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World of Warcraft

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Worships the porcelain goddess
Ferrio said:
I keep my Discord UI super simple

I want this set up. But I'll be damned if I can't figure out a damn thing about all these UIs and shit =( I downloaded Discord and all, but I definitely cant make it look that clean =(

Edit: Woot, with some help and some time, I figured it out. Looks very simple and clean now =D


Yea I was able to download it and I have the burning crusade installed. I also was able to download the latest patches for the burning crusade. Problem is when I go to find a realm, none are available. You're going to have to pardon my stupidity, but does this problem fall under the same category of not being "public alpha"?


Muddimar said:
Yea I was able to download it and I have the burning crusade installed. I also was able to download the latest patches for the burning crusade. Problem is when I go to find a realm, none are available. You're going to have to pardon my stupidity, but does this problem fall under the same category of not being "public alpha"?

Exactly, only certain usernames get servers available. If you're not in the alpha(currently in friends & family I believe) you can't get in.


Muddimar said:
Any idea when it will be the "Public Alpha" stage?

It probably won't. Just closed alpha and closed beta. Way to get in the Beta was either Blizzcon or doing one of those 31341343142 contests they had a while ago.

They just have too large a population to support an open alpha/beta.
Just saw that 17 minute Karazhan video on Google.



It might be the single most impressive raid/dungeon/whatever in an MMO when all is said and done. My jaw dropped when the person walked into the Library. I'm really really impressed with that place. Now knowing what's inside, I'm anxious to find out exactly who is inside.


Alright, I know I'm waaaaaay late with this. I finally went into both AV today and AQ20. AV was pretty fun, ran twice, alliance won both times, didn't pvp too much, just a few times when some horde thought I was an easy kill because I was unranked;)

I love the much shortened BG queues though, meant I went from neutral to friendly in an hour, good stuff.

AQ20 was .... interesting. Trash was easy, Kurinaxx was downed with no trouble, had our tank rotation going.

Rajaxx fight....well the MT died immediately, still made it through 4 waves. Next try, made it to wave 5, only one death so far when no other wave came and we were dropped out of combat. Rezzed up the death and waited, and waited, and waited. And then 2 waves hit at once. Good times.

3rd try, made it to wave 5, dropped from combat again....sigh..... after a minute or two, had someone pull the next wave manually, but apparently we did it too late because wave 7 came in the middle of that fight and wiped us. Then the instance bugged and people were being attacked after coming back in so we called it. Was just a replacement for our BWL run since we had so many opt-outs today, but the buggy nature of that fight really annoyed me:/ Ah well, we're starting up a run on Thursdays for AQ20 to replace the ZG run then since everyone has almost everything they want from ZG.

Although it was funny watching 6 mages roll for Frostbolt when it dropped. 6 mages, 14 other peeps in the raid, we are borg.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Sad way for all this stuff to be revealed. Whoever leaked this better hope they don't get caught, Bliz will fire your ass.


Rajaxx is the worst fight in the game. Neat idea, horrible execution. A good number of people in the guild I run with have the wave order down, so they know which group to manually pull if the fight bugs out.

Buru and Ossirian are really fun though. Actually, Ossirian's some of the most fun I've had in a raid, heh. Trying to get off a heal while there's a big tornado blasting towards you adds a little tension.


All this stuff gets leaked via datamining and people using "sandbox" programs to run the alpha available from Blizzard's site.

Karazhan does look amazing.

I actually like the Rajaxx fight. It's pretty easy once everyone knows what they need to do. Haven't had that problem Tamanon described before. Guess we've been lucky.

Buru fight is loads of fun.


Does anyone else feel like the level 70 talents/spells are way too powerful? I have this crazy vision that everyone is going to be one hitting everyone, and the only way to make the dungeons difficult is to make them nearly impossible. I dont know...maybe its the fact that the talents/spells are taking such a dramatic jump from the current. Also, it seems like every class now has their own summon. I was looking at the warrior end talent in the "Arms" tree called "endless rage". I could only imagine doing Huhuran or Vael with that ability...well any boss that gets past 20%...pop that and im pretty sure execute spam would cause the mob to explode and never spawn again lol.


Tier 5
Quiet Contemplation
Requires 1 point in Divine Spirit
Requires 20 points in Discipline Talents
Regenerate mana equal to 5/10/15% of your Spirit every 5 seconds, even while casting.

Tier 6
Iron Will
Requires 25 points in Discipline Talents
Increases your chance to resist Charm and Polymorph effects by 5/10/15%.

