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World of Warcraft

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ToyMachine228 said:
So, Rogue talent review next patch...What are ya thinkin?

a few minor tweaks, nothing major. maybe some bug fixes, but otherwise what you play now is what you will get later on.


ToyMachine228 said:
So, Rogue talent review next patch...What are ya thinkin?

I'm expecting our talents to be buffed, some of the weaker ones (throwing spec., imp. sap, imp. distract, etc.) to be replaced. Hopefully MoD and the stealth speed will be combined into one talent.

I would love for 1 agility = 2 AP, but I think we'd be way overpowered. I'm HOPING that 1 Str = 1.5 AP and 1 Agi = 1.5 AP.

Also, Eviscerate needs to scale.

This was found on the forums so take it with a grain of salt, but some of the things I can see them doing:


- Due to significant talent changes, rogues will have all talent points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell replacements have been significantly reduced.
- Sap: Sap will no longer break stealth unless it misses. The improved sap talent has been removed from the subtlety tree.
- Garrote: Garrote will now silence the rogue's target for 2 seconds in addition to the bleed effect.
- Eviscerate: Eviscerate now has a new rank (Rank 9) which can be obtained from Blackrock Spire.
- Sprint: This ability now has a 1.5 minute cooldown, but only lasts for 10 seconds and now improves your movement speed by 50% at the max rank.
- Venomous Strike: A new ability, Venomous Strike, has been added. This ability is trainable by all rogues level 40 and above. This ability does 50 damage and is guaranteed to proc any poison on the rogue's mainhand weapon. Venomous strike costs 20 energy and has a 10 second cooldown.
- Poison blends: Several new rare and epic poison recipess have been added. These new recipes allow the rogue to blend together select poisons to produce a new poison with multiple effects. However, the effect of each poison will be slightly diminished in the process. For example, a new recipe will allow the rogue to blend together crippling and mind numbing poison to produce a new poison that has a 25% chance on hit to reduce your opponent's movement speed to 45% of normal and increase their casting time by 45% for 12 seconds.

- Improved Expose Armor: Now lowers your target's defense skill by 5/10/15 points in addition to the increased armor reduction.
- Vile Poisons: This talent now increases the damage dealt by poisons by 4%/8%/12%/16%/20% and improves the effectiveness of wound and mind numbing poison by 3%/6%/9%/12%/15%.
- Improved Instant Poison: This talent has been replaced with a new talent, Improved Poisons
- Improved Poisons: This talent increases the chance to apply all rogue poisons by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%.
- Improved Deadly Poison: This talent has been removed as its effect has been merged into the Improved Poisons talent.
- Dagger Specialization: This talent has been moved to the assassination tree to replace Improved Deadly poison as a tier 5 talent in the assassination tree.

- Lightning Reflexes: This talent now increases your melee attack speed by 1%/2%/3%in addition to improving your chance to dodge by 1%/2%/3%. A maximum of 3 points may be invested into this talent.
- Improved Evasion: Now increases the duration of evasion by 5/10 seconds.
- Improved Sprint: This talent now increases the duration of sprint by 2/4/6 seconds and the speed boost by 5%/10%/15%.
- Aggression: This talent has been moved up to replace Dagger Specialization as a tier 4 talent in the combat tree.
- Throwing Weapon Specialization: This talent has been replaced with a new talent, Assassin's Fury.
- Assassin's Fury: This talent grants the rogue a 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% chance per combo point when using a finishing move to send the rogue into a rage, increasing the rogue's attack power by 200 for 15 seconds.

