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World of Warcraft

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If you're wondering, premade warriors on PTR come with :

Full wrath (heads/legs come with +spell damage/+spell crit enchant?!?!)
Maladath (DAMMIT)
Blessed Qiraji Bulwark
Ashkandi with Crusader
Styleen's Impeding Scarab
Master Dragonslayer's Neck piece
Raptor Mount

and other crap


damn, what the hell. I can download blizzard's final release patches just fine with the downloader, but the last test patch (and this one) don't download at all.


Played a lot tonight.

Found some stuff not mentioned in patch notes.

-Rogue poisons don't disappear when you zone now.
-A bug with rogue combo points, the display is horribly inaccurate

Also had a raid do naxx. We got to the spider boss, interesting fight and we didn't figure out the trick. Few notes on him

-When a player dies corpse scarabs burst from the body, quickly causing a chain reaction.
-The two adds have a nasty nature debuff that stacks
-The main guy does a aoe knock into the air for about 2000 damage
-A third add will come out from the doors behind him, what triggers this I don't know.


The patch notes fail to mention the the nerf to the ZHC trinket. (instead of 280/560 it's now 200/400)

Casters cry, melee rejoice.
Ferrio said:
-Rogue poisons don't disappear when you zone now.

Praise the lord! When I apply poisons in one Battleground, then I leave for another and I lose my poisons and they disapeared, it'd make me so angry.


formerly "chigiri"
ToyMachine228 said:
Praise the lord! When I apply poisons in one Battleground, then I leave for another and I lose my poisons and they disapeared, it'd make me so angry.
Have no fear, the bug will reappear in 1.12. :'(
Ferrio said:
-When a player dies corpse scarabs burst from the body, quickly causing a chain reaction.
-The two adds have a nasty nature debuff that stacks
-The main guy does a aoe knock into the air for about 2000 damage
-A third add will come out from the doors behind him, what triggers this I don't know.

That doesn't sound too terrible, unless there is some effect that aggro wipes the tanks ala Broodlord or Princess Yauj. Certainly doesn not sound as hard to learn as Twin Emps (which, after you learn it, is not that bad).

Blizzard is handing out SO much new NR stuff in the patch it's not funny:

1) +20 NR Leg/head enchants.
2) New CC NR gear.
3) New silithus quest for a 10stam/19NR ring.

Getting enough NR to sleep through Huhuran and even do Visc as alliance is going to be EASY EASY.
explodet said:
The patch notes fail to mention the the nerf to the ZHC trinket. (instead of 280/560 it's now 200/400)

Casters cry, melee rejoice.

Yeah, I saw that. I also noticed that the guy who originally wielded Ashbringer is a boss in Naxx. So...that may drop there now...way more DPS than KR or Ashkandi...yet they're nerfing caster damage output...yeah. :|


SatelliteOfLove said:
Yeah, I saw that. I also noticed that the guy who originally wielded Ashbringer is a boss in Naxx. So...that may drop there now...way more DPS than KR or Ashkandi...yet they're nerfing caster damage output...yeah. :|

yep, i rejoice over my new 950 frostbolts when a warlock in our guild in almost full blues still does 850 standard shadowbolts. Way to go Blizz...


Fragamemnon said:
That doesn't sound too terrible, unless there is some effect that aggro wipes the tanks ala Broodlord or Princess Yauj. Certainly doesn not sound as hard to learn as Twin Emps (which, after you learn it, is not that bad).

Ya doesn't, but we didn't get many tries. With the unstable server (constantly reset the packs before boss) and people constantly flaking out it was hard to get attempts in.

We did have a GM help us though, spawned an inn keeper, poison vendor, and regeant vendor inside naxx for us. And killed all the packs after we complained they kept resetting when the server would go down every 15 mins.

Regardless, those corpse scarabs are tough, they take someone down quick which like I said causes a chain reaction. Letting just one person die causes shit to go downhill very very quickly.
Ferrio said:
Regardless, those corpse scarabs are tough, they take someone down quick which like I said causes a chain reaction. Letting just one person die causes shit to go downhill very very quickly.

