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World of Warcraft

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Apple Jax said:
Nesingway (or however the hell you spell) was made for drawing out 60s thru killing lowbies.

Funny story there. Friend of mine on horde side is known for ganking lowbies. We were talking one day and I was at Nessy's watching him kill people. I flip fraps on for a fight and put it to some cheesy music. What resulted is some funny shit.

SatelliteOfLove said:
But you're a "grandschooler". You just wait till your father gets home and then you'll be in real trouble, young man.

[fake french accent]

Please don't tell pappa. I don't want the cane again. :(
tehjaybo said:
You're horde on Mal'Ganis? I'm sorry. An alliance guild from my server just transferred there. Don't pvp when you hit 60. They're full Tier 2 / AQ40 / Half Naxx gear.


Was called Unforgiven, I think it's called Pro Baddies now.

Most of the horde guilds are fairly decked out on Mal'Ganis. Hell, the infamous Elitist Jerks reside on our server. I've been out of town for several days now so I haven't seen this new guild in action, but I'll let you know if they live up to your hype.
What are hunters grinding in Maraudon?

It's shit o clock in the morning and 50+ lvl 60 hunters are inside Maraudon. Some of them seem to be chinese farmers.


RonaldoSan said:
What are hunters grinding in Maraudon?

It's shit o clock in the morning and 50+ lvl 60 hunters are inside Maraudon. Some of them seem to be chinese farmers.

I thought that there was a chest or two and they can solo Princess.


After they fixed the Dire Maul North exploit, the farmers had to go back to Maraudon to farm for gold. It was nice being able to buy Major Mana potions for 1g each, but I can see why they did it.

I noticed a few bots operating on my server, farming mobs mechanically - all hunters, of course. if I'm bored waiting for a hearthstone cooldown or something, I'll go mess with them. In Silithus, farming air elementals is now easymode for me because as a mage with improved dampen magic, each attack from the elemental does exactly 1 point of damage. Toss up an ice barrier and I can gather up dozens of them with just rank 1 arcane explosion and not lose any health.

So if there's a hunter farming those guys and I know for sure it's a bot (don't want to be TOO much of a jerk) I just gather up a bunch of elemenals and move close to the hunter. The AOE makes quick work of the bot.

Good times. :D


tehjaybo said:
You're horde on Mal'Ganis? I'm sorry. An alliance guild from my server just transferred there. Don't pvp when you hit 60. They're full Tier 2 / AQ40 / Half Naxx gear.


Was called Unforgiven, I think it's called Pro Baddies now.
Mal'Ganis has at least a dozen Horde guilds that farm BWL, probably around half a dozen farming AQ40 and as someone else pointed out, the infamous Elitist Jerks pushing into Naxx.

Believe me when I say MalGanis Horde was very happy when we heard about all the Alliance guilds transfering over.


I'm a sucker for strategy guides, but I really like the new WoW Dungeon guide that just came out. Over 400 packed pages of every instance from Ragefire to AQ40. Updated as of the patch before Naxx so everything is pretty damn current. Includes a helluva lot of info and walkthroughs written by raiders, not by developers. Plus there's some nice info on the Ony chain, Tier 0.5 quests and the world raid bosses.:)


No, you just admitted that you were a douche by saying you gank people who have no chance of fighting back against you. People like you should be banned from all MMORPGs, period because you're what's wrong with PVP.

seriously dude L2p

its called world of warcraft

that's war

if i want to go kill lvl 30 nightelves or w/e the fuk i can, i'm RPing :p

get over it


yacobod said:
seriously dude L2p

its called world of warcraft

that's war

if i want to go kill lvl 30 nightelves or w/e the fuk i can, i'm RPing :p

get over it


I'm not going to argue the whole gank thing, but saying it's cause you're RPing is lame.
Apple Jax said:
Nesingway (or however the hell you spell) was made for drawing out 60s thru killing lowbies.

