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World of Warcraft

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ManaByte said:
The easiest rep grind is Argent Dawn. They should all be that easy.

as long as the fix the "killing any random scorge in WPL/EPL drops your rep" bug. I think there's a post on the test forums about one person killing 3 and goin form exhaulted to friendly.


My guild is trying to get Fankriss down currently. We seem to always have trouble with the 'controlled chaos' encounters.

And what is it with blizzard designing more and more boss fights that require 6-7 tanks? That's just stupid.
Fankriss can be a pain. Here's our setup as Alliance, works fairly well (downed him in four minutes last night). Our setup is very warrior intensive but a druid tank or even a protection pally could probably do pretty well as an add tank.

Assign a tank for each bug spawn, and put a druid/priest/paladin on each of those tanks. Ensure that the tank has thorns before the fight, it really helps. Tank stands near the spawn and uses shouts and what not to hold aggro on the bugs.

Have two warriors in charge of tanking Fankriss and bounce aggro as the debuff stacks. If you still have another warrior, place him in charge of worm intercept duty.

At the start of the fight, have the paladins pretty exclusively handle heals on the bug tanks and have the druids and priests do light DPS (dots/wand). This gives you a good DPS headstart in the fight which will come in handy as the fight approaches chaos stage later on.
Priests and Druids can come in with HOTs during this stage too to keep things more stable.

If the bugs aggro from the hallway, watch the mages as they AE them down.

As the worms spawn, stunlock them as much as possible and get your melee and ranged DPS to burn them down, then back on Fankriss. ALL DPS needs to be on them when they spawn, you don't have much time to bring them down. Then everyone back on Fankriss.

As the bugs continue to mount from the spawn points (where they are tanked), druids and priests step up the healing there on their tanks.

Continue to do this until Fankriss drops. If a bug tank dies, you're pretty screwed unless he's almost dead. Make sure that your bug tank healers call for help if they die or are getting low on mana so you can bring in another healer to help out or toss an innervate on them.

Fankriss dies, collect loot. Then prepare for the cockblock of Huhuran if you don't have decent NR gear yet.


I feel so behind the times, but just got done with my first ZG raid. Mage is still 59 so I was actually getting XP, lol. Killed the Spider, Bat and Snake bosses. Only ended up wiping on the spider boss once when we had a really bad start, hehe. But it was pretty dang fun and looks like Zandalar tribe will be easy to get to Friendly from a few more run throughs:)

Only picked up a Jeklik's Opaline Talisman that I can't use until 60, but still was quite a fun time.


hey, congrats. Hope it remains fun for you for awhile. I'm personally tired of stuff like ZG so I don't go along on guild raids for it anymore.

Aaaand... my guild finally downed Nef tonight. It was awesome, especially to hear the whining when we got 2 nemesis robes (our warriors are such pussy crybabies, I swear) and so our warlock class leader and myself got them (we're the only ones who actually want the full nem set... despite it being way uber for dps over felheart, and having a fucking awesome 8 piece bonus). Just need for the gloves and belt to actually drop twice, and he and I will both have the full set! And after that we gave AQ40 a shot and killed Prophet Skeram on our first attempt (not our first ever, but first for that night and first in a long time).


Warrior drops in BWL has been abysmal for us..

Not scarab, no shield, no cloak, only 3 wrath pieces (all of them bracers) and a single one UTB, oh we had a Draconic maul drop once too...

Yet we shard Nemesis, we shard Pendant of the fallen Dragon (it drops 8 times out of 10, I swear), we shard netherwind, but simply can't get good crap..

This week, so far, we had 4 Stormrage drops (bracer, two belts and boots) if saturday is still no warrior drops, we'Re going to be uberly pissed, half the guild has 5-6/8 and only 2 warriors have 3/8 (oh yeah, we shard Helm of Wrath all the time, but we only got 2 wrath legplates in the last 8 months GG blizzard)
We are having a miserable time with warrior stuff in MC, but we get Wrath helms like its going out of style. We've also never once had a Giantstalker/Nightslayer helm or Felheart Slippers drop.

So last night was our first night in BWL, got all the eggs popped but only a handful survived for Razorgore, so I backstabbed him a few times for shits and giggles. Looks like we're having train troubles. For you BWL vets, do your tanks user Thunderclap?


Started playin on my old server again and joined a cool guild made up of old friends mostly,and we downed Razzorgore in 3 hours on our first night of BWL attempts,too awesome.
this thread, my boyfriend and a co-worker have convinced me.. I just bought WoW and am about to install it.
Is there anything I should know before hand? :/


Have fun and excercise some control ... like this guy:




When the Test Realms go down, I can just delete my "WoW Test" folder right? There's no other way to uninstall all that material?

I hadn't realized that the test client is a 2nd install of the frickin' game....yikes.

