If this is true, our reader certainly can be very disappointed.
A: We may say other, for instance Naxxrams? Which comming immediately.

Q: Contains 18 Boss the ultra big instance, will play the family to face Kel'Thuzad, then obtained a set to be able to replace formerly possesses the equipment the new coverall. (tier3)
A: Right, you said what I wanted to said, there nothing else I can add.

Q: Is it difficultly?
A: Its extremely extremely extremely extremely difficult, some guilds possibly must wait till members all 70 levels of times can defeat KKel'Thuzad. But I hoped on each server all can have a guild can beat it before expansion is release, this will allowed to complete gate of the darkness to open the duty. To the burning crusade issued also has several months, I thought, this certainly is not perhaps difficult. Certainly, in 1.11 makes a connection him, is not an easy matter.

Q: Your meaning is, 1.11 is not last patch before the expansion?
A: Certainly is not, no person had said this is last the patch. 1.12 designs basically have already completed, I thought this similarly can be makes the patch very much which one anticipated.

Q: 1.12? Can you list the detail? I thought I finally found the thing which I needs, the snow storm has not certainly forbidden you to disclose 1.12 contents.
A: Yes, before the expansion, this does not need to keep secret, therefore I may with you chat 1.12. This is a quite big renewal, perhaps compared to 1.11 need more standby period, it will include large-scale five person instance, small 40 instance, a new camp and prestige, a new region opening, rogue's talent adjustment, as well as, some extremely interesting thing. In them the majority already designed completes, was being developed.

Q: Another 40 person instance? Lets be honest, ain't you making the players too tired with all the instances.
A: No, not true, I said, this is a small instance, perhaps, you may imagine it like Onyxia's Lair, enters the gate, kills the dragon, then returns to the city. It cannot be more difficult than Ahn Qiraj, because we realize Naxxrams will make players to have major setback feeling, therefore, needs to give them some confidence and the equipment, certainly, you also need a spot the skill to obtain these equipments.

Q: Actually is this how transcription? Was history already exists in World of Warcraft? Or, did you especially make it to deliver the equipment?
A: Certainly was already exists, its history and entire World of Warcraft mainland was equally long, we have also made the enough upholstery in the front plot. Imagines, you are sure to like it, the Emerald Dream, five person instance, as well as Eye of Ysera, 40 person instance, it in Emerald Dreaml. Completes task to be allowed to increase faction in the Unwaking Druids camp's prestige.

Q: So you are saying that, players will be allowed to enter the Emerald Dream, and Raid green dragon?
A: Must know that, this certainly does not conform to the logic, because only has Ysera allowed freely to enter the Emerald Dream. But because the Emerald Dream protection green dragons are unclearly originated the dark strength influence degenerated, Malfurion. Stormrage can not but seek help outside the Emeral Dream from other driuds, lets them lead their friend, enters this sacred region. The druids must complete thier mission in the Emerald Dream five person instance, then Malfurion's. Stormrage will reward players with an item, this item will allow players to start a quest, after completing the quest players will allow to enters Eye of Ysera. Sounds very cool, right?

Q: Yes, I saw as if five druids the situation which battled in the transcription. Druids is 1.12 cores, not right?
A: Accurate saying, they are these two transcriptions core, because 1.12 also includes other contents. But truly, the Unwaking druid camp's reward as well as the professional duty to druid said all is the illusion. Druids can learn the higher ranking of the beast skill -----in 1.9 The ruins of Ahn Qiraj, druids only can learn the new human form skill, this regarding them is unfair. Similarly, the Unwaking druid camp sells some extremely good leater armors as well as the leater armor formulas, I thought, perhaps the rogues also can have a liking for some.

Q: Other classes may enter the Emerald Dream? This five person instance are not specially give druids to open?
A: Certainly is not. Any players completed Eye of Ysera's quest will all to be allowed to travel to the Emeral Dream, because you already obtained the Unwaking druid's approval.

Q: Can you go into details about Eye of Ysera? You said this is a small instance, then, how many Boss inside has?
A: Inside originally should have very many Boss, but protected by the great dragons Ysondre, Taerar, Emeriss, Lethon (should be four outdoors green dragons Boss) all gone to Azeroth, therefore Eye of Ysera only left behind two to three degenerated green dragon, certainly I said, this instance is still in design, very many matters had not determined. But finally, after solved the Emeral Dream degenerate question, players will see the green dragon Ysera and receives their reward, this also will be in five great dragons first this present existence.

