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World of Warcraft

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Ripclawe said:
global LFG is not a good idea at all, Gilneas is all spammy right as it turned into a global chat.:lol

They should just take the LFG mods to put in a LFG window like some mods do and then add a /lfg tag so you show up in it.
I'm enjoying the world event. I finally made my rogue level 60 after 4 months of stalling. Me and some guildies are dropping stuff in the Blasted Lands. Managed to Tag one of the shadows and they drop 30 necrotic runes on the spot.


Thanks to tamanon and Liu Kang, on Whataboutpp.com.

And as for the lfg, it's goddamn barrens chat worldwide, chuck norris' dick and what not.
I know; I get cold-called on my Priest now like in the old days for blue dungeons all the time again because so few people other than morons are actually in the channel now. :lol
LFG global isn't a big deal, but General needs to go global and GMs need to enforce the purpose of the channels if it's going to work out. I really like being able to farm anywhere and still find groups, but it sucks having to deal with spam while I'm at it.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
LFG global isn't a big deal, but General needs to go global and GMs need to enforce the purpose of the channels if it's going to work out. I really like being able to farm anywhere and still find groups, but it sucks having to deal with spam while I'm at it.
Fully agree. It's a great idea, but conversation, bad or good is going to crop up.

Oh, and ...

Tycho said:
Their little munchkin just shows up sometimes when you're playing, chows down on bandwidth, and doesn't tell anybody what it's doing. It's no dealbreaker - at least, not for their six million malnourished thralls - it's just shabby. There's no good excuse. It's like making people get the ****ing patch out of one of those claw machines at the supermarket.

The background downloader is straight dumb. I like what they're thinking, but it needs to be implemented like Steam. As in, you boot up Steam and it downloads new shit or pre-loads future shit, and you know it's doing it and don't mind. The background download is just shady.


Well, Blizzard's retarded system of downloads doesn't work with my new wireless router even with all the proper ports freed up, so their background downloader is worthless for me. I should really be able to say "no, I don't want you to start this piece of shit up when I start the game."

People have said since the day they made all patches torrents that they need to fix their shit, and Blizzard still hasn't done it. That was over 2 years ago, back in beta!

Though I think part of the problem is it uses the same ports as battle.net.


Mr Pockets said:

Just turn off the background downloader ;P
It's really annoying, though. I mean if it started up when you launch wow, that'd be one thing, but it doesn't start up until you log into a character.
Long before the 1.10 patch, rumors swirled that the Tier 0 pieces would be needed for .5...many scoffed, I stocked up. End result for me: $$$

Before 1.11, rumors swirled of "rep-based Tier 3 based on tokens", mentioning pricey mats. Some scoffed; I stocked up. End result for me: $$$

50 - 70g Arcane Crystals. 25 - 35g Mooncloth. Nah, I ain't gotta worry about repair bills and potions with my healbot raid character. :lol


Shit my hunter bugged out last night,and I couldn't see him and all I saw were the death effects and I was stuck on autorun just running around BS...no clue what happened.A GM had to just teleport him to Org to fix it,lol.


SatelliteOfLove said:
50 - 70g Arcane Crystals. 25 - 35g Mooncloth.
Are they really throwing off the economy with all this nonsense? How retarded. As much as the extra endgame content is appreciated, it makes craftable items all the more useless if the cost of materials skyrockets with extra damned patch. Nearly every highend blacksmithing recipe requires arcanite, but at 50-70g per bar they essentially force people to buy gold. At least increase the arcane crystal drop rate to compensate...


SatelliteOfLove said:
Long before the 1.10 patch, rumors swirled that the Tier 0 pieces would be needed for .5...many scoffed, I stocked up. End result for me: $$$
It's hilarious, I paid peanuts for my Tier 0 pieces a week before the patch came out. I knew the prices were going to go up, but the jump was ridiculous. WoW economy is funny.


Pretty sure the blacked out models is tied to vertex shader animation or some such option there were a few posts about it on the test realm forums.


Alright, hopefully they do a hotfix patch. The raid window popping up every 20 seconds is annoying as hell during our ZG run. Also the lagspikes can be killer. The Tiger boss who we've got down pat was straight destroying us for 4 tries today.:/

Also hope CTRaid gets a good update soon, you don't know what you have until it's gone indeed!
fallout said:
It's hilarious, I paid peanuts for my Tier 0 pieces a week before the patch came out. I knew the prices were going to go up, but the jump was ridiculous. WoW economy is funny.

