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World of Warcraft

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What makes you think that it's more group-based PVP?

The game's PVP grind already seemed like it was group-based. There's no easy way to move up the current PVP ladder without getting a group of guildies together to score a ton of quick AB wins. Yeah, I suppose you can do it solo if you just play 16 hours a day for several weeks straight, but that method isn't really viable for anyone with a life. As it sounds now, people will be able to go at their own pace and still get the more high-end rewards. In terms of atmosphere it will probably suck since you'll see a million look-alike characters (just like how now you see a million characters with The Unstoppable Force since it's a solo'able PVP reward). I don't really care that much about having an authentic "world" full of different-looking characters though. I'll gladly trade some uniqueness for a game where I can actually have some goals that seem achievable. As it is now, I have basically no motivation to PVP since I know that getting anywhere will require a very intense committment.


also, I like the idea of arena teams, even if it sounds like a huge ripoff from guild wars. never played GW so I don't know if it's actually like it, but it really sounds like it... still, arena teams sound great, especially if they don't conflict with regular guilds - that way if you're in a guild where there's not a whole lot of pvpers but you make some other friends from BGs, you can all form a team and not worry about any stupid guild drama.

I can't wait for the expansion beta to hit. I really hope I get into it since I was in the retail game's beta. that way I can find out if all of this preview hype is to be believed.


I hope they keep rankings though; not to represent the honour grind but as a show of ability in this new arena combat thing.

Good to see them making use of the arena's as well.


Has problems recognising girls
They seem to be fixing up the PVP system a bit at each time which I am happy about. The two new Pally/Shammy lvl 70 spells that were spoken about are very interesting as well. Whether they are implemented upon release, who knows.

I was going to create a Blood Elf Mage when I get the expansion, but I'm really leaning upon the Paladin side lately.
The small raid thing may well bring me back. Once I got to level 60 i quickly quit as my troll dual wielding warrior could not get a raiding guild at all and I finally gave up trying.


pxleyes said:
-Blood Elfs ride Cockatrices
This itself is the greatest news I've heard, now we get to rib our Blood Elf comrades for riding chickens!

... now I've got to get faction with the Blood Elfs so *I* can ride a chicken.
I am loling at all the hardcore raiders butthurt over the changes.

not that casuals have "won" mind you (the content will be even more challenging with only 25).

I still think have dual instances at 25 and 40 with 40 being much harder but with more rep, and chance to drop..


ZombieSupaStar said:
I am loling at all the hardcore raiders butthurt over the changes.

not that casuals have "won" mind you (the content will be even more challenging with only 25).

I still think have dual instances at 25 and 40 with 40 being much harder but with more rep, and chance to drop..

Why would a raid with MORE people be harder?


That all sounds really good. Arcane, shadow, holy or whatever tailing so that tailoring doesn't stink for the most part. "Honor" system fixed, of course they will probably make the rewards ridiculous like the Argent Dawn stuff :\ smaller raids

Draenei get to ride War Elephants? Sounds like Return of the King.. damn war elephants could be cool


ManaByte said:
Ever hear of scaling content?

Yes, because as evident of the rogue's rupture/garrote/eviscerate abilities scaling in 1.12, I am so confident that Blizzard knows how to scale accordingly.

I don't care what people want to theorize about, the more numbers you have, the better off you are. The smaller the party, the tougher decisions you have to make on class balance, gear, skill, etc. Case in point: UD Strat 45 minute Baron run. I bet 90% of the 'hardcore raiding community' hasn't even completed it. But compare that to how many noob guilds can just zerg their way through ZG/AQ20/MC and even BWL, 40-man raid content is a joke.


Woooo, I am ready for wipe city today. Normally we clear up to Domo on Saturday and run Ony/Domo/Rags on Sunday.

We were going at a good enough pace to clear all of MC in 3 hours yesterday(that was with 2 wipes oddly enough of core hound packs). We never wipe on those guys but someone pulled us 2 sets twice on accident, lol. Since we just have Ony to do today, we're going into BWL for the first time to test the first fight for fun.:)


Yup, Razor was fun, made it through 6 wipes before morale took a bit of a hit. Fun fight though. We couldn't really succeed because we only had 34 people make it, and only 2 druids, which left us pretty healer bereft and having to try the 2 group strategy.

