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World of Warcraft

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Bregor said:
Actually there is a 'Dungeon Set' that can be gathered from the lvl 70 hard mode versions of the 5-man BC instances. It is the true Tier 0 for 70s, as it is non-epic (blue). Tier 4 is a full epic set as far as I know, and therefore is more equivalent to Tier 1.
Well, now.... I don't get it?!
Tier 4: A blue set, or not? I heard it is epic, has 5 pieces and dropps in Kharazan. You have to be 70! Right or wrong?
For the Black Temple: The Tier 5 set dropps there. Epic! 25-man-dungeon. 7 or 8 pieces. You have to be 70! AND......... do you need the Tier4 Set to survive there, or not?

And did you mean: There dropps a blue set in Kharazan on easy mode (level 60) but it isn't really a Tier-set, but on hard mode (level 70) there dropps the Tier4 set?

Puuuuh! ^^


So 4 realms have come up and are being invaded by the entirety of the WoW population. I don't think I've ever seen so many level 1's.


Well if realms are going up, that at least means they've got their problems hashed out. Perhaps we will see everything go back up by 10 PM EST (then wait in queue until midnight).


I'd like to save up some honor points and buy something... But I don't really need anything for my Warlock.

I could do it on my friends Rogue, he only has a Death's Sting and a Maexxna's, and I'd really rather fiddle around with a sword, and that GM sword looks pretty nice. Just need one.

But, if they do not add the new talents... eh, It doesn't seem like it'd be very fun considering Rogues currently have such a MASSIVE talent footprint to deal with, especially Dagger Rogues.

If they added the new talents, I'd go...:


Would rock, so so much. I only really play around in groups, so I wouldn't miss Imp. Gouge, really.

My old PvP build was:



Realms are up. And son of a bitch. I was really hoping they were replacing Cloak of Shadows with Shadowstep. I have no clue how to spec. I like my cookie cutter Seal Fate build for how bad my gear is on this character, and sub is a fugly tree other than CloS. But it's such a nice skill. Choices......
"Realms are up. And son of a bitch. I was really hoping they were replacing Cloak of Shadows with Shadowstep. I have no clue how to spec. I like my cookie cutter Seal Fate build for how bad my gear is on this character, and sub is a fugly tree other than CloS. But it's such a nice skill. Choices......"


Mother**** me.


I'm trying out a sub build with CloS now, and went 8 in Combat and 2 in Assassination for Malice. Crit dropped a bit, but my attack power is up by about 100, so I'm not complaining. It's alright so far, but I'm already missing vigor.

Cloak of Shadows is said to be a level 66 trainable spell.


Oh man, Warlocks are like... awesome with gear now. See before, it really didnt matter all that much outside of Destro, but now, some good equipment really shows. I did well on the gear heavy PTR, but I just WASTED everything in my sight in Live pug.

I bet this is how Warriors felt! Sonsabitches, its our turn now. Helps that there were 0 enemy Warlocks and 1 enemy Hunter, also. :x


so I am stuck here at my hunter alt trying to figure out which rocks more, going heavy into BM or MM and I still have 3 other alts to spec. Blizzard did a good job making me confused and indecisive about the respecs.:lol


All right, to clarify dungeons:
Karazahn has a keying process for it, but right now you just buy it in the beta to speed up testing the zone. All heroic mode (hard mode) dungeons require a key which is rep-bought in the zone the dungeons are in.
I believe every 25 man dungeon requires a flying mount to access it. I haven't seen it for sure, but when you look at the map, the areas for Black Citadel and Tempest Keep are off on their own islands away from the rest of their respective zones. Plus, it would seem like an easy way to artifically lengthen the time to keep players from getting straight into raiding at 70.

T4 is 5 pieces and fully epic; redeemed off token drops from bosses in Karazahn and blizzard has also said "one other instance." I'm not sure what the other instance is - possibly the Vashj section of Coilfang. It's 10 man raid gear, though. T5 most likely drops off a mix of Tempest Keep and Black Citadel, or possibly just Tempest Keep's raid.

Heroic/hard mode 5 mans basically have a chance to drop tokens you gather to turn in for epics, and those epics are nice. But it looks like so far you spend a lot of tokens to get an epic (like, say, enough to make multiple runs required for a single item). The bosses drop better weapons/armor generally though. On the positive side, for t4 it's a 1:1 token:armor piece ratio, so not much farming is required for that set.


Alex said:
I bet this is how Warriors felt!
As a warrior, I never got enough high-end gear to be overpowered =( Now it looks like I'll face a couple months of being nerfed before the complainers get to Blizzard and they make an adjustment.


Mute said:
I'm trying out a sub build with CloS now, and went 8 in Combat and 2 in Assassination for Malice. Crit dropped a bit, but my attack power is up by about 100, so I'm not complaining. It's alright so far, but I'm already missing vigor.

Cloak of Shadows is said to be a level 66 trainable spell.

I've been messing around with this build on the PTR and its a really strong build once you get used to it...you will make warlocks cry. :D Basically all you do is a normal stun routine and activate CloS at the end of it...they'll be spamming deathcoil of course and it won't do shit since you're immune for 5 seconds.

Also, I don't see how you can really miss vigor once you have dirty deeds 2/2. That gives you an almost energy free cheapshot. Only opener you miss is instant ambush > backstab. But you can easily substitute it with premed > ambush, straight into a kidney shot and voila...free backstab.


