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World of Warcraft

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It appears the patch goes live tomorrow. After spending the past couple of weeks toying around with various hemo and combat mace builds, I guess I'm going to use that free respec tomorrow to go back to combat daggers, I really feel like I've missed it.


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Drensch said:
Server transfer problems....
This is kinda what I am worried about on our server Blackwing Lair. We've already got 25K-26K characters from 10-60 and a queue on peak hours (the server is 2 months old btw) - the last thing most people want on the server is people transferring on and making it even worse. Although I hear many Horde lvl 60's say that they want better competition and the ratio faction balance is quite even.. heck even one of the bigger Alliance PVP guilds went back to their old characters on another server because they were sick of getting their arses handed to them.

Hopefully with the cross-realm BG's happening tomorrow, people won't bother transferring unless they are the hardcore raiding type and feel they need to be the raid guild on the server.

There are a bunch of 1.12 combat dagger builds out there, and I'm not sure which one to choose.

This dude http://roguecrap.blogspot.com/ says that 18/28/5 will increase your end dps the most, though it does not feature Adrenaline Rush.

I can probably live without it. I like it more for soloing than for raids, and the cd have always been a pain.

What do you guys think?


Guild started into AQ40. Skeram and the trash was easy. Gave the bug trio a few tries, but all it seems we could do is down the poison one, and get stuck on the princess. Her AoE fear and healing sucks. I spent more than half the fight running. So we decided to give Satura a shot ... well, 2 shots. First time we died so fast it was hilarious. Second time we at least lasted a while. Her minions seem to run off a lot and wreak havok though.

Anyway, good times and I got my bug mount. It appears it will be much needed. Wiping means a lot of ground to cover.



Ah, Sartura. Those were some memorable wipes. Half the raid gets destroyed in two seconds becase they're all standing too close to each other and get their salads tossed by a couple of battleguards.

As a mage I really like this fight, I can't just stand there and spam the same spell over and over because I gotta keep moving when she darts out of range or heads in my direction.
What I don't like is casting Amplify Magic on every single person before the fight. It's annoying, but necessary for the +225 healing buff.


I'm really tired of people saying you need 3/3 imp SnD. 2/3 is plenty for keeping SnD up full time. Imp Sprint in that build also isn't gonna help your dps or raid survivability, better to drop the points into deflection or lightning reflexes.

This build has almost all the same damage talents while also offering better survivability talents, and utility like riposte and adrenaline rush.


For someone who wants to do absolutely nothing but raid shifts out of some of the utility for a little more damage / general survivability.



Yeah the reason I keep SS around is for quick combo point generation in a pinch, even as combat daggers there are still a few fights where I pull out a 2.5-2.7 spd main hand and go to town. Notably Sartura, get off a stun and rebuild 4 combo points before the whirlwind, and Nef phase one where I'm usually a main assist.
Pretty nice pvp now 89 games up for warsong lol. Anyone know in silithus what you get for that 0/200 horde vs. alliance thing? I had some fun killing some horde people trying to return to their base.
The new crossrealm BGs is the way it should've been from the getgo. I was wary about realms losing their "community." But things are just so much better now. The fact that now I can actually choose between WSG or AB on my server is pretty awesome. Before it was *always* WSG and maybe AB during the holidays. And the auto-grouping should've been there day one for sure.
I find today's delay very annoying because I don't really care about the BG at all, not my thing. I really really want that new rogue book (evicer 9) Can't wait.


I'm trying to help out a friend who's a 36 rogue (and personally I made one but only got him to level 12 - it's a more fun class than I thought it'd be, but casters are still more my style) so what's a good combat daggers build for pvp, that will at least be serviceable in pve? I was honestly thinking 31 combat and then most of the rest into subtlety, but I don't really know rogues well enough.
edit: here's a link to what I was thinking of, but I really don't know if it's any good - http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=yZGctzrxz0foE0xc
crap eldr'Thalas still isn't up : (

QUESTION: I read about the world PvP, happeneing in EB and sith: Does that mean its full-on PvP in Sith now? The patch notes seemed vague on that. I'm trynig to grind rep there and I'm usually alone, I don't need to get jack by bands of horde.

Edit: I just read the rogue tallent review and whatever skill made my evasion last 4 seconds longer is gone : ( that really suck, its one of the main reason I could solo so well on bigger mobs.


There is unreal lag issues on both the realms I play on.. i just got dc'd from a 35 minute WSG match we were up 2-1 over allies.. nice.. says the realm is down.

That's considerign I left my ally Pvp realm because it was unplayable. I'm sure they will get it cleared up.

edit both my main realms are down now


Went combat daggers up to Adrenaline Rush. I'm so gimp now. Was testing the range of stealth with 0 MoD and it's a HUGE distance on the frontal cone i'm spotted. This is even with NE racial.


Yeah..I went Combat Daggers from Seal Fate Daggers.

My raid dps is through the roof but while in Silithus I had some hard times with PVP.

