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World of Warcraft

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Rumor has it that the night elves' racial of +1% dodge will be changed to +5% agility come the expansion. That alone is worth rolling Night Elf. Shadowmeld increases stealth, which is the ENTIRE POINT of rolling a rogue.

There was a video with a Night Elf Rogue with 5/5 MOD, stealth cloak enchant, and Darkmantle boots and even humans with perception had a hard time detecting the rogue.


Teknopathetic said:
"But MoD is pointless anyway, Camo ftw. "


Yeah, go with gnome. Last thing WoW needs are more jump-flipping pansies.
Okay? MoD is pointless in the sense that people can still see you when you're within 3 feet. Not that big a difference, as opposed to what, 6? 8? Whatever, I've played with both, I prefer Camo -- for PvP anyway.

I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to have a 2 foot tall giggling man-child as my main.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Would you say the most sought after character at level 60 is a lvl 60 priest? If not what would you say it is.


vumpler said:
Would you say the most sought after character at level 60 is a lvl 60 priest? If not what would you say it is.

Priests or Druids. If you're talking about like, finding guilds/groups.


Well.....I'd say druids personally, just because you'll have more options on how to play in instances. At 60, you're pretty much going to be a Disc/Holy priest for the most part.


if you like a pure focused class, priest, but if you want a hybrid then a druid is fun. druids are definitely easier levelers, but both classes level SO ****ing slow. however, if you get some friends or a good guild, your priest will get groups all the time.


escape artist is so ftw for pvp

and there are already enough NE females running around

pls roll something else, do the community a favor :p


firex said:
night elf anything but druid = permanent noob mark of shame

though if I were to make an alliance character (aside from my discontinued pally), I'd simply make it a human for every class that humans can be, except priests. humans are the other noob mark of shame in the game, but their racials are just too nice if you get into any of the five quintillion faction grinds in the game.

horde side if you roll a troll = major mark of shame

u fail at wow


except trolls actually have good racials. troll mage/priest/hunter/shaman are great choices.

I don't get why you have to insult me anyway, my only troll character is a priest bank alt.


firex said:
except trolls actually have good racials. troll mage/priest/hunter/shaman are great choices.

I don't get why you have to insult me anyway, my only troll character is a priest bank alt.

no that last statement was directed to ppl who rolled trolls, not towards u at all
Trolls are the only class in the game with any sort of appeal, so not seeing where you are getting that from. Just about every single other race looks mind boggling retarded.

Also druids rival mages as most boring class in the game, so I suggest rolling priest.


oh, haha. still, after they buffed the racials, i'd say troll hunters > orc hunters now, putting them on par with tauren.

anyway, back to gnomes, the other advantage of being a gnome in pvp is the tiny targeting box you have compared to, say, every other race.


firex said:
oh, haha. still, after they buffed the racials, i'd say troll hunters > orc hunters now, putting them on par with tauren.

anyway, back to gnomes, the other advantage of being a gnome in pvp is the tiny targeting box you have compared to, say, every other race.


tab only works if you are 1) in front of them and 2) a melee class. personally i stay as far away as i can in pvp since that means less spell interruption and an easier chance to setup my combo of instants, and that doesn't work well against gnomes.

anyway, the point is a lot of people try to target by clicking until they get adjusted to tab/autoattack targeting in pvp and as a gnome that gives you a HUGE advantage. it's kind of dumb really that blizz doesn't just balance the targeting boxes out so big races aren't so hard to target stuff around them, and small races aren't so small it's hard to target them. at least, considering how annoying it could be to buff a non-party member gnome for an alliance player, and I know all too well the frustrations of targeting mobs behind giantass tauren warriors.
firex said:
oh, haha. still, after they buffed the racials, i'd say troll hunters > orc hunters now, putting them on par with tauren.

anyway, back to gnomes, the other advantage of being a gnome in pvp is the tiny targeting box you have compared to, say, every other race.

Annoying as shit: Gnome Lock hiding behind crates, in bushes, down shallow cliffs dotting/fearing/bolting the SHIT outta people and you cant see him. :lol


SatelliteOfLove said:
Annoying as shit: Gnome Lock hiding behind crates, in bushes, down shallow cliffs dotting/fearing/bolting the SHIT outta people and you cant see him. :lol

I saw a Gnome mage once that got stuck in the small tipped over crate near the GM flag in AB. ****ing hilarious it was; I mauled his face good.


