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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
Well, what I mean is that they should do something like a "Spell Power" stat like attack power, and the more int/spi you have (depending upon the type of spell) the higher that goes. Int/spi used to be fine way back in beta, when int affected spell crits more and there was no 5 second rule (so spirit regen was always on). Now, spirit's somewhat good (not as good as mana/5 seconds but still good) and int is largely useless. I mean, you could make the argument that it's fair for it to require so much int for spell crit when it requires so much agi for physical crit, but agi also adds dodge and armor and for rogues/hunters/feral druids, attack power.

We're kinda on the same page; Az was talking about how much AGL it took to get Crit for a hunter. The AGL he is getting is making for bigger damage via bullet or arrow/Dodge/Armor; unlike INT which only makes for staying power from flat-out spamming and a MUCH larger crit per point of stat. It is odd.


With all the E3 crazyness I forgot to mention my guild downed Razorgore after a few weeks of attempts. We were abrubtly pwned in the face by Vael, but we should down in him a week or two.
pxleyes said:
With all the E3 crazyness I forgot to mention my guild downed Razorgore after a few weeks of attempts. We were abrubtly pwned in the face by Vael, but we should down in him a week or two.

See what I can't understand is that my guild seems to be very inconsistent...We downed Razorgore a week or two ago, and then got owned by Rag last Friday and absolutely couldnt kill him. Then this Friday, we had him down to 30% before he submerged the first time. We pwned him. I just can't figure it out.
ToyMachine228 said:
See what I can't understand is that my guild seems to be very inconsistent...We downed Razorgore a week or two ago, and then got owned by Rag last Friday and absolutely couldnt kill him. Then this Friday, we had him down to 30% before he submerged the first time. We pwned him. I just can't figure it out.

The difference was likely in your group makeup, especially in the DPS department. Unexperienced melee DPS on Ragnaros die a lot, experienced players don't die too much at all. Not enough melee DPS up usually makes for a Rags wipe, barring having insane caster DPS and having rags at 30% or so when sons spawn.


Fragamemnon said:
The difference was likely in your group makeup, especially in the DPS department. Unexperienced melee DPS on Ragnaros die a lot, experienced players don't die too much at all. Not enough melee DPS up usually makes for a Rags wipe, barring having insane caster DPS and having rags at 30% or so when sons spawn.
We kill Rags nearly all the time due to caster and hunter dps. We get way too much Netherwind... you'd think Nemesis would be dropping all the time with how much people bitch about warlock loot, but honestly, for us it's Netherwind. I'm anticipating getting my mage to 60 and going to ony/MC/BWL and getting full netherwind in one run! (just joking there, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen)
He mentioned they just downed Razorgore recently. I'm pretty sure Rags could be easily killed with 25 people or so and zero melee DPS by a guild that has been clearing BWL regularly.

People only bitch about druid and lock loot in MC, for the most part. Except last week when Chrommaggus dropped double stormrage shoulders, what a waste.


Has problems recognising girls
Good post/thread Wasabi, I wasn't too anal about the stories of lore about the Draenei & Eredar crap and how they contradict each other based upon WCIII.. but I do love the lore that is immersed into WoW and from my standpoint, the story they made up for the Draenei is good IMO.


Got bored and decided to resubscribe tonight....I can't even fucking login. It just automatically pops up 'unable to connect.'

I see the problems haven't changed much...
My realm had actually been behaving properly for the first time since release. The login problems are, of course, due to some "upgrades in the authentication infrastructure" that they put into place today.

For a lot of servers, especially the original ones open on release day, the game has become MUCH more stable than it ever was.
speedpop said:
Good post/thread Wasabi, I wasn't too anal about the stories of lore about the Draenei & Eredar crap and how they contradict each other based upon WCIII.. but I do love the lore that is immersed into WoW and from my standpoint, the story they made up for the Draenei is good IMO.

They just need to gel it a bit more. Like, the Eredar were pretty powerhungry form the get-go, and that they dabbled in Shamanism once they hit Draenor then abandoned it after the Bloodlust genocide. That sorta thing.

In other news, boucoup log-in snafus and disconnects deep-sixed our second week's attempt at Majordomo. I...will...have...my...staff...ONE DAY...

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Well, my raid alliance fell apart after a year together. We full cleared BWL, which is pretty far for an alliance of 6 guilds to get. For all the drama, head to Shattered Hand forums in the ''Synergy = ninja' thread.
dave is ok said:
Well, my raid alliance fell apart after a year together. We full cleared BWL, which is pretty far for an alliance of 6 guilds to get. For all the drama, head to Shattered Hand forums in the ''Synergy = ninja' thread.