- Rapid Concealment: Now lowers the cooldown of your stealth ability by 2/3/5 seconds per talent point.
- Master of Deception: Now increases the rogue's effective stealth level by 1/2/3 per talent point.
- Camouflage: Now increases the rogue's movement speed while stealthed by 5%/10%/15%.
- Initiative: Now grants a 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% chance to add an extra combo point when using an opening move.
- Ghostly Strike: Energy cost lowered to 30 energy. In addition, the 15% increased chance to dodge buff will now last for 10 seconds.
- Improved Garrote: This talent now increases the duration of the silence effect of garrote by 1/2 seconds per talent point, in addition to increasing the damage dealt by the bleed effect by 10%/20%. Improved Garrote no longer increases the duration of the bleed effect.
- Improved Vanish: This talent now grants the rogue a shield that absorbs 150/300/450 damage when vanish is used. While this shield holds, stealth will not be broken. This shield lasts for the duration of vanish, or until the shield is consumed or the rogue exits stealth.
- Improved Sap: This talent has been removed and replaced with Deadly Focus.
- Deadly Focus: This new talent has been added to replace Improved Sap as a tier 4 talent in the subtlety tree. This talent increases the rogue's chance to resist fear, seduce, and polymorph effects by 5%/10%/15% per talent point.
- Improved Distract: This talent has been removed and replaced with Premeditation, which is now a tier 5 talent in the subtlety tree.
- Setup: Now grants a 25%/50%/75% chance to add a combo point when dodging an attack. However, this effect can not occur more than once every 4 seconds.
- Master Illusionist: This new talent will replace Premeditation as the tier 7 talent in the Subtlety tree. When used, the rogue summons a shadowy illusion to aid the rogue in battle. This illusion deals half the damage of the rogue, but is identical in appearance and stamina to the rogue. The illusion lasts 30 seconds or until killed. This ability has a 10 minute cooldown.

I like the combined poison and guarenteed poison ability.


Hero said:
I'm expecting our talents to be buffed, some of the weaker ones (throwing spec., imp. sap, imp. distract, etc.) to be replaced. Hopefully MoD and the stealth speed will be combined into one talent.

I would love for 1 agility = 2 AP, but I think we'd be way overpowered. I'm HOPING that 1 Str = 1.5 AP and 1 Agi = 1.5 AP.

Also, Eviscerate needs to scale.

This was found on the forums so take it with a grain of salt, but some of the things I can see them doing:

I like the combined poison and guarenteed poison ability.
That better all be fake...that's (already shaky) gamebalance crippling shit, right there


A WoW joke:
Three adventurers stumble upon a magical enchanted lamp. After some contemplation, they decide to rub the lamp. A mystical warrior, clad in very ornate armor appears.

"One wish, each of ye shall be granted. Choose wisely!!"

After a few seconds, the priest speaks up, and says, "I wish my Holy tree were viable!!"

The mystical warrior snaps his fingers, and the priest's wish is granted. He instantly re-specs Holy and lives on as one of Azeroth's greatest healers.

The druid goes next, and says, "I wish I didn't have to be restoration specced to use innervate!" The warrior snaps his fingers, and instantly, the druid is specced Feral, and has innervate as a trainable spell.

The rogue hastily steps forward, and screams at the top of his lungs, "I WANT TO BE OVERPOWERED, HAAHA!!"

The mystical warrior says, "Very well." He snaps his fingers, and his magical Ashkandi appears in his hands. He then swings it downward, splitting the rogue in two.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
They didn't allow it then either. They changed their minds on the last day and said no PVE to PVP.
Yes they did. I know 2 people who transferred from Whisperwind to Dalvengiyr, and a friend in real life who transferred from Shadowsong to Black Dragonflight. I wonder what the big deal is.




For the record, I love the added loot to ZG. Of course we get a few repeats. We got the 51 healing mace 3 times one night, but the healers didn't complain:)

Our group(guild has 3 ZG groups, 1 monday, 2 thursday) finally killed Hakkar. First time for me, was a long damn fight where I actually had to pay attention for once! But I picked up my Betrayor Boots and a Cloak of the Hakkar Worshipers(Int/Sta/23 damage) so it was a good run, hehe.
fallout said:
Hakkar's surprisingly easy, once you get used to it. Jindo on the other hand ...

Yeah, Hakkar's a "when" fight, whereas Jindo is "when + "where" and "who". Gotta love healers getting cursed right off the bat. :lol


It's kind of sad that my guild (now pretty much defunct) wearing mostly blue and ZG stuff could down Hakkar regularily, yet we could never amass the numbers to run through MC on any kind of regular basis.


Chromaggus is currently making us look like a joke for two weeks in a row...lowest we've got him is 38% with Ignite Flesh/Incinerate and just 50% last night with Incinerate/Time Lapse...:(


Finally downed Huhu last night after being stuck for several weeks. I really wish I could say something positive about the fight but it's probably the most blatant "you must have the proper gear or you will die" fight I've seen so far.

Pre-patch on my rogue I'd scraped together about 280 NR with 3800 HP fully raid buffed, and among the people in the guild I was definitely one of the more prepared ones. It didn't help that our top 15 NR consisted of people with less than 200 NR buffed.

