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World of Warcraft

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Fragamemnon said:
No NR/FR for the ranged DPS, max damage gear. Healers can wear some quality FR gear if they want. No NR anywhere in the fight except for maybe a greater nature pot at the beginning of the fight.

Flask your tank and buff him to the gills with HP consumables to survive a hit or two of the enrage. Else he/she will get instagibbed in the second or two between enrage and embrace.

oh we've done the fight, its just im thinking NR might be better because it seems the poision bolts is what is hurting us the most rather than the FR being that most people are moving out of FR always.

also, some people were running 150 fr and barely resisting any of the reign of fire.

so I am thinking FR might be pointless and NR on the ranged might be better. of course melee running as much FR tho.

also, again, the timing of enrage seems to be screwy as hell.


Not bothering with ctprofiles...

Thottbot's dead to anyone else?

Just look up "Neceri" in the Thottbot profiles, should be up to date...if it's with a 1H sword and shield then swap the Stick n Pot out for a Whirlwind Sword with a +5 Damage enchant for my "DPS gear"

Oh yeah, I'm broke, too


well, on a nef kill where they had too many locks and needed some extra healers, I got to take my shaman and got therazane's link, so I went ahead and respecced stormstrike.

holy shit this spec is awesome. I have really shitty gear other than therazane's and I'm still destroying people in pvp/duels.


Yeah, stormstrike enhancement builds thrive on AP. I've got about 660 AP in my enhancement gear, although I won't spec stormstrike until I've got a decent weapon.

On a related note, my raid downed Nef for the second time last night. First kill we got a shadow flame staff (I didn't get it), second kill we got our MT 8/8 wrath. We need some damn melee weapons to drop, though.


Deus Invictus (my new guild on Gorefiend) just downed C'Thun last night, and we are making a push for Patchwerk this week.

I was there for a lot of the attempts a couple nights ago, but I was stuck listening on vent during the actual kill last night. Sounded like a LOT of fun to finally down him.
Ouro's definitely a chump. I think he still has an annoying amount of HPs for the way that the encounter works, but he's definitely a chump-much easier to learn than either the emps or C'Thun. Or Visicidus for that matter.
I've been reading on the EURO Rogue forums that on Test, pickpockting is scoring lockboxes with Blind/Flash powder inside. If they stick some Thistle Tea in there as well, then those herbalism gougers will be done.

Nice buff there if they do it right.


krypt0nian said:
I've been reading on the EURO Rogue forums that on Test, pickpockting is scoring lockboxes with Blind/Flash powder inside. If they stick some Thistle Tea in there as well, then those herbalism gougers will be done.

Nice buff there if they do it right.

Its not gouging, its economics.
pxleyes said:
Its not gouging, its economics.

It's gouging. What other class has to pay through the teeth for simple abilities? None.

A level 15 herb (swiftthistle) should not cost 5-6g per stack. Not even going to mention Fadeleaf screwing Blind powder. No matter your "economics" will be over in 1.12.

I guess we should make Fear cost 1 thorium bar per use? LOL


Swifthistle goes for that much because it's a random spawn off marginally useful plants. If it at least still spawned off later herbs, that'd drive the price down immediately.


Tamanon said:
Swifthistle goes for that much because it's a random spawn off marginally useful plants. If it at least still spawned off later herbs, that'd drive the price down immediately.
It's funny how that works. Wool is almost always higher than silk (at least on my server) because it's in that funny level range where people don't spend a lot of time, but you still need a lot of it if you're doing tailoring, engineering, first aid, etc. etc.

Regardless, it is economics. And yeah, it's unfair for rogues, but man ... that's how economy works. One group of people need something in low supply from another group of people. Still, because it's unfair, Blizzard's going to try and fix it a bit.


krypt0nian said:
It's gouging. What other class has to pay through the teeth for simple abilities? None.

A level 15 herb (swiftthistle) should not cost 5-6g per stack. Not even going to mention Fadeleaf screwing Blind powder. No matter your "economics" will be over in 1.12.