One thing about WoW-when guilds go under, they do so in a fiery wreck that would make even Dubya proud. I've NEVER seen a endgame raid guild collapse without massive drama and gnashing of teeth. Very different than in Camelot, where guilds slowly withered away and resurged every so often.

I blame the loot emphasis of the game-when munchkin powergamers compete with others in their own guild for loot, things are bound to explode.


Heh, my PvP guild has kind of fallen apart too. Not in a fiery way though. People are just sick of the PvP system and some people have decided to join raiding guilds or quit altogether. I think seeing the Tier 3 stuff was the final straw for quite a few.

EDIT: And would someone please explain why weekly "maintenance" always makes things worse?


just did a respec on my lock, now I'm this: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info...005122011350000000000000000005050005122000100

I was 7/33/11 before, and it got old, so I decided what the hell and spent some cash on a respec. I kinda wish warlock talents were as good as hunter talents. that class is the apex for talents IMO, every build lets you destroy things, and none of them really hampers any playstyle or has a glaring weakness like mage/shaman/warlock/warrior talents (from my experience, anyway). Or to put it another way: Unlike all those other classes, the only critical "must have" talent is Aimed Shot, and it's in pretty much the best tree overall (since it synergizes with the other 2 trees so well). And even that skill isn't as "must have" as tactical mastery/improved corruption and life tap/nature's swiftness and the channeling focus talent. Updated mage talents obviously don't have the "must have" improved arcane explosion anymore, but they're still weak as hell. And I'm way too low with my pally to see specifically if they're horrible talents or not, but from what I can tell the talents themselves are so bland overall that you're not missing a lot by going with any spec as long as you get spiritual focus.


*cries* ... it's going to take like 3 people just to take one of those fuckers down. Tier 3 players are going to be like raid bosses for PvPers.


Earthshatter = win for looks, and it's definitely better than Earthfury for the pure raid shamans.

edit: and the plagueheart set bonuses are different than what was translated. I don't just mean they mistranslated (doesn't look like they did, honestly), I mean they're in different order now than what was on whataboutpp.com. I love that new 2 piece set, and if they can fit a number in for X in the 4 piece then that's going to be my new wishlist set...
The hunter 8 piece bonus still sucks, but the others are pretty awesome. 4 seconds extra for rapid fire is nice, reducing mana on aimed/multi is insanely awesome (since most raiding hunters only do a multi-shot/aimed shot rotation during raids anyway), and the 50 mana on a crit is insanely awesome for crit hunters like me. It's a shame they dropped the ball on the 8 piece bonus.


the 8 piece bonus sucks, but that set is awesomely itemized. hell, all tier 3 sets are awesomely itemized except for the priest set.


and the legendary staff for priests = shit as well!

good thing the class is so wonderfully designed that it has a diverse range of talents allowing it to heal effectively and handle solo/small group damage or pvp, though.

oh wait

I think the ultimate raid is something like 8 warriors (best dps AND primary tank! win-win!), 10 hunters (aggro wipe and second best dps!), 5-6 druids (and with this new patch, may as well have 3 of them go feral so you can give your hunters and warriors more crit! but be warned, 6 level 60 druids may be the entire level 60 druid population for your faction on your server, and after one MC run they will be in their full cenarion set lol am i right), 4 priests, 4-5 shaman/paladins (auras/totems and someone to bid up on the dps weapons that they can't even use effectively), 2 mages (one doesn't have enough bag space to hold water for all the others, plus the warriors and hunters will want more dkp if a staff of dominance or mageblade drops, if your guild does zero-sum), 3 warlocks (so you have 2 people to click the portal and summon everyone, and can soulstone 3/4 of the priests and maybe banish something if you get an add that isn't dead in a minute) and the remaining 2 slots can go to some rogues so they don't have to go into the LFG channel or farm tyr's hand/azshara/burning steppes orcs.
Synthesizer Patel said:
yeah, uh, did they just give up on priests and go "fuck it add more healing" or what

The only two real trends with Priest itemization has been adding more and more +healing, and replacing spirit with mana per 5 seconds.

+healing is actually not too bad, but once you get through MC and into BWL and have your shit enchanted you start to get near +700 or so and at that point it's kind of silly. It's main use is letting you use Heal Rank 2-4 as your main "top off" heal for non tank targets and adding a bit more punch to your flash heals and renews.