I'm loving my Druid PvP speed boost gear; but does that mean I'll be running around in lvl 60 blues against lvl 70 Alliance when BC comes out? They have to allow us a way to update this gear somehow, surely? I refuse to give up this speed boost.


xabre said:
I'm loving my Druid PvP speed boost gear; but does that mean I'll be running around in lvl 60 blues against lvl 70 Alliance when BC comes out? They have to allow us a way to update this gear somehow, surely? I refuse to give up this speed boost.
pretty much all the pvp sets have updated level 70 versions that offer the same bonuses, but more stats.


i use


Natur EnemyCastBar

scrolling combat text



i dont use it anymore but Titan Panel is nice if you're lvling

check out curse-gaming.com


Question about UI mods like decursive:

If you're adding umpteen action boxes, how are the actions mapped to different keys? I imagine certain actions are maped to the number keys as usual, but what about the rest? Do you map them yourself, or...how does it work?


an easy way to use decursive is just make a macro that's /decursive and put it in an easy to reach hotkey.

as far as UI mods I use:
titan panel (I just like the update on gold earned/lost and durability since I have to switch gear every now and then, and the system info)
scrolling combat text (still better than blizzard's, if only due to the awesome fonts)
decursive (even though I'm a warlock main, I use it on my shaman alt and other alts I've played)
countdoom (a way outdated warlock addon, but it doesn't screw up to load it out of date... and it provides much more accurate timers for dots/curses/enslave than necrosis, without all the extra garbage in that largely overrated mod)
auctioneer and enhanced item tooltips
ctmod and ctraid
la vendetta boss mods (WAY superior to ctraid, I just recently discovered it though)

honestly, I use too many mods and I should probably just delete my interface folder and start over again. I should get discord or nurfed ui, but I tried discord and it was a bit annoying having to rebind every key and then spend time to reorganize and redo my entire interface. I'll still get to it eventually, though, cause blizzard's default UI is getting outdated quickly.
Did my first raid 2nite with my new guild on my new server.

Ruins of AQ

Killed first 2 bosses (general was their or rather our first kill)
A few attempts on Moam just gotta get the mana draining down a bit better and we'll kill it.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Places are only charging $179 to powerlevel your character from 1-60 these days with 300-1000 gold, a level 40 mount and only taking 18 days o_O That's not bad for people with no time at all that want to play high levels and enjoy the time with their friends in a guild. Not a bad setup.


at least, considering how annoying it could be to buff a non-party member gnome for an alliance player, and I know all too well the frustrations of targeting mobs behind giantass tauren warriors.

The reverse also sucks. Im a Tauren warrior, which means everyone in bg gets ignored while the whole ally team targets me, lol.


MrPing1000 said:
Killed first 2 bosses (general was their or rather our first kill)
A few attempts on Moam just gotta get the mana draining down a bit better and we'll kill it.
Give Buru a shot ... lots of fun and he's probably easier to get to than Moam, heh.


Drensch said:
The reverse also sucks. Im a Tauren warrior, which means everyone in bg gets ignored while the whole ally team targets me, lol.
yeah, my shaman is a tauren (because really, who ISN'T a tauren shaman, or at least wasn't when the game launched) and it's the same for me. My lock is an orc though and it's almost as bad, cause the huge shoulders make me a bigger target than wimpy undead.


Hey WoW GAF. Long time since I've made a post. I've been really busy. :(

Anyway, new guild since last posts, as well as new gear. I currently have 8/8 Netherwind, 1/5 Enigma, and 1/9 Frostfire. The new guild is All That Remains. We're currently one of the top guilds on the server [Mag US]. 9 bosses in Naxx on farm, currently working on our 10th. We're doing Thaddeus attempts while I'm typing. :p
Anyway... here's my current UI. If you wanna know specifics, send me a message. I don't get on here too often.