Post-patch I shoot to 315 and 5k hp raid buffed, along with a NR wall of everyone having at least 300 NR buffed and we down Huhu on our first attempt with maybe 1-2 deaths.

We did an attempt on Twin Emps and then the server died. The trash up to them is a lot of fun. Especially our first thunderclap/meteor combo, I think we lasted about 20 seconds. Hoping we start working some Naxx spider wing into our rotation at least on a every other week basis, while we keep working on AQ.
Mazre said:
We did an attempt on Twin Emps and then the server died. The trash up to them is a lot of fun. Especially our first thunderclap/meteor combo, I think we lasted about 20 seconds. Hoping we start working some Naxx spider wing into our rotation at least on a every other week basis, while we keep working on AQ.

Anubisath Repairbill mobs are SO AWESOME. We had three Thunderclap/Meteors in a row last week, it's a pain in the rear even when you know what to do. Twin Emps is a lot of fun once you get all the technical issues with the fight down and the loot is actually really good. Then you get to die to more trash!

I hate bugs :(
My guild is working our way through ZG. We downed the first four priests fine, but wiped to the Panther boss like 4 times. Any advice? Apparently, she got really buffed in 1.10.


Synthesizer Patel said:
My guild is working our way through ZG. We downed the first four priests fine, but wiped to the Panther boss like 4 times. Any advice? Apparently, she got really buffed in 1.10.

Our crew kept getting crushed by the Panther boss also. First off, mark it with the new raid targeting system. That way when she reappears it's REAL apparent. We have mages who Frost Nova and basically have whoever is marked kite them around.

Why are you wiping? Do you see a pattern?

We also found that you need to have another tank on her, for when she gouges the main tank. Within the past couple weeks though we've got the fight down finally:)


And by the way, we had the easiest Tiger boss fight ever last night! Somehow our targeting got messed up(my fault I think, oop!) so we killed Zath waaaaaaaaaaay too early, both other guys were only just now being dpsed. We ran out to reset and for some reason Lor'Khan(the priest) despawned. So we did the first part with only Zath and Thekal, was a quick clear to phase 2 hehe.


Synthesizer Patel said:
My guild is working our way through ZG. We downed the first four priests fine, but wiped to the Panther boss like 4 times. Any advice? Apparently, she got really buffed in 1.10.
We tried doing it the pre 1.10 way, where you have two tanks handle all the panthers with Shamans dropping earthbind totems. Something like that, anyway .. it's been awhile. Regardless, it was ugly.

We tried it a few times and realized it wasn't going to work. The run had been perfect up until that point and someone just suggested: "Hey, why not just AoE the shit out of them when she disappears?" ... so, we gave it a shot, and we one shotted her. Up until the guild fell apart, we never wiped to her. Basically, when she disappears, everyone groups to the middle and you AoE the hell out of the panthers, killing as many as you can. Then, everyone scatters again.

I know there's a little more to the fight, but it's honestly been a couple months.
Arlokk also has something that always causes problems that few people realise. When she unstealths, she has this really horrific cleave that can one-shot cloth. So after you AE down the panthers during her first disappear, spread out and top off/shield/frost barrier/etc.

One thing that makes this fight hard for a lot of newer guilds is that this *is* a DPS-driven fight. If you can't deal out the necessary damage, this encounter is very hard-your healers run low on mana, your mages do as well, and the deaths do start adding up and the panthers just keep coming.
fallout said:
It's kind of sad that my guild (now pretty much defunct) wearing mostly blue and ZG stuff could down Hakkar regularily, yet we could never amass the numbers to run through MC on any kind of regular basis.

Odd. For us, it was a floodgate of recruits; we had the pick of the litter of unhappy (but strong-playing and friendly) casual raiders when we posted that. Is your server suffering entropy?