Still a fun time, especially the first time when 6 of us didn't realize how quickly the MT would be getting the fight started and were stuck behind the gate cheering, hehe.
We're switching gears on that fight from the Shammies Kite Legionnaires/Hunters Kite Dragonkin to one where the 2 Warriors kite Dragonkin/Legionnaires get Tanked/Mages get Spanked method. It looks EXTREMELY more managable then the overtly complicated first strat. From a healer's perspective, the first one is murder; bars go down but the right tumblers of low aggro and proximity have to align before you can save a kiter.

We're also doing it on Wednesday instead of Sunday. I suspect people are getting Rag/Ony loot, then bailing to avoid repair costs/frustration. I also suspect that this is why we haven't gotten stage 2 down, seeing as running it with 34 may not cut it. Finally, I suspect not getting an invite to Ony will hasten people's desire to spearhead new boss fights. :)


we don't kite at all on razorgore

split the raid into 4 groups

assign each group to a corner

we have 4 dps groups in the 4 corners of the rooms

we have 1 druid in each corner to sleep dragonkin

we have the dps groups kill everything that spawns

its rather easy

i think there is more room for error than with kiting

we previously did mages kiting legions, hunters kiting dragonkin, and dps killing mages

but i prefer killing everything, much easier


After almost 4 months since we first set foot in BWL Nefarian is dead. Seemed to take forever. Especially with most raids called initially due to attendence issues. Once we got the first 3 bosses down, and the loot train started running, oddly we had no issues getting people. Odd that. Then summer vacations hit in full force and were short people again. Anyway, seemed to take forever, but the bastard is dead and I got my Transcendence Robes. So all is good.



SaitoH said:
After almost 4 months since we first set foot in BWL Nefarian is dead. Seemed to take forever. Especially with most raids called initially due to attendence issues. Once we got the first 3 bosses down, and the loot train started running, oddly we had no issues getting people. Odd that. Then summer vacations hit in full force and were short people again. Anyway, seemed to take forever, but the bastard is dead and I got my Transcendence Robes. So all is good.

Congrats to you guys. Downing Nef feels terrific the first time you do it, and the atmosphere of the encounter is probably the best to date.

Now though things are going to change in your guild over the next few weeks: Word will trickle out that Nef is on free-purp status, this means you'll have every guildie in every corner and crevice showing up to get their purps even though half of them weren't even there during the practice runs.

Low attendance will now shift to AQ and/or Naxx, depending upon whichever you decide to do first. People may show up for Naxx the first few runs out of the 'newness' of it, but once they realize it requires more work and there are no free purpz yet attendance will drop until you down the first boss.

I hate deadweighters.
Grats, what else dropped?

Tritroid said:
Congrats to you guys. Downing Nef feels terrific the first time you do it, and the atmosphere of the encounter is probably the best to date.

Now though things are going to change in your guild over the next few weeks: Word will trickle out that Nef is on free-purp status, this means you'll have every guildie in every corner and crevice showing up to get their purps even though half of them weren't even there during the practice runs.

Low attendance will now shift to AQ and/or Naxx, depending upon whichever you decide to do first. People may show up for Naxx the first few runs out of the 'newness' of it, but once they realize it requires more work and there are no free purpz yet attendance will drop until you down the first boss.

I hate deadweighters.

Like us with Rag. I should be rockin' 3-piece Tranny bonus and warriors should be sporting Spineshatters and UTB, but no... >_<


Nefarian dropped: Pure Elementium Band, Archimtiros' Ring of Reckoning, Robes of Transcendence, and Dragonstalker's Breastplate.

We are already starting into AQ40. Everyone seems pretty excited about it. I'm sure we'll have some attendance issues, but we'll manage. I know I'll always show. I enjoy learning new encounters and don't mind the repair bills. Can be frustrating at times, but It's worth it for those first kills.

It's funny. We still consider ourselves to be a casual guild. Obviously we aren't nearly the level of the guilds pioneering Naxx boss strats, but still, we've managed to complete BWL, which is something not a lot of guilds can say.


SaitoH said:
Nefarian dropped: Pure Elementium Band, Archimtiros' Ring of Reckoning, Robes of Transcendence, and Dragonstalker's Breastplate.