EDIT: Arrggh, copied two characters to the server, did the install that ate like 7 gigs, now the premades aren't showing up..


Has problems recognising girls
hi_im_j said:
this thread, my boyfriend and a co-worker have convinced me.. I just bought WoW and am about to install it.
Is there anything I should know before hand? :/
Either say goodbye to your life as you know it, or merely play it for a week and toss it in the "waste of time" pile.


speedpop said:
Either say goodbye to your life as you know it, or merely play it for a week and toss it in the "waste of time" pile.
Goddamn this game builds a retarded stereotype. It's almost as if people are justifying the amount that they play because the game makes them.
"this thread, my boyfriend and a co-worker have convinced me.. I just bought WoW and am about to install it.
Is there anything I should know before hand? :/"

Just don't take it too seriously. And get Wellie to join WoW again, too. :(


hi_im_j said:
this thread, my boyfriend and a co-worker have convinced me.. I just bought WoW and am about to install it.
Is there anything I should know before hand? :/
yeah, make a warrior or a hunter since they are the best classes and also easy to play. I used to believe there was no best class in this game but they are far and away the best, no doubt about it. oh, and if Wellington's playing a night elf, please post screenshots so we can photoshop his character into a Giants uniform!
firex said:
yeah, make a warrior or a hunter since they are the best classes and also easy to play. I used to believe there was no best class in this game but they are far and away the best, no doubt about it. oh, and if Wellington's playing a night elf, please post screenshots so we can photoshop his character into a Giants uniform!

OMG.. a Giants Uniform? :lol
We talked about it and, WoW would just be a waste of money for him since he basically just doesnt have time. :/ But I'll try.
I made a Druid Night Elf, she's pretty neat, so far.

And yeah, yeah.. I know the risks of MMORPGs... (6 months of Ragnarok Online, 11 months of FFXI and 2 months of City of Heroes).
Fortunately, I have work, an appartment and a boyfriend that take priority over any game
(except for Halo2 and MarioKart DS)

Does the server/realm make any difference? and if it does, which one should I join? :/

Thx peoples.. :)


I'd try to pick a medium to high population server. There are some over populated servers you should watch out for, but unfortunately I can't remember their names.


You also have to choose between PvP/PvE and Horde/Alliance. Don't listen to the people that tell you which is best, just choose what you want to. Not sure if there is a GAF server anymore, but I'm sure the server pimpin' will start ...


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
Goddamn this game builds a retarded stereotype. It's almost as if people are justifying the amount that they play because the game makes them.
If I wanted to take any example of a stereotype this game produces, I'd save examples of official WoW forum posts whenever the realms go down without notice.


Well, ran Molten Core for the first time with a guild alliance yesterday, looks like they hadn't done it much either. Only wiped once on Garr(stupid Garrling getting chain resists on a Banish) and then we called it a night after Shazz absolutely destroyed us, nobody in the group had ever done the fight, going back today to continue on, the key here will be Greater Arcane Prot Potions I'm thinking, hehe. Still a fun time, too bad I'm like the third mage in line for loot(we use Suicide Kings), and the drop du jour was Might yesterday.


Shazz is pretty easy. We setup four groups in a semi-circle, while the MT tanks in the center. You don't need arcane pots, everyone just fights ranged. When someone gets aggro, they run to the MT, or have a hunter in the group distract shot and lead him to the MT.


SaitoH said:
Shazz is pretty easy. We setup four groups in a semi-circle, while the MT tanks in the center. You don't need arcane pots, everyone just fights ranged. When someone gets aggro, they run to the MT, or have a hunter in the group distract shot and lead him to the MT.

Hmm....yeah we could do that, we had Offtanks set up on each group to grab aggro and toss back to the MT....that would cut down on the time the group is exposed to him. Maybe we'll just bring the pots for the healers at least, just in case until we get it down. Loved the Baron fight though, we handled it by standing in a straight line. Unfortunately I never got to be the bomb:(


oh god, please pray that your guild alliance doesn't use suicide kings for long, it's the worst loot system period. my old guild used to use that and here's basically how it works: a lucky roll beats out whether someone contributes a lot to the groups or not, and there's nothing gained by showing up and getting no drops (while with ANY dkp system you gain something, at least if you kill a bunch of bosses and no loot you could use drops, you get points to spend when something DOES drop). unless all 40 people in the raid are completely trustworthy and you all are on the same page, SK will immediately cause a shit ton of drama when someone who contributes nothing but rolled a high number takes an item that could go to someone else who's a better player.


How does suicide kings work?

My guild went through like 4 loot systems:
-Officer Loot
-Cool down system (when you get an item you're put on cooldown until 3 items from your class drop again)
-Roll system based on DKP. (High roll # based on total dkp, if you win lose all your dkp)
-Straight up Closed Bid DKP.