I enjoyed taking my UD priest into the waters below the dock and MCing people down there where my stealthed or Unending Breathed buddies would smear them (we were in our 30s).


SatelliteOfLove said:
I enjoyed taking my UD priest into the waters below the dock and MCing people down there where my stealthed or Unending Breathed buddies would smear them (we were in our 30s).

Oh man... nothing like hiding in the water and popping out to ruin a seemingly safe hand-in of quests.

You don't think ganking is fun? Hahaha.. so much fun talking to yer guildees over Vent while watching these guys try to get away... or better yet... when they try to attack... OH WHEN THEY ATTACK!

C'mon... think of it as payback from when you got ganked at lvl 30!

Good laughs.


I wonder sometimes if I'd like the game more if I'd picked a pvp server to begin with. Ganking isn't that bad, though it can be a pain before you hit the mid 30s at the least, and I really think it honestly makes you a better player as you level dealing with gankers and genuine even matchups. I really only went with Kilrogg because the guild I was in from beta decided to carry over to retail and picked that server, so I knew I'd have an in with a guild that would do endgame stuff.

Anyway, that aside, I just made a druid recently and I've got to say, it's slow going since I don't have cat form yet, but it's fun to play a class that blizzard pretty clearly loves. My other classes they're either "meh" on (warlocks) or just flat out hate (shaman).


firex said:
I wonder sometimes if I'd like the game more if I'd picked a pvp server to begin with. Ganking isn't that bad, though it can be a pain before you hit the mid 30s at the least, and I really think it honestly makes you a better player as you level dealing with gankers and genuine even matchups. I really only went with Kilrogg because the guild I was in from beta decided to carry over to retail and picked that server, so I knew I'd have an in with a guild that would do endgame stuff.

Anyway, that aside, I just made a druid recently and I've got to say, it's slow going since I don't have cat form yet, but it's fun to play a class that blizzard pretty clearly loves. My other classes they're either "meh" on (warlocks) or just flat out hate (shaman).

blizzard.. loves.. druids? are you nuts? they ignore us!


firex said:
I wonder sometimes if I'd like the game more if I'd picked a pvp server to begin with. Ganking isn't that bad, though it can be a pain before you hit the mid 30s at the least, and I really think it honestly makes you a better player as you level dealing with gankers and genuine even matchups. I really only went with Kilrogg because the guild I was in from beta decided to carry over to retail and picked that server, so I knew I'd have an in with a guild that would do endgame stuff.

Anyway, that aside, I just made a druid recently and I've got to say, it's slow going since I don't have cat form yet, but it's fun to play a class that blizzard pretty clearly loves. My other classes they're either "meh" on (warlocks) or just flat out hate (shaman).
Do you have any 60s? Because I think this would seriously alter your opinion..
Ferrio said:
I'm not going to argue the whole gank thing, but saying it's cause you're RPing is lame.

Hey Ferrio, how is Thunderfury in your off-hand on the test server going? How's it effecting your damage, and the amount that it procs?


60 lock, 60 shaman, and yes blizzard is pretty meh on locks. they don't hate them like they used to, but they didn't address a lot of the real issues/annoyances/stupid decisions they made when they did the demonology revamp over a year ago. Meanwhile they flat out ****ing HATE shamans and the "shamans are for pvp pallies are for pve" bullshit (which went on a few pages ago in this very thread) is one of the worst myths in WoW.


BlackMage said:
blizzard.. loves.. druids? are you nuts? they ignore us!
yeah, they've only given you TWO 31 point talents as trainable spells now, an absolutely awesome feral tree, and made you into arguably the best healer in the game.

They're only a standard non-combat rez away from being the best non-fighter class in the game, when I'd already rank them as 4th on blizz's list of favorite classes after warrior/rogue/hunter.


ToyMachine228 said:
Hey Ferrio, how is Thunderfury in your off-hand on the test server going? How's it effecting your damage, and the amount that it procs?

