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World of Warcraft

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no for sure, i agree that its a time sink

rank does not equal skill

it sucks because you have to compete with ppl who pay china farmers to play their account 24/7, these are ppl who literally never log off until servers go down, so gay

its kinda annoying as it is

but the rank 12/13 pvp set is being buffed soon, and it will be better than any loot i can get in mc/bwl

so i'm happy with it

just need asscandy now :)
The main flaw in their system is decay and relative ranking. A system like DAOC's realm points is much more sane than their Diablo-derived ladder drivel.

Ranking up to rank 10 in camelot could take many months or even years. But you could do so at your own pace, and weren't punished for taking a break or doing something else in game instead like WoW's PVP system.


Ranking up to rank 10 in camelot could take many months or even years. But you could do so at your own pace, and weren't punished for taking a break or doing something else in game instead like WoW's PVP system.

I think that's the other big flaw in the system. Why should your honor degrade over time if you aren't constantly farming? It's not as if players begin to level down if the haven't played their level 60 toon for a few weeks.

I guess Blizzard's rationale is that it provides more end game content, because you'll always have something to do. Of course, you'd have to consider repetative action "something to do" to buy into their philosophy, and it sounds like more and more people aren't.

I mean, I'm on a PVE server for a reason...


NME said:
I think that's the other big flaw in the system. Why should your honor degrade over time if you aren't constantly farming? It's not as if players begin to level down if the haven't played their level 60 toon for a few weeks.
Their justification was something along the lines of it being a military styled thing. Only one leader, etc. They really did want people to "compete" for rank, but have said that they didn't see it turning into the endless grind that it is.

I mean, I'm on a PVE server for a reason...
Heh, honor grinding has shit all to do with PvP. It's just more instanced raiding as far as I'm concerned. People who play on PvP servers are either A. Sick ****s who like ganking and/or B. Sick ****s who love the idea of running into people out in the world and having that tension. I fall into the B. category.


fallout said:
Heh, honor grinding has shit all to do with PvP. It's just more instanced raiding as far as I'm concerned. People who play on PvP servers are either A. Sick ****s who like ganking and/or B. Sick ****s who love the idea of running into people out in the world and having that tension. I fall into the B. category.

I did the PVP server thing for my first toon. Once I hit 60, I didn't even stick around to get my epic gear. Of course, that was right when they had released the honor system, before any battlegrounds or modifications to the honor system had been enacted. I remember thinking how awful the system was then, and being that I'm happy to be on the PVE, I really don't care if it has gotten any better.

Now that I have a level 16 toon, it frustrates me to no end that I:

A. Never endeavored to do any of the high level content with my level 60 toon

B. Took the year off the game, consequently knocking me back to level retarded.

Of course, picking the game back up was not planned. But that's a whole different story.
I'm so glad I'm on a pvp server. Nothing would infuriate me more than seeing some alliance mining a thorium vein I've found only to not be able to kill him and steal the vein because he's not flagged. And I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that chinese farmers who farm for arcane crystals are never flagged.


Azwethinkweiz said:
I'm so glad I'm on a pvp server. Nothing would infuriate me more than seeing some alliance mining a thorium vein I've found only to not be able to kill him and steal the vein because he's not flagged. And I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that chinese farmers who farm for arcane crystals are never flagged.
:lol I remember one time I was farming some thorium and I came across a Horde chinese farmer who had been out there for like, a week solid. Then this 60 human mage rode by on his horse, I waved at him, he waved at me, I pointed at the farmer and he killed him. He mounted up, then waved and rode off.


Satura down.

I also pissed off some alliance hunter in Ironforge baaaaaaad, to the point I was being messaged with some things that'd easily get him suspended... but I"m too lazy to ever rat anyone out.

Basically there's a group of horde that comes into IF sometimes to have fun and screw around. Trhough MC's and stuff I learned their vent channel (actually lots of people in IF know the channel now and are quite friendly to them). Though they were in IF that day and just playing around. THe hunter was taking pot shots at tehm and they couldn't get to him.

So I had the horde rogue sneak up to him and MC cap him, and I proceeded to kill the hunter.


yeah, my guild just killed Sartura recently too. not a very interesting fight, but the gimmick is better than others I've seen.
I like the Sartura fight but it's kind of obnoxious that at least a few people are going to bite it-the lowest I think we've had die in the fight is five, and had up to 16 die when we killed her with 10s before super-enrage. It's probably the toughest fight before Huhu provided you are killing Vem last for the bug trio.