Tier 7
Moral Authority
Requires 5 points in Force of Will
Requires 30 points in Discipline Talents
Your critical strikes from spells cause the target to become Humbled, reducing all stats by 2/4/6/8/10% and dazing the target for 6 seconds.

Tier 8
Requires 35 points in Discipline Talents
Increases your maximum health by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the chance you are hit by spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Tier 9
Requires 1 point in Power Infusion
Requires 40 points in Discipline Talents
10% of base mana 30 yd range
1.5 sec cast 2 min cooldown
Telepathically induce a state of pacifism, making the target unable to attack or use any offensive spells or abilities for 10 seconds.

Tier 6
Improved Inspiration
Requires 3 points in Inspiration
Requires 25 points in Holy Talents
The Inspiration effect also increases your target’s resistances to all schools by 10/20.

Tier 7
Empowered Light
Requires 30 points in Holy Talents
Your Flash Heal and Smite spells gain an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.

Requires 1 point in Spirit of Redemption
Requires 30 points in Holy Talents
365 mana
1.5 sec cast 5 min cooldown
Creates a holy Lightwell near the priest that lasts for 2 min. Friendly targets can click the Lightwell to restore 1600 health over 10 sec. Being attacked cancels the effect.

Tier 8
Requires 1 point in Lightwell
Requires 35 points in Holy Talents
Gives your Flash Heal and Greater Heal spells a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to cast an identical spell on each party member at no additional cost while your Lightwell is active.

Tier 9
Aura of the Chosen
Requires 5 points in Rapture
Requires 40 points in Holy Talents
Light radiates from you, healing the friendly target and all party members within 30 yards for 1% of their total health every 2 seconds.

Tier 2
Shadow Affinity
Requires 5 points in Shadow Talents
All shadow spells cast against you restore 1/2/3% of your total mana. In addition, your shadow spells generate 8/16/25% less threat.

Tier 6
Improved Mind Control
Requires 25 points in Shadow Talents
Reduces the cast time of your Mind Control spell by 0.5/1 sec.

Tier 7
Dark Power
Requires 30 points in Shadow Talents
Your Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, and Mind Rot spells gain an additional 3/6/9/12/15% of your bonus spell damage effects.

Tier 8
Requires 2 points in Improved Mind Control
Requires 35 points in Shadow Talents
Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to become invisible while you are channeling your Mind Control and Mind Vision spells.

Withering Touch
Requires 1 point in Shadow Form
Requires 35 points in Shadow Talents
All melee and ranged attacks against you while you are in Shadowform cause the attacker to suffer shadow damage equal to 4/7/10% of the damage taken.

Tier 9
Requires 3 points in Withering Touch
Requires 40 points in Shadow Talents
660 mana 30 yd range
Instant cast 3 min cooldown
Calls forth stifling darkness which drains 630 mana and causes 545 shadow damage to all enemies within a selected area over 8 seconds. You gain mana equal to 10% of the damage caused.

Trainable Ranks listed below:
Rank 2: 875 mana, drains 835 mana and causes 722 shadow damage.
Rank 3: 1130 mana, drains 1079 mana and causes 933 shadow damage.


I'd be bummed out if the shadow tree is real. Still seems nothing compared to what new shit the warlocks will have. Though I do like the idea of going invisi when I MC someone.


Some Tier 4 shots have been leaked:






And weapon models:

2-hand swords:


1-hand swords:





2-hand maces:


1-hand maces:



Note how a few of those 2h Sword and 1h Sword models look like each other...just steadily more extravagent...

The Tier 4 Mage and Pally sets are...meh. As in, not very intimidating. They look lower level than the MC stuff.
Tritroid said:
Beware the PEW!PEW! of death.

I fear him far less than I fear some of my guildmates, since on this fight it's them, not C'Thun, that will get you killed (especially in Phase 1).

It's not a terribly hard fight once you learn it, but it does require really good raid coordination and tons of practice. The upside is that C'Thun loot is better than most of the loot in Naxx on a piece-per-piece basis, and if you can coordinate enough to do C'Thun getting through everything in Naxx up to the really nasty stuff (Gothik, Horsemen, Loatheb) is very doable for your guild, provided everyone has decent gear and is willing to put large amount of time /played on the Naxx encounters to learn them.