Moam down, new tier of Greater Heal learned. This place has went from my most hated to my most liked since we got it opened up. With Rajaxx less stressful, its even easier for us to get him down.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Odd. For us, it was a floodgate of recruits; we had the pick of the litter of unhappy (but strong-playing and friendly) casual raiders when we posted that. Is your server suffering entropy?
We were never really raiders to begin with. And not because we sucked at it, we just didn't enjoy it all that much (which resulted in being why the guild broke up). We were a PvP guild that did organized AB/WSG (even AV on the weekends ... 20 minute wins for the uh .. win), organized world PvP (taking on a 40 man raid going to AQ takes balls, I don't care what anyone says) and other fun stuff. Anyway, we started raiding more and even teamed up with other guilds to do MC and it just created a massive rift. Some wanted to see more raiding when they got a taste, some just wanted to quit because we weren't PvPing as much and because of the gear dependence. No drama though, heh. Most of us are just waiting for the next MMO.

Moam down, new tier of Greater Heal learned. This place has went from my most hated to my most liked since we got it opened up. With Rajaxx less stressful, its even easier for us to get him down.
Did Rajaxx get nerfed? God I hated that fight. Everyone hates getting killed in there because you may as well go off and cook supper or something for the rest of the fight.
We only had two priests and two warlocks draining Moam last night, but it certainly seemed that his mana regen was not as much as before 1.11. He's much less frightening with a suboptimal group makeup than he was before, IMO.

Rajaxx encounter got nerfed so hard, we were just AE'ing the adds down and wanding back mana (lol, pallies) on the named per pull.

Kurinaxx's sand traps definitely have smaller radius of effect.

Ossirian's a little bit easier to get under control now at the beginning. Still a hectic (but fun) fight.

Overall CC rep earned went up significantly.

Overall the changes to AQ20 should make it more appealing over ZG, since the two are now much closer in difficulty.
Fragamemnon said:
We only had two priests and two warlocks draining Moam last night, but it certainly seemed that his mana regen was not as much as before 1.11. He's much less frightening with a suboptimal group makeup than he was before, IMO.

Rajaxx encounter got nerfed so hard, we were just AE'ing the adds down and wanding back mana (lol, pallies) on the named per pull.

Kurinaxx's sand traps definitely have smaller radius of effect.

Ossirian's a little bit easier to get under control now at the beginning. Still a hectic (but fun) fight.

Overall CC rep earned went up significantly.

Overall the changes to AQ20 should make it more appealing over ZG, since the two are now much closer in difficulty.

The sheer frustration over endurance has been eased. Used to, we'd down Kurrinax, then...go home. Rajaxx was buggy and a huge drain on healers, same with Moam; and a level of DPS we didn't come close to on Buru. MC made Rajaxx doable with a little mageblood pot loving, this made it cake.


That's what sank us in October, so we merged with like-minded guilds. For 3 months, I raided 3 nights a week, did an hour flowerpicking to prepare for raiding, and rarely noodled around on a mage alt. Why? PvP in any form was Clash of the Tier # Titans shit. I'd rarely see opponents with less than 6/8 Tier 1 or Knight-Captain going against us. Now that I can return fire, I'm getting back into it.
Yeah the Kurinaxx encounter is much more tolerable now. Less intense, but more tolerable. And finally after eight months of Onyxia kills, my guild got it's first Viskag to drop tonight, and it's in my hand. Pretty damn sweet. :)


SatelliteOfLove said:
That's what sank us in October, so we merged with like-minded guilds. For 3 months, I raided 3 nights a week, did an hour flowerpicking to prepare for raiding, and rarely noodled around on a mage alt. Why? PvP in any form was Clash of the Tier # Titans shit. I'd rarely see opponents with less than 6/8 Tier 1 or Knight-Captain going against us. Now that I can return fire, I'm getting back into it.
Sounds like a similar situation, but you were successful. :)

ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah the Kurinaxx encounter is much more tolerable now. Less intense, but more tolerable.
Yeah, I always found it to be a pain in the ass, even though we hardly ever wiped to him. Those sand bubbles were just cruel and unfair. It was almost as if the bubbles targetted you when they were growing and it didn't matter how close you were when they popped.

On a related AQ20 note ... Buru is one of my favourite fights in the game. First night we tried him many months ago, we wiped at 1% (like everyone does) and on the second attempt, I was the last man standing. Such a fun, frantic fight.
I love Buru. Kiting him is fun and the mage/lock tanking contest when we get him under 20% is great. Pre 1.11 a mage would tank the first 10 seconds before I'd pull and hold him the rest of the fight.