Fankriss is super easy-Ferrio, I hope you've been working on your NR gear because it sounds like you'll need it pretty soon.

Now that we've got it down, I'm really loving the Twin Emps fight (didn't use flasks on the tanks, yay!). Yes, it's long and requires me to drink pots like a mofo, but I enjoy it because it really pushes each and everyone to perform their role and pay attention to their surroundings to win.

Trash and more C'Thun attempts tonight. Whoever designed pulls that fear, deaggro, mind flay, and mana burn all at the same time deserves to be kicked in the balls. Not to mention the Qiraji Champions with more hit points than some Molten Core bosses.


Fankriss is super easy-Ferrio, I hope you've been working on your NR gear because it sounds like you'll need it pretty soon.

Other than our MT no one has. Most of the guild is looking foward to Naxx instead.
You know what I like? MS/Fury build is losing ground with warriors in favor of 2h Fury. That, combined with the sacks of potatoes playing the UTB-wielding character attacking me means I can now heal the crap outta myself whilst throwing Renews and Shields on the needing till 10 seconds up and blow a fearbomb. 5 Cap? Oh yus, plz.

Oh, but Holy specc can't be successful in pvp. :lol


i have a TUB, so i decided to try out the flavor of the month 2h fury, and i'm not a big fan of it thus far, i think it looks better on paper than in practice, with procs i'm kicking close to 2000 AP, so you think you would get some fatty bloodthirsts, but not really

gear isnt the problem

i have 30% crit rate in zerk stance
6% to hit
and over 1100 AP with shout

31/20 arms/fury is the cookie cutter for a reason, its better for pvp


yacobod said:
i think it looks better on paper than in practice
It's funny how that works. Rockbiter (a shaman weapon buff) is actually marginally better than windfury on paper (depending on how you distribute the odds of course), but I still use windfury, because of its psychological effect. Burst damage scares the shit out of people.
SatelliteOfLove said:
Deer-in-the-Headlights PvE priests and Face-Melters are notorious for it.

Burst Holy damage got a huge boost in the 1.10 talent revamp, but PvE priests are still pretty much in the same boat as before the changes because of the way the talents are laid out. That being said, they shouldn't bitch about it at all because you spec to best kill raid bosses, not to kill people. You can still do a good job at keeping alive and healing people in PvP, which is what you do best.

My PvP set only has like +250 damage at the moment though. I'm hoping when I can get that to near 400-450 (it's not a priority for me right now, I just pick up cheap pieces as they come up in our zero sum DKP bidding system) I'll be able to put out some good damage without having to gimp myself too much from PvE talent perspective.
Ferrio said:
Other than our MT no one has. Most of the guild is looking foward to Naxx instead.

dude, work on your NR.

you do realize that there are fights in Naxx that will require NR (spider boss), and even on some of the first pulls (gargoyle).

BLizz designed naxx to try to make people do AQ first. The whole cockblock with Naxx it seems is Resist gear of all sorts (NR,FrR,Shadow) and Mat farming (cure rugged hide, good god).

with that said, blizz's whole mat farming for tier 3 really has pissed me off. arcane crystals arent ****in farmable. prices are gonna skyrocket. its like they are promoting Gold buying or something.

im sure some have probably spoke on this already in this thread, but i havent checked it in awhile and just wanted to express my anger at blizzard. what a bunch of assholes.
fallout said:
Heh, honor grinding has shit all to do with PvP. It's just more instanced raiding as far as I'm concerned. People who play on PvP servers are either A. Sick ****s who like ganking and/or B. Sick ****s who love the idea of running into people out in the world and having that tension. I fall into the B. category.

while honor grinding does require alot of dedication rather than skill.

those who honor grind with a good honor grinding pvp guild are the ones usually who hit high warlord the easiest.

5 cap ABs ftw?

yes sir.

takes a little skill and good communication.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
while honor grinding does require alot of dedication rather than skill.

those who honor grind with a good honor grinding pvp guild are the ones usually who hit high warlord the easiest.

5 cap ABs ftw?

yes sir.

takes a little skill and good communication.
Yeah, I agree actually. I shouldn't have said "shit all" ... skill and communication do help, but the system doesn't reward it enough and it doesn't really penalize bad play. Every server has a few rank 14s that solo'd it, heh.


