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World of Warcraft

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Cleared to emps last night in fantastic time-a little over two hours, I think, even with the retarded Anubisath Repairbill mobs spamming thunderclap/meteor on the way to the emps.

Got a Kalimdor's Revenge to drop last night, was a nice upgrade over UTB for one of our 2H Fury warriors. Sword looks really badass and while I know he wanted an Ashkandi those just don't drop for us at all. :(

I picked up a Regalia tonight and am looking forward to my Qiraji Augur staff, which will likely be used until I'm level 70. ;p

C'Thun trash is SO MUCH FUN. The man who invented one mob that mindflays, mind controls, fears, and mana burns deserves some kind of medal. After being punched in the balls repeatedly. A pack of 4 mindflayers/1 Champion is literally harder than anything else in the dungeon before it.
My guild is at a very strange point...We're having trouble getting people together to progress through BWL. We can down Razorgore almost every time we actually get to try, and we get like one Vael attempt in, and people go to bed, and we can't try again. And then we schedule a day to try Vael again, and no one shows, and it resets...And it's been plaguing us for months, and a few people are starting to leave, and if we don't progress I'm sure more are to follow. It really sucks because most of us core members are friends, we just can't expand our core guild, despite being capable of greater things.


ToyMachine228 said:
My guild is at a very strange point...We're having trouble getting people together to progress through BWL. We can down Razorgore almost every time we actually get to try, and we get like one Vael attempt in, and people go to bed, and we can't try again. And then we schedule a day to try Vael again, and no one shows, and it resets...And it's been plaguing us for months, and a few people are starting to leave, and if we don't progress I'm sure more are to follow. It really sucks because most of us core members are friends, we just can't expand our core guild, despite being capable of greater things.

Sounds to me like you might need an alliance for BWL, find another guild to draw on. Some guilds just have limits to how much they want to raid. Like our guild does its own ZG run, but we're in an alliance for MC and Ony.
ToyMachine228 said:
My guild is at a very strange point...We're having trouble getting people together to progress through BWL. We can down Razorgore almost every time we actually get to try, and we get like one Vael attempt in, and people go to bed, and we can't try again. And then we schedule a day to try Vael again, and no one shows, and it resets...And it's been plaguing us for months, and a few people are starting to leave, and if we don't progress I'm sure more are to follow. It really sucks because most of us core members are friends, we just can't expand our core guild, despite being capable of greater things.

Do you still farm MC? If so you should, on a regularly scheduled MC farm day, do invites for the raid and once everyone is in tell them to head up the chain and get their butts into BWL. Get three tanks or so flasked up and get some good runs in on Vael, you'll get him soon enough and the encounter is stunningly easy to reattempt even after a wipe. Remind everyone that when Vael dies, Broodlord goes down after him and then there's the magic loot pinatas known as the three drakes.

Otherwise, you could open up recruiting just enough to get the people who just want to farm MC start to feel threatened that they are losing their place in line for loot (assuming you are using DKP) or even their spot in the raid outright. You might actually find good players, too.
cubicle47b said:
Yeah, get Vael down and BWL opens up. You'll be wiping on Nef in two weeks.

Nicely put. :lol

Seriously, recruitment can be a good thing for this. We went thru a stretch where Domo was unkilled after 3 weeks; we'd just have people leave on wipe #2 or 3 instead of being prepared for it, and then it started affecting our early bosses (Luci and Mag with 20. Yeah.)

GL invited a gang of friends from a recently fallen MC guild plus a few friends of guildies that wanted in and BAM. 40 from the get-go and strong showings and first kills with style.


Ok, I hit 58 and I respecced my lock to SM/Ruin. Any long time warlocks in here have any tips on how to fight with this spec, PvP and PvE? I've been dark-pact for a looong time, so I'm not used to this build.
Ramirez said:
Ebonroc down,weeee :D

Drake Fang Talisman FTW.

Flamegor next, lolz. Easiest boss in the dungeon. Have fun with Chromaggus, it's probably my second favorite fight in the dungeon (behind Razorgore) and I like that you don't know what to expect before you start. Those fights are the most fun and it's one of the things I like about BWL that I wish AQ40 had more of.