We are already starting into AQ40. Everyone seems pretty excited about it. I'm sure we'll have some attendance issues, but we'll manage. I know I'll always show. I enjoy learning new encounters and don't mind the repair bills. Can be frustrating at times, but It's worth it for those first kills.

It's funny. We still consider ourselves to be a casual guild. Obviously we aren't nearly the level of the guilds pioneering Naxx boss strats, but still, we've managed to complete BWL, which is something not a lot of guilds can say.
You may want to consider juggeling both AQ40 and Naxx at the same time, which is what my guild does. AQ40 is known to be a guild killer, as its loot primarily sucks for the most part and is only side-grades from BWL gear. Because of that, the amount of effort it takes to learn the encounters is not worth the reward at all, and people become easily frustrated.

We've recently downed Huhuran in AQ40, and Raz in Naxx, but even though we've downed more bosses in AQ40 than in Naxx, we can hardly get people to show up for it. More people seem to prefer Naxx, since thats where the better upgrades can be found, and people strive to achieve the next Tier set.


I'm pushing for Naxx to be honest, but it seems most people feel that AQ40 offers a valuable, and needed, DPS upgrade. At the very least we'll down the first bunch of AQ40 bosses before hitting the NR cockblock, then decide what to do from there.


first 3-4 bosses in aq40 are easy

u prolly will down skeram and bug family on your first night in there

first cockblock will be huhu, but thats just a matter of farming NR gear


yacobod said:
first 3-4 bosses in aq40 are easy

u prolly will down skeram and bug family on your first night in there
Not after the recent change to them. Yauj heals Kri now which makes the fight seriously annoying.
Huhu isn't much of a cockblock anymore since the CC NR gear came out with 1.11. It took about 3 hours of attempts to down her the first time.


Yeah, the bug family destroyed us our first attempt, with the healing and the spitting and the little kid bug hopped up on Capt. Crunch cereal.

Sartura took us a few tries to get down, you just need enough people to get the hell out of the way. Some good Sartura wipes happen when people clump up together and don't know when to move. Blender time!

I just got my Netherwind Robes from Nef this week. Just two more to go (belt and boots) and then I can start blowing my points on non-set items to min/max.
SaitoH said:
After almost 4 months since we first set foot in BWL Nefarian is dead. Seemed to take forever. Especially with most raids called initially due to attendence issues. Once we got the first 3 bosses down, and the loot train started running, oddly we had no issues getting people. Odd that. Then summer vacations hit in full force and were short people again. Anyway, seemed to take forever, but the bastard is dead and I got my Transcendence Robes. So all is good.


Sorta the samething here. I went from a small guild to a big raiding guild, which was cool till inner drama happened during AQ40. People not wanting to be there, people fighting nakid cause they didn't want repair bills. Eventually the rogues and hunters broke off to form thier own guild.

It's been interesting a lot of big guilds broke up and we picked up the peices some really good some really REALLY annoying people. Like the mage who wouldn't sheep and would get nakid and stand in fire when we were trying to pull. The guild's been together for a month and we have ZG, MC and AQ20 on farm. Now comes to BWL. Just bad BAD REALLY bad luck. We suddenly got attendance issues when Veal didn't lie down for us like Razor did. So we decide to do a joint raid thing...ONCE...and now NEVER again.

Short story Vael was kciking our ass and one of the last attempts whenthe second tank goes in he sheild bashes, Veal eats him then goes loose killing everyone. Apprently siad tank from the other guild didn't know what Shiled bash did and did it to prove a point cause noone was listening to him. apprently our "4G repair per death is insignifigant" to him getting attenion or something. We did down Vael then the other guild left one by one with out a word.

The next week we FINALLY get everyone on, get to firemaw no wipes...except one on firemaw, then the attendance issues start up the next raid day.

This week we had more then enough people online incase people had to leave early, well I'm on Assgalor and it was last tuesday. It went something like this.