I know I sound like I'm centuries late for the party, but I'm proud of my little raiding alliance. We cleared MC up to and including Domo this weekend. I picked up my Talisman of Ephemeral Power so I'm happy there, but it's good working through the instance with a group, learning along with everyone else, trying different methods(never AEing Sulf's guards again:lol ). Now to continue farming and such, getting FR gear up so we can make some serious runs at Rags.:)
Thats great Tam, my guild just got Rag down the other night in a full guild raid. Its a great feeling when all the grinding(and wiping) in MC finally pays off.
I made a new Warlock. I'm loving him! Got him to 19 since yesterday evening. Any tips on where to send him for great low level loot? He's my first real clothie caster. (Undead)


Naxx is gonna be awesome! Here's a picture a friend of mine sent me of the guild he's in along with another guild doing test server naxx runs.



keeblerdrow said:
I made a new Warlock. I'm loving him! Got him to 19 since yesterday evening. Any tips on where to send him for great low level loot? He's my first real clothie caster. (Undead)

Especially as a hordeling, the best place you want to go is to get a group together and go to Shadowfang Keep. So much good low-level clothie gear there:)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So is Kel'Thuzad locked off in Naxx for the PTR, or has no one been able to reach him yet? Surprised we haven't heard anything about him. :)


MrCheez said:
So is Kel'Thuzad locked off in Naxx for the PTR, or has no one been able to reach him yet? Surprised we haven't heard anything about him. :)

You have to clear the whole instance before getting to him.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ah gotcha. Really looking forward to seeing some spoilers for that encounter... I wonder how epic it'll be!


pxleyes said:
I know someone locally in Gainesville who is in Death and Taxes, real name is Lindsey (a guy). His gf was in it too.

Hehe nice :) There's 3 DnT peeps from Ottawa, but I've only met one IRL -- his parents are friends with mine, etc etc.
Tamanon said:
Especially as a hordeling, the best place you want to go is to get a group together and go to Shadowfang Keep. So much good low-level clothie gear there:)

Had a guildie run me through there once. Got the blue dagger, the blue cloth chestpiece and the blue cloth shoulders. Should be GREAT when I get in my early 20s.


MrCheez said:
So is Kel'Thuzad locked off in Naxx for the PTR, or has no one been able to reach him yet? Surprised we haven't heard anything about him. :)
He was killed on the Korean PTRs, but they aren't monitored like the NA test realms. The players somehow were able to gain GM powers and they just deathtouched the whole instance several times to record who drops what loot.

Here is a decent sort of "sneak preview" of Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. Contains no actual fight footage, just their scripted animations etc


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
My guild was the first Alliance guild (actually I think a few Drama had left at that point to test the waters) to transfer over to Korgath yesterday. When I logged on, IF was pretty much a ghost town, the economy was non-existent (we made tons of money selling items that went much cheaper on Stormreaver). Queues were instant and we slaughtered everyone we went against. 5 capped every AB we were in. Only bad thing was, a GC (Gentleman's Club, a horde guild that transferred from our server) alt stole our guild name so we are currently just VoA until the GMs get it back for us.

Then today I log on. Drama and DnT transfered. Insomniacs came over on the Horde side. Default from out server transfered. IF was packed. Queues were pretty bad since everyone was trying to pvp, not just the normal pvpers (plus Insomniacs weren't running groups today since they were still organizing).

It is probably going to get worse too. Dread, Bloodthirst, and TFO have all voted to transfer. All of these guilds are on C'Thun with Dread killing him. Hopefully the transfers get shutdown early or there are going to be too many alliance on the server. They should just rename the server Stormreaver II: Now Including DnT.Good thing is the new hardware seems to be awesome. We did AQ40 with no lag at all for the first time ever tonight.
Best death ever entry: First time tanking with my warrior alt in MC. I have Firesworn #7 at Garr. Hunters pull, I run in, Bloodrage, get ready to taunt, then...smeared in less than a second. Apparently Bloodrage gets more aggro than Volley. :lol

Himuro said:
I'm getting the WoW 10 day trial...

can anyone help me out in game?

Sure. Whatcha need?
My guild finally took down Nefarian on Sunday. On Tuesday we cleared to the wyrmguard pull before Chromaggus in about 3 hours and then came back last night and killed black/red drakonid Nefarian on the third try despite taking on the 20% zerg during the warrior call (which prompted a big "WTF?" from me and the hunter class leader in the class leader channel - luckily we had invulnerability pots). It was still early so we killed Ony so we could put both heads up in Org at the same time.

We get to play in AQ40 on Sunday/Monday which I'm pretty excited about. We've gone maybe 3 times so far and have killed Skeram and the Bug Family (Vem last). Hopefully we get to Sartura fairly early on Sunday.
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