Last night really sucked. Because of the horrible timing and slow download speeed of the mini-patch we were over an hour late getting into BWL. Then, at 16% on Nef, we hit a 12 second lag spike and came back to the MT and OT dead and Nef rampaging toward the raid. We killed him on the next attempt but it's a 15 minute wait for him to respawn another 15 minutes to kill him and we were already an hour over our normal raiding time. GJ as always, Blizzard.
We were in the middle of AQ40 last night and had people contantly softlocking and then getting stuck downloading the patch. I played hero and found a mirror fast, but what a huge annoyance. Patching in the middle of raid time is retarded.

I really wish they would also quit making all these stupid little tweaks here and there to AQ40. It's a retarded enough dungeon with subpar loot, but they keep changing the small stupid stuff and not the things that matter (no more quad mindflayer trash packs, pls).
I need some advice from my fellow sword Rogues. Right now I am using Viskag in my Main-Hand, and Brutality Blade in my off-hand. But I may soon have to choose if I want to replace Brutality Blade with Maladath off the Broodlord. Personally, I like the stats of Brutality Blade much better, but Maladath's speed is really nice so...How about some opinions from you guys? Let me know!


ToyMachine228 said:
I need some advice from my fellow sword Rogues. Right now I am using Viskag in my Main-Hand, and Brutality Blade in my off-hand. But I may soon have to choose if I want to replace Brutality Blade with Maladath off the Broodlord. Personally, I like the stats of Brutality Blade much better, but Maladath's speed is really nice so...How about some opinions from you guys? Let me know!

Stats > speed

You should be using slice and dice anyway.



More speed == More Poison
More speed == Sword spec procs more (When offhand procs, it causes Mainhand to strike)
+parry == Riposte
+swords == More +hit, +crit and it lowers the amount of damage absorbed by glancing blows. (big pve boost)
More DPS == more damage

Maladath was considered the best rogue offhand until Naxx (Iblis).

Good luck, my guild has killed him 19 times, hasn't dropped yet. I'm a sad rogue. Neither Maladath, CTS, or Vis'kag has ever dropped for my guild.


Naxxramas is by far the best thing they've put into this game, hard to believe how polished, fun and sizeable one dungeon can be. It even has it's own (really, really good) soundtrack. It's obvious that they've been working on this for a hell of a long time.

Ahn'Qiraj Temple should be removed from the game, the dungeon on the whole is boring, slipshod and offers so little raid centric loot progression. Just PvP and hybrid toys for the classes of that ilk. The handful of decent drops off of C'thun are the only things that keep you going in. =/

WoW raiding would've been a lot better without AQ on the whole, C'thun and the Twin Emperor's were the only enjoyable fights I had in there, as well.

Honestly, the difficulty leap from going from Blackwing Lair to Naxxramas is on par with jumping from Nefarian to the Twin Emps, which is the first challenging fight in AQ40 for a good BWL clearing guild, anyway, so if I had a choice I'd have just skipped it entirely.


I have to start going to AQ soon....just for the spell upgrades. I kinda need them since I'm a mage, and DPS is kinda what we do, lol.

Plus I don't want to pay 1k gold for a new Frostbolt.


That's Ahn'Qiraj Ruins, or AQ20, which is pretty pleasant and easy to breeze through, still too much silly hybrid loot in there too, but oh well. Most of the Paladins in my guild bitched relentlessly about gear until Naxxramas appeared. Judgement is pretty shitty healing gear compared to what Druid's get with Stormrage, I suspose.

I always thought that the rank upgrades being raid drops was a terrible idea. =/ Those should really be quested, or drop in more sane places for the general public to obtain.

If anyone was interested, here's a few rips of the Naxxramas soundtrack:



My guild downed Ebonroc last night on our second try. Man that can be a painful fight when a tank makes a mistake and taunts, and you see Ebonroc's health rising so quickly. We also didn't have a mortal strike warrior, so the only thing we could use to reduce the healing was wound poision:lol Either way, after a long fight, we pulled it off, and it was tons of fun.
i deleted my 60 priest so im not ever tempted to use his sucking the fun outta the game ass again. If you want a heal I dont give shit *throws a mageweave bandage*.


Tamanon said:
You paid 25 bones to transfer a level 31?:p You're odd.

I have a bunch of characters scattered around the PVP servers. If I can have them all on one it's worth $25 to move them. Plus he already had his mount so I wasn't going to delete him.

Once they open up Dark Iron for transfers I'll move my Warrior.
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