Great Truth™ #67: Never underestimate the credit rating of the procrastinate rich. :D

Border: If it's any consolation, the price halved in 24 hours, after I was in like Flynn.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Border: If it's any consolation, the price halved in 24 hours, after I was in like Flynn.
I'm just curious what's going on. Now that I'm out of the game I have to wean myself off it by at least keeping up with the news. Before I left it seemed like prices on arcane crystals were FINALLY going back down after the spikes caused by 1.10's Tier .5 quests....seems a shame that the new patch has inflated everything all over again.

The insane cost of craftable endgame blue items is really disheartening for non-raiders though. They should just create a new random rare material if they want to make raiders eat an entry fee on new dungeons. Coughing up 500g on Enchanted Thorium Armor or an Arcanite Reaper is retarded.
border said:
I'm just curious what's going on. Now that I'm out of the game I have to wean myself off it by at least keeping up with the news. Before I left it seemed like prices on arcane crystals were FINALLY going back down after the spikes caused by 1.10's Tier .5 quests....seems a shame that the new patch has inflated everything all over again.
Read. The prices are already down by half. They'll normalize by the end of the month.

Every tier 0 piece after 1.10 was 20-200g depending on the server. Now they're down to 1-10g.

Demand happens when everyone needs to go for something all at once. It dies when they're done with it.


Day after patch day arcane crystal prices are down to 32 gold, righteous orbs are 45-50 and Mooncloth is around 12 gold.

No one bought anything at the super inflated prices. At least on my server.


I got lucky and unloaded 2 arcane crystals for 75g each the day the patch came out. The third one didn't sell because the price settled, but I'm not hurting for gold.

It's not like people are dying to get into Naxx, not many Horde guilds are that far yet on my server.
explodet said:
I got lucky and unloaded 2 arcane crystals for 75g each the day the patch came out. The third one didn't sell because the price settled, but I'm not hurting for gold.

It's not like people are dying to get into Naxx, not many Horde guilds are that far yet on my server.

That's what I figure; alot more people went after .5 than are attempting Naxx (only one Horde guild on Bloodscalp has iced C'thun and is "ready" for Naxx, although we have 3 more Nef-farming ones attempting early bosses for example).


Yeah I bought out 4 crystals at 30g the night before the patch, they sold within an hour at 80g a piece on our server. But they're already back down to 40g a pop now. Plus our server doesn't have anyone that'll really challenge Naxx for a while. But I guess some people want to try:p
You can get some really nice epics just farming the trash before bosses in each wing (http://wowwalkthroughs.free.fr/Harbinger of Doom.html) and it's always nice to check out a new dungeon.

My guild should be on Huhuran this week assuming we're not completely retarded like we were in BWL (it was a really ugly 2 day clear). I expect we'll start making serious runs in Naxx once the Twin Emps are dead but we'll probably go in and see what Anub'Rekhan Rasuvious are like in the next week or two.
My guild did some recruiting, and we've been having great attendance as of late. We killed Broodlord last night on our first attempt, and got Firemaw within an hour or two of attempts. Having lots of fun in BWL thus far:)


Word of warning. Careful with getting invites to groups. Low levels are inviting people to groups/offering enchants/etc then killing the argent dawn horse. Nice rep loss for you.

I didn't fall prey to the "scam", but read it on Blizzard's forum. Soon as I logged on, this is what I saw:

ToyMachine228 said:
My guild did some recruiting, and we've been having great attendance as of late. We killed Broodlord last night on our first attempt, and got Firemaw within an hour or two of attempts. Having lots of fun in BWL thus far:)

Nice. I step foot in there next week. Razorgore; sounds like fun. :)


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Every tier 0 piece after 1.10 was 20-200g depending on the server. Now they're down to 1-10g.
Tier 0 pieces got less expensive, but it seems like Arcane Crystals never fully recovered from the inflation (which is odd, seeing as how you only needed 1-2 of them for upgrade quests).


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So since paid character transfers are happening, uh, soon (?)...

