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World of Warcraft

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Mute said:
:On that note, I've quit the game. If anyone wants to buy a HWL Orc Shaman PM me.
You did a months-long honor grind, and you're now quitting the game less than a month after making HWL? And only a few months from the expansion?

I'd love to buy a HWL character, but probably not for more than $50 ;) I tend to see them going for like $1000 on eBay....though I get the feeling that Burning Crusade is going to kill the value of all those epic'ed out characters.


border said:
You did a months-long honor grind, and you're now quitting the game less than a month after making HWL? And only a few months from the expansion?

I'd love to buy a HWL character, but probably not for more than $50 ;) I tend to see them going for like $1000 on eBay....though I get the feeling that Burning Crusade is going to kill the value of all those epic'ed out characters.
Exactly. I want nothing to do with the expansion. I'm burnt out on PvP, I don't want to respec resto, I hate raiding, and I don't have the time needed to dedicate to my guild as it is. School has started so i'm busy now. I just wanted to hit HWL to say I did. It was certainly a fun 2 months.
I turned in my Nightmare Engulfed Object last night but I didn't get to read the conversation that the Dryad and Malfurion have because I was in a hurry to get back to the real world since I had to lead a Molten Core and I had people waiting on me. So does anyone have a transcript? Or a place I could go to read it? I saw Illidan, and Ysondre and Arthas mentioned, and I really enjoy the lore, so I'd like to read it.


ToyMachine228 said:
I turned in my Nightmare Engulfed Object last night but I didn't get to read the conversation that the Dryad and Malfurion have because I was in a hurry to get back to the real world since I had to lead a Molten Core and I had people waiting on me. So does anyone have a transcript? Or a place I could go to read it? I saw Illidan, and Ysondre and Arthas mentioned, and I really enjoy the lore, so I'd like to read it.
I googled this:

Keeper Remulos says: Stand near me, <playername>. I will protect you should anything go wrong.

Keeper Remulos says: Malfurion!

Malfurion Stormrage says: Remulos, old friend. It is good to see you once more, I knew that the message would find its way to you - one way or another.

Keeper Remulos says: It was shrouded in nightmares, Malfurion. What is happening in the dream? What could cause such atrocities?

Malfurion Stormrage says: I fear for the worst, old friend. Within the Dream we fight a new foa, born of ancient evil. Ysera's noble brood has fallen to the old whisperings. It seems as if the Nightmare has broken through the realm and seeks a new home on Azeroth.

Keeper Remulos says: I sensed as much, Malfurion. Dark days loom ahead.

Malfurion Stormrage says: Aye, Remulos. Prepare the mortal races.

Keeper Remulos says: You have been gone too long, Malfurion. Peace between the children of Azeroth is tenuous at best. What of my father? Of your brother? Have you any news?

Malfurion Stormrage says: Cenarius fights at my side. Illidan sits atop his throne in the Outland - brooding. I am afraid that the loss to Arthas proved to be the breaking point. Madness has embraced him, Remulos. He replays the events in his mind a thousand times per day, but in his mind, he is the victor and Arthas is utterly defeated. He is too far gone, old friend. I fear that the time may soon come that our bond is tested and it will not be as it was at the Well in Zin-Azshari.

Malfurion Stormrage says: Remulos, I am being drawn back... Tyrande... send her my love... Tell her I am safe. Tell her... Tell her I will return... Farewell...

Keeper Remulos says:
Farewell, old friend... Farewell...

Keeper Remulos says: let us return to the grove, mortal.


SaitoH said:
I play a rogue. Explain it to me.

Hah, if you don't know, then sigh.

This is my easiest imitation ever!

BTW, DB hacking apparently has revealed some of the new alchemy/enchant recipes. Enchant Rings finally:) And more spell damage to different parts(Bracers woooo!)


Tamanon said:
Hah, if you don't know, then sigh.

This is my easiest imitation ever!

BTW, DB hacking apparently has revealed some of the new alchemy/enchant recipes. Enchant Rings finally:) And more spell damage to different parts(Bracers woooo!)

You know, I completely lost track of who started it. lol
I don't know how many people saw it, I certainly didn't when glancing over the rogue BC stuff, but it's quite noticeable in Blizz's new preview. Evasion rank 2 reduces chance ranged attack hit you by 50%. Between this and that silly dagger ability seems the whole Hunter > Rogue rock paper scissors is out the door.

Edit: Just checked more of it out and alot of stuff is already different than what leaked.

