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World of Warcraft

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Tamanon said:
I'm in an even worse setup right now. So my guild alliance has been handling MC just fine, clear it every week in one day. Then the next day is spent wiping on Razorgore, for FIVE FREAKING WEEKS now.

The problem is that we have 20-25 outstanding players, and a good amount of pretty bad players. This didn't hurt us in MC, but it's killing us in this fight. Especially since some of the bad players are hunters and healers. It's annoying as hell, especially being a mage and not really being able to change the fight at all. I can't wait until the expansion hits and 25-mans hit. Hell at this rate, I'd rater forgo BWL and run AQ20 on Sundays, it's just annoying.

Snape killed Razorgore!

Seriously though, since you're just out of MC you might going to be able to DPS down legionarries and mages efficiently-but you can give it a try. It's the best strat out there-DPS down the mages and legionnaries, and then have the hunters kite the dragonkin the best they can. Around 24/25 eggs left (get BigWigs for the better bossmods) squeeze off a volley from Razorgore and start spamming frost novas and fears. Then P1 ends and it's a glorified General Drak from UBRS.


ElectricBlue187 said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


keeblerdrow said:
From your post above, your computer has enough problems running this game that I don't think a simple video card upgrade will make a large enough difference.

I'm upgrading the memory next week, so it will defeat a few performance problems. I just wanted something to fix some of the bland textures. It really is that simple.


The tier armour look is getting too formulaic. Use previous tier set, add new textures, model new shoulders and helm. Done. Why can't caster sets have pants? Why do all chest pieces, gloves, legs and boots use the same basic model(s)?


they need to move away from the brightly colored power ranger suits

i really liked the T3 warrior set dreadnaught, it was a big improvement over wrath and conq sets for warriors

to me it seems like T4 is a step backwards overall, sort of like T2.5

just real half assed i guess


The Tier 4 stuff is all place holder art - that's why it looks like recoloured Tier 3 - because it is. Noone will be getting Tier 4 for a quite some time - which allows them to finish modelling and texturing god knows how many variations of it that they have to do.


I don't think the lock set is placeholder art, unless the final version has a dreadlord randomly pop his head out of the whole space-time distortion and say "hay guyz wats up" every couple minutes.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Why don't they just introduce dye tubs and recall runes like in UO. That would make this game 23432x better. Let me wear all black and let me not have to wait 4 minutes while traveling D:
vumpler said:
Why don't they just introduce dye tubs and recall runes like in UO. That would make this game 23432x better. Let me wear all black and let me not have to wait 4 minutes while traveling D:

I've always wondered why mmo's haven't branched out into the customisation area more. Imagine if with a few mats blacksmiths could tamper with your armour to reshape it to look different whilst still maintaining the same stats. There would of course be limitations such as tier armour, legendary items etc. Would be a way to get money flowing around. And Wow has recall runes. They're called mages/warlocks ;p


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
MrPing1000 said:
They're called mages/warlocks ;p

LOL well regardless WoW could learn a lot from the successes of Ultima Online. The dye tubs in that game were unmatched. No other MMO has really hit any of the high points of UO yet. WoW has branched out and done some good things though. No I mean like in UO where everyone could recall to runes they have made themselves. Its such bullshit having to "travel" all around on the stupid birds. If it were near instant that's one thing but come on. It was cool the first few times flying around but spare me its such a chore and takes away from the game.
vumpler said:
LOL well regardless WoW could learn a lot from the successes of Ultima Online.

I'd say WoW has learned from UO, exceeded it in every way, and could teach the people responsible for it a thing or two about their own craft by now.


keeblerdrow said:
I'd say WoW has learned from UO, exceeded it in every way, and could teach the people responsible for it a thing or two about their own craft by now.

Player housing says "LOL."

Sorry, WoW does a lot of things great, but classic UO still remains one of the best overall MMORPGs. The sheer amount of freedom you had in that game is still unrivaled.


keeblerdrow said:
I'd say WoW has learned from UO, exceeded it in every way, and could teach the people responsible for it a thing or two about their own craft by now.
Seriously, because you aren't 60 yet (going by your posts about your priest at least, sorry if I am assuming incorrectly), let me just say you are in the point of the game where it's really awesome for solo players or small groupers. The level 60 game is bad unless you can do the really high end raid encounters (so far I have done up to twin emps in AQ40, and that fight + princess huhuran are actually fun encounters) and have the free time to devote to the raid game. It's still a boneheaded decision to make the endgame so raid-centric (AND so focused on 40 people.. I think if they had designed all raid content around 15 people to begin with, the raid game would be better overall) but at least the newer encounters are more interesting and unique. But it doesn't offer the individual freedom that UO, and to a lesser extent, AO*, offer.

*AO doesn't really offer freedom in a different kind of endgame, it just offers freedom through the stat-mongering also typical in most MMOs, by letting you customize your character's skills even if it does offer several cookie cutter paths.