Right now I think they are overdoing +heal on some on gear and wish they would make more items like the Ternary Mantle from AQ40 that has good +healing while having balanced stam/int/spirit to boot, which is pretty much the whole focus of the Tier 3 set.

The move to Mana per 5 seconds over spirit is not so good, especially for priests nearer to the endgame and past that. While it works out really, really well for Priests in five man groups doing bluebie instances, once you get three pieces of Transcendence one point of Mana Per 5 seconds is worth approximately two and a quarter/two and a half points of spirit. So the stat doesn't scale too well in the endgame. Alternatively, it could be argued that it scales TOO well for lesser geared players, but there are so many terrible players at those gear levels that giving Priests a little extra oomph isn't a bad thing.

Shadow Priests don't get much of anything from the Tier 3 set but they were always happier feeding from the general items that mages/warlocks either didn't want because they already had set pieces or didn't one bad enough that they would spend big DKP on them (Mantle of Blackwing Cabal, etc.).

One thing that is interesting is that Blizzard is saying that tier 3 will make for excellent leveling gear. Well no shit, they are level 90 epics. If that kind of gearing is really needed for most of the 60-70 content in BC non-raiders would be totally screwed.


Alright, I know I'm 245242342353 years behind everyone but did my first BRD run last night with my level 55 mage. That Lycaeum room is a BITCH, at least we only wiped once there. Picked up a Blood Tinged Dagger that the leader gave me in case I found a good off-hand item. And then won the roll for the Stone of Magnus or whatever it's called, the 15 FR offhand. Awesome. I loved the instance though, it actually seemed to reward good play more than the earlier instances do.
Everything from BRD on really rewards good play and really punishes really bad play, provided you aren't totally outgeared for the instance. :)

As a mage, you'll enjoy Scholomance a good bit and absolutely adore Dire Maul. Grats on the good loot!
Fragamemnon said:
One thing that is interesting is that Blizzard is saying that tier 3 will make for excellent leveling gear. Well no shit, they are level 90 epics. If that kind of gearing is really needed for most of the 60-70 content in BC non-raiders would be totally screwed.

Well, I just think he's stating the obvious, really. I do figure someone in at least Tier 0/DM stuff should do fine on 61/62 mobs in the new zones. And me in my steadily Tier 1ed self would have a slightly easier time of it too. (Now, if you have to FIGHT for your spots in Outlands/etc; fuck it; I'll 5 man Scarlet strath and Baron runs or do Winterspring for my XP with the guild (especially 3 manning Darkwhisper Gorge) till 62-ish.


I've heard some guildies saying that leveling in the expansion will take as long as it took to go from 1 to 60... is there any truth to that, or are they just basing it off EQ's expansions? Cause personally, if it's going to be that much of a grind, I won't be enjoying Burning Crusade very much.


I'm expecting blizzard to make it quite a haul.

Though I'm not worried, with running raids weekly + questing ect it'll go by nicely.


Fragamemnon said:
The only two real trends with Priest itemization has been adding more and more +healing, and replacing spirit with mana per 5 seconds.

+healing is actually not too bad, but once you get through MC and into BWL and have your shit enchanted you start to get near +700 or so and at that point it's kind of silly. It's main use is letting you use Heal Rank 2-4 as your main "top off" heal for non tank targets and adding a bit more punch to your flash heals and renews.

Right now I think they are overdoing +heal on some on gear and wish they would make more items like the Ternary Mantle from AQ40 that has good +healing while having balanced stam/int/spirit to boot, which is pretty much the whole focus of the Tier 3 set.

The move to Mana per 5 seconds over spirit is not so good, especially for priests nearer to the endgame and past that. While it works out really, really well for Priests in five man groups doing bluebie instances, once you get three pieces of Transcendence one point of Mana Per 5 seconds is worth approximately two and a quarter/two and a half points of spirit. So the stat doesn't scale too well in the endgame. Alternatively, it could be argued that it scales TOO well for lesser geared players, but there are so many terrible players at those gear levels that giving Priests a little extra oomph isn't a bad thing.

Shadow Priests don't get much of anything from the Tier 3 set but they were always happier feeding from the general items that mages/warlocks either didn't want because they already had set pieces or didn't one bad enough that they would spend big DKP on them (Mantle of Blackwing Cabal, etc.).

One thing that is interesting is that Blizzard is saying that tier 3 will make for excellent leveling gear. Well no shit, they are level 90 epics. If that kind of gearing is really needed for most of the 60-70 content in BC non-raiders would be totally screwed.

