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World of Warcraft

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I don't mind fear as a defense, but it wasn't as such. It was an offense spell. Fear, then it's pretty much over.


SyNapSe said:
Some cool stuff in there, but ouch for Mage's.. Poly nerfed in PvP and so was Sap.

Sap doesn't bother me, actually it's good that it was toned down... cause Sap + sap talents is a bit much, as is poly and fear and all the other crowd control stuff.


Astranaar has become a huge battleground on my server. Usually we get some attempted orc raids here and there, but last night was different. We got them all but we Astranaar got raided by about 25 orcs last night. It was insane. Had a ton of alliance come down from Auberdine to help out. It was a hell of a battle. I knew something was up when I was attempting to quest outside of town and had to stay in stealth mode most of the time as I had orcs passing me. I'm thankful I have my master of deception ranking at level 5. I kneeled in an open field while in stealth and had a group of 3 orcs (All higher levels than me) go right by.

I actually have not headed that much south of Astranaar. That has to be orc controlled territory to have some many orcs at once attempt a raid.


Kweh said:
New patch notes, only a matter of time until US version gets it.

And its xmas in Ironforge on the EU servers
http://www.harley2002.cistron.nl/kerst_in_ironforge.jpg :)

Bleh, no arrow craft. Shouldn't have expected it. :(

Just saw this post from a blue on the subject, and apparently it's not even being considered at the moment. Kinda sucks... bows are really underpowered compared to guns, especially at 40+.

Patch doesn't seem all that hot... some bosts to Warrior and Druid. Little nerf to Poly. Claw for pets is gonna cost 25 Focus now, which sucks. Might have to start using Bite instead. Was hoping for a little boost to the final Hunter talents, but oh well.
I hate patches, all you ever get from people is bitching. Any mage forum tied to WoW is a joke to read right now.

Seriously, I don't think the Poly nerf is harsh at all. Unless you're one of those shitheads that chained-poly people in PvP. It's so fitting that the chain-poly is what caused the outcry in the first place. The mages whining now are the same ones that FORCED Blizzard's hand on the issue.

They act like Bliz singled them out, when ALL classes CC spells/abilities were nerfed to the 15-second max timer. Pathetic.

BTW, NA patch notes are up.



I see nothing wrong with the poly nerf, poly was a f'king joke as it was. Mages were polying people for minutes until backups showed up.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Stillllll no battlegrounds (which were promised for the end of beta).

Tyren (I think it was Tyren) mentioned a few times this next patch was going to be a "PvP Focused" one. Nerfs to fear/CC spells in PvP makes for a PvP focused patch?? o_O

Also, as for sap... if it's going to be turned into a 15 second sleep, we should be able to use it while the target is in combat. =P


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
God forbid Blizzard do something fun. Why must people make such a huge deal over everything?


ok this is a very directed question.

are there any current WoW players here that were also old ultima online players?

i played a ton of UO back in the day and i almost feel spoiled, im not sure if anything can live up to it. i loved the whole style, experience system, fighting, and the view was PERFECTION! ive been talking to someone at work about WoW and im really getting amped about the game and i really wanna play it. then i asked him if there were houses...he looked at me weird and said "no, why would you need houses?". how can you not have houses?!?!

ok...so to people that used to play UO...how does it compare?


Joe said:
ok this is a very directed question.

are there any current WoW players here that were also old ultima online players?

i played a ton of UO back in the day and i almost feel spoiled, im not sure if anything can live up to it. i loved the whole style, experience system, fighting, and the view was PERFECTION! ive been talking to someone at work about WoW and im really getting amped about the game and i really wanna play it. then i asked him if there were houses...he looked at me weird and said "no, why would you need houses?". how can you not have houses?!?!

ok...so to people that used to play UO...how does it compare?

UO is a skilled based progression system, WoW is a classed based progression system.