Q: I think I can hear players complaint, after I publishes this chat . The World of Warcraft already more and more became a high end game to play, although the Emerald Dream and Eye of Ysera sound to be very interesting, perhaps but, majority of players will be unable to contact such game content.
A: Truly so. But you must believe me, we similarly players for the leisure to prepare the splendid content, in 1.12 miles, they could obtain the more games pleasure, believed me, compared to high end gamers more pleasure.

Q: I, unable imagine a little bit of this info, care to explain?
A: For instance, Undermine vehicle race game... ...

Q: Sorry to interupt, did you said Undermine a moment ago?
A: That is correct, the alliance and the horde players finally to be allowed to go to the Goblins main city. The Undermine is at the Isle of Kezan which will open, this new zone is for all players, to meet the green skins, crazy goblins. Imagine the goblin high tech, goes to [ **** ] the instance, the prestige, goblin's game absolutely wants you to amuse. Perhaps only felt disappointed is the dark moon circus fair, because they needed to purchase the inhabitant which more equipment attracted Azeroth mainland players.

Q: This sounds to be very good, the vehicle race also is a part?
A: Yes. The vehicle race development already was near the end, each users all could obtain to belong to own goblin vehicle race, then go to the race track for competition. I had said in the previous month interview must increase an extremely interesting battlefield, has not been wrong, the racing, the alliance and the horde run quickly together place. You may purchase the components from the goblin there to arm your vehicle race, also may go to Azeroth mainland, seeks part which the oneself vehicle race needs. A better vehicle race can let you run quickly.

Q: Assemble your own race car?
A: Yes, for instance you may imagine, makes a tire with the best beast's skin... ...

Q: Oh my God.
A: This only is an example, certainly is not each person's vehicle race all can use the such good tire, perhaps only has these to want to become the F1 champion the talented person to be able to be such crazy.

Q: Other than race car, what interesting thing does the Undermine also have?
A: The racing is small part in the Undermine, the Undermine is small part of Isle of Kazen. Isle of Kazen hide many secrets to wait for discovered, these secrets are extremely astonishing, related Azeroth mainland the past, now and future. But, these quests are open in 1.12 or put to the expansion, but also had not been determined, actually therefore I can't tell you any more, because I had said enough, I cannot disclose any pertinent data piece content today.

Q: Then we return to 1.12 again, what type can rogue's talent change? This certainly also is the reader cares about.
A: In fact, our design personnel also in makes the final adjustment to the Shaman talent, we have not starts the rogue talent change work with due to not enough time. But some point may firmly be, rogue' talent cannot have the subversion adjustment. 1.9 times we saw paladin new talent tree, can say, this or I am familiar with paladin? During 1.11 we saw shaman's full new talent, can say, is this really shaman, but is not a new class? But this cannot occur on the rogue talent. When we saw rogue's new talent, we only can say that, oh, rogue's talent is more reasonable, was more useful. The initial rogue talent design relatively compares the another person to be satisfied, this also is the rogue talent adjustment is put to the final reason. Its tuning does not have the present these classes to be. Certainly, we cannot let the rogue players disappointedly.

Q: The interview time already is drawing near, I can ask your last question? Will the alliance new race, unfold in E3 announced?
A: Ha ha, I said, I do not answer this question. E3 unfolds very quickly must arrive, perhaps in the next month magazine, you was allowed to make the new commentary to the burning crusade.
In that same thread is a youtube video basically confirming it. I don't know what to think about it yet, I guess it's cool that it's something completely unexpected.

Ogres <3. :(


BE - War, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warlock
ER - War, Pally, Mage, Priest, Warlock

I would of said Hunter instead of Priest for Eredar, but from one of the character select screens leaked, it looked like one was in the Priest starter gear
Ikse said:
BE - War, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warlock
ER - War, Pally, Mage, Hunter, Warlock

That's how I would possibly see it going. Hunter I'm not sure about, but it was Hunter/Rogue/Drood left, and that seemed the only viable choice.

That's probably what it is. Good guesses.
siege said:
Cool. Eredar is a more interesting race than the Blood Elves.

The Eradar are definitely cool, but so are the Blood Elves. If you play Frozen Throne, they're a pretty cool race, and I enjoyed their story arc, and their alliance with Illidan. The Blood Elves and Arthas also have a hatred for each other so if that rumored Northrend expansion comes around...It's obviously very far away though.


Q. In terms of how Burning Crusade players will be able to handle older content, how many level 70 characters, for example, do you think it will take to kill Ragnaros?

A. I’m not sure because we’re actually about to start testing on that, but I would guess 10 to 15.
Haha, at level 70 MC will be the next UBRS!
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