Raid fights really benefit from regen gear because of their length, whereas you really only speed up downtime in your typical 5-man instance.

Personally I'm a huge fan of mana/5 sec and also believe in balancing stats. I tend to swap around gear a lot to be able to maintain about +450 healing, 8k mana (buffed), and as much regen as I can manage while keeping those base stats (80 mana/5 sec atm). I like spirit too, but I'm never seem to find myself put on rotation, where I have clear downtime to regen.
Man, the raptor mount dropped in ZG my last...And like 17/20 people in the group said that I should take it because I do so much for the guild, and I don't have an epic mount. To be fair I allowed everyone to roll and said if the winner wants me to have it so be it...Go figure not only did someone who didn't want me to have it win, but he's this gay little gnome warlock who doesn't do any damage, and never says a word. Damn the luck.


ToyMachine228 said:
Go figure not only did someone who didn't want me to have it win, but he's this gay little gnome warlock who doesn't do any damage, and never says a word. Damn the luck.
Further proving my theory that gnomes are only good for gently patting and tickling.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
If you have the +healing from spirit and +regen in combat from spirit talents, spirit gear >>>>>>>>> x mana per 5 seconds gear.

That's pretty much my take too. 3 piece transcendence bonus + 3/3 meditation gives you 30% of your regular regen value back if you're in the 5 second rule. At that point provided you aren't chain casting all the time and you use longer cast time heals rather than just flash heal and cancel overheals well by moving, you'll find that one mana per five second is about equal to 2 spirit. Spirit is a lot cheaper on the itemization formula than mana per 5 seconds, so it's easier to load up on it.

Mana per five is good stuff if you're just getting started though or just going through MC before you can get your 3 pieces of transcendence.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
If you have the +healing from spirit and +regen in combat from spirit talents, spirit gear >>>>>>>>> x mana per 5 seconds gear.

I take what regen I can get, so I do have those talents, but I still prefer Mana/5sec. I use flash and renew pretty much exclusively and tend to always be healing. I've tried lots of gear setups, but it's what works best for me.

Elmindreda's profile



Bonus pic! We terminated Ossirian. =D


Now back to BWL >_>


Man, the raptor mount dropped in ZG my last...And like 17/20 people in the group said that I should take it because I do so much for the guild, and I don't have an epic mount. To be fair I allowed everyone to roll and said if the winner wants me to have it so be it...Go figure not only did someone who didn't want me to have it win, but he's this gay little gnome warlock who doesn't do any damage, and never says a word. Damn the luck.







that would blow ass if they really did make 60-70 as long as 1-60. there's enough grinding and timesinks in this game as it is (something blizzard claimed we wouldn't have to deal with) and leveling up shouldn't be one. personally, I just don't see the point of it. I mean they're going to give us all this new content, but for casual players (which I'm becoming due to real life and disinterest) that means it'll take them 6+ months minimum to see it. I really hope they add in some good 5-20 man content though.

also, just curious, what servers do a lot of the GAF horde players play on? I may transfer to one when they add in paid transfers, because quite frankly I'm tired of the complete dickheaded attitude our warriors have. If we kill a boss and it doesn't drop a fury/ms weapon and plate, immediately there's a bunch of bitching over vent, and all they fucking do is whine about other classes getting loot when they're already nicely geared out.


Patch notes and test realm are live.

Shadow of the Necropolis
Floating above the Plaguelands, the necropolis known as Naxxramas
serves as the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers,
the dreaded lich Kel'Thuzad. Horrors of the past and new terrors yet
to be unleashed are gathering inside the necropolis as the Lich
King's servants prepare their assault. The Scourge marches again...
Naxxramas is the new 40-man raid dungeon that will present even the
most experienced and powerful players with an epic challenge.

- The cost to unlearn talents will now decay over time. This cost will
be reduced by a rate of 5 gold per month to a minimum of 10 gold.
- After a disconnect from the server, it is now possible to log back
in immediately, instead of receiving the message, "A character with
that name already exists."
- Chain targeted spells and abilities (e.g. Multi-shot, Cleave, Chain
Lightning) will no longer hit stealthed or invisible units unless
visible to the caster.
- Fear: The calculations to determine if Fear effects should break due
to receiving damage have been changed. The old calculation used the
base damage of the ability. The new calculation uses the final amount
of damage dealt, after all modifiers. In addition, the chance for a
damage over time spell to break Fear is now significantly lower. Note
that Fear continues to be roughly three times as likely to break on
player targets as on non-player targets. In addition, Intimidating
Shout now follows that player versus non-player distinction, while
previously it did not.
- Periodic Healing: Spells which do periodic healing will now have
their strength determined at the moment they are cast. Changing the
amount of bonus healing you have during the duration of the periodic
spell will have no impact on how much it heals for.
- Reflection: Effects which cause reflection will no longer reflect
triggered effects separately from their base effects (eg. Impact,
Improved Shadow Bolt, Aftermath, etc.)
- Optimization code known as "M2Faster" is now enabled by default.
M2Faster can improve performance in crowded scenes when "Vertex
Animation Shaders" is turned on.