The harder fights in AQ40 are like that too in the sense that everyone has to be on the ball in order to win. The difference, it seems, on this fight is that you can't save your bacon via combat rezzes but have to rely on just plain not dying.

What would really be evil in that kind of fight is a Blood Adrenaline-like effect where people died by design in the fight. Then you'd have to have some people playing "sweeper" to pick up the corpse bugs as the person died.

I'm really, really looking forward to Naxx. AQ40 is barely worth the effort you have to put into it in order to get far enough. Maybe once we all have enough NR to do Visc and what not it'll be more worthwhile. BWL is certainly easier for almost the same level of loot.


Naxx is just plain fucking cool too.

Randomly you'll hear some one yell in a very creepy voice. Also there's a cat "Mr Bigglesworth" at the start that if you kill, Kel'thuzad gets really pissed.

Also there's see through floors so you can look down and see EPL way below you.

OH i forgot to mention, as soon as you enter you talk to an NPC tells you how to make the lengendary staff.

You need to get 40 pieces of it off of minions in the instance. Then the head piece off kel'thuzad and then the base from the dwarf (magni's brother) in AQ.
The patch notes fail to mention the the nerf to the ZHC trinket. (instead of 280/560 it's now 200/400)

Casters cry, melee rejoice.

Did they change the amount of damage/healing it loses each time you use it?


just tried a premade mage, and while the talents aren't spectacular (and it's way better geared than my mage will ever be), I do like the frost/fire build I did (34 frost/17 fire). master of elements is a decent perk, especially combined with shatter. and hard numbers on the improved frost/fire wards over the old version:
rank 4 frost ward: 675 frost damage absorbed
rank 5 fire ward: 920 fire damage absorbed

makes me want to find out what shadow ward does now... hopefully it's somewhere between those two or near fire ward's, since it's about as common as fire damage and shadow spells tend to hit for a lot.

also, premade mages start with mish'undare, some random boots (forgot the name already, sorry), netherwind robes and gloves, enigma mantle and pants, and a spell power belt (also forgot the name on this). oh, and staff of shadow flame/qiraji magisterial wand (or something like that, the 19 spell power wand from AQ40). trinketwise they have neltharion's tear and fetish of the sand reaver, while warlocks have full nemesis, dragon's touch, shadow flame, neltharion's and ZHC. one thing I didn't see Blizzard mention is that the cooldown on evocation is 8 minutes now instead of 10. not a really big deal, but it's decent. It'd be better if it were 3-5 minutes.

and blizzard's character transfer pages are fucked. if I try loading it in firefox I get a plain white page, if I try loading it in IE I get the "cannot find server" page. but the actual test realm was pretty smooth for me. going to probably give rogue/shaman/hunter a try with premades if I ever can get them together. it looks like half the classes get full tier 2 and the other half get a mix of their AQ40 set, tier 2, and random stuff.


Here's some more stuff I've come up with while trying Naxx.

I've been attemping Anub'Rekhan with PUGs in Naxx, and the fight seems like it's easily doable with a guild, not so easy wit ha PUG where you can't really assure who's good and who's not. Anyways, here's what we got so far.

Anub'Rekhan is the first boss in the spider wing. He sits in the back of a round room, with a spider on each side of him.

The boss should be pulled, and the two adds distracting shotted to the tanking warriors.

The adds have a very nasty poison debuff that stacks, which if it stacks too high it's impossible to heal through. But the adds are tauntable, so you should have atleast two warriors on the add you will kill last. Since the adds are also stunable a group of rogues should be able keep the first add stunned while a single warrior tanks him.

After the first add is down, dps switches to the second. The warrior that was tanking that add waits for an additional add that will spawn later.

After the second add is down, all dps switch to the main boss. You need to keep melee healed as the Impale attack will hit them all for ~2k, and a single rogue going down could cause a wipe. This is because whenever someone dies about 5 corpse scarabs will spawn, which can easily lead to a wipe by causing a chain reaction.