Extended maintence till about 4.
Log on massive lag, and now out of the blue perm enchants are being replaced by temp ones.
Server reset.
Server up
Server down
Server up
server down
Server comes back up, half the world is missing...the half with BWL and the raid on it.
Server stays up for about 30-45 minuets and no one on the westeren side of the world could log in
Server shut down
30 minuets later a breaking news bulletin "all servers online" Except for the 10 that had to shut down are now missing form the list, blue says the breaking news was posted a "tad bit early"
an HOUR later Azgalor finally comes back up.

3 hours later, from our intended start time, we finally start BWL (ty blizzard), we down razor and stop cause no way in hell with the amount of lag (FD would display the bar, 3 seconds later say resisted. hunter mark had a 3 second button push cast and a 5 second animation cast) or with 35 some of which were second sting raiders so off to MC. Tomorrow we go from Vael to nef do or die.


Some more info on the Arena Teams from Drysc on the WoW forums:


We've kept a lot in mind while creating the arena system to help make it as centered on player skill as possible, and not time invested. We're looking to help create a place where players can track their achievements and improvements in a fun PvP environment. We're no strangers to the tactics and extent at which players will take a game to help ensure they reach their goal sooner or easier. It can however be minimized by simplifying a system so that the possible benefits available to a player are specific and tangible to everyone, and that the potential for exploitation is reduced as much as possible. With a complex system there will always be that something extra that can give you an edge over someone else, it's the size and availability of the edge that makes the difference though. We think we're making some great progress in creating place where players can come and test their PvP skill against others, have fun, and get some pretty cool rewards out of it too.

Just because you asked, here's some more information on the arena system. Hopefully this quells some of your concerns, and squashes a few assumptions. Please keep in mind that this information is subject to change, but these are our current plans for the PvP Arena system in The Burning Crusade expansion.

# When a player enters an arena battle, all buffs and conjured items are purged/deleted. This is done to ensure no outside buffs or items from members outside of your team are able to be used in an arena battle.

# No consumables other than bandages and conjured items can be used while in the arena. There will be a waiting area similar to the current battlegrounds where players on the team will be able to conjure items and cast buffs.

# Abilities/spells/items with cooldowns longer than 15 minutes cannot be used while in the arena.

# Each arena team will be given a rating, and will be matched up in the arena queue against teams of a similar rating (matching within that specific cross-realm battlegroup). As time progresses the matching system will broaden its search up to a limit if a closely rated team cannot be found.

# Ratings adjustments are made in the same way that ELO ratings adjustments are made. This system works by adjusting each arena team's rating from a specific match based on the rating of the team they are up against. If a team wins against a team of a higher rating, the increase of their arena rating would be much higher than if they had won against a team of a lower rating. This system will help promote players improving their skill and besting teams which may have previously held the top spots.

# At the end of each week, characters receive arena points based on their team's rating. A team must have fought a minimum number of battles for the week, which we have announced as currently set to 10 games. A player must have played in at least 30% of the team's battles that week in order to be eligible to receive arena points. Each eligible player will then receive a fraction of the teams total awarded points to spend on arena rewards.

# Players may spend their points on arena rewards, or save their points until they have enough to get the rewards they desire.

# There is a limit to the number of points a player can stockpile, which is currently planned to be as high as the most expensive item.

# At the end of a season, players on a team are given a title based on their team's relative position on the ladder which will last through the next arena season.

Sounds great so far. I dunno why, but I assumed that Arena Teams would work similar to the current system, and you needed to be at certain ranks on the ladder to buy certain gear, but this makes it sound as if you can get whatever you want provided you have the available arena points and that rank won't affect what gear is available. Hopefully it actually works out that way.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
All the new pvp stuff is sounding spectacular.

So awesome, in fact, that I've ALMOST forgotten all about the horrendous Horde Pally/Alliance Shammy fiasco!


MrCheez said:
All the new pvp stuff is sounding spectacular.

So awesome, in fact, that I've ALMOST forgotten all about the horrendous Horde Pally/Alliance Shammy fiasco!

I'll let it slide as long as Horde finally stop bitching


I just hope blood elf priests/paladins (one of the two) get fear ward so all the raid content is on an even playing field. then the game itself will be balanced nicely.