The closest thing to UO in 3D would be SWG. It actually shares a lot of core systems (and bugs) with UO only in 3D.
I'm fine with the sap change. I thought it was rediculous I could sap a player, and then vanish to drop his friend. All while the sap'd player is totally taken out of combat. In a few levels I'll have preparation, so I could then restealth to start the fight with the sap'd player. That is fucking ridiculous. WoW isn't a FPS. Good thing poly and fear were changed as well. I am suprised there were no major paladin changes. Hopefully the next patch.


The class balancing is fine to me, the lack of bug fixes is not. I'm almost in disbelief at the shit they didn't address.
The patch notes are hardly a comprehensive list of all changes made. I've noticed a lot of stuff that has been fixed/changed without making it into the notes.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I though the patch has only made it on the European beta servers thusfar?

Edit: ah nm, you must mean in past patches.


And pointlessly took the worst tangible Warlock pet down a couple notches. Warlock is such a POS. It needed buffing not nerfing. The crowd control is fine, but it's just really sad when you get the full list.

The enfeeble spells are wickedly underpowered, the DoT's are wickedly underpowered with the curse restriction, and the pets, while having some decent abilities, are not up to par with Hunter's.

Of course, also we still have multiple broken abilities as well, which I ASSUME they'd mention since they're fairly large problems.


they fixed bugs with the felhunter, not "took it down a couple notches." and warlock DOTs > any other DOTs. the only one that comes close is the priest's, but considering I can stack 3-4 DOTs for far more damage and channel another spell for a strong DOT that either heals me or gives me reagents for pets/extremely strong DD spells/all the utility stones, there's really not much to complain about with the class. if anything, this patch makes warlocks a lot better - soulstones cost half the shards, there's now no reason for anyone to bitch about fear in pvp, the training costs for the class are reduced and enslave demon can't be used to force people into pvp (same with mind control).


Saying Warlock DoT's > Other DoT's is rather pointless, as enfeeble and affliction are the focuses of the job. At my level, my Hunter's traps and serpent stings can stack to meet them, alongside my Hunter absolutely destroying my Warlock in basic DPS.

And they may have been bugs, but they were in favor of Warlock, and seeing how Fel is underpowered as is, I would've rather had boosts if anything

Soulstones and imp. drain soul, still bugged into non-use for me. Enslave Demon is still utter garbage, and the two max level pets along with it I'd assume.

I don't PvP much, but soul shards on the whole need to be improved. If I frequented PvP I could only imagine how fast I'd burn multiple bags of em.

What would I do to fix? Boost fel's abilities, remove CoA from the Curse line (esp. since it's plagued down with the buildup), increase the potency of CoR and CoW, and I'd allow soulshards to stack, if even just a few in a slot.

Also, make the demonology tree suck less. It's simply not worth pouring points into on the whole, IMO.

The fear nerf doesn't bug me, however. It was overpowered, as far as I am concerned.

Those are just my thoughts. I'm just not happy with my Warlock, ATM. The three base pets are done well, and the focus of the job is interesting, and would work, but needs some heavy boosting, IMO. The lesser ammount of versitility the class shouldn't effect some more solid damage output.

If they'd fix the bugs alone, I'd probably cease bitching a fair bit, I'm not high enough to be truly disgruntled yet.

Edit: If you reply to this in any detail, Fire. I'll check it later, I'm probably gonna be gone most of today and tommorow, but as someone pulling his hair out, I'd like to hear some more positive opinions taking my negative ones about Warlock down. Feels so underpowered to me ATM, bah