The level 60 game is bad unless you can do the really high end raid encounters (so far I have done up to twin emps in AQ40, and that fight + princess huhuran are actually fun encounters) and have the free time to devote to the raid game.

Bingo. Not only that, raid gear is generally better than pvp gear in pvp. And pvp gear is a mother to get comparitively, especially now.


I agree, cause back before everyone started raiding, world pvp was tons of fun. but I kind of hope they do something to resolve the whole DK/killing civilians thing. Maybe make them unattackable and not call for guards, just because it will otherwise be like the first intro of the honor system where pve server towns got destroyed by much bigger alliance raids completely taking over smaller (and usually poorly designed) horde towns.


princess huhuran ........... fun

I consider this fight the opposite of fun. Tedious NR gear check that you don't really use anywhere else in the game. I at least get mileage out of my FR gear from more than one fight. Add to this the fact that you need a near perfect raid makeup or the fight quickly becomes a crap shoot. Couple this with the fact that the first 70% of the fight doesn't even matter. It's like Vael without the novelty of getting to play with infinite mana/rage/energy.
firex said:
Seriously, because you aren't 60 yet (going by your posts about your priest at least, sorry if I am assuming incorrectly)

Three 60's: Warrior, Rogue, Paladin. Thanks.

But I understand your concerns about raiding, it requires you to treat it as a second (or first) job.


Bregor said:
They intend to remove DK and see if it will work without them in the new system. If not - back in they go.

If they do go 'back in' then what will they affect? The honour system is done for so if they still have a negative effect then I guess it would be on the new PvP arena ratings system somehow.


It would probably just subtract from the points you get every week.

Personally I say just remove DKs and make civilian NPCs unkillable, possibly remove them from spawning guards too so world pvp becomes more focused on genuine pvp and not 2 players + 20 guards.


Has problems recognising girls
Not too sure if anyone's really posted it on this thread.. but here's the Cockatrice mount and the elite mount.



Anyway I hope they do take out DK's because if you join a random raid on a town you will get them no matter what.


I don't understand the mount restrictions myself - a fellow raid member is a tauren and got the raptor mount from the Bloodlord. He can ride it fine - the raptor model is just scaled larger. Shouldn't be too tough for a tauren to hop on a cock and ride.



I hear that when you ride the cock your character will have a shield spell cast on them.

Makes sense. You don't want to ride the cock without protection.


On an earlier point, we finally got Huhuran down last week, and I'd have to agree it's a pretty annoying boss fight. As a DPS class I got to watch for the first 70% as the healers tried in vain to keep the tanks up, and then when they finally got the hang of it, I got to OMFG NUKE at the last 30%. Yech.

And now we get to keep practicing Huhuran and get ready for the Twin Emps. Can't wait. :p
Second job indeed.
enjoying my new server. Did 3 scholo runs. I'm only skill doing it for valor helm and boots.

I've killed kirtonos 14 times now, who knows how many Gandling probably around 25 or so.

Not a single valor drop *cry*


Scholo sucks so hard. Especially if you bring a shaman since they always wanna do that lame ghost quest in the basement that wipes your group twice.

I can't imagine the frustration of having to 5-man it 20+ times for a set headpiece. With the expansion probably just 2-3 months away, I don't see much point in collecting Tier 0 gear.
yacobod said:
collecting full valor to upgrade to heroism?

yep. I'm at the 45min baron stage. Ugh I can imagine that taking a while to get done.

Really I'm only doing it as its the last dungeon stuff I'll ever need (until bc yay) Joined a guild that does ZG and AQ 20man atm, they only raid 3 nites a week, good enuff for me. They're up to Hakkar in ZG. I've not raided with them yet, shall see tomorrow nite.

So really heroism will tide me over nicely for the time being.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Hey guys I just started back today and I have a level 38 human mage and am going to go ahead and ditch him and start a new guy with my friend. The new guy is a rogue. Is it just a bad idea to be a gnome rogue? Because the gnome rogues look so badass :D The night elf rogues are just so gay looking I don't know if I can bare it. Can someone please convince me either way.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Well I most definitely agree there but are there any serious disadvantages to not going with the night elf?


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Outside of the 10 agility and the cool feature that you get to run to your dead body faster that is.


Well, the Gnomes get escape artist, which if you pvp at all is really useful. Hell it's pretty useful against any mob that throws nets or roots.


vumpler said:
Outside of the 10 agility and the cool feature that you get to run to your dead body faster that is.
Uh. Night Elfs get +2 to stealthing, saving you from spending all 5 points in MoD. But MoD is pointless anyway, Camo ftw. But still, I'd pick Nelf. Escape Artist is overrated. PvP trinket? Vanish?


night elf anything but druid = permanent noob mark of shame

though if I were to make an alliance character (aside from my discontinued pally), I'd simply make it a human for every class that humans can be, except priests. humans are the other noob mark of shame in the game, but their racials are just too nice if you get into any of the five quintillion faction grinds in the game.
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