We had a CA/TL chrommie last night. I hadn't seen CA in a while, but TL lets the DPS stay in longer so it's actually an easier fight than say CA/IF, which is a obnoxious PITA to heal through.


SaitoH said:
God damn ****in' bots. You report them over and over again, and still they remain. Serious, wtf.

They seem to operate in sweeps at Blizz, getting a mass of accounts in one fell swoop every week or month. I just snap screenshots then report on the website if I see any botting/hacking. I'm happy to say that some of the ones I remember are gone now.:)


I had a little fun on my shaman in Warsong Gulch - I got a growth buff from Sen'jin Village, then drank Winterwall Firewater, then after I zoned into WSG, I picked up a berzerking buff from the hut. I had to do this twice - the first time I did this I was too large to leave the building. Second time I grabbed the berzerking buff in ghost wolf form so I could fit through the door.

I was so large other players were as high as my knees. I died shortly after because I was such a huge target, but I took down an alliance cloth wearer with a good WF crit and 30% extra damage.

Good times.

Despite the WF nerf in the next patch I'm going to stick with enhancement, with my current gear I'm just shy of 700 attack power in one set, and 3 pieces of earthfury and 4 pieces of 5 thunders for about 6.5K mana if I need to heal. I'll probably stick with Nature's Swiftness, but there's a little voice in my head tellling me to give it up for Stormstrike.


I may (though it's not very likely) go with a 31 enhance/20 elemental build on my shaman... need the gear to support it, though (at the very least, a finkle's lava dredger would rule) and until then I may stick with 21 ele/30 resto.


Apparently tonight was asshole night in the bg. 3 diffrent raid units, people refusing to invite, and people just dancing. And the beauty of it, is that people like myself who want to play, get penalized. If I leave, I'm a deserter. If I stay it might go for hours.

People suck.


Has problems recognising girls
^ :lol and here I was going yeah I would've done it but I seriously cbf.

Now look at me. I look down upon WoWer's with contempt!


:lol :lol so my guild run decided to try the Panther boss some more, we figured out our problem was focus, we just didn't research the fight enough and our DPS wasn't focusing on the Priestess 100% of the time she's visible. We had 3 mages who were working a Frost Nova rotation through the fight on the panthers and just burned her down after the 2nd vanish. Finally, lol.

Then we tried Hakkar.....got him to 80, 60,50, 30 on four attempts before retiring. Gotta nail down the positioning and getting people to focus on killing the Son of Hakkar quick enough so we can get the poison before the drain. Pain in the ass fight, but I know next time we'll get him. The group was just tired because most of us did the Core earlier in the day.

He better drop some good loot dangit!
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Frost Nova's a super bad idea for that fight. If you freeze them in one place and you walk by that one place, you're dead instantly.

Stay away from the icy blue kitties. :)

If our Shammies don't get the mark from initial healing, keeping as many panthers off clothies is prime focus, and that rotation ensures they don't go down with her up.


Maybe I've been just noobing it up all this time but...I *just* respecced my Disc/Holy priest into a Shadow build....and man is it ever fun :lol

I feel like I've been missing out all this time :lol Ever since I've ever played MMO's all I've done as a healer is...heal....melting faces is so much more.....fun
Warlocks are SO MUCH fun. I had a level 31 rogue helping my 20-lock ass in the Barrens. The troupe of 4 rare alliance spawns came marching through and it was too much for just us to handle. She sapped one, I sent the VW on one, she attack another and I fear kited the last one. Fear > everything in the game. So much fun.


Whoo. Just found an anti-afk bot for AV. Tested it on my old account all day; it worked, and the best part is that I didn't get banned :) TUF here I come.


You aren't going to get much reputation in AV just standing around with an anti-afk bot....that was changed ages ago. And it's only a matter of time before the regular players start reporting you to the GMs...


border said:
You aren't going to get much reputation in AV just standing around with an anti-afk bot....that was changed ages ago. And it's only a matter of time before the regular players start reporting you to the GMs...

Also, mute, Don't be a dick. You're just soaking up someone else's spot that actually wants to RUN in the BG.


Having a lot of fun with my Hunter. At 24 I have Skinning at 200, Leatherworking at 120, Cooking at 200, and First Aid at 125.