I guess we should make Fear cost 1 thorium bar per use? LOL
If that's price gouging, then blizzard needs to make the reagent costs for all caster spells a lot cheaper... or even better, just remove them, because I guarantee they pay more for their buff reagents/ankhs than you do for your herbs. obviously it's not as much in a stack, but I'm sure in the time it takes them to use up their reagents vs yours they've spent more money. and swiftthistle goes for so much not just because of thistle tea or its rarity, but because it's also used in swiftness potions, which EVERY class can use and they're definitely among the best things to have for pvp.
"If that's price gouging, then blizzard needs to make the reagent costs for all caster spells a lot cheaper... or even better, just remove them, because I guarantee they pay more for their buff reagents/ankhs than you do for your herbs. obviously it's not as much in a stack, but I'm sure in the time it takes them to use up their reagents vs yours they've spent more money. and swiftthistle goes for so much not just because of thistle tea or its rarity, but because it's also used in swiftness potions, which EVERY class can use and they're definitely among the best things to have for pvp."

Or they could just put blinding powder at a reagent vendor like every other class has for their reagent-using skills and that would be the end of the issue. And have you done the math for your assumption? You should really do so.


It's really not unheard of to spend a lot per week on reagents, especially for a druid, though I did go a bit overboard. Still, I hate reagents but the high cost of swiftthistle's got way more to do with swiftness pots than thistle tea.
My usual total Naxx costs are about 20-25g in repair bills and about that much if not a bit more in consumable usage. If you want to be uber in PvP and always have blinding powder and thistle tea, cough up the cash to do so or take the time to farm it yourself.
Fragamemnon said:
My usual total Naxx costs are about 20-25g in repair bills and about that much if not a bit more in consumable usage. If you want to be uber in PvP and always have blinding powder and thistle tea, cough up the cash to do so or take the time to farm it yourself.

Yes Rogues have those Raid costs as well as being screwed by outrageous reagent costs. Esp. now in 1.12 since poisons are going to clear upon every zoning again.


krypt0nian said:
Esp. now in 1.12 since poisons are going to clear upon every zoning again.
Yeah, what the hell is that all about? Now we have to wait for the expansion for them to fix it?

I'm wondering if they're going to bother with a 1.13 patch, and just wait for the Burning Crusade to magically fix everything wrong with the game. :p


what the ****

ok, screwing up poisons/temp enchants on zoning is stupid... for once they fixed something that was messed up since beta, and now they've already broken it again.

I swear the wow engine is designed so the little things are impossible to fix and the only actual things that can be changed are class abilities.


In all honesty, WoW is boring me...My Warrior's sat at level 44 for a freaking week now without being touched

If my little brother wasn't hopelessly addicted, I'd cancel my account right now and reinstall Diablo II

I'm not sure why I'm not motivated to play anymore...the fact that the game shifted into the realm of being 'work'...by that I mean, simple grinding takes waaay too long now...4.5 hours TNL that way...

the quests are all the same as they were when I was level 10...the instances all take too long, and as of right now, are the quickest way for me to gain exp (provided I quest in em)...but just the LFG hunting is annoying now since LFG has pretty much become Barrens' Chat ver. 2.

Then there's the money issue...my character's just a broke ass mutha****a...I'm constantly sitting on under 10 gold which isn't even enough to cover my level abilities...

I think the straw that broke the camel's back was taking almost/over a week to get my mount...after that, even 1 hour spent purely in the hunt for money is more than I can take...I don't necessarily enjoy the game's quest system, party mechanics, instances, or reputation gaining methods...I do enjoy the world and battleground PVP (especially if the world PVP is big enough to need a raid)

I've leveled a Gnome Rogue, Tauren Shaman, Troll Mage, Human Paladin, and a Human Priest all above level 16 in the past few weeks...in that time I've level my Warrior from 42 to 44...leveling is just more fun when it doesn't take freaking 5 hours of CONSTANT work to get there

meh ****ing meh


Everyone hits their "meh" point sometime. For most, it happens at 60, for some others, it happens after months of raiding in a go-nowhere guild, for others it happens when levelling takes too bloody long. If you're not enjoying it, heh, go play something else. That's what I'd do, anyway.


