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World of Warcraft

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pxleyes said:
:lol WTF is up your ass man. Mages deal just as much damage in a raid as rogues do. The same is true with hunters or warlocks (if it is a boss fight). The DPS for my mage could easily compete with you and probably beat you.
I'm sure you could, considering I play as a shaman, and actually have important things to worry about aside from where I am on the damage meters.


Mages deal just as much damage in a raid as rogues do.
You might be able to compete/beat most rogues, but then, you'd draw aggro and die or wipe the raid.
It's funny that you still seem to be talking about the ability to deal raw DPS, which is basically meaningless in any boss encounter. Like I said above, plenty of classes can out-damage a rogue. None can manage their aggro as well, so that's why rogues are kings of damage. You can accept it and move on, or you can keep posting this guy :lol


Rage generation = damage / (0.5*level)

If one was to normalize it, damage would have a set value. Say, give 1-handers a certain value, and 2-handers another.

That's one way anyhow.
I was going to come back to this game recently, then I read a blue post saying Hero classes and siege weapons have effectively been cancelled. At that point I remembered what a bunch of asses Blizzard are with regards to content creation. I'll pass.
SaitoH said:
Rage generation = damage / (0.5*level)

Who was the math wizard that game up with this one? :lol

Note that while the numerator increases as gear gets better, the denominator always stays the same. I guess that's why some warriors can fill over half a rage bar with an Ashkandi/Kalmindor's Revenge white crit.
SaitoH said:
Blizzard definitely didn't "build for the future" in a lot of cases.

Well it was originally the intention of the creators not to turn the game into EQ mudflation bullshit.

And anyway, DMG/DPS is probably the best way to normalize rage without turning warriors into rogues.


True enough, but still, the previous melee weapon normalization had nothing to do with mudflation, but rather the silly idea that weapon speed was a big factor in determining the damage calculation. Barman Shanker being better than higher damage epics was stupid.

Course you could blame that on the people doing the itemization, or maybe a lack of communication ...


Draft said:
I'm sure you could, considering I play as a shaman, and actually have important things to worry about aside from where I am on the damage meters.


It's funny that you still seem to be talking about the ability to deal raw DPS, which is basically meaningless in any boss encounter. Like I said above, plenty of classes can out-damage a rogue. None can manage their aggro as well, so that's why rogues are kings of damage. You can accept it and move on, or you can keep posting this guy :lol

It isn't meaningless at all. You obviuosly were too much up Blizzard's ass during your review to go look at the mage one. I dea lthe same amount of damage I did before while generating close to 30% LESS threat than I did before. I never pull aggro on bosses, and it is almost impossible for me to do so with that reductiion. I top the damage meter for my guild's Ragnaros fights almost all the time, unless one of our DPS warriors gets off a ton of executes off.

Rogues aren't kings of damage, never were, and certainly wont be anymore. Give up.


pxleyes said:
Rogues aren't kings of damage, never were, and certainly wont be anymore. Give up.

Que? Seriously? Why do you keep saying things like this without any kind of concrete evidence? Other than "Oh well in MY GUILD I out dps rogues so that must mean I can outdps all other rogues." Any GOOD guild the rogues will almost always be the top of the damage meters. This is a FACT.


Hero said:
Que? Seriously? Why do you keep saying things like this without any kind of concrete evidence? Other than "Oh well in MY GUILD I out dps rogues so that must mean I can outdps all other rogues." Any GOOD guild the rogues will almost always be the top of the damage meters. This is a FACT.

Here's a tip: If you're going to use a quantifier like "good" it can't be a fact:p


pxleyes said:
It isn't meaningless at all. You obviuosly were too much up Blizzard's ass during your review to go look at the mage one. I dea lthe same amount of damage I did before while generating close to 30% LESS threat than I did before. I never pull aggro on bosses, and it is almost impossible for me to do so with that reductiion. I top the damage meter for my guild's Ragnaros fights almost all the time, unless one of our DPS warriors gets off a ton of executes off.