Boomer said:
I'll let it slide as long as Horde finally stop bitching
I imagine that the only Horde bitching about that change were people who were into the lore, or people who played shammies in raiding guilds. Mind you, I was reading about the changes coming to the palles and shammies (I think in Luke's 1Up article) ... if we could get some kind of threat reduction, coupled with some more manageable DPS, we could still be pretty viable in raids. Still, not that I care all that much.


I have to reiterate how much server xfers suck. My server used to be one of the few servers with a horde pop that was anywhere close to ally. It was also a fairly new server. We also had nice competitive bgs. The Ally always outgunned and numbered the horde, but it wasn't too bad. It's changed. Blizz Allowed a bunch of ally guilds to xfer over. On my server no one has done naxx or and not that many were into AQ. At least 3 guilds with Tier 2 plus gear xfred over and have made WSG and AB much less playable and have made AV less fun.

AB and WSG are almost purely numbers and gear arenas, and we were used to be disadvantaged there, but now it's sick. Cloth armor wearers with close to 5k hp and guys who routinely crit for 2000. I got hit by a 3500 crit the other day.

And the best part is, apparently these guys really sucked at pvp on their server so they came over here so they could use their monster equip advantage. And that doesn't even take into account all the ally they have hosed in honor rankings. And the best part? They only beat pugs a lil more than half the time. But they have made the pvp experience a lot less fun. We still win Av because Gear doesn't mean nearly as much, but instead of a focused fiht on both sides it's now a 2 team zerg to the boss.


Haha. Xi, the GM of Death and Taxes really takes this game serious.

So here I am, once again, hijacking our front page for my own personal soapbox. As we know, there was a recent announcement regarding the size of raids in BC, and I've spent the last few days trying to quantify in words why it bothers me so much, why I am so disapointed by the change. Eventually I came to realize that what really bothered me about it was the people. The people are the reason I log in every day, the reason I'm willing to throw myself against impossible odds, to do things as mindnumbing as farming potions for hours. Loot will come and go, and be outdated by the evolution of the game, world firsts will come to be long forgotten in the sands of time, but the people we play with, the people we experienced the game with, will we ever really forget them.

Raiding guilds were designed around 40 people, plain and simple. It's been that way for 2 years, and to change it now is so ridiculously shortsighted. I've been raiding with the same core for nearly 2 years, the same core of people necessary to facilitate 40 man raiding, and now I'm supposed to tell a good portion of them to what, **** off, get on the bench because you pompous pricks arbitrarily decided to change the ****ing rules.

Tigole, you say that with the entrance of BC there will be a high turnover on raid guilds. What the **** do you know. You expect me to believe that the same people who poured hours of time and effort through your arrogant ****ing cockblocks at Ragnaros, at Chromaggus, at Nefarion, and at the mother of all **** ups C'thun, will suddenly turn their backs on us because it's a convenient time to bow out of the game. Suddenly people who devoted the time to the rest of us to throw themselves multiple days a week at a C'thun we didn't have a ****ing prayer of beating are going to say, sorry I have better things to do just because the expansion comes out?

So what the **** are we supposed to do now. How do we look at our guildmates, our friends, the people we've known for a year, two years, maybe longer and tell them, "Sorry, you aren't good enough", or "Sorry we don't have room for you". It's not about raids being 40% smaller, it's about us having to tell 40% more people sorry, you're going to have to sit outside and hold your dick every night.

Now you'd say, well why not use 2 raids. Who decides who goes in each raid, who leads the raids, how many people do we need on standby for each raid, what kind of class stack do we need for the encounters, how many people do we recruit to deal with the challenges ahead, what happens when group B's tanks are online, but they don't have enough priests, and A has priests, but no tanks. And by the time we're done separating people into 2 categories, we might as well be 2 completely ****ing separate guilds. Why the **** should we have to endure this bullshit because you decided you wanted to change the rules halfway through.

Let me leave you with a final thought, one you may see repeated in the upcoming days, because it was included in an article I was asked to contribute to. When Death and Taxes kills Illidan, and we stand over his corpse for our screenshot, will our first thought be: Where are the other 15 people who stood together with us for Onyxia, for Ragnaros, for Nefarion, for C'thun, and finally for Kel'Thuzad.

These are my thoughts, for now.

I sort of agree with him though. I was actually hoping they were increasing raid sizes in BC.


Mute said:
Haha. Xi, the GM of Death and Taxes really takes this game serious.