The mid-40s are the true doldrums of the game. You hit that dead spot for questing/grinding before you hit the high 40s/50s where it picks up again with so many options available to you.
Yeah I hit mine mid 30s, my mates powered me through it, then from 50-55.... but after 55 it was cool.

I hit 60 and didn't touch WoW for like a month or two.

Then powered again. Although powered isn't the word, I still don't play often.

Over the last couple months I've levelled a druid to 40... now saving to get a mount.


Has problems recognising girls
Aye I created a Shaman a few weeks back and he's upto lvl 35 - same level I got my Undead Mage to (and he was my highest ever).

It hasn't been so much of a grind since the Mage days.. so I wonder how long it will last. I just keep looking at other shit and go "hmm maybe I should play this-and-that for 3 hours instead?"


I got kinda back into the game last week, playing it more than other stuff, but now I'm starting to drop off again. Not as much as before though... probably because the gigantic asshole everyone in my guild hated transferred servers (thank god).


Little more BC info from Gencon

Some information coming from Gencon about the Burning Crusade. Not all is new.

New profession level cap is 375 and called Master
Alchemy specialties called Potion and Elixir Alchemy
Tailoring specialties called Shadoweave, Divine and Arcane Tailoring
In the expansion they will be many more useful high level recipes. Along the lines of sageblade or robe of the archmage and better.
Each race/class combination will receive one new racial spell, much like Priests already do.
The example they give is Blood Elf Paladins getting a spell called Blood Debt which amplifies the power of your next judgement at the cost of health. All racial spells will be released when public beta starts.
They're aiming for Q4 2006 release.
Public beta will begin not too long after 1.12 goes live.
Patch 1.13 will be primarily a bug fix patch, but will introduce the Dark Portal opening world event.
They learned from their mistakes from the pvp system in the original game. They will completely revamp the honor system and make it complement PvE, rather than be dependent on it.
They have ideas to make PvP more skill based than time based. 1.12 is just a temporary fix.
Cross realm battlegrounds makes it possible for them to make many new battlegrounds without thinning the pvp population.
Gladiator Arenas will be introduced in the expansion. Some will be deathmatches (which is something players requested but weren't appropriate for a battleground), some will be survival against increasingly powerful monsters.
World pvp objectives will probably not give physical rewards. It's just something for fun that players requested. Think SS Tarren mill battles.
Guild rating and ladder will be introduced as part of honor system changes
They will focus on smaller group content, but that doesn't mean theyre forgetting about raiders. An example is there are 4 full raid dungeons not including onyxia in game currently. They will have at least as many in the expansion.
They really liked stuff like DM tribute and 45 minute baron. As a result all new BC dungeons will have difficulty levels.

Some interesting stuff in there:)


Tamanon said:
25-man max raids in the expansion, no 40-mans.
Wouldn't this potentially destroy a bunch of guilds by introducing drama over who gets slots in a raid, and how those slots should be filled?

"The Honor System in the expansion will no longer be a competitive ladder. The Honor System will be a system where you gain honor points a lot like you do today, but you then just use those honor points as a currency, effectively. That will include items that were previously earned through reputation. We'll kind of roll those into the Honor System, and it will also include a whole lot of new equipment for level 60 to 70 and beyond," Chilton says.

Hell yeah....and another "hell yeah" if they are still on target for a release within the calendar year (I'm hoping they don't mean Q4 fiscal).
border said:
Wouldn't this potentially destroy a bunch of guilds by introducing drama over who gets slots in a raid, and how those slots should be filled?

"The Honor System in the expansion will no longer be a competitive ladder. The Honor System will be a system where you gain honor points a lot like you do today, but you then just use those honor points as a currency, effectively. That will include items that were previously earned through reputation. We'll kind of roll those into the Honor System, and it will also include a whole lot of new equipment for level 60 to 70 and beyond," Chilton says.