How long did it take you to go from learning C'Thun to killing him? My guild's currently stuck on Huhu (after like 2 weeks of attempting her), but we may have a debate about skipping C'Thun and going straight to Naxx after killing Twin Emps, or sticking it out to kill C'Thun.
The new AV allows you to get tons of honor without actually PvPing. Just sit at the spawn point and hit the jump key every couple of minutes while doing homework/reading a book/chores or what not. You'll be somewhat amazed by how much honor you'll get in a few hours with zero effort!

Basically, they have nerfed all the things that made AV so long to play per match, but never bothered nerfing the bonus honor it gives for completeing the various objectives.


Fragamemnon said:
Basically, they have nerfed all the things that made AV so long to play per match, but never bothered nerfing the bonus honor it gives for completeing the various objectives.
Also, Warsong Gulch is almost a dead zone in my battlegroup, because you can get so much more honor soloing AV over and over again. Plus when an AV or AB game takes about the same amount of time, which do you think is worth it more?

The only time people seem to want to do WSG is when they want their three tokens for a For Great Honor turnin.


Azwethinkweiz said:
BC won't come out until next spring anyway.

Nah, it'll be here by early december. Will get the X-mas crowd and they'll just patch the buggiest parts which will be near the top end of raid content.

It's classic MMORPG ways.
It's still in alpha. Even if they push through beta I dunno how they can go through to release in just 3 months. I guess anything's possible but I'm not holding my breath.


How's it different in 1.2 than 1.1?

You probably didn't understand, here lemme rename it more appropriately: AFK valley.

At anyone time 10 people on either side are afk leeching honor. Now it is a complete and utter zerg race which the ally are free to win. On top of that, none of the objectives get completed and not much pvping goes on. Like an ally player said on another board-"it's a PVE instance that has horde in it".

AV is completely broken.


Drensch said:
You probably didn't understand, here lemem rename it more appropriately: AFK valley.

At anyone time 10 people on either side are afk leeching honor. Now it is a complete and utter zerg race which the ally are free to win. On top of that, none of the objectives get completed and not much pvping goes on. Like an ally player said on another board-"it's a PVE instance that has horde in it".

AV is completely broken.

Odd, Horde and Alliance take turns winning the AVs I've been in. I know I've fought many a valiant struggle keeping them from crossing the bridge, half the time usually failing eventually.

I love AV. It's just fun having massive PvP:)


Voices for the new races:


They're pretty damn funny.

Draenie Female Flirt:

"Okay, for mating ritual we will need four... no five sheep, one gnome and staff of domination. Put gnome in bag, beat bag with staff, and meet me after gnome is tenderized"


Woot! Guild is finally coming out of a 2 month slump. Cleared to Huhu and BWL to Chromag last night, then tonight we downed Emps for the first time with 15 seconds to spare, finished off BWL and have a full raid night Monday left over to work on pre-C'thun trash and hopefully have some time for our first attempts as well. 2 weeks ago we were actually wiping on Broodlord by comparison.
My guild got Satura tonight on our second try, and gave Fankriss a couple tries. Lots of fun. Too bad our server's being taken down for 24 hours now. We can definitely get Fankriss on our next try.
Drensch said:
You probably didn't understand, here lemme rename it more appropriately: AFK valley.

At anyone time 10 people on either side are afk leeching honor. Now it is a complete and utter zerg race which the ally are free to win. On top of that, none of the objectives get completed and not much pvping goes on. Like an ally player said on another board-"it's a PVE instance that has horde in it".

AV is completely broken.

OH, but my Warrior's Fear Bomb strat was broken, you know?

Razorgore is almost down...I keep suspecting little things here and there are snowballing into Katamaris of pain...possibly from the 2 or 3 people new to the fight who haven't got their particular mindset in place yet.


Ok, so I've been playing since launch and finally decided to try out PvPing for the first time.


My Rogue's name is Aviendha, and according to that I got 822 honor kills in that match. Do the people I'm grouped with add to my number, or does that mean *I* helped kill 822 players? I need some clarification on to watch exactly what an honor kill is because that seems really high.


SaitoH said:
My Rogue's name is Aviendha, and according to that I got 822 honor kills in that match. Do the people I'm grouped with add to my number, or does that mean *I* helped kill 822 players? I need some clarification on to watch exactly what an honor kill is because that seems really high.
Because you're in a raid, being in the area gives you an HK. They did this because healing classes couldn't heal and get honour. And yes, it's a ****ing useless system, heh.


Ok, well that makes sense then. Although it also means I could stealth, hide and let the honor roll in too, huh.

I'm actually doing it for the AV rewards. Any good tricks for farming stormpike rep?
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