Rogues aren't kings of damage, never were, and certainly wont be anymore. Give up.
ok, so you're an MC raider. This explains why you know so little about aggro.

The concept is so simple, and such basic math, that I'm surprised we're still arguing about it.

By using talents and/or gear, a mage can reduce the aggro he generates by 30%. A rogue can reduce his by 100% once per fight (assuming we're not talking about a 10+ minute fight.)

So let's say that over the course of the fight the tank is producing x damage worth of aggro. Anyone who exceeds x is going to pull aggro and die, unless the mob is tauntable, in which case they're going to die in the next 10 seconds or so. This isn't a contested point. This is how aggro works. It's a key game design component of any game that uses aggro to determine who a monster is going to attack.

A mage, over the course of 10 minutes, can produce x*1.3 worth of damage without pulling aggro. A rogue can produce x, vanish to clear their aggro, and then produce x again, for almost twice as much damage. Over the course of 10 minutes, any dps worth its salt is going to easily be able to do 2x worth of damage, and probably closer to 3x. So the ability to control your aggro becomes paramount.

That being said, what are the situations where a mage can outdamage a rogue? The most obvious is any fight w/o an aggro component. Patchwerk in Naxxramas is an example of that. Mage DPS is generally much higher during that fight because the entire concept of aggro goes out the window.

The other thing that the above formula doesn't take into consideration is downtime. For a mage, that's regenning mana, either through invocation, wanding, or whatever. For a rogue, that's getting out of the way of any AOE attacks the boss might have. If the rogue spend 25% of the fight shooting his gun outside melee range, his DPS goes into the toilet. For a boss with significant AOE damage (for example, shazzrah) the mage again might out damage the rogue, though it really depends on the AOE.

But, for any boss where aggro is an issue (90% of them) and AOE is either weak or easily avoidable (a lot of them,) the rogue is clearly, inarguably, able to output more damage.


Mages don't pull aggro anymore. Unless the tank is absolutely horrid, or if it's an aggro-wipe encounter. The across the board threat reducers mean that we never have to lay off the gas:p


*My* experience in MC, rogues and hunters are top damage dealers ... by far. Heavy hitters break 1.5 million damage for an MC run. Mages never break 1 million. BWL has been different. Mages seem to sit at the top, though I think all the AoEing in the suppression room alone skews the total damage in their favour.

I would say overall that "normally" rogues are top DPS on any run. Could just be the guild I'm in though ...



And that's ok, almost all guilds have rogues, hunters, mages and warriors at a mix near the top, mainly separated based on loot acquired. It's just the contention that a guild has to have rogues as the tope DPS dealers to be "good". That's just someone who only plays with the blinders on.


:lol I was on an MC fun-run one night with a BWL farming guild and the number 3 guy on our list was a shaman. Granted, he died a bunch, but it was fun to watch.
Me (rogue) and a mage regularly jockey for the #1 slot on the meters for MC. The two of us put up roughly 1.7 million a run. Depending on how much he does on the corehound packs / imps AoE wise, I either beat him outright or he kicks my ass. He rips me apart from Luci to Mag, and I play catchup for the rest of the night.

Last week, he edged me by about 100k. Week before I edged him by about the same.
fallout said:
:lol I was on an MC fun-run one night with a BWL farming guild and the number 3 guy on our list was a shaman. Granted, he died a bunch, but it was fun to watch.

I have a guy like that too. He's saving up DKP for Hand of Ragnaros. :lol


First kill; fun, fun, FUN fight. Got the hilt for my priest 1H (there's that orb from CC rep I want as an off-hand for 5MRPT-type fights in lieu of the BeneAnath), along with the Head of Ony.

Razorgore was nearly to stage 2, but he caught too much aggro with 5 eggs to go and went ah-splode with 32 people still up. Good night's worth of raiding. :)


Good job on Ossirian. He is, imo, super ****ing hard and on a whole other level than anything in ZG or AQ20. My guild's killed him tons of times, and we still get brutally beaten on ocassion. Shit, we left him up last night because we just could not pull it together. Very frustrating when people aren't doing their jobs, but very fun when it all comes together.