I'll come back to you, someday, PVP spec. 5/5 MOD + Stealth Cloak Enchant + Darkmantle Boots = <3


I know I'm always complaining in this thread :D

Ugg new changes=teh suck.

The world pvp is a joke (http://worldpvpsucks.ytmnd.com/)

And now instead of the 3 uber gear xfer guilds ruining pvp, it's premades from other servers with 15 guys hitting me with sulfuras.

I'd been mulling quitting in October since the last patchand I woulda quit before that, had I not payed right before it :( I've solidified my decision now, the game just isn't fun in pvp anymore and I don't wanna raid.


I'm of two minds on the cross-realm battlegrounds - I heard stories of my guildmates facing off against superpugs that didn't know what they were doing, but all I seemed to get in WSG and AV were allliance dressed to the nines with BWL and AQ gear. I even think one of the Blackrock teams had gear from Naxx. We managed to get one cap in, so they didn't steamroll over us, thankfully. Then the server had to be shut down for a few hours for fixes.

So now in pvp I'm looking forward to teams we can destroy in 10 minutes, or excruciating half an hour matches where we're outmatched for most of it.

I'm now 7/8 Netherwind, here's hoping the servers stay stable enough for me to get my boots from the Broodlord.


Has problems recognising girls
Teknopathetic said:
The new crossrealm BGs is the way it should've been from the getgo. I was wary about realms losing their "community." But things are just so much better now. The fact that now I can actually choose between WSG or AB on my server is pretty awesome. Before it was *always* WSG and maybe AB during the holidays. And the auto-grouping should've been there day one for sure.
Nothing could be said further from the truth and I was mulling over this today with a friend. Why is it that Blizzard need to fix things after it gets all bloated? Ah well..

It's great seeing less than 5 min avg queue time wait on BG's though.


They appear to be the new talents for BC, not sure they're necessarily believable though. I will say if they are real at first glance they would significantly alter future rogue specs. I mean delving into subtley for a 10% agi and 10% AP increase,a s well as a 20% chance to avoid a killing blow.

Don't think theres anything horrible about getting a passive 25% daze to all attacks either, especially when you stack that on top of a 30% proc rate for crippling poison.

The assassination skills seem somewhat week though. If real the cooldown, on Surprise attack should be lowered and the energy cost should be bumped up a bit to compensate.


<sick of rogue discussion>

Bleh, this World PvP stuff is crap. It actually has the chance to be fun, but nobody's interested whatsoever because the reward isn't there. Hey, let's all toilet-seat our asses in WSG some more. ****. Does anyone play this game to have fun?

</sick of rogue discussion>


Ferrio said:
Ya, saw that after I posted.

Not impressed with the addtions talent (Shadow strikes wtf...) or abilities.

How can you not like 4 seconds of spell immunity? Shadow Strikes is pretty ridiculous too.

Actually, out of all the things shown, I like fleet-footed the most. 1 point for 4% movement speed, 2 points for 8%?

The plus agility talent is pretty good, imagine the agility rogues are going to be wearing during level 70. Combined with the +AP% talent, sub. will get a huge boost.

Of course, I was excited by some of the preliminary 1.12 rogue changes too, so I'd rather have the chance to practice this out myself.


fleet footed? it sounds to me a lot like the worthless pally talent Pursuit of Justice, so I can't imagine it being that good aside from the chance to resist snares/roots.

still, I'm really hoping that the info from those chat logs (if it's true) is partial at best for rogues/warlocks/paladins. cause 1) the warlock threat reducer is retarded bullshit unless it's a 30 minute buff with that cooldown on it and 2) it really sounds to me like mages get a lot of HUGE dps boosts, while warlocks get... more pvp skills we don't need? though I do like incinerate (especially if it doesn't consume immolate, imagine immo -> incinerate -> conflag for some pve burst) and the aoe dot is something locks could use in pve for a lot of situations.

However, what I'm really hoping they do is rework the doomguard/infernal so they're more controllable, even if they're nerfed a bit. I'd much, much, much rather have a 5-10 minute duration infernal pet that dies when time runs out a la the dreadlord's infernal in warcraft 3. And honestly, if they made the doomguard a normal pet, but then required some rare dungeon/world drop books to give him his skills (aside from maybe rain of fire, as that's his weakest), that'd be a lot more fun IMO.

there's still a lot of core pve issues blizzard needs to address with warlocks, mainly making them better at sustained dps and no-brainer stuff similar to what mages got in 1.11 or earlier (basically, making corruption instant cast by default, as nobody uses that spell without 5/5 improved corruption, and reducing the mana cost on demon armor because the top rank is 1580 mana for a largely shitty self-buff with a few decent side effects). anyway, sorry for going on this tangent, I'm just kind of regretting picking warlock when I first started, even if they do destroy a lot of horrible newbs in pvp (I still die constantly though, because I get assist trained).


The increased speed might not sound good since Pallys have it, but moving faster in stealth = good. That and it helps us just a bit from getting kited. Doubt it'll be worth the points but I can hope, can't I?
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