Hell yeah....and another "hell yeah" if they are still on target for a release within the calendar year (I'm hoping they don't mean Q4 fiscal).

Why wouldn't they just run multiple raids? The forums already seemed to have solved this.

And double hell yeah for the new honor system.


krypt0nian said:
Why wouldn't they just run multiple raids?
Possible, but it probably is kind of tricky when you are short on certain classesd that you need in both groups.....and that will probably be the case with everyone at the beginning of Burning Crusade (Paladin/Shaman shortages)...


sounds good, maybe the expansion will fix stuff. I'm still a bit wary though. The caverns of time preview (and other info released on it, like it having a BG or two in addition to those instances) makes it sound like they're going with the EQ route of having really lame "hub" areas that wind up making the rest of the gameworld really desolate.


16 -> 40 Debuff slots. Thats right, FOURTY.

-New PvP system where you earn Honor at your own pace, no more High Warlord Grinding.

-5 on 5 PvP teams

-No more 40man dungeons, focus on 10 and 25man encounters.

-Drenai Ride War Elephants

-Blood Elfs ride Cockatrices

-Alliance and Horde have Epic Flying mounts (armored gryphon and armored wyverns)

and more!


Just out of curiousity, what is the highest level dungeon that can be solo'ed (assuming you are sitting on Tier 2 or Tier 3 gear, with good enchants)? With my blue-equipped 60 I could get through SM with a little bit of caution. When the level cap raises to 70, what do you think will be the new solo-able dungeon? LBRS? Sunken Temple?


-No more 40man dungeons, focus on 10 and 25man encounters.

Excitement for BC+++

I love raiding but the past month and a half have been agony with 20-25 raiding members showing up and having to fill raids with friends/apps, as well as seeing a pretty high turn over on members in general. This looks to keep the fun of raiding, increase individual participation, and get rid of the headache of coralling 40 people. For the size guild I'm in I'm hoping this will definitely make things more relaxed.

Just out of curiousity, what is the highest level dungeon that can be solo'ed (assuming you are sitting on Tier 2 or Tier 3 gear, with good enchants)? With my blue-equipped 60 I could get through SM with a little bit of caution. When the level cap raises to 70, what do you think will be the new solo-able dungeon? LBRS? Sunken Temple?

Depending on class it's possible to solo BRD currently, and many classes can solo farm in parts of just about any instance currently in the game. I'd imagine certain classes at 70 will solo farm parts of Hellfire Citadel the lowest level instance they're adding in the xpack. (Lvl 62 +)


Won't the difficulty levels prevent people from soloing expansion pack dungeons? I don't know if Blizzard has said whether or not new instances will automatically scale to your level, or if you can choose the "easy" version if you're just trying to farm on your own.

Solo'ing something 8 levels below you seems like it'd be pretty difficult -- can Tier 2/3 raiders really make it all the way through BRD? I haven't spent too much time in BRD, but isn't there a section where you get hammered by 10-15 mobs at a time and have to kill them all within a certain amount of time (due to quick respawns)? I guess that's the harder section that you have to access with the key..


border said:
Just out of curiousity, what is the highest level dungeon that can be solo'ed (assuming you are sitting on Tier 2 or Tier 3 gear, with good enchants)? With my blue-equipped 60 I could get through SM with a little bit of caution. When the level cap raises to 70, what do you think will be the new solo-able dungeon? LBRS? Sunken Temple?
right now I think with t2 someone could probably solo uldaman if they're either a warrior, hunter, shaman, druid or paladin. those all have enough survivability. But most 60s, even in greens, can solo SM or RFD pretty easily. I think in the expansion it won't be unheard of for people to solo BRD or LBRS, though I doubt there will be solo emp runs.


BC is looking good, but it sounds like they went from a solo PvP grind to a group based PvP grind... =|

Hopefully things won't be nearly as bad as the solo PvP grind that is currently in the game.
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