Unless hunters get some pretty sweet talents/spells (they won't), they're going to go back to being the crappiest class in the game. Shit, if we can't even kill rogues anymore, what do we have?


Don't fret, I'm guessing they're going to do the same stuff like with mage. Ya we got more anti kiting stuff, but I'm guessing you guys will get more stuff to counter act it... such as that mage talent to increase run speed and snares when your hit with melee.


Hrm....looks like right now, the BC talent trees have decreased aggro reduction for the Burning Soul/Frost Channeling talents. Down from 30% to 10%.

A lot of mages are bitching about it, but realistically.....it just means we won't be able to go all out as soon as the attack call is made. We'll just have to scale damage, no problems for me.

Besides, now there's a chance of having BoS *AND* Tranquil Air at the same time, hehe.


BoS and wrath of air, no doubt! and I guess that 10% threat reduction in lock stuff wasn't just a half-assed threat reducer. They still need to put the affliction one on a talent that's actually useful, though...


Son of Godzilla said:
I don't know how many people saw it, I certainly didn't when glancing over the rogue BC stuff, but it's quite noticeable in Blizz's new preview. Evasion rank 2 reduces chance ranged attack hit you by 50%. Between this and that silly dagger ability seems the whole Hunter > Rogue rock paper scissors is out the door.

Edit: Just checked more of it out and alot of stuff is already different than what leaked.


Hunters deserve any nerfs (or other classes buffs towards the matchup). They are the easiest PVP class with maybe the exception of a shaman.


Thanks to the internet I took a little run around some of the alpha version of the expansion. Only really finished area was the blood elf starting zone with surrounding areas, which I must say is gorgeous. Looks like it connects to northern part of eastern plaguelands, where all those logs are piled up. Otherwise I just had to warp around to various locations. Still, was pretty damn cool.

All the pics are half-sized.












Hero said:
Hunters deserve any nerfs (or other classes buffs towards the matchup). They are the easiest PVP class with maybe the exception of a shaman.
hunter is definitely easier than shaman. at least with a shaman you have to heal occasionally, and the furthest away you're really going to hit someone is 20 yards (sure, you can lightning bolt/chain lightning from 30 yards out, but that almost never ever happens).

edit: related to Saito's hax (just kidding on that), I have seen some screens of the inside of Karazahn and it's awesome. Way cooler than the stuff you can sneak into right now, though that bit is pretty cool too.


yeah, I know, expansion alpha on a server emulator. that's what my friend did, too, and how he showed me some pics of karazahn. It's pretty damn cool, you should warp into it and see for yourself!


Wish I could reroll a Blood Elf. Night Elf females are way too ditzy (/clap anyone?), think a Blood Elf would be more of the rogue type.


Tamanon said:
Hrm....looks like right now, the BC talent trees have decreased aggro reduction for the Burning Soul/Frost Channeling talents. Down from 30% to 10%.

A lot of mages are bitching about it, but realistically.....it just means we won't be able to go all out as soon as the attack call is made. We'll just have to scale damage, no problems for me.
Yeah, somehow I'm not surprised... the fact that I could go all out on the Broodlord and never pull aggro from the MT, whereas warlocks and hunters would pull him while being careful, probably meant the mage talents had gone too far with aggro reduction.


Ferrio said:
Wish I could reroll a Blood Elf. Night Elf females are way too ditzy (/clap anyone?), think a Blood Elf would be more of the rogue type.
You know who fit the rogue type? Undead.


Ferrio said:
Wish I could reroll a Blood Elf. Night Elf females are way too ditzy (/clap anyone?), think a Blood Elf would be more of the rogue type.

This is exactly why we don't want the blood elfes in the horde, your kind can stay on the alliance side, , thank you


This is exactly why we don't want the blood elfes in the horde, your kind can stay on the alliance side, , thank you

And people like you who take the sides in the game too seriously,make the game embarassing to play ;)


personally I'm making a blood elf pally on day 1*, and I've already been stockpiling mail and weapons of the eagle (and some of the owl and other stuff) so leveling's not too slow. I'm just hoping blood elf pallies get an equivalent to Verigan's Fist, then mine is basically set until level 35+, when I can give him this 2h mace I got out of a lockbox.

*day 1 as in, the first day the servers actually can handle all the people logging in for the expansion, so probably june of 07.
firex said:
personally I'm making a blood elf pally on day 1*, and I've already been stockpiling mail and weapons of the eagle (and some of the owl and other stuff) so leveling's not too slow. I'm just hoping blood elf pallies get an equivalent to Verigan's Fist, then mine is basically set until level 35+, when I can give him this 2h mace I got out of a lockbox.