Official GAF WoWserver & guild when it goes live? Thoughts? My account isn't active but that's something I'd come back to the game for, since I had nothing but terrible guild experiences on Kel'thuzad and was never able to come close to touching anything like ZG, or organized PVP, or whatever else.


I might come back, but I've heard it speculated that character transfers might be really expensive (apparently they were like $50 in EQ?). If that's the case, it may be difficult to get everyone to throw down on a server transfer.


If we establish a server and guild and so on, I'll definitely transfer my horde and/or alliance guys. I'm pretty much sick of my guild on kilrogg, as they don't seem to know how to relax and have fun.


25 dollars is reasonable.

I wonder if a character on a PVP realm can go to a PVE realm and then in six months transfer back to that PVP realm. I doubt it but it would be fun.


I'm not leaving my guild on Silvermoon. Too many real life friends in there, hehe.

Attempted Rags for the first time today. 1st try got him to 40% before the Sons spawned. Lost too many people to the sons, ended up with about 10 left after they fell so we wiped at 36%. 2nd try only got him to 60% and wiped on the sons. 3rd try knocked him to 50%, sons spawned, killed all but 1 before he popped back up and we wiped after the healers went OOM.

Was alright for our first try, need to get geared up, run through more times to work on Fire Resistance though.


Yeah, although the server transfers would finally allow for the formation of a true GAF home, most of the people still into the game are either:

--heavily involved with a raid guild, and probably not willing to leave for a more casual GAF guild
--Alliance filth

The way that Gamespot article is worded, it sounds like they only want to allow people to transfer to lower-population realms....any truth to that?


I'm definitely going to transfer to a PvP server asap. Btw, I hit exalted with Frostwolf, Defilers, and the Outriders all today on my Shaman.

Btw, any other Shams using Rockbiter? I respecd 33 Enhanc / 18Resto, and I'm white hitting Mages for 600. Rockbiter buff + Stormstrike Buff + Earthshock=2k instant damage :)


Mute said:
I'm definitely going to transfer to a PvP server asap. Btw, I hit exalted with Frostwolf, Defilers, and the Outriders all today on my Shaman.

Btw, any other Shams using Rockbiter? I respecd 33 Enhanc / 18Resto, and I'm white hitting Mages for 600. Rockbiter buff + Stormstrike Buff + Earthshock=2k instant damage :)

To be fair man, I think Pallies are hitting us mages for that much, we're not a good barometer:p


Mute said:
Btw, any other Shams using Rockbiter? I respecd 33 Enhanc / 18Resto, and I'm white hitting Mages for 600. Rockbiter buff + Stormstrike Buff + Earthshock=2k instant damage :)
Yeah, I respecced 31 enh/ 20 resto and I've been loving it. SS is godly. I still use WF because of the burst damage (I love it when it times with a SS) and flurry procs all the time.

And yeah, mages aren't a good barometer, heh.


Mute said:
I'm definitely going to transfer to a PvP server asap. Btw, I hit exalted with Frostwolf, Defilers, and the Outriders all today on my Shaman.

Btw, any other Shams using Rockbiter? I respecd 33 Enhanc / 18Resto, and I'm white hitting Mages for 600. Rockbiter buff + Stormstrike Buff + Earthshock=2k instant damage :)

I hope you're on a PVP realm. They're not allowing PVE -> PVP realm transfers.

Next time don't be a carebear. :p


Hero said:
I hope you're on a PVP realm. They're not allowing PVE -> PVP realm transfers.

Next time don't be a carebear. :p
Damn, still? That sucks. I guess when they did it a few months ago it was just a one time thing? Argh.

I don't know, all I can say is I hit much harder after this patch. I'd say about 360 on a Wrath warrior.


Yeah, I haven't looked into it too much, but basically, if you spec for it ... it'll improve it now, but without it, it's mediocre. If that makes any sense.


Mute said:
Damn, still? That sucks. I guess when they did it a few months ago it was just a one time thing? Argh.

I don't know, all I can say is I hit much harder after this patch. I'd say about 360 on a Wrath warrior.

The only time they ever offer PVE -> PVP is during a specific Realm transfer. It wouldn't be fair to let anybody transfer to a PVP realm from a PVE one. The carebears that would love to be on a PVP server now that they're 60 outweigh the ones that would stay on a PVE server.
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