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World of Warcraft

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Bartender is nice, that's what I use for mine. Plus it's updated to work with the patch:p

I hate facing hunters on my mage now, hate hate hate hate.


SyNapSe said:
Of course I did that.. I do after every patch. I think Border answered my question though.. apparently just CTmod decided to drop their Bar customization interface.. I can't imagine why. The default Blizz interface is really lame.. not as many bars, and I can't resize them or anything. I do like their new buffmod though

I guess I'll have to look for another mod that does bar customization.

On their site, they say they are still updating the bar mod.


John_B said:
So it should be quite clear that this new honor system atm is bullshit.

Why would anyone go anywhere and wipe their asses out, when simply you could go pvp for shits and giggles a couple of days and get loot that is in the quality rang of the loot from bwl.

Some dude made 10K+ honor since wednesday already. It's possible to get an imba epic 1-hand in 3-5 days. It took me ages to acquire Perdition's Blade, and it's really a big underdog compared to the hw dagger. You know where I can find a better main hand dagger? At C'thun. Bullshit if you ask me. I'm going pvp atm.

The rewards should be way more expensive. I really hope they change this for the expansion. I know the weapon rewards for normal pvp are only blue, but the main hand dagger is almost on par with Kingsfall and costs a mere 15.000 honor. Any normal player would at least earn that in the time they grind 10 levels.
:lol Yes, goddamn us bastards who play this game to enjoy ourselves! WoW is hard work! You must suffer for your gear!


**** that,the honor system now is how it should have always been, who cares of if casuals can now get raid quality items in a short amount of time? QQ


Raiding should be more about cutscenes and extra fluff and titles and whatnot, at least that's my opinion on it.

I like to raid, I did it up through Naxx, but it shouldn't be the end all avenue for gear.


The honor system is a joke. You can get the whole blue PvP set in 2-3 days, the rank 12/13 in 2 weeks max, with HWL at about the same. How is that fair to the people who have spent months getting through MC, BWL, and AQ? Naxx just came out a couple months ago and some of the gear is of a tiny bit higher caliber than the PvP stuff. The better gear in the game isn't supposed to be easy to get. It was perfect when there was no cross realm PvP, and ever since then Blizz has been putting nails in the coffin. Pretty soon every nub who's been in a battleground will be wearing the same gear. Hurray!


Mute said:
The honor system is a joke. You can get the whole blue PvP set in 2-3 days, the rank 12/13 in 2 weeks max, with HWL at about the same. How is that fair to the people who have spent months getting through MC, BWL, and AQ? Naxx just came out a couple months ago and some of the gear is of a tiny bit higher caliber than the PvP stuff. The better gear in the game isn't supposed to be easy to get. It was perfect when there was no cross realm PvP, and ever since then Blizz has been putting nails in the coffin. Pretty soon every nub who's been in a battleground will be wearing the same gear. Hurray!

gear = skill lol

it lvls the playing field between the haves and the have nots

i think its pretty cool

ideally it should make pvp more skill based then a gear check

im considering buying the game and starting a new character for strict pvp with some friends, as i have no interest in doing 25-40 man raids anymore


yacobod said:
gear = skill lol

it lvls the playing field between the haves and the have nots

i think its pretty cool

ideally it should make pvp more skill based then a gear check

im considering buying the game and starting a new character for strict pvp with some friends, as i have no interest in doing 25-40 man raids anymore
Of course it should be skilled base. This is about as far as it gets from that.

How to get honor!
1. Queue for Alterac Valley
2. Once inside, stick yourself near where the action is. Tab out, go do chores, whatever. Make sure you move every few minutes.
3. Repeat.
4. Yay honor!

Not sure about anywhere else, but on my server before cross realms, if you wanted the most honor you had to win. To win, you had to play with other good players. To play with the good players, you had to be good. Sure you could pug your way up if you could stand it, but that usually took months and months.
"Not sure about anywhere else, but on my server before cross realms, if you wanted the most honor you had to win. To win, you had to play with other good players. To play with the good players, you had to be good. Sure you could pug your way up if you could stand it, but that usually took months and months."