I like warlocks a ton but I know some of their functionalities aren't what you'd think. They're essentially a sustained DPS class (which makes them AWESOME at killing bosses, especially at high levels) and crowd controller. When you use the succubus you can literally take up to 3 mobs out of a fight with seduction (on humanoids, the most common type of mob), banish (if demon/elemental, and there are a lot of these at higher levels) and fear (of course not recommended in an instance, but I actually use it pretty well outdoors). I'm fine with curse of agony being the way it is because it makes the class much more viable in pvp - since it's a curse, only mages and druids can dispel it, so it makes the warlock a lot more effective against everyone but those 2 classes (and for those 2 you get the magic DOT from immolate and corruption). I also like the way the damage works on it because it makes managing aggro a lot easier - early on in the fight, agony is doing low damage so the tank has a better chance of getting more hate, while the curse builds up at the end. It's also ridiculously strong. They've reworked this spell three times - at first it did the same damage it does now, but over like 1.5 minutes, so it was useless for soloing or instances, except at high levels on some of the bosses. Then they changed it so it did less damage, but over 30 seconds, and it was fixed damage every 3 seconds like all other DOTs are. This was ok by me, actually, but then they went back to the old damage numbers, but then made it work on this "build up" damage system. Just to compare the higher ranks of the spell... the highest does well over 1000 damage over 30 seconds. That's just one DOT. While the priest's lone DOT can do similar (but lesser) damage over 24 seconds with talents at its highest rank, it's the only DOT they can use unless you're undead and get the devouring plague spell (which has a really long cooldown, so realistically it's just not going to be used much). So just that one DOT is > the priest's DOT, and the damage on it is very, very significant. Then there are immolate and corruption and you know how those work. When you put all those together, the warlock is doing around 2x damage/tick from the priest. That's fair because the priest really doesn't have much in the way of offensive spells (though what they have is strong) and it's such a mana hog for them, while for warlocks we're expected to stack DOTs.

Then when you get to group roles, especially at higher levels... well, a warlock's main stat to focus on is stamina, so they get tons of HP. They also get virtually no downtime because of their DOTs and utility stuff like life tap, drain life, dark pact (talent spell but I really liked it in closed beta) that makes their HP not just more damage to take before dying, but a bigger extension of their mana bar in a sense. In addition to this, they can self heal with healthstones (which are seriously good - not as strong as a health potion of the same level, but very close, and you can essentially make an unlimited supply of them) and drain life (which is also so fast it's a very good way to contribute damage to the group). With all of this, you add in the above about CC and DPS and you may see what I mean about the class bringing a lot to the table. At higher levels, there are also parts of instances where AOE spells are important (these are areas where you fight a mix of elites and a swarm of non-elites, or even just all non-elites). While a warlock's basic AOE spell isn't as good as a mage's (and mages get 3 to the warlock's 2), the warlock can fill this role very easily. Plus there's the hellfire AOE, which you may have tried out - yeah, it damages you the same as you damage the enemies, but you can block the damage on it through a few different ways: voidwalker sacrifice, spellstones, and getting a lot of fire resistance equipment. It also makes group pvp interesting since you can be like a kamikaze attack of sorts (just saying that probably caused a bunch of people to go up in arms about being PC on the blizzard forums). There are also some higher level spells (some of which I never really got to test out, like soul fire) that are just crazily fun and strong.

Basically, warlocks have so much utility, which I like (and is valuable in WOW), and it makes playing them solo or grouped a load of fun because you work with managing aggro, CCing, etc. and still bring as much DPS to a group as the more straightforward DPS classes. I like it because you can do stuff that I haven't really been able to do with any other class, like chain pull guys with the voidwalker and DOT them up, fear juggle, or take on a group of mobs using the CC abilities to isolate and pick them off one by one. It just feels more tactical to me than playing a hunter or mage (I can't comment on rogue, only played it up to level 4) if only because of all the DOT management, aggro management, CC and so on.

I'm not saying they don't need improvements to the felhunter pet or curse of weakness and curse of recklessness, but those are things I can really trust them to get right. Enslave demon bothers me, too, but if what I see in the patch notes about curse of shadows is what I think they're doing (which is making it have a more tangible effect on enslave demon) then I'll reserve judgment there.

and honestly, I can't think of many classes I've played in WOW that doesn't have some abilities that just aren't all they're cut out to be - shamans with lightning bolt and some of the stat buffing totems, warriors with skills like shield bash and thunderclap (although maybe they improved that), priests with mind control (although this spell is SO fun in pvp), druids with their cat form DOT finisher... and the warlock spells we both agree suck. I guess I just don't mind that not every warlock ability is spectacular, because what seems like the core of the class (CC and DOTs) works really fantastically, and the other things they can bring like healthstones and soulstones (when that bug you've mentioned is fixed, at least) make the class highly valuable to groups, very strong soloing, and just diverse all around.