I sort of agree with him though. I was actually hoping they were increasing raid sizes in BC.
Guilds, recruit more people and have multiple raids

Some of the best raid guilds on my sever do this...why the **** do these chimps assume they can only cut members to deal with this?


They only want to have JUST enough members to raid, D&T requires 6 days raiding a week I believe, it's either 5 or 6. This only hurts HARDCORE raiders at first. It's actually beneficial to the more casual raiders who only raid a few days a week. Generally those groups are hurting for people anyways. I know I'll gladly welcome the changes, might mean just being with my guild instead of a raiding alliance:)


Because running two raids, keeping in mind lockouts and such, creates two separate teams, complete with separate raid leaders, MTs and the rest. It's like running 2 guilds in one chat channel.

Honestly, the guild I'm in now won't have much of a problem because we don't run with a set core of players. One nights MC, or BWL, has a vastly different roster, but for the real hardcore guilds, I can see this being a big issue. Aside from the obvious drama, It'd be MUCH easier for them to pare down to a 25 man team.
it only hurts the super hardcore raiders, the casuals it doesn't really change anything for IMO... since I'm casual (never been in a guild that's beaten MC... up to rag though) I don't care. Hardcore raiders irk me though, so I don't really care about them :)
If they are "friends" then this shouldn't be an issue. Recruit a bit to fill in the blanks and have a fair draft for the two teams.

I cannot believe he's whining about such things if they truly pioneered such huge boss battles. Suck it up and learn how to manage it. This is a test of a true guild IMO.


Couldn't the problem be mostly solved by allowing a guild to have 2 copies of an instance saved at the same time? Just let them have Naxx A and Naxx B, and whoever's in the guild can go to either one. The way everyone can cross-over when needed, and you don't have to stop playing with some old friends.


Couldn't the problem be mostly solved by allowing a guild to have 2 copies of an instance saved at the same time? Just let them have Naxx A and Naxx B, and whoever's in the guild can go to either one. The way everyone can cross-over when needed, and you don't have to stop playing with some old friends.

Except then a large number of hardcore guilds would just pare down to 25 members and double run the instances. The only reason DnT and guilds like them are running 5-6 days right now is they're still working on new content. Once Naxx is completely on farm status they'll likely have it down to 2-3 days, just for Naxx, and maybe 1 day for AQ40.


Mazre said:
Except then a large number of hardcore guilds would just pare down to 25 members and double run the instances.
I thought it went without saying, but the creation of the B instance would require 25 different accounts to be playing at the time of creation. Once the A and B were established, you could cross back and forth......but initially it would take 50 different people.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I think the funniest part of Xi's statement is it pretends that all of DnT's raiders were there since the beginning. When in reality they are always trying to recruit the best players they can get to replace players that have grown tired of the raid schedule or the game and quit.

Hell, we lost one of our best priests to them a few months ago and it really hurt us since we were having issues with our other priests quitting the game due to boredom. We have just recently got back into the swing of things and started making progress in Naxx (and we still need to kill C'Thun, although that should happen in the next week or two). If they are really that worried about it, they can just stop recruiting for a month or two and the raid core will be down to a size for the new 25 man content.
Our Lead Enhancement Shammy (ie, the one who far enough ahead in healy gear to go 31 ENH and bid on physical damage buffing stuff) just landed the Eye of Sulfuron, thus making his Hand of Ragnaros. He ate alot of attacks in AB afterwards. I should know, I healed him thru it! :lol


SatelliteOfLove said:
Our Lead Enhancement Shammy (ie, the one who far enough ahead in healy gear to go 31 ENH and bid on physical damage buffing stuff) just landed the Eye of Sulfuron, thus making his Hand of Ragnaros. He ate alot of attacks in AB afterwards. I should know, I healed him thru it! :lol
Out of the 5 past weeks we've done MC, 3 Eyes have dropped. The last 2 no one even wanted. 1 went to one of our Main Tanks :lol


We will be extending tomorrows (Tuesday, August 22) normally scheduled realm maintenance by three hours. The additional time will allow for the application of a patch. The maintenance time will run from 2:00 AM PDT to 11:00 AM PDT.
Oh noes!
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