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World of Warcraft

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DarkAngelYuna said:
So, I'm like a lvl 38 horde Warlock. I'm looking for places to level/grind. I'm getting so damn sick of STV. It's so boring and lifeless there.

You obviously don't play on a PVP server. :lol


To be fair, at that level, it is pretty boring, there's no real quests you can solo nor mobs you can fight that are the normal 2 levels above. It's the STV dead zone.


Wow. When I transferred a character last week, the wait time was under an hour. Now it's over two days before a character will be transferred. Transferring my Warrior, but it's locked until the transfer goes through.
I'm in a horde guild and we use two wars instead of a warlock tank on twin emps. I have a video of the fight, so maybe I'll youtube it sometime. We end up taking about 15 minutes on the fight, and the emps die just as they enrage. Oh, and we never have healers pulling aggro.

I was just relaying what *they* found. The other stated reason was it's much easier to heal a tank in full tanking gear and a lock in full SR gear than a tank in mixed tanking/SR gear.

My guild is currently on Huhuran and I don't have Twin Emps experience yet but the idea of using battle shout cheese after getting proximity aggro to hold it annoys me on a certain level. Oh really, you're using a melee attack power buff to hold aggro on a mob that is immune to physical damage? Makes sense to me.
cubicle47b said:
I was just relaying what *they* found. The other stated reason was it's much easier to heal a tank in full tanking gear and a lock in full SR gear than a tank in mixed tanking/SR gear.

My guild is currently on Huhuran and I don't have Twin Emps experience yet but the idea of using battle shout cheese after getting proximity aggro to hold it annoys me on a certain level. Oh really, you're using a melee attack power buff to hold aggro on a mob that is immune to physical damage? Makes sense to me.

Warrior/warlock tanking is easier on the healers, for sure. We do a warrior-only tactic and it takes a lot more healing on the caster emp than the tanking emp, even with Vek'nilash's unbalancing strike. The downside to warrior/warlock tanking is that you have a transition that you have to deal with perfectly that you don't have if you do warrior only.

As for holding aggro, our MT doesn't need to do much more than stand near the caster emp. The proximity aggro generated after Twin Teleport does the rest.
Downed Chromaggus on our first night of attempts ever last night. Time lapse and all. Was pretty sweet. He dropped Bloodfang Spaulders which gave me 5 of 8.


we tried twin emps for the first time last night

was a pretty rough start but eventaully we started to get better attempts in on them, and now seem to have the tanking rotations down, gonna do some runs fully buffed and see what happens

progress inc
Emps are just emo fruit elves I am telling you!

I actually like time lapse chrommie over the less flavorful versions. There's always some nuttiness at the low health enrage if one of the breaths is CA, and Incinerate + black affliction always has a way of happening far too often.


Raiden said:
What are socketed items, i always woNdered

Basically regular items with spaces to put jewels. The jewels you put in there increase the stats or abilities of the item. Customizable epics basically:p
Ah, I hit level 40 about an hour ago and got my mount. It's so much fun riding into duskwood on my pony and all the alliance players cheer or wave. Then I just dismount and slaughter em all. So fun! <3


Ok, random question...anyone know what the ORIGINAL PvP servers were? I mean, the PvP servers that were around at the game's release
Archimonde, Magtheridon, Mal'Ganis (I'm on Mal'Ganis and have been there since release).

Those are three that I can think of off the top of my head. There's more but eh, I have no idea what they are.


Stormreaver (the one I'm on) was an original. It's still sitting on shitty hardware too apparently! We just had a mass server transfer to Korgoth a few weeks back, so it's a little quieter now.


I don't know how I feel about our new rogue talent trees.

Subtlety got a huge boost.

I'm wondering if I should go Seal Fate daggers still or switch to a hemo build.



It's a tweaking. Not that the trees were awful to start with, but looks like my current build will stay pretty much the same.


Hero said:
I don't know how I feel about our new rogue talent trees.

Subtlety got a huge boost.

I'm wondering if I should go Seal Fate daggers still or switch to a hemo build.


Hemo will still suck ass in pve.


Tamanon said:
Basically regular items with spaces to put jewels. The jewels you put in there increase the stats or abilities of the item. Customizable epics basically:p

Oh sweet, thx.

Im thinking of reactivating my account again, and continue leveling my 46 mage. Got sick of it after i was a superb Fire mage, but everybody kept saying how Ice/Arcane is better blahblah, so i went frost/arcane and **** that, i like fire more, since i'll be able to set my points again, i'll go full fire.


I'm more of a pvper so hemo is starting to look appealing, but I like the CP generation of Seal Fate. Luckily I can still keep my spec and the only thing that changed was Improved Poisons and Improved Kidney Shot.

The rogue review (if this is final) didn't address any of the main concerns with the class.

Eviscerate doesn't scale, and we're required to find a book for the new rank? Lame.