I gotta say I'm impressed that they got the realms up a mere 8-9 hours after they were originally supposed to go live. BC will probably still be a clusterfuck, but perhaps not as much as I thought ;)


Alex said:
Explain, por favor.
WF now basically does its bonus attacks as one extra attack with normalized AP. So there's no real 3-hit from WF proccing, just a single bit of bonus damage that's higher than a regular hit.


firex said:
WF now basically does its bonus attacks as one extra attack with normalized AP. So there's no real 3-hit from WF proccing, just a single bit of bonus damage that's higher than a regular hit.
Right. Which means no individual chance to crit. Oh well.


Any other warlocks experiencing technical difficulties? Soulstones aren't showing up in inventory, and summoning doesn't yield anything (my character is just stuck in the "casting" pose forever).
"The non-realtime honor updating is retarded. There's no way to tell what you're getting."

Because there was before?

Besides, if you log out and log in (immediately), it shows the estimated honor you've gotten so far.


nerf locks


(I'm Boodylicious). I'm only a tier 1 lock and this was a game of AB, about 70% through.

I've also noticed that some people disappear, but they still cast shadows and can attack people. I assume this is a bug lol


:lol Battlegrounds are ****ed up for us, but I don't care. The little bit that I've played ... earthshield is great. Oh man I'm loving my resto build.


Oh, I meant to post this yesterday when it happened but never got around to uploading it. I was about to kill some Alliance warrior in AB when he gained an immune shield, unflagged, and /danced. He did this for about 2 minutes and sat there regaining HP. Then he reflagged, the bubble disappeared, and he ran off. What. The. ****.


(Sorry for the crappy host)

Actually, was that Divine Intervention? Hrm.
I really like my new build because I feel a lot more powerful but, I kind of miss my 4 points on Master of Deception. My crits went up like 3.5%, my agility 6 points, and my hp like 100, and now I crit more often than not with Eviscirate for like 1800. It used to be more like 1400.

This is what I did with my talent points- http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=fhxZMxEz0VzxdGRzb

Tell me what you think.


Oni Link 666 said:
I really like my new build because I feel a lot more powerful but, I kind of miss my 4 points on Master of Deception. My crits went up like 3.5%, my agility 6 points, and my hp like 100, and now I crit more often than not with Eviscirate for like 1800. It used to be more like 1400.

This is what I did with my talent points- http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=fhxZMxEz0VzxdGRzb

Tell me what you think.

Why on earth would you put points in weapon expertise. It's a joke now.


Oni Link 666 said:
I really like my new build because I feel a lot more powerful but, I kind of miss my 4 points on Master of Deception. My crits went up like 3.5%, my agility 6 points, and my hp like 100, and now I crit more often than not with Eviscirate for like 1800. It used to be more like 1400.

This is what I did with my talent points- http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=fhxZMxEz0VzxdGRzb

Tell me what you think.

I'm not understanding this, this is for a PVE build, right? Because combat is pretty lacking for PVP and to go 41 points into combat is just asking for trouble.

If this is the case, why did you skip out on Combat Potency? This is probably the greatest talent we gained from all of this.


Also, what's up with honor? I played like, two BGs yesterday and got like 52 HK's but it's displaying I have - 527 honor. How do I have negative honor??


Hero said:
Also, what's up with honor? I played like, two BGs yesterday and got like 52 HK's but it's displaying I have - 527 honor. How do I have negative honor??

Apparently you only gain 1 honor point for every 100 honor you gain. Or something like that.


I had to stick with my old PvE AOE elementalist build for my mage, so nothing big to report there. With the new damage coefficients both my frostbolt and fireball are hitting for a little more, which is nice. I'm not a fan of the water elemental just because I leveled up a demonology warlock and am so used to having a pet with me all the time. Other mages are loving it though, and that's cool.

I went DW-spec with my shaman, and put WF on my Hand of Eddie and Frostbrand on my Lobo (which is a dagger that's slower than the HoE mace, go figure). WF was kinda disappointing, but Frostbrand was proccing all the time. A crit now procs Flurry and Unleashed Rage, and with berzerking I can get a 1s attack speed at 775 AP. Sure they're not warrior/rogue numbers, but it's still fun.

Shamanistic rage is neat, the mana regen is significant; but it lasts 30 seconds, and with my current setup I can kill a non-elite lvl60 in 15 seconds. I'd have to see how it works in a dungeon/raid environment.
so far this is the times we've been given for servers 1pm 3pm 5pm and now 7pm.

Ohh and thats only supposed to be for the servers listed, my server isn't listed. But you guessed it its been down all day as well. VICTORY!


First I was able to log into my server but stuck at "Retrieving characters list" for like 3hours, then my server went down, but now the whole login system is down I can't login from the main screen.

Thanks blizzard EU.


If it makes you feel any better, the NA servers went through roughly the same thing.
Had to wait 4-5 hours for the servers to come up, then the lag was so high that disconnections ran rampant, and then people were stuck on the retrieving characters page.

Heh - they found an interesting Earth Shield mechanic/exploit:
1) Cast ES on 1st raid member
2) Raid member zones into BWL/NAXX/WSG/AB
3) Cast ES on 2nd raid member
4) Raid member zones in
5) Repeat for all raid members
6) Profit

I wonder how long it'll take for this to be hotfixed.
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