*day 1 as in, the first day the servers actually can handle all the people logging in for the expansion, so probably june of 07.

I seriously doubt seeing much BEs besides Pallies. Not only because its new for the Horde, but that will be a HUGE boon to get one even to fresh 60 for the raw buffs potential even in ST/BRD gear.

I'm going shadow on my Priest for the first time ever, and plan on doing smart grinding; going after low 50 elite mobs to 61 (depending on what they do to pre-61 quest turn in, rumors been flying), then hitting outland/whatever. Hopefully, we'll have Nef down and farmed by then so AQ40/early Naxx is something we do on the side for extra gear while grinding is for raw levels.


SatelliteOfLove said:
I seriously doubt seeing much BEs besides Pallies. Not only because its new for the Horde, but that will be a HUGE boon to get one even to fresh 60 for the raw buffs potential even in ST/BRD gear.

I'm going shadow on my Priest for the first time ever, and plan on doing smart grinding; going after low 50 elite mobs to 61 (depending on what they do to pre-61 quest turn in, rumors been flying), then hitting outland/whatever. Hopefully, we'll have Nef down and farmed by then so AQ40/early Naxx is something we do on the side for extra gear while grinding is for raw levels.
I have a feeling that BE will be these 3 classes: Pally (obvious), Rogue, Warlock.

There may also be some BE priests if it's revealed that they get fear ward. In a way I hope they do (then any raid content is truly 100% balanced between horde and alliance) and in a way I hope they don't (then all the undead priests in my guild won't feel ripped off). But yeah, the whole reason I'm leveling a BE pally in the expansion is because I actually like playing the class, and the buffs are so awesome. I couldn't twink my human pally out on another server, so it got a little slow (plus not having any of my old friends/guildies on there, it's definitely harder to meet cool people in the pre-30 alliance side) while in the expansion, I'll actually be able to get through stuff moderately quick. and it helps not having to buy a mount for this guy, either!
Does anyone actually think guilds will survive through the expansion? I can see close knit ones making it through, but the disparity that'll occur from having to level again seems it'll wipe the slate for the most part.


Son of Godzilla said:
Does anyone actually think guilds will survive through the expansion? I can see close knit ones making it through, but the disparity that'll occur from having to level again seems it'll wipe the slate for the most part.

I think they'll atrophy just enough to fit the 25-man raiding instances:)

BTW, Tseric cleared up a bit on mage spells/talents:

Here are a few points regarding upcoming Talents/Abilities, in no particular order and, as usual, subject to change:

* Spellsteal will randomly grab a beneficial effect. This spell is undergoing a lot of work, because of its tricky nature, so the spell's game mechanics will change during development to reflect the intended function. For now, consider it to cast the stolen effect on the mage, so Power Word: Shield would confer the Weakened Soul effect in addition.
* Someone had asked if Arcane Potency affects the whole channeling of Arcane Missiles. It does.
* The Water Elemental is currently another source of ranged DPS. It has no duration(will only despawn on death).
* The devs are considering changing Ice Lance to make it more interesting and a more meaningful choice for DPS.
* Invisibility will wipe threat once the 8 second 'fade to invisible' effect completes. A few uses would be content bypassing, escape or preventing initial targeting in BGs.
* The Wounded state mentioned with Molten Fury means having health at 20%, same as the condition for using Warrior's Execute.
* Dragon's Breath disorient effect will break on damage. The disorient effect will only occur if damage is dealt. Creatures/Players immune to fire will not cause the disorient effect.

Invisibility now becomes pretty viable in raids, just use it a minute or two into the fight, reset your aggro and you shouldn't be able to pull it.


Ramirez said:
Haha,that elephant is awesome,can't wait to see what the epic versions will look like...
I was thinking the exact same thing. I'd like to see a size comparison with a kodo, actually.


Tamanon said:
Invisibility now becomes pretty viable in raids, just use it a minute or two into the fight, reset your aggro and you shouldn't be able to pull it.
Yeah, and 8 seconds is nothing, it's only slightly longer than an evocate.
paul777 said:
Because he's riding a barrens plainstrider?
It's supposed to be a cockatrice. I was hoping it'd look more like an actual chicken, personally. Much easier to mock.


explodet said:
It's supposed to be a cockatrice. I was hoping it'd look more like an actual chicken, personally. Much easier to mock.

it's fake bro. Both the BE model and the mount are old assets.
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