Thank your tanks, because that fight is pretty much all them.


SaitoH said:
Mages seem to sit at the top, though I think all the AoEing in the suppression room alone skews the total damage in their favour.
That, and the drakonids that are vunerable to a type of magic. Mages can nuke fire/frost/arcane vunerable mobs, they can even do some nature and shadow damage if they have the right wands.


Ossirian is pretty badass. I really enjoy that fight, and Buru for that matter. I guess I love the idea of chasing, or being chased, by a boss. More entertaining than just standing there healing.


Even though my main is alliance, It's always nice to see horde guilds doing well in encounters that I have to wonder how they even do without Paladins and other Alliance benefits like Fear Ward.

Not to say Ossirian is one of those fights, Rajaxx is one of them, with Blessing of Wisdom and Seal of Wisdom for the healers to regen mana.


Lack of fear ward is the biggest hurdle for horde to get over, cause the only real way to come close to countering it is to have undead warriors as the MT/OT and have them use wotf and zerker rage. It isn't TOO hard, though. It's just harder.


firex said:
Lack of fear ward is the biggest hurdle for horde to get over, cause the only real way to come close to countering it is to have undead warriors as the MT/OT and have them use wotf and zerker rage. It isn't TOO hard, though. It's just harder.

Well, if it makes you feel any better the alliance guild I'm in has no dwarf priests (well 1 as of 2 weeks ago). Never fought Onyxia with a dwarf in the group, so I guess we've just gotten used to doing without.

As far as Rajaxx is concened, the horde have access to mana tide, so I'd assume that the fight really wouldn't be much differnt for the horde.
Not to start a faction flame war, but check my position (Downing) on the threat meter as one of 3 "main healers" on that fight. MT, Druid, OT, Priest (me), Priest. It reminds me of earlier times when we didn't have Tranquil Air Totem. Seriously, I've dicked around a few times on my 60 dorf warrior in blue dungeons with competant groups, and I've never noticed mages or locks pulling aggro, or priests and druids going OOM, or having 10% more str/agl/stm +700ish armor while tanking Capt. Kromcrush in meh "just dinged 60" gear, and those are 3 less things allies have to worry less about.

Again, I've never experienced end game content with that until recently, so I never knew what I was missing; I wonder how we would do if we had rolled Ally (dorf warrior/dorf priest for me, natch) :p
Naxxramus is so freaking hot. The boss encounters are just off the wall without being retarded or annoyingly long like the latter parts of AQ40.

Finished off Noth the Plaguebringer last night. Terrific encounter design.


Fragamemnon said:
Naxxramus is so freaking hot. The boss encounters are just off the wall without being retarded or annoyingly long like the latter parts of AQ40.

Finished off Noth the Plaguebringer last night. Terrific encounter design.

I can't wait until my guild starts Naxx. >_< We're on the emps right now, and getting messed up hardcore. I'll try to host a vid of our last nef encounter. It's really funny how we finish him off. :D
tehjaybo said:
I can't wait until my guild starts Naxx. >_< We're on the emps right now, and getting messed up hardcore. I'll try to host a vid of our last nef encounter. It's really funny how we finish him off. :D

Are you using Warlocks to tank Vek'lor? He's been acting REALLY strange since the last patch.

We had problems with emps until we figured out that Demo shout is a really good idea. After that it was a pretty easy one shot as long as the healing corps (which includes me!) isn't tarding out.

Edit: After you kill emps you should seriously go to Naxx. If you can reliably do emps you can kill four of five bosses easy and get decent loot, instead of Ouro's burrowing bracers and tentacle trinkets.


I saw some of the trash mob drops in Naxx from a friend of mine in another guild and they're pretty much worth going for.


Fragamemnon said:
Are you using Warlocks to tank Vek'lor? He's been acting REALLY strange since the last patch.