- Alterac Valley
Most of the NPC guard units have been removed.
Players now drop more quest items.
Creatures that remain in Alterac Valley have had their hit points
The buff that is periodically cast by each faction's Captain has
been changed to a flat 20% hit point buff.
Upgrading troops through armor scrap turn-ins will also now result
in your team's General enabling a periodic buff to your melee and
spell damage.
This buff scales from 10% at the Seasoned unit level, 20% at the
Veteran unit level, and 30% at the Champion unit level.

- Innervate: This spell is now a base ability for all Druids, trainable
at level 40. Any Druid who formerly had the Innervate talent now has
the Swiftmend talent instead.
- Nature's Grace: You will no longer consume this effect when casting a
spell which was made instant by Nature's Swiftness.
- Swiftmend: This new talent has been added to the Druid Restoration
tree, replacing Innervate as the 31 point ultimate talent. It
consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth aura to produce an instant heal.
- Enrage: Tooltip edited to clarify functionality.

- Counterattack (Survival Talent) - All ranks of this talent will now
share the same cooldown.
- Scorpid Poison: Duration slightly lengthened.
- Changed the way hunter pet family armor bonuses and penalties are
applied to allow the exact value from the Natural Armor talent to be
applied correctly. This may result in a very slight loss of armor to
some pets (less than a third of a percent).
- Improved Scorpid Sting: The aura from this Sting will now be removed
(as intended) when a different Sting aura is placed on the victim.

- Due to significant talent changes, mages will have all talent points
refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell
replacements have been significantly reduced.
- Arcane Explosion is now instant cast and will no longer remove the
Presence of Mind effect when used.
- Evocation - Is now available to all mages (via trainer), starting at
level 20.
- Conjure Food now has a new rank (Rank 7) available in Stratholme.
- Frost Ward now has a new rank (Rank 5) available as item loot in
- Mana Shield - Damage taken will now be absorbed by other absorb
spells (e.g. Ice Barrier, Power Word: Shield) before being absorbed
by Mana Shield.
- Dampen Magic - Damage and healing reduction increased on ranks 3
through 5.
- Amplify Magic - Damage and healing bonus increased on ranks 2
through 4.
- Counterspell - Fixed a bug that made Counterspell unresistable.
- Winter's Chill - Changed to increase crit chance by 1% per stack, but
stacks up to 10 times (previously 2% max 5 times).
- Improved Scorch - Duration of Fire Vulnerability increased to 30
seconds (previously 15 secs).
- Blast Wave: The bonus this spell receives from effects that increase
spell damage has been increased.
- Cold Snap: This talent will now always clear the cooldown for Frost
Ward, even if the cooldown was triggered by casting Fire Ward.
- Cone of Cold: The bonus this spell receives from effects that
increase spell damage has been increased.
- Fire Ward: The amount of damage absorbed by this ward was increased
substantially on all ranks.
- Frost Ward: The amount of damage absorbed by this ward was increased
substantially on all ranks.
- Arcane Power: This ability will no longer stack with Power Infusion.
If you gain both at the same time, Arcane Power will take precedence.
- Added a new level 60 quest available from Archmage Xylem in Azshara
for mages.
- Fire Ruby now has a sell value and can be disenchanted.

- Benediction: This talent will no longer incorrectly provide a double
discount to Seal of Justice.
- Blessing of Light: It is no longer possible for a target to appear to
have multiple ranks of Blessing of Light. These multiple auras had no
beneficial effect, merely causing confusion. Problems with targeting
the spell when the caster has Blessing of Light effect on them have
also been fixed.
- Divine Favor: It is no longer possible to cast this immediately after
a healing spell and "retroactively" make it a critical hit.
- Illumination: When several critical effect healing spells are cast
very quickly, you will now receive the correct mana refund for each
- Judgement of Command: Now consumes a charge of the Zandalarian Hero
Charm. In addition, when this spell is resisted it will no longer
erroneously still do damage.
- Judgement of Righteousness: Now consumes a charge of the Zandalarian
Hero Charm.
- Seal of Command: Clarified tooltip.
- Vengeance: Seal of Command critical hits can now trigger this
- Vindication: This effect will no longer be absorbed by Grounding