I don't know how else to put it, and half of this probably sounds like fanboy drivel, but I just find the class a lot of fun to play. It's like being a pet class in other MMOs, but faster paced and with these other utility abilities that make the class go beyond the typical. Not all of the game plays to the warlock's strengths, but I seriously find them a lot of fun. I solo, though, so that's probably part of it. Although, honestly, if you were duoing with a shadow priest instead of a paladin, you'd probably like the class more (that combo is near perfect for each class).

I don't think the class itself needs a lot of buffing, but I do think that curse of weakness and curse of recklessness need work, along with enslave demon. It's just that those things don't break the class for me since nobody, including warlocks, really debuffs all that well. I mean you can give warlocks the gold medal for debuffing in WOW and you and I both know how much they suck at it... but for me, I just like messing around with demon pets, doing tons of sustained damage (which allows me to focus on more than just if I have the mana to keep spamming a spell) and having the CC to make encounters a lot easier. Debuffing, at least with curse of weakness, is something they'll HAVE to fix simply because it's pointless at high levels (along with the shaman's stoneskin totem, which applies a buff that essentially gives the same effect) but even without it, I just use curse of agony on melees and curse of tongues on casters. Probably the best thing to compare this class to now is the Controller archetype in COH (based upon what I heard about that class at least) although warlocks aren't a mass CCer. It's just that they do the best sustained damage in the game, have the strongest AOE (although it also damages yourself and is point blank) and can CC the majority of stuff in pve, along with healthstones. I'm patient enough to know that Felhunter buffing will come, curse of recklessness will be retooled into something useful, and curse of weakness will be changed/buffed so that it's a viable debuff. But that's because I lived through the class at its worst when their DPS was horrible and compared to nobody, all their pets sucked (and they didn't even HAVE the felhunter) and there was literally no use for them except soulstones (which were an item handed out so they'd just be sold to other players).


I partied with a horde shaman for a good hour (this is a pvp server). He had some weird plugin or something that would translate his word in really really hard to read 1337 speak. I was able to understand most of what he'd say.... after staring at it for awhile... but couldn't really talk back. I was curious where he got the damn translator.
No clue about the language translator.

In other news... I just made L51, and then went on a killing spree in Duskwood. It was fun. Now I sleep.


Another reason that I'm going to stick with daggers for my rogue is that I have four characters (23 Rogue, 16 Shaman, 14 Priest, and 10 Warrior) so I'm playing all of them more how I want to play them, rather than playing them to maximize their stats/abilities (for example, I have a staff for my shaman that would be better to use, but I'm sticking with my 1H Axe/Shield combo because that's what I would like to use).

I guess I'm just stupidly attached to daggers for rogues.


Started playing druid yesterday, got to lvl 16. I played one in the beta and enjoyed it loads. Despite players not liking them for anything other than healing endgame, I find it a fun class never the less and think I'm gonna take it all the way.

Balance/Restoration Druid i'm enjoying. Having heaps o' fun with it


heh, that kind of druid build is pretty awesome. at higher levels if you want to grind, you can find one of the outdoor elite areas and solo them with entangle and moonfire. it's animal forms that suck...

I've gotten my warlock to level 26 now and I think tonight I'm going to try and find a group for shadowfang keep. despite only having two decent racial traits for a warlock (command trait + succubus = own), I like my orc a lot more than my undead warlock I had in closed beta. maybe it's because I don't like the undead zones as much, or maybe it's just that as an orc I've got a really awesome reputation with orgrimmar and am almost at the honored level with trolls (and will be getting there not long after with thunder bluff) while on the undead I'd be lucky to get that far along with those 3 races. or maybe it's just that orcs get tons of stamina. still have a shaman, mage and hunter to play, too, when I get bored of my warlock or get him to level 40.
Ok, finally figured out the pet stable system. You can get yourself into a real mess if you go charming pets before learning revive and they die. Then the stable is full of dead shit you cant revive haha. Arhg.