Straight up DKP has been by far the best, easiest, and least drama inducing system we've had. Hell I only think we've had 1 problem with DKP (UTB went to a pally, that won't happen again), while the others it was constant bullshit.

I think we once attempted in 20 mans to do the one loot system where if you win the roll you have to decide where the items goes.
Closed bid Zero Sum DKP for god's sake.

SK is a terrible loot system, plauged by the fact that:

1) It assumes that all items are essentially worth the same value.
2) That people will upgrade regardless of the degree of the upgrade instead of the actual value of the upgrade.
3) That the most desired and contested items in the game are not class-specific.

It's actually not bad at all for a guild of fresh 60s just getting into MC, but once you spend more time there and then start looking into BWL it will become completely unteneable without serious drama.


SK works like this: everyone does /random 1000, for their personal ranking in loot order and again for a ranking in class loot (if it's decided to use that). so if your roll is highest you get first pick and so on. while it's "fair" in that it's randomly generated, any form of DKP is much fairer. This is because loot in MC/BWL is random itself, so if no loot for x classes drops, then they gained nothing at all by going to that raid, and the ones who got all that loot LOST nothing. And it provides very little reason to raid since if you miss, you don't lose out on anything, unlike DKP. and we use zero sum DKP in my guild too, though I'm not sure what you mean by closed bid. Do you mean round 1 is the only round for new bids? If so, then we do closed bidding too, and the only real drama we've had from it was when one warlock just bid in like round 2 or 3 after missing round 1, even said so, then lied in guild warlock channel saying he got in, and wound up getting that item.


We just started doing MC, so SK is being used initially just for the set pieces, only 1 or 2 people have been there before. We're a very small group so it seemed the simplest method:p No complaints as of yet.

Downed Shazz, Gole and Sulferon today, going to probably knock out Domo and Rags, or at least try to tomorrow.


I've been leveling up my holy/prot pally some and this is what I think I'll go for with a build:


Anything that's a serious no-no in that build? I decided to get precision/guardian's favor instead of toughness because with plate I'lll have enough armor for my own taste (unless somehow I'll need more if I wind up raiding on this guy), and I'd rather have more hit and the blessing of freedom/protection buffs. also, is consecration useful at all for soloing or 5 mans? I know it's useless everywhere else, just curious because if it won't make a big difference, I may go 2/2 improved blessing of wisdom and 2/3 lasting judgement instead.
CK's old server was Gilneas, where me,tre, and MAF still play.

He might still be an officer in the GAF guild so he could log on and invite your character into it (good way to avoid tells from random people trying to get you into their guild!)
SaitoH said:
Domo's actually a bit of a challenge. Fun though!

That he is. No real easing of OMGCHAOSOMG like with Sulfuron or Garr, except for the 6th add to go down, then it picks up again. This punished us for a LONG time cuz we had alot of guys like me who played in the "core group" getting a nice selection of 3 to 5 MC epics, while alot of people who play now and again have maybe one. Compound this with few Locks and Druids and alot of Priests and Warriors make for decked former and skewed latter, making some Elite tanking pair-ups dangerous. It's better now, but nasty for a while.


Blah, didn't have enough people to attempt Domo today with the holiday and the thrown together 3rd day, but we just did trash for a couple hours and discussed how Rags would go next week. Plus since it was a trash run, the classes randomed for the BoE pieces and I got my Arcanist Bindings. Woot, considering we had 5 mages on a 25 man run, hehe.
I absolutely despise the Ossiran fight in AQ20. It's like a freakin circus. My guild has three people on their mounts look for crystals (me being one of them), while the rest of the group drags Ossiran down and dps'. We've done it before, but last night was taking forever, and the dps was coming so damn slow...When you make a fight half an hour long, something's bound to go wrong, and wipe the whole raid. And it did. Three or four times.


ToyMachine228 said:
I absolutely despise the Ossiran fight in AQ20. It's like a freakin circus. My guild has three people on their mounts look for crystals (me being one of them), while the rest of the group drags Ossiran down and dps'. We've done it before, but last night was taking forever, and the dps was coming so damn slow...When you make a fight half an hour long, something's bound to go wrong, and wipe the whole raid. And it did. Three or four times.

I think the fight itself is really neat, and fun, but those damn tornados manage to really screw you over too many times. You either do him near flawless, or fail.

/Mini rant

Lord Valthalak is still pissing me off. Been a month and I've lucked into two groups going to fight him. First time we tried twice, respawn at entrance, and we disbanded (had to get a couple of replacements part way through. Took too long). Second time I joined a group that had already defeated the beast. Again they needed replacements, we get there, fight him once and wipe. Go back to entrance ... respawn. Disband.

Now I'm ok with him being difficult, but the problem is he's too far into UBRS and the respawn timer is too fast. Not too fast for organized guild runs, but too fast for PUGs. He should be relocated to Rend's location, and the respawn timer needs to be increased.