Woo woo! Time for everyone to join me in Frostdom!

And hopefully they wipe Marli's Eye from her loot table, we've had 6 in 4 weeks!

Oh yeah, pretty humorous combat log from our Domo fight on Sunday

6/18 14:56:13.614 Fire Ward fades from Littlenoodle. (uh oh...)
6/18 14:56:15.629 Littlenoodle gains Arcane Power.
6/18 14:56:16.114 Littlenoodle's Fireball crits Littlenoodle for 1622 Fire damage.
6/18 14:56:16.426 Littlenoodle gains Presence of Mind.
6/18 14:56:19.348 Littlenoodle's Pyroblast crits Littlenoodle for 1612 Fire damage. (358 resisted)
6/18 14:56:26.801 Littlenoodle dies.

Littlenoodle is our raid leader so us mages really razzed him on this.:D
We killed Sartura last night and I have to say I really love that fight. It's very chaotic and it forces people to be aware of their surroundings (at least until all the tanks/healers have bug mounts for the pull and get better at controlling Sartura and her adds) and take care of themselves.

Maybe because of this people will finally learn to not eat breaths on Chromaggus. Okay, probably not, but it's a cool fight regardless.


Tamanon said:
Woo woo! Time for everyone to join me in Frostdom!

And hopefully they wipe Marli's Eye from her loot table, we've had 6 in 4 weeks!

Oh yeah, pretty humorous combat log from our Domo fight on Sunday

6/18 14:56:13.614 Fire Ward fades from Littlenoodle. (uh oh...)
6/18 14:56:15.629 Littlenoodle gains Arcane Power.
6/18 14:56:16.114 Littlenoodle's Fireball crits Littlenoodle for 1622 Fire damage.
6/18 14:56:16.426 Littlenoodle gains Presence of Mind.
6/18 14:56:19.348 Littlenoodle's Pyroblast crits Littlenoodle for 1612 Fire damage. (358 resisted)
6/18 14:56:26.801 Littlenoodle dies.

Littlenoodle is our raid leader so us mages really razzed him on this.:D

That's what he gets for naming himself Littlenoodle.


It's not like I hop in, turn it on and go afk. I play most of the time, but I really don't have the time to sit there for hours trying to get past the Alliance bridge. 90% of the time I'm actually playing.

Glad the patch is finally coming out today. The new pvp sets look nice :)


Teknopathetic said:
Anyone got stats for the new WSG exalted leggings? I didn't even notice they were planning on adding that.

The above page has listings for each of the leggings, just look for "Warsong Gulch Exalted Reward".
Although that page is missing the Alliance druid leather leggings, the stats are identical to the horde's version.
Hmph, that's quite a bit nicer than I was expecting. WSG rep still remains to have the weakest rewards out of the 3, though.

The world event is pretty cool looking. I might have to participate in it.


Download off a mirror. Servers are up!

I like the new Light's Hope Chapel, albeit a bit busy right now, hehe, waiting for some buds to get home so we can start on an invasion or two!


The patch is 450 megs..? Is that right? I always download from Gamespot for speed but that seems like a lot.. well, I guess it says my d/l will be done in 12 mins so that's reasonable.


SyNapSe said:
The patch is 450 megs..? Is that right? I always download from Gamespot for speed but that seems like a lot.. well, I guess it says my d/l will be done in 12 mins so that's reasonable.

The patch itself is ~160 megs, but unfortunately I can't find the mirror for 1.10.2 to 1.11, just the full patch(incl all patches from previous versions)


darkiguana said:
The entire 1.11 patch is 450 megs, you get that if you just installed the game. The 1.10>1.11 patch is 150 megs.

Hmm, just grabbed the first thing off Gamespot.. well it's installing now so hopefully it doesn't take a lot longer.

It's giving me time to read through these patch notes.. man this is a great patch! It has stuff for just about everyone

FP to Ratchet (yay!), increased stacks of leathers and stuff!

Edit: decaying cost of respec.. really thsi should have been in a long time ago. edit #4.. global lfg? Sounds more like spam.. cities are basically global lfg's. I dunno about how that will work out :(
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