- Lightwell - Casting time reduced. Lightwell object increased in
size to make it easier to click; relative click radius decreased
- Mind Control: If you cast Power Word: Shield while Mind Controlling
a target, the Recently Shielded aura will now appear on the correct
target instead of yourself.
- Shadowguard: This Troll Priest racial spell now works with Vampiric
Embrace, Blackout, and Shadow Weaving. In addition, the damage from
Shadowguard will now consume charges of the Zandalarian Hero Charm's
Unstable Power aura.
- Spirit of Redemption: This spell has a number of fixes: Priests
prematurely leaving battlegrounds with this aura on will now receive
the Deserter debuff (as intended); Priests in Spirit of Redemption
form at the completion of a battleground will have the aura removed
without dying; It will now work correctly with the Darkmoon Card
Twisting Nether item, resurrecting you after Spirit of Redemption has
run its course; If you should die underwater the Spirit of Redemption
will no longer have a breath bar appear; the Warlock Drain Soul spell
will terminate producing 1 shard when the Priest switches to Spirit
of Redemption form; You will no longer have to wait 30 seconds for
graveyard resurrection upon your first death while using Spirit of
- Vampiric Embrace: This ability will no longer heal for damage caused
when the target had no life remaining.

- Detect Traps is now a passive skill.
- Pick Pocket: This ability will no longer trigger effects on your
- Slice and Dice: This ability will no longer play its sound effect
- Vanish: Cancelling your Stealth aura while Vanish is running will
now cause Vanish to be canceled as well.

- Shadow Ward now has a new rank (Rank 5) available as item loot in
dungeons. The amount of damage absorbed by this ward was
increased substantially on all ranks.
- Curse of Agony: The damage from this spell will now continue even
if the caster dies or leaves the area.
- Emberstorm: This talent will now correctly increase the damage the
Warlock takes from Hellfire.
- Hellfire: Aftermath can now be triggered by this spell.
- Improved Shadowbolt: Periodic damage spells and
non-damaging spells will no longer consume charges of Shadow
- Shadowburn: If you cast Drain Soul while this aura is on the victim,
you will no longer receive two soul shards upon the victim's death.
- Soul Link: If your pet is banished, it will now break the Soul Link.
In addition, Soul Link's tooltip has been clarified to indicate it
only works with your imp, voidwalker, succubus, or felhunter.

- Due to significant talent changes, Shaman will have all talent points
refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell
replacements have been significantly reduced.
- Searing Totem - Mana cost reduced.
- Disease Cleansing Totem - Duration increased.
- Fire Resistance Totem - Duration increased.
- Flametongue Totem - Duration increased.
- Frost Resistance Totem - Duration increased.
- Grace of Air Totem - Duration of ranks 1 and 2 increased.
- Nature Resistance Totem - Duration increased.
- Poison Cleansing Totem - Duration increased.
- Stoneskin Totem - Duration increased.
- Strength of Earth Totem - Duration of ranks 1 through 4 increased.
- Tremor Totem - Duration increased.
- Windfury Totem - Duration increased.
- Windwall Totem - Duration increased.
- Mana Spring Totem - Mana cost reduced.
- Healing Stream Totem - Mana cost reduced.
- Two-Handed Axes/Maces (Enhancement Talent) - Skill levels gained with
these two weapons will now be retained if you decide to unspend this
talent point and return to it later.
- Flame Shock - Damage over time portion of all ranks slightly
increased. Mana cost of ranks 3 through 5 decreased. In addition, a
new rank is available (rank 6) from Upper Blackrock Spire.
- Improved Reincarnation (Restoration Talent) - Fixed a bug where rank
1 of this talent was not decreasing the cooldown properly.
- Rockbiter, Frostbrand, Flametongue and Windfury Weapon mana costs
- Elemental Fury: Tooltip now indicates it increases the critical
damage for Searing Totem, Magma Totem, and Fire Nova Totem.
- Fire Nova Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from
effects that increase the Shaman's spell damage.
- Grounding Totem: This totem will no longer reflect the Mage talent
Combustion back onto the Mage.
- Healing Wave Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from
effects that increase the Shaman's healing.
- Lightning Bolt: Mana cost reduced approximately 17%.
- Magma Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from effects
that increase the Shaman's spell damage.
- Searing Totem: This totem now receives increased damage from effects
that increase the Shaman's spell damage.