We had problems with emps until we figured out that Demo shout is a really good idea. After that it was a pretty easy one shot as long as the healing corps (which includes me!) isn't tarding out.

Edit: After you kill emps you should seriously go to Naxx. If you can reliably do emps you can kill four of five bosses easy and get decent loot, instead of Ouro's burrowing bracers and tentacle trinkets.

Yeah, we're using a warlock to tank Vek'lor. We've been doing terrible though. We just started them, and they're beasts. I think we'll move to Naxx before we have the Emps complete. I saw a nice fire mage ring that I really want. :D

PS: The Nef video I was talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fITWsEJNq78

"Drea: Roorie, go shadow form. DPS NOW"
I can see Roorie jumping for joy now. :lol


I've never seen the point in having a Warlock tank Vek'lor, we use one to pull 'em and start the encounter though.
We don't use warlocks either. Maybe if we were a bit lighter on melee DPS it would be something to consider, but we often plenty of rogues and a couple of DPS warriors on our raids, in addition to the hunters. We just have them run back of forth kicking Vek'nilash's ass and he's usually down at about the 10.5 to 11 minute mark.
Guild just had our smoothest BWL run yet. We got Razor first try, Vael second try, Broodlord first try, Firemaw first try, Ebonroc first try, and Flamegor down third try, and it was our first night of attempts. We're going back to begin learning Chromaggus Sunday night. Can't wait. Having a blast.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
If your guild is heavy melee dps there really isn't much point to having warlocks tank. It is just an extra element that can go wrong. Plus with the way arcane explosions have been happening since the patch, it makes it even more of a pain.

We actually killed the emps for the first time last week. We are having trouble this week. Two of our top three priests are on vacation. And the other one left our guild to join Death and Taxes. We are having to rely on a lot of new priests. Some of them lack skill and some lack the gear needed for the end part of AQ. They are getting better although on both counts.
I was reading on their forum that Elitist Jerks (horde) found it necessary to use warlock tanks because a healer would pull aggro at some point during the fight. Supposedly this tended to happen very close to the time the emps ported so blessing of salvation (30% TR) instead of tranquil air (20% TR) would have been enough to ensure it never happened.
Fragamemnon said:
Naxxramus is so freaking hot. The boss encounters are just off the wall without being retarded or annoyingly long like the latter parts of AQ40.

Finished off Noth the Plaguebringer last night. Terrific encounter design.

which guild are you in just curious
cubicle47b said:
I was reading on their forum that Elitist Jerks (horde) found it necessary to use warlock tanks because a healer would pull aggro at some point during the fight. Supposedly this tended to happen very close to the time the emps ported so blessing of salvation (30% TR) instead of tranquil air (20% TR) would have been enough to ensure it never happened.

I'm in a horde guild and we use two wars instead of a warlock tank on twin emps. I have a video of the fight, so maybe I'll youtube it sometime. We end up taking about 15 minutes on the fight, and the emps die just as they enrage. Oh, and we never have healers pulling aggro.


well, guild drama and the general dickery of the officers in my current horde raid guild is convincing me to either leave or be an asshole and gear up more, then sell my account, so if the idea thrown around here that we'd all transfer to one server and make a guild there ever comes to pass, I'm in for it.


holy crap! They really did bring back prospecting!

if you're wondering what I meant, for awhile in beta there was an extra skill within mining that you could train similar to smelting, though it actually had apprentice/journeyman/expert/artisan levels, called gemology I believe. It was something like that. anyway the goal of it was it increased the gem drops in mineral veins.
firex said:
well, guild drama and the general dickery of the officers in my current horde raid guild is convincing me to either leave or be an asshole and gear up more, then sell my account, so if the idea thrown around here that we'd all transfer to one server and make a guild there ever comes to pass, I'm in for it.

I'd reactivate my account if GAF would mass transfer to a new server. :lol
So, I'm like a lvl 38 horde Warlock. I'm looking for places to level/grind. I'm getting so damn sick of STV. It's so boring and lifeless there.
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