At ~1:30 into the fight the boss will do a attack called "Locus Swarm", which i'm not sure what does other than some nasty damage. It's an aura affect so everyone should be out of range except the main tank. Also when this happens the boss will be at 40% run speed, so at this point the tank has to kite him around away from everyone else, while avoiding the Aura himself (as it will eventually kill him if he doesn't)

Also as the locus swarm happens, an additional add will spawn in the doorway right behind where Anub'Rekhan was first standing, and a warrior or two need to pick thsi up. At this time all dps should switch to this add.

What happens after that... I don't know.

Anyways here's a quick summary of their attacks:

-Does a "Impale" attack that does ~2k damage and knocks you straight up into the air.
-Does locus swarm, which is an aura that does quite a bit of damage. Also reduces his run speed to 40%

The Adds
-AoE Web
-Nasty Nature debuff that stacks making it eventually unable to heal through. SHout rotations, and rogue stuns will fix this.

Corpse Scarabs
-Nasty bugs that spawn when someone dies. They're very tiny, very quick, hit fast for 200 a pop, and have about 6k HP (not very easy to kill). These can easilyc ause a chain reaction, one person dying can lead to a wipe. You should make sure NO ONE DIE


I'm amazed you've been able to get on the test server long enough to test this stuff out. I made it on yesterday morning went to ZG looking for info on the new resist enchants, zoned in decided it'd be quicker to die my way out since I forgot to grab a hearth and remained completely unable to connect until they put the queue up that evening. And since then theres been at least a 2 hour queue to get on the server.

Kinda funny that in order to see Naxx I had to run a level 1 alt to EPL on the RPPvP test server. Unfortunately he had an accident trying to retrieve his corpse from Naxx and is now drifting south beneath the Hinterlands.

Some second hand info from the Test Realm forums, apparently the first boss in the Deathknight wing involves priests tanking the boss by mind controlling adds.


the pvp sets are being buffed in 1.11

the champion (rank 10) set is really nice now

the warlords (rank 13) set is uber

now the pvp gear is >>> pve gear

very nice buff for the warrior sets :)


RonaldoSan said:
What about key rings? How do you aquire them, and can they hold all keys (ubrs, onyxia etc.)?
Free up some of your bank and inventory space with the introduction of keyrings! Keyrings are automatically available to players once the patch goes live. Keys found throughout the world will automatically go on the keyring. Level 1-39 players will have 4 key slots, level 40-49 players will have 8 key slots, and level 50-60 players will have 12 key slots.
My guild dropped Rag for the first time tonight!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

And I got the Netherwind pant!!!!!! Really pumped right now!!!!


yacobod said:
the pvp sets are being buffed in 1.11

the champion (rank 10) set is really nice now

the warlords (rank 13) set is uber

now the pvp gear is >>> pve gear

very nice buff for the warrior sets :)
I demand the ability to trade my old shit in. I really don't wanna repeat my PVP grind now that I've let my rank slide to nearly nothing.
evel 50-60 players will have 12 key slots.
Are there even enough keys to fill up that many slots? Do they count stuff like UBRS key and Onyxia key?
There probably are not enough keys to fill that,but I am sure they will add more in the exp. I dont think the Ony key and the UBRS key count, since those are equippable items.


border said:
I demand the ability to trade my old shit in. I really don't wanna repeat my PVP grind now that I've let my rank slide to nearly nothing.

Don't you keep your rank once you have aquired it? So either your PVP gear will be "auto" buffed, or you can just go back in to the Hall of Champions and buy it again ...
Ferrio said:
Naxx Attunement is going to SUCK

If you're in a guild that's ready for Naxxramus (at/killed Twin Emperors in AQ40, have BWL farm down to around 3 to 3.5 hours or so), then you should have already been gouging the bluebies on your server for 45m baron runs and should be well into Revered with AD already.
Kidding aside, AD faction is stupidly easy to get, this isn't Cenarion Circle or Brood of Nozdormu difficulty/timesink to reach.