How's everyone else doing pve progression-wise?


my guild is on twin emps, and I just finished 8/8 nemesis last night (finally got the belt to drop). I don't plan on collecting plagueheart yet, plus my guild is focused more on downing c'thun. I'm just trying to get my ultimate spell hit setup collected.


vumpler said:
Places are only charging $179 to powerlevel your character from 1-60 these days with 300-1000 gold, a level 40 mount and only taking 18 days o_O
You could probably just buy a vanilla Lvl60 character on eBay for less than that -- and you wouldn't be risking getting your account banned.


Yup. The powerleveling places also use your character to farm gold while they are leveling you. And what do they do to gold farmers on a Chinese or Eastern European IP? BANNNED!


tbh playerauctions.com is a better way to go if you want to buy a 60, I had a friend who bought (and sold) his old EQ stuff on there. I don't really recommend it personally, but if you REALLY want a 60 of some class you don't have the time/desire to play and you've got the money to spend, I guess go for it...?

truthfully though, if there are people you know IRL or people you know in your guild you can trust, just share your info with them, keep it a secret, and work on your alts together. that's the old school way, and it's free. bear in mind that to pay for power leveling you're also going to have to pay an extra $25 to transfer that char to your account... unless you're insane and don't think they'll rob your other characters. if I ever really wanted to get any of my current alts to 60, I'd probably go with the account sharing method, because Blizzard doesn't really care enough to track anyone's login history unless you file a report about missing items.


firex said:
truthfully though, if there are people you know IRL or people you know in your guild you can trust, just share your info with them, keep it a secret, and work on your alts together. that's the old school way, and it's free. bear in mind that to pay for power leveling you're also going to have to pay an extra $25 to transfer that char to your account... unless you're insane and don't think they'll rob your other characters. if I ever really wanted to get any of my current alts to 60, I'd probably go with the account sharing method, because Blizzard doesn't really care enough to track anyone's login history unless you file a report about missing items.

I've actually discussed this idea with my brother who lives in Hawaii (I'm on the east coast). The time difference would basically allow us to play a single character around the clock.

But we've never done it and never will, I suspect. We like actually playing the game too much.

With that in mind, I ran MC for the first time last night. Yeah, MC. Way behind the curve, I know, but I took a year off of playing the game and our guild is a family/raiding hybrid, so most people aren't in a great rush. Anyway, it was a lot easier than I expected. The veterans seemed to think it went better than normal, so I guess I picked the right time to join in the fun. Obviously I didn't get any loot, which was fine since no Arcanist pieces fell anyway.

It's nice to finally be doing end game content.
There are U.S based power leveling services!

Plus, the beauty of plevel services is that if you keep tabs on them, the second they get 60, you change the password and get 600-700 gold free of charge.


So we have this absolute dumbass paladin in our alliance.

We were running AQ20 last night, last time somebody did an AE attack on one of the blobs in Buru's pit, started the fight too soon and wipe, we won the second time.

Raid Leader repeats several times, no AOE.....

Of course on the first ooze....for some odd...totally bizarre reason he uses Consecration.

And there's Buru for of course the slowest wipe ever.

At least we cleared the first 3 bosses:) Got my Vestment of the Shifting Sands, surprising good robe for the instance.


Right now I'm at the point where I can't WAIT for the Burning Crusade to be released. My rep grinds are done except for Thorium Brotherhood (they've got nothing I need for alchemy past Friendly), Timbermaw Furbolgs (ditto), Argent Dawn (I'm already Naxx attuned so they can rot) and the Brood of Nozdormu (I'll be Revered in a few months doing AQ40, and the rings are such small upgrades it hardly matters). I'm done with pvp as well, no point in keeping a rank if it'll mean squat with the expansion.

I might spec fire once my monthly respec discount kicks in, but I'm not ready to give up ice block just yet. 0/30/21 should be interesting though. I'll make up the slack with the loss of improved Cone of Cold with Blast Wave, I guess.


fire is SUCH a better dps build for aq/naxx for mages... and it's surprising how good it is on my lock. I can pretty consistently pull 400+ dps, threat is very easy to manage, and the burst provided is great for faster paced fights.
"fire is SUCH a better dps build for aq/naxx for mages... and it's surprising how good it is on my lock. I can pretty consistently pull 400+ dps, threat is very easy to manage, and the burst provided is great for faster paced fights."

Firelocks rock and I really can't wait for BC.
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