So you're lamenting the new system for being more casual friendly? Which is exactly what it was designed to be?


Mute said:
Of course it should be skilled base. This is about as far as it gets from that.

How to get honor!
1. Queue for Alterac Valley
2. Once inside, stick yourself near where the action is. Tab out, go do chores, whatever. Make sure you move every few minutes.
3. Repeat.
4. Yay honor!

Not sure about anywhere else, but on my server before cross realms, if you wanted the most honor you had to win. To win, you had to play with other good players. To play with the good players, you had to be good. Sure you could pug your way up if you could stand it, but that usually took months and months.

i know all about the honor grind

i made r13 with my warrior, and stopped about 66% from r14

forming premades and stomping pugs = skill lol

when me and my friends were doing the r13-14 grinds (this was before cross server bgs mind you), rarely would we play any wsg or abs that lasted more than 10 minutes, most ABs would be 5 caps, wsgs quick 3 caps, i'd say in a 10-12 hour day of pvp, i might have played 2-3 decent matches out of how many per day?

the old pvp grind was about time invested, and if you ran a good premade, it was laughably easy, all it was, was a time sink, if u had time u would make r13-14

now if high lvl, good gear is easily accessible to everyone, it lvls the pvp field, i dont see how this is bad in anyways, ppl who raided always had the leg up in pvp, a bwl/aq40/naxx warrior can tear shit up in bgs, a warrior running around in blues is fodder for everyone, and that can be said for all classes, if you are poorly equipped, you lose

so this is good imo


yacobod said:
i know all about the honor grind

i made r13 with my warrior, and stopped about 66% from r14

forming premades and stomping pugs = skill lol

when me and my friends were doing the r13-14 grinds (this was before cross server bgs mind you), rarely would we play any wsg or abs that lasted more than 10 minutes, most ABs would be 5 caps, wsgs quick 3 caps, i'd say in a 10-12 hour day of pvp, i might have played 2-3 decent matches out of how many per day?

the old pvp grind was about time invested, and if you ran a good premade, it was laughably easy, all it was, was a time sink, if u had time u would make r13-14

now if high lvl, good gear is easily accessible to everyone, it lvls the pvp field, i dont see how this is bad in anyways, ppl who raided always had the leg up in pvp, a bwl/aq40/naxx warrior can tear shit up in bgs, a warrior running around in blues is fodder for everyone, and that can be said for all classes, if you are poorly equipped, you lose

so this is good imo
You were lucky. There were tons of Alliance premades, and they were all pretty hardcore. It would usually turn out that we would win the AB's, and they would win WSG because of Pallys. But I mean come on. Generally no one will let you into their premade if you suck ass.

As for raiders, they generally kept to raiding. Because that's what they do. At least here. All the decent guilds raid 5 out of 7 days a week. The one positive I see to this is if everyone ends up with the same gear, then there will be more balance. It will be more like the "MC is hard" days where everyone was in the blue gear :D


Mute said:
You were lucky. There were tons of Alliance premades, and they were all pretty hardcore. It would usually turn out that we would win the AB's, and they would win WSG because of Pallys. But I mean come on. Generally no one will let you into their premade if you suck ass.

As for raiders, they generally kept to raiding. Because that's what they do. At least here. All the decent guilds raid 5 out of 7 days a week. The one positive I see to this is if everyone ends up with the same gear, then there will be more balance. It will be more like the "MC is hard" days where everyone was in the blue gear :D

ya thats what i kinda mean

i would just pvp "grind" again to get the items that i want, then i would stick to world pvp and the such, going around the continents and causing trouble is the most fun i've had with wow in the past

i just need to decide on a class to roll

i'm leaning between huntar, mage, or warlock



Okay, maybe the raider bitching I can understand a little. Some raiding does take coordination and skill (along with the horrible time sink), I just find most of it to be terribly boring. But people bitching about the old honour system vs. the new? Before, it was about how much time you could put in and now again, it's about how much time you can put in. There's just much less of it. Furthermore, for smaller guilds like mine, we feel like we're actually making progress. We played for like, 6 hours last night of WSG and AB and lost one game. We're still horribly outgeared, but we know we'll be able to get our gear fairly quickly and continue to compete against the other geared groups. It'll actually be a lot of fun, again. Remember that whole fun thing?