Haven't tested it very much, but that's only cause the only other weapon I have is a Brutality blade. It still procs quite a lot, but I do have a TON of +hit, so I don't miss often. Loss in procs are from no instant strikes and that sword spec/hand of justic cause mainhand to hit again (even if offhand procs it).

If I get an end game dagger then I'll be doing plenty more damage than I'm doing now though.


server maintenance - happens every week at this time 3-11 pdt give or take

For whatever reason it seems to bring the website and sometimes forums down for extended periods too. Right now there is an XML error up so my only guess is they do some maintenance on the website/forums database maybe.


firex said:
when I'd already rank them as 4th on blizz's list of favorite classes after warrior/rogue/hunter.

What what what?? Hold on, blizzard loves warriors???? Since when? Our trees are shit, the protection tree is the most bunked tree in the game with absolutely NOTHING usefull in it beside 3-4 talents (imp SW, Shield Slam, Defiance, Toughness) and I have yet to see a single patch without some kind of 50 warrior nerfs.


Everyone bitches about warriors :(

I confess that improved Overpower with an insane 2hander absolutely destroys most classes, but still... how many warriors have severance? Or Dark Edge of Insanity?
We bitch because you have, far and away, the best itemization. Give us equivalent itemization so that we can compete with you and we'll stop bitching.
Classes Blizzard actually hates:

Shaman, Warlock.

Classes Blizzard feigns interest in, probably hates:

Hunter, Paladin, Priest

Classes Blizzard ignores, but has substituted love for lazy itemization and/or gameplay mechanics:

Warrior, Rogue

Class Blizzard loves, everyone else ****ing hates including the players of class itself:



Fularu said:
What what what?? Hold on, blizzard loves warriors???? Since when? Our trees are shit, the protection tree is the most bunked tree in the game with absolutely NOTHING usefull in it beside 3-4 talents (imp SW, Shield Slam, Defiance, Toughness) and I have yet to see a single patch without some kind of 50 warrior nerfs.
Warriors get nerfs they actually deserve 99% of the time (intimidating shout nerf and this new rage generation formula are great examples). With those "shit" talent trees you can still be the best dps, take the least damage, have the most HP... basically everything important when it comes to dps and tanking. Just wait, 1.13 will probably make tactical mastery trained and add in stuff like the Vitality talent that was dropped in 1.11, and you'll go from the best class to... well, still the best class.

Until this test realm patch I would've said blizzard hates rogues, but damn, they've just waited a long time to fix them. I actually wonder if we won't see a few minor rogue nerfs a few patches later...

And for the record, just because I think blizz really loves war/rogue/hunter doesn't mean I think they're overpowered or that the other classes suck. I just mean that it seems like they put the most effort on itemization, talents, and core abilities into those three classes compared to everyone else. Hell, I like pallies and my lock a lot and I'd still say blizzard's kind of meh on both of those classes. The only class I've played where it seems like blizzard does not get them at all (hence the hate) is shaman. And conversely, my druid is like holy crap, a hybrid that's done right. I used to be able to say that about shamans but not anymore.


Again no

You want steady constant, high DPS? you have to be fury, but you have very very low survavibility (yeah, even with plate)
You want great PVP? Go arms! But at the cost of steady DPS and some survavibility
You want survavibility? You go Prot and are forced to take the most useless talents in the game EVER. Improved sunder? Improved revenge? Improved shield bash? Improved disarm? (??????) forget it, the prot tree is complete and uter crap, and that's coming from someone who tanks up to AQ40.

As for "deserved nerfs" call me back when locks don't wipe the floor with every other class in this game in pvp..


And uh, for the itemization part, yeah Prot warriors have it great but beyond that, there's not much.

Gloves and a belt in MC
boots, shoulders and helm in bwl
gloves and bp in AQ40

Wow awesome itemization.


Son of Godzilla said:
Classes Blizzard actually hates:

Shaman, Warlock.