- Improved Revenge - Chance to stun at each rank changed to 15/30/45%.
- Bloodrage - Fixed a bug that caused Bloodrage to cost twice the
intended health
- Sweeping Strikes: This spell has a number of fixes: When used in
conjunction with Execute and the second victim is below 20% health,
they will be hit with the full Execute amount. If the second victim
is not below 20% health, they will be hit with normal melee swing
damage; If the ability you are using does not deal damage, it will
not use a charge of Sweeping Strikes; The extra attack it generates
when used with Whirlwind now has the correct damage range; The
additional attacks generated by this ability will now properly take
into account the armor of the second target.
- Whirlwind - When this ability is used with Sweeping Strikes, it will
burn only one charge of Sweeping Strikes and will generate only one
additional attack.
- Retaliation - This ability will now function correctly at full melee
- Intimidating Shout - The cowering in fear effect will no longer be
applied when the target resists this shout.
- Shield Slam: This ability now costs 20
rage to use and the damage it does is modified by attack power
(normalized to 2.2 speed). However, the base damage has been reduced.
It generates more threat per rage and more damage per rage than it
did previously.
- Flurry - The tooltip for this talent has been adjusted to indicate it
only works on normal melee swings. And ranks 1 through 4 of this
talent will now activate correctly again. Your haste will now last
only the intended next 3 swings.

- Key rings have been added to the game.
Level 1-39 = 4 slots
Level 40-49 = 8 slots
Level 50-60 = 12 slots
- Stack sizes have been updated:
Stacks of 20
Leather (Light, Medium, etc.)
Cured Hides (Light, Medium, etc.)
Shards (Small Brilliant, etc.)
Enchanting Dusts (Strange, Illusion, etc.)
Flash Powder
Rogue Poisons (Instant, Crippling, etc.)
Rogue Poison Reagents (Essence of Pain, Deathweed, etc.)
Stacks of 10
Hides (Light, Medium, etc.)
- We have re-evaluated the mechanics of consumable items in the game
and concluded that these should work in a more intuitive manner. As
such, most items that can not be equipped with right click abilities
have been streamlined into one of three categories. Using an item of
a particular category will trigger a shared cooldown among all other
items in the same category. The categories break down as follows with
category cooldowns as listed.
Potions 2 minutes: This includes items such as Health Potion, Mana
Potion, Invisibility Potion and Mighty Rage Potion.
Aggressive 1 minute: This includes items such as explosives, Really
Sticky Glue and Discombobulator Ray.
Non-Aggresive 2 minutes: This includes items such as Healthstone,
Night Dragon's Breath, Whipper Root Tuber and Target Dummy.
- Many items that can be equipped have had their cooldown category
removed and will be controlled exclusively by the item's self
cooldown. For example, the Gnomish Mind Control Cap should no longer
trigger the cooldown of the Talisman of Arathor.
- We have re-evauluated the class specific quest rewards for both
Zul'Gurub and Ahn'Qiraj Ruins. To bring them more in line with the
effort required to attain them we have upgraded the superior items
to epic quality.
- All food/drink can be eaten while silenced. Previously some
food/drink could not be consumed when under the effect of a silence.
- The Gnomish Mind Control Cap may now only be used on targets that are
not in combat.
- An updated set of armor rewards have been added to vendors for Honor
ranks 7, 8, and 10.
- The armor rewards for Honor ranks 12 and 13 have been increased in
level and stat point allocation. 42

- Four new nature resist cloth armor recipes have been added to the
merchants at Cenarion Hold for those with high Cenarion circle
- Three new nature resist leather armor recipes have been added to the
ghost leatherworker of Silithus for those with high Cenarion Circle
- Three new nature resist plate recipes have been added to the
merchants at Cenarion Hold for those with high Cenarion Circle
- The two-handed agility Enchanting recipe now provides a green glow
on those weapons.
- When a paladin is replaced by their Evil Twin due to transporter
malfunction, they can no longer revert to their normal self using
Divine Shield.
- Tranquil Mechanical Yetis are no longer unique.

- Light's Hope Chapel has been revamped and is now a fully functional
quest hub.
A new mailbox has been added.
The chapel is now flagged as an inn.
A guard system is in place.
New vendors have been added.
- Dozens of new quests have been added to Light's Hope.
- New quests available in Zul'Gurub and Light's Hope Chapel for head
and leg resistance enchantments.
- Several new tradeskill quests have been added to assist players in
obtaining frost resistance armor and items.
- A new LEGENDARY item quest has been added! Casters rejoice (and
druids too)!