The new talent trees don't help anyone other than rogues who wanted heavy subtlety, which wasn't that many to begin with. I just don't understand Blizzard.

Opportunity should've been moved to the Assassination Talent tree so dagger rogues could actually put points into it which would free other points to make a slightly less cookie cutter build. I mean what rogue DOESN'T put 16 points into Assassination?

I would like to have put some points into elusiveness but as it is, I can't see giving up anything else for it. If it halved the cooldown of Vanish, Evasion, and Blind I might give up Improved Ambush for it, but a mere 1.3 minutes isn't going to help me substantially. Should've just given us shorter cooldowns on those abilities anyway. Or at the very least, Vanish.


For the record, of course you're going to have to find a book for the new Eviscerate. New spell levels are all in book form. Look at the Mages Conjure Food and Frost Ward additions:p

Keep in mind these are just the new talent trees, there's still some changes to the abilities themselves to come.


The mage review was a catastrophic improvement. Dependancies untalented, aggro reduction lovingly tied into common talents, +hit up the ass, new builds opened up, it was ****ing incredible and skyrocketed the class's PvE performance. Everything about our review was a MAJOR buff.

The rogue review is the most ridiculous piece of shit I've ever seen, I'm not even a Rogue and I'm pissed off. The new talents range from underpowered to retarded, and NONE of them are avalibly to 99.99% of the community due to pre-reqs to make the class not totally suck.

This is worse than the Paladin and Shaman reviews, and I didn't think they'd manage to **** up more than those two.


I don't have as much problem with a book for the new rank as much as I do that the developers feel that a new rank is going to be the solution for Eviscerate scaling. If they plan to add a new book every patch, I think it'd be easier to make it scale. The point is that a 5 point critical strike Eviscerate will do the same damage if you have a grey dagger equipped or if you have a legendary sword. Every other class has scaling abilities.

And I'm not worried about having a good weapon for hemo. The rogues in my guild are all daggers. Last time we did Onyxia no rogues bid on the Vis'Kag that dropped and some stupid hunter bid on it and got it. Why, I have no idea, but hunters are played by the less intelligent people from what I can tell.

Oh yeah, the new AP talent is retarded too. 10%? With it being that far down the subtlety tree (which doesn't even make sense), it better be doing at least 20%. Of course, if they plan to redo our AP itemization so 1 STR = 1.5 AP and/or 1 AG = 1.5 AP, it would be good, but I doubt they plan on doing that.

Oh well, my Warlock is almost 60 anyway.

Alex said:
The mage review was a catastrophic improvement. Dependancies untalented, aggro reduction, +hit, new builds opened up, it was ****ing incredible and skyrocketed the class's PvE performance

The rogue review is the most ridiculous piece of shit I've ever seen, I'm not even a Rogue and I'm pissed off.

That's what bothers me too. Numerous times the CM's on the forums said that the new talent reviews would open up new builds for rogues as opposed to the three main ones that almost every capable level 60 is made of, yet the only new build I see is a SF/hemo combination, which won't even work well since you give up Imp. Backstab.

Sleight of Hand is so ****ing stupid it hurts. Heightened Senses is so far down the subtlety tree that only those who want to gimp themselves will have it, and it doesn't even make that big of a difference. Unbreakable Will is a much, much better ability and it's a tier one talent.


Frostwolf was another original pvp server, at least I think it's a pvp server. I'm on one of the original pve servers (kilrogg).

As far as rogue abilities scaling... evis doesn't, but backstab, ambush and sinister strike all pretty clearly do. Personally I don't get the point of hemo, either, so I don't know why they have a hardon for improving builds to use it. The damage increase seems pretty shitty unless there's some mechanic to it I'm unaware of. If I wanted +3 (and so on for all other ranks) damage on each attack I'd just use a sharpening stone (yeah, it won't stack with poisons, but sharpening stones are way cheaper for the most part, so I'd be using those for grinding instead of poisons usually).


firex said:
Frostwolf was another original pvp server, at least I think it's a pvp server. I'm on one of the original pve servers (kilrogg).

As far as rogue abilities scaling... evis doesn't, but backstab, ambush and sinister strike all pretty clearly do. Personally I don't get the point of hemo, either, so I don't know why they have a hardon for improving builds to use it. The damage increase seems pretty shitty unless there's some mechanic to it I'm unaware of. If I wanted +3 (and so on for all other ranks) damage on each attack I'd just use a sharpening stone (yeah, it won't stack with poisons, but sharpening stones are way cheaper for the most part, so I'd be using those for grinding instead of poisons usually).

Remember, +3 damage is only the first rank of Hemo. It's main use is in groups or raids. Although you don't see it often because the other builds tend to gvie more visible damage.


yeah, I said that already! all the ranks Blizz has listed are +3, +5 and +7... which seems kind of weak. But I guess if its main use is to waste a debuff slot in raids, then they should just rename it to Deep Wounds.