Guild provides the Nexus Crystal gathered from feral/balance druid AQ40 loot and Molten Bore, player provides the gold and the arcane crystal. If your guild members balk, sell a couple of AQ20 spellbooks on the AH and buy the arcane crystals for them with the proceeds. If people whine about the gold costs, tell them to grind for an hour in silithus and AH the texts and twilight summon drops.

Naxxramus is probably the EASIEST attunement in the game because, for the most part, everyone has the needed faction, and there's no silly quest involved in getting attuned.

Oh, and fuck this week's Nefarion. Double Stormrage FTL.


I still feel Blackwing Lair is the easiest attunement to get - if you're about to go into BWL it's assumed you've already got MC on farm status, and with that kind of equipment a UBRS run is cake.

The only problem with Molten Core attunement is getting people to actually go to Blackrock Depths. Man, that place is just annoying.
"Don't you keep your rank once you have aquired it? So either your PVP gear will be "auto" buffed, or you can just go back in to the Hall of Champions and buy it again ..."

Nope. Rank/honor decays over time if you don't keep active. It's one of the big beefs the community has with it.


:lol That's what you get for grinding and doing something you hate! Should try having fun with this game sometime, it's quite impressive.
"That's what you get for grinding and doing something you hate! Should try having fun with this game sometime, it's quite impressive."

? I enjoy playing against others and didn't find the "grind" too big of a deal. The issue people have with it is the decaying. Perhaps you should try shutting up.


Heh, wasn't making that comment towards you then. If you enjoy it, great! And I honestly feel bad that you're getting the rough end of it. I just find it hard to believe that many people enjoy it. Most people I know that hit rank 13/14 end up quitting the game, which I think is rather sad.

I really have nothing good to say about the honour system. Up to like, rank 9/10, it's reasonable, I guess. Though I couldn't make it past 6 ... I think I play enough, but BGs become rather static after awhile and I have to get out for some world PvP where I'm not standing at a flag waiting for a respawn timer or something.


the rank 12/13 stuff is being buffed

i think the rank 7/8/9 items u have to rebuy, so you would have to regrind for them

but gettin rank 10 isnt that hard so w/e


Are the Public Test Realm servers just fucked six ways from Sunday or something? I can't even create a pre-made character without getting a "server too busy" message on Blizzard's website. Is it even worth trying the test realm if it's getting hammered like this?

Ferrio said:
If you're wondering, premade warriors on PTR come with :

Full wrath (heads/legs come with +spell damage/+spell crit enchant?!?!)
Maladath (DAMMIT)
Blessed Qiraji Bulwark
Ashkandi with Crusader
Styleen's Impeding Scarab
Master Dragonslayer's Neck piece
Raptor Mount

and other crap

Is there anyplace I can see what the other classes come with?


rep grinding is just horrible anyway. most boring shit ever... anyway: logging onto the PTR itself isn't so bad (super long queue, but it's stable and not laggy, in other words the opposite of every other wow server i've played on) but I've had similar problems making a premade. early on I got a premade mage though.
they start out with -
netherwind robe
netherwind gloves
enigma shoulders
enigma leggings
some random epic damage boots
another epic damage belt
staff of shadow flame
qiraji something or other wand
fetish of the sand reaver
neltharion's tear
c'thun ring
another damage ring (forget which, sorry, and don't feel like sitting through the queue to find out)
AQ40 spell damage necklace (i think)
random epic damage bracers
cloak of the brood lord

a lot of other classes (from what i've seen, warriors, rogues, warlocks, priests and hunters) start out with full tier 2 for armor, and then other random pieces.


I don't know, maybe at some point it will let up. But seriously, I've tried it at all different hours (I work nights so I tend to stay up late and then sleep during the day) and it bugs out on me every time now.
Azwethinkweiz said:


Oh yeah, Im only stepping foot outside of raids to go repair till the expansion. I have no chance. :lol
My guild cleared MC in one night for the first time last night, it was pretty cool. We've been having attendance problems so this gives us an opportunity to really give BWL some more go's this week. Can't wait.
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