Raids and Dungeons
- Zul'Gurub
Class specific armor quests given by the Zandalarian trolls of
Yojamba Isle no longer require Bijous or Coins for completion.
Armor quests now only require a Primal Hakkari piece and appropriate
faction with Zandalar.
Class specific enchantments given by Zanza the Restless no longer
require Arcanum (Librams) from Dire Maul. The requirements have been
changed to items found within Zul'Gurub. Speak with Zanza the
Restless for more information.
The various clan speakers (Bloodscalp Speaker, Sandfury Speaker,
etc) have had their hit points reduced considerably.
Zandalarian Armor Replacement - Because of the changes made to the
armor rewards from the Paragons of Power quests, the trolls of
Yojamba Isle will now offer to replace pieces of armor that have
been lost or deleted.
After careful consideration we have decided to add an additional
loot table to the High Priests of Zul'Gurub. Players should now see
two items in addition to the tokens when slaying these bosses.
- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Ossirian the Unscarred - There is a new crystal that will be visible
before the encounter begins. Players can use this crystal just like
any other crystal in the encounter, but it cannot come back up
during the encounter.
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Class Set Reward Replacement - Because of the
changes made to the rewards from the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj class set
quests, players can obtain replacements for lost or deleted quest
rewards from Warden Haro, Keyl Swiftclaw, and Windcaller Yessendra
in Cenarion Hold.

User Interface
- Text that a raid leader sends to chat will now be displayed in a
different color and will have the [Raid Leader] label.
- There is now a new raid warning chat channel available to raid
leaders and assistants. Text that is sent to this channel will appear
in the center of the screen for all players in the raid. The channel
is called raid warning and text can be sent to it with "/rw"
- Raid leaders now have a Ready Check button on their raid interface.
This can also be sent with /readycheck from the chat line. A ready
check sends an "Are you ready?" Yes/No dialogue to all players in the
raid. The raid leader will get feedback in 30 seconds on all the
players who were not ready or who did not respond.
- Players now have a Raid Info button on their raid interface that
functions the same way /raidinfo worked before. This function will
display a pane showing all of the raid instances that a player is
saved to, rather than displaying it to the chat window.
- Players in a party may now select an option that allows them to
reset an instance.
You only get the reset instance option if you are a party leader.
The UI option appears if you are a party leader, you have one or
more instances open, and you are not currently in an instance.
The UI option is a right-click option off of your own portrait (like
party loot options).
You get a warning dialogue when you select this option asking if you
really want to reset all instances.
If you select reset all instances, all non-raid instances will be
reset to their starting condition.

World Environment

- New flight paths can be found at Ratchet and Marshall's Refuge,
Un'Goro Crater.
- Flight paths added between:
Morgan's Vigil - Lakeshire
Revantusk Village - Light's Hope Chapel
Aerie Peak - Chillwind Point
Stonetalon Peak - Nijel's Point
Cenarion Hold - Feathermoon Stronghold
Cenarion Hold - Camp Mojache
Cenarion Hold - Un'Goro Crater
Gadgetzan - Un'Goro Crater
Crossroads - Ratchet
Theramore - Ratchet
Ratchet - Talendris Point
Moonglade - Talonbranch
Splintertree - Valormok
Hammerfall - Revantusk Village
Camp Mojache - Freewind Post

- "Maximized Windowed Mode" on a multiple display setup now leaves
extra displays available for desktop use.
- In windowed mode, the window position and size is now saved on exit.
- Command-clicking the zoom button in windowed mode will now toggle
amongst a few standard sizes.
- The desktop is no longer displayed when switching between
full-screen resolutions.
- Cinematic support on 10.4.x systems has been revised to use CoreVideo
for playback.
- Fixed a bug that could disrupt window sizes of other apps and desktop
icons when switching in and out of fullscreen mode.
- Keyboard event processing has been improved and is less likely to
drop keystrokes.
- The config.wtf variable "screenshotFormat" allows the user to choose
"png", "jpeg", or "tga" (Targa) format for screen shots.
- Fixed an issue in WoW where pasting in multi-line text from the
clipboard would result in one long line of text in the text view.
- Fixed an issue where international characters were not being copied
and pasted correctly in some situations.
- Conditional support for future OpenGL performance enhancements in OS X.


wow, I actually like the lock changes (aside from shadowburn/drain soul nerf). the big one being improved shadowbolt finally being fucking fixed!
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