Except that it affects all melee users, not just the rogue, so it's at least more useful than Deep Wounds. Not THAT useful from what I've seen but I never tried a hemo build.


Hemo isn't used to buff raid damage. Far from it. THe overall dps increase from hemo for the raid doesn't make up the dps decrease from that rogue.

Hell it's a 21 point talent that has a potion equivilent (Gift of Arthas).

Reason rogues pick it is for stunlock builds. It's lowest costing instant strike that adds a combo point. Also it's supposably not affected by the AP normalization back in patch 1.8

Please also note that all normal weapon swings will be completely unaffected by this change. The following abilities are affected by the design change: Sinister Strike, Ambush, Backstab, Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, and Overpower
Ahha. So much fun with my mount today. I formed a little group of 4 people. We were all around lvl 40. I'd ride through some redridge town or whatever the place was called. A bunch of level 20-28's would start chasing me, I'd lead them to this rock that my team was hiding behind. I'd dismount and we'd all jump em and slaughter em. They fell for it for over 3 hours.

We quit when all of a sudden we were teleported back to our home towns. (wtf?)


DarkAngelYuna said:
Ahha. So much fun with my mount today. I formed a little group of 4 people. We were all around lvl 40. I'd ride through some redridge town or whatever the place was called. A bunch of level 20-28's would start chasing me, I'd lead them to this rock that my team was hiding behind. I'd dismount and we'd all jump em and slaughter em. They fell for it for over 3 hours.

We quit when all of a sudden we were teleported back to our home towns. (wtf?)
ruin the alliance's fun fun happy time = GMs are all over you.

Meanwhile, if a party of level 60 alliance in full tier 2/aq40 gear decides to take over crossroads for 3 hours, nothing will happen. Get used to it, Blizzard has a huge alliance bias.
firex said:
ruin the alliance's fun fun happy time = GMs are all over you.

Meanwhile, if a party of level 60 alliance in full tier 2/aq40 gear decides to take over crossroads for 3 hours, nothing will happen. Get used to it, Blizzard has a huge alliance bias.

Well thats stupid since the ally just plain out sucks anyways.


after looking at rogue talents again, now I realize why hemo isn't so bad. for some reason I skipped the whole "instant attack" part and thought it was just a debuff that awarded a combo point.

anyway, even with the garrote change mentioned (adding silence to it) I can't see it being used more than ambush/CS... I guess if you're swords and pvping against a warlock. and speaking of warlocks, if you really want to kill them, I recommend combat spec - swords or maces and imp. kick. I know mace spec is generally considered gimp, but lately blizz has added some really nice 1h maces that work well with dual wielding, or at the very least some flat out awesome MH maces. it's a little-used spec, but it totally destroys warlocks since in addition to stunlock and an odd mace proc or two, you can kick for guaranteed silence when stun is about to wear off, and that's just as bad as stunning them really (can't death coil, so if you've got the gear you should be able to finish them off in that 4 seconds).


Azwethinkweiz said:
Archimonde, Magtheridon, Mal'Ganis (I'm on Mal'Ganis and have been there since release).

Those are three that I can think of off the top of my head. There's more but eh, I have no idea what they are.
I'm on Mal'G too. What guild are you in?


Took down Razuvious last night. Fun fight. I'll be the first in the guild to create a tier 3 epic once we finish that Echoes of War quest tonight. Dreadnaught here I come. It's funny I'll have my first piece of Tier 3 before I get a wrath chest. Nefarion hates our warriors. One wrath chest in over 20 kills no crul'shorukh and no ashkandi.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Archimonde, Magtheridon, Mal'Ganis (I'm on Mal'Ganis and have been there since release).

Those are three that I can think of off the top of my head. There's more but eh, I have no idea what they are.
You're on Mal'Ganis, eh? Send Neceri a whisper sometime

36 Undead Warrior
Heh,we got Nef to 95% on our first night of tries >.> Couple weeks I'd guess...

Once you stabilize in phase 2 it's a really easy fight down to 20%. Handle the zerg on the right class call and don't lose too many people and you win. Last week we were a little short on druids and lost a few in the zerg for whatever reason. We had a priest call at 3% and both the MT and OT died within seconds but dps quickly finished him off before he could completely destroy the rest of the raid.

We killed Huhuran last night but didn't have time for pre-Emps trash let alone an attempt on the Emps themselves. Hopefully we clear BWL and up to Fankriss tonight and tomorrow night like we did last week so we have 2 full days (Sunday/Monday) to kill Huhu again and get attempts in on the Emps.

On a side note, I missed getting the Regalia that dropped off Huhu last night by 20 DKP when I've picked up 35 DKP worth of SR gear for the Emps in the last month and a half and hit 307 NR so I could be a soaker on Huhu so I'm more than a little annoyed right now.
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