Classes Blizzard feigns interest in, probably hates:

Hunter, Paladin, Priest

Classes Blizzard ignores, but has substituted love for lazy itemization and/or gameplay mechanics:

Warrior, Rogue

Class Blizzard loves, everyone else ****ing hates including the players of class itself:




Gattsu25 said:
This makes no sense

It wouldn't, as it's misquoted. o.o

Mages never get blizz love. The talent update was the first thing to happen to us in forever. If you read the april fools patch notes, we had an icon change, making fun of how we never get a decent buff.


Fularu said:
You want steady constant, high DPS?
You want great PVP?
You want survavibility?
So what you're saying is, you want it all?

I wish my shaman could do triple 1K windfury crits while casting 1.5K chain lightings and healing for 2K greater heals. I wish my mage could activate arcane power and hit 3K fireball crits and then iceblock when I pull aggro.

But there are only 51 talent points.
OK I've been out for months and want back in. I quit a lvl55 rogue as the class goes from fun to useless after 50 IMO. Does the 2nd glimpse talent fix do anything to fix them late game?

I am determined to actually play though this time. I also have a lvl44 'lock. Am I better to just use that character?



krypt0nian said:
OK I've been out for months and want back in. I quit a lvl55 rogue as the class goes from fun to useless after 50 IMO. Does the 2nd glimpse talent fix do anything to fix them late game?

I am determined to actually play though this time. I also have a lvl44 'lock. Am I better to just use that character?


Rogues got some things fixed.

-Sub tree is overall better. For PvP and for PvE
-Opportunity is now a tier 1 talent so dagger rogues have more options
-Combat got a +weapon skill, it's nice but doesn't really address the whole issue that +weapons is king in dps
-Garrote and Evis got bumped in Damage. Garrote just does mroe damage, and evisc got a new book.
-Garrote/Evis/Rupture now scale.
-The poison talents were combined

Major things still wrong are bugs.

-Vanish not working (is removed if your target is autoattacking you)
-Pets can attack you in stealth.


Fularu said:
Again no

You want steady constant, high DPS? you have to be fury, but you have very very low survavibility (yeah, even with plate)
You want great PVP? Go arms! But at the cost of steady DPS and some survavibility
You want survavibility? You go Prot and are forced to take the most useless talents in the game EVER. Improved sunder? Improved revenge? Improved shield bash? Improved disarm? (??????) forget it, the prot tree is complete and uter crap, and that's coming from someone who tanks up to AQ40.

As for "deserved nerfs" call me back when locks don't wipe the floor with every other class in this game in pvp..
I'd like to write up a big rebuttal to this, but I'll just lay out some simple facts. Warriors frequently top pve dps with fury (which is JUST FINE for pvp, it still has big burst, just not the big burst of arms) and arms still puts them ahead of pure dps casters, and neck and neck with hunters/rogues with equal gear (after the patch, rogues will be ahead though).

I don't think you get it, maybe because you play blizzard's most babied class in the game - warriors are the tanks and geared up to take the least damage of everyone, yet they can also deal the most damage. That flat out isn't right. Warriors should be below rogues, hunters, mages and locks for dps with a dps spec, period. Either that or blizz will have to go and make classes even more generic and allow every dps class to get enough damage absorption to tank equivalent to 390ish defense and 8k armor.

Prot talents may suck, but the fact that bosses are beaten by tanks who only go 15 points into prot shows that it's far more about gear than it is about spec. And it's not like they haven't let some previews of the prot tree slip anyway, such as vitality. Warriors are already the best class in the game, so when prot gets buffed they'll just be even more supreme. You may refuse to believe it, but warriors are practically spoiled compared to the real dps classes. Whine all you want about all the tank gear that drops... is ashkandi, kalimdor's, crol'shrukh, hell, even zin'rohk or OEB a tank drop? The only way those don't go to a warrior is if that warrior is so geared up they aren't interested in it.
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