Really getting tired of seeing people in big raiding guilds with full .5 armour sets. They're for Non-raiders, yet so few non-raiders have them because they don't have a big guild to rely on to trounce Lord Valthalak. Yes, my priest is in a raiding guild and if I begged enough I could probably get them to take my rogue through, but I don't want to do that and shouldn't have to.


trilobyte said:
Any warlocks in here?

I'm making way up to 60 with mine (currently 52). I've been dark-pact since 45 for the grind. Should I respecc to something else at 60? If so what? I hear destruction is awesome at 60, but isn't it bad for Molton Core? I have no idea, any tips?

what I'll be when I hit 60:
dark pact is purely grinding and definitely not a good raid build. if you're hooked on affliction, go with SM/ruin: http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?AA0bVRbkAZZxx0tr0z
or go with MD/ruin, typically the cookie cutter raid build since you mostly just have a pet out and spam shadowbolts and the debuff curse you're assigned to: http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?AZft0zgxoxZxx0tr0z
heavy destruction (i.e. conflag and emberstorm) isn't too useful for raiding BWL/MC but it isn't bad for all other raid content.

there are other, more hybrid builds that aren't too bad either, like this:
http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?Ii0bZfxbzg0oZxx0tr0z but I wouldn't personally recommend it if you're new to raid encounters. MD/ruin is the safest thing, just stick with your imp and you won't pull aggro unless the tanks suck. I'm SM/Ruin now that I have 6/8 nemesis (wanted to wait until 8/8 but I got bored as hell of my SL build) and loving it, but you do have to hold back until tanks get well geared.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Pretty much everything Firex said was on the money. I have found that MD/Ruin is my favorite overall build (conflag is my prefered pvp build). It works well in raids (I need it for tanking the emps right now) and in soloing. Just sacrifice your voidwalker for health regen and you have no real downtime.
SaitoH said:
Lord Valthalak is still pissing me off.

That's odd because I play a Tier 1 and beginning to be Tier 2 geared Rogue, and a Level 42 Paladin alt, and I played a friends protection spec'd Warrior for an UBRS like a month ago. And I successfully tanked him without ever playing a Warrior previous to this run. I heard that melee dps is kinda useless for the fight, so maybe try adjusting your group make up?


I joined groups, didn't start them.

He's considered too hard and people don't want to try him without an stacked group. It's very tough to get a PUG. At least that's been my experience. Hence my frustration.
Fixed2BeBroken said:
cant wait for naxx and endless wipes.

You don't have to wait, just take a jog to AQ40! You get lots of wipes (once you get to the "hard" part of the dungeon), LOLDPS druid gear, lengthy runbacks to encounters because wipe prevention doesn't work well at most of them (Fankriss, C'thun especially), 1.5g gold per boss mob, trash that will wipe your raid and at least kill 5-6 per pull most of the time, etc. etc. etc.

Blizzard needs to nerf/pull some trash out, slightly nerf emps very slightly (unbalancing strike), and make Viscidus alliance-killable without using huge amounts of consumables or the place will just be a complete waste of time once Naxx comes out. They said before that the easiest Naxx boss will be as hard as the twin emps, I don't believe that though since there are freaking PUGs dropping Naxx bosses on the test realm.
Vael is like one of my favorite fights in the game. Not coincidentally, it's one of the few fights where you can't win it by outhealing the encounter to make up for sloppy play elsewhere, so if you wipe there's no way you can bitch at the healers.
yacobod said:
missed rank 13 warlord by 8% this week

oh well one more week of the pvp grind :(

Blizzard's PvP system is so retarded. At least with their PvE system you can still have some semblance of a life and get top-of-the-line gear. How many hours a day/days a week do you have to grind to get from 12 to 13?


Fixed2BeBroken said:
domo = free loot.

and bwl is turning into MC for us now.

cant wait for naxx and endless wipes.

Well, when you look at it like that ...

MC = free loot


Domo is just a tougher boss in MC. Maybe the toughest once you have enough FR for Rag. Only defeated up to broodlord in BWL, but we are at the point where we need to allot more than 3 hours a week to BWL. Too much raid content for 6 days a week.
SaitoH said:
Domo is just a tougher boss in MC. Maybe the toughest once you have enough FR for Rag. Only defeated up to broodlord in BWL, but we are at the point where we need to allot more than 3 hours a week to BWL. Too much raid content for 6 days a week.

We have just about the same problem. Whether or not we get 40 people online has been pretty hit or miss for us. For instance the other night we had 40 of our best players on and we cleared MC in one night...And we put BWL on our priority list since we had literally the entire week to try it. We put it in the guild message repeatedly...And not a single time did we get 40-people. Holiday weekend trips killed what could have been our best week of raiding ever.
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