Anyway, my wolf rox, trained him up with growl so that keeps them off of me.


Fear the duel beer mug wielding rogue!



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Last night some crazy lady gave my guild friends and I some magic fish.. and look what happened to us :O


It was awesome. At one point we had a crowd of 20 people just staring at us. Most of them asking things like "OMG how did you get past the guards?!?!" :lol

Oh, and here is my rogue :D



yeah, I love the deviate fish delight thing. rare drop, hard to find fish, but so worth it just for the crazy effects. and the name of the pirate effect is great, too: "Yarrrrrrrr"


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I wish I had my desktop so I could access photoshop (it is at school) so I could post a picture of my new hat. It is so stupid looking. It looks like a metal bowl with a rotating satellite dish on the top. Unfortunately, it has better stats then my other hats and shoots a beam of electricity so I'm stuck using it.


Looks like a divers helmet, friend said she saw someone wearing one yesterday.

What are the stats? We presumed underwater breathing lol, but I guess its not a divers hat


So, I'm running a 9800 pro, 512mb of RAM and 2000xp.

Game runs pretty smoothly for the most part, but when I get to populated areas, especially ironforge, stormwind and bootybay... there's massive massive slowdown.

I read there was a problem with DirectX and entering populated areas, and recommended switching over to opengl, did that, and the massive slow down upon entering seemed to go away (or rather reduce to a point where it's much more acceptable), but the overall frame rate with Opengl is rather poor (some 15fps average as opposed to 25-40 fps with directx in normal areas). In addition opengl has a strange look to it... can't quite put my finger on it, but it doesn't look quite right... plus it doesn't completely get rid of the slow downs (frame rates can still dip to .5 fps for a couple seconds occasionally).. although it makes it so that entering large population areas don't have as severe an effect...

that said, I'd rather run it in directx with the population related slowdowns then in opengl.

So my question is: would upgrading any part of my comp help out with the framerates entering high pop areas? I'm thinking it might be the RAM.. or rather did think, as looking at taskmanager, it says 700+ MB task commit (or whatever) when running WoW... and thought that the swapping between HD and RAM was the cause of the massive slowdown...

but that said, I don't particularly want to spend 180$ if it doesn't fix anything...


Zaptruder said:
So my question is: would upgrading any part of my comp help out with the framerates entering high pop areas? I'm thinking it might be the RAM.. or rather did think, as looking at taskmanager, it says 700+ MB task commit (or whatever) when running WoW... and thought that the swapping between HD and RAM was the cause of the massive slowdown...

but that said, I don't particularly want to spend 180$ if it doesn't fix anything...

I have 640MB RAM and I'm absolutely positive that I need more. When entering town, flying on gryphon, or even if there are just a TON of people in an area I get slowdown. I can hear my PC constantly swapping to the hard drive though. Instead of tons of load times it's doing this stuff on the run, but I'm doing large chunks or changes from the HD and that's a problem.

It seems impossible to stop Mage + Priest bombardments in large scale attacks :( It's hard to defend Southshore on my server. I think Arcane Explosion needs a minimum .5 cast time.. at least make the Mage's stop running while continually pounding the stupid AE button


shitting in the alley outside your window
Kweh said:
Looks like a divers helmet, friend said she saw someone wearing one yesterday.

What are the stats? We presumed underwater breathing lol, but I guess its not a divers hat

my friend made one, its unlimited underwater breathing.. the bar entirely disappears. you can even go under without it and put it on later and the bar will fill up and disappear. my friend chased someone into water and put the helmet on at the last minute, the guy was trying to kill them both by drowning but he ended up being the only one to die :)


sefskillz said:
my friend made one, its unlimited underwater breathing.. the bar entirely disappears. you can even go under without it and put it on later and the bar will fill up and disappear. my friend chased someone into water and put the helmet on at the last minute, the guy was trying to kill them both by drowning but he ended up being the only one to die :)

Yeah, those underwater breathing items are awesome :)

I've got a hydrocane for my hunter... maybe better because I can change to it during combat :eek:
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