Who gives a shit if someone sits in AV for hours on end amassing honour? If they want to "play" the game like that, fine, let 'em. What are they gonna do when they get their gear? Probably be happy about it and quit the game, bitching about there being nothing to do.

Regardless, all of this is going to be completely inconsequential in like, 4-5 weeks when the expansion hits and we're all pushing for 70 (mmm ... I can just smell the melting corpses).
I was in a great game of AV last night. We did Galv, told the people telling others to get on O to STFU, and then turtled until the Ice lord came. I got like 200 hks. :lol

The only thing I don't like about the honor system is that you get a lot more marks than honor. I have enough marks to buy like 3 things but not even enough honor to buy one. Maybe I will after tonight's calculation though.


If your only motivation in raiding was just the gear, then I don't have any sympathy for you. Boohoo, sorry that your e-penis gets a little smaller when you see other players getting decent gear.


It'll be more balanced up in the expansion, anyway.

Speaking of BC, I hope they have new servers for launch.


Meanwhile, mostly due to bugs and crashes I only got about 370 honor as a resto shaman in AV. Although that was just in 2 matches... and I had one match where I would've gotten as much honor from that match as I did from my previous 2 if it hadn't tarded out and crashed when we were close to winning.

So for 10k honor you really would have to be an already well geared DPS class AND pvp for like 6+ hours a day. I honestly may just decide to raid and take some of the shardbait on my shaman now instead of pvping since the HWL weapons aren't that good, although I still plan on getting the gun or xbow for my hunter.

And most of the level 70 gear's pretty expensive, and requires a mix of AV and Eye of the Storm marks. Honestly, the level 70 HWL/GM gear seems like it will take awhile... but they may have changed it. I should go check that again since when I last checked, it was still all purple. I haven't done Eye of the Storm in beta, btw, because like nobody at all does BGs and it sucks. There may be a level 10-19 WSG running every now and then but that's about it.


Actually, if I do have one complaint about the new honour system, it's that there isn't really any kind of selection to be made. You just work your way up and get the gear. I'd like to see some more build-specific gear options. I haven't even looked at the BC stuff, but it'd be nice to see that.


yeah, level 70 stuff in the expansion is nice. There's like 3 different plate sets, 3 different mail sets, and I think 3 different leather sets. Mail's divided between enhancement, hunter and elemental, plate is for warrior dps, retribution pally and holy pally, and leather's got moonkin druid, feral druid and rogue stuff.

the expansion's level 70 weapons are nice too. There's a dual wield set for just about every type of weapon (axes, maces, swords, daggers, fist weapons) and both caster daggers and swords, along with the current HWL/GM weapons now. I should take screenshots of all of it.


firex said:
yeah, level 70 stuff in the expansion is nice. There's like 3 different plate sets, 3 different mail sets, and I think 3 different leather sets. Mail's divided between enhancement, hunter and elemental, plate is for warrior dps, retribution pally and holy pally, and leather's got moonkin druid, feral druid and rogue stuff.

the expansion's level 70 weapons are nice too. There's a dual wield set for just about every type of weapon (axes, maces, swords, daggers, fist weapons) and both caster daggers and swords, along with the current HWL/GM weapons now. I should take screenshots of all of it.
Oh man, that would be awesome if you could post some screenshots of Level 70 gear. The only weapon I've seen @ level 70 is The Unstoppable Force.
Rep has been changed, runecloth hand ins now give 75rep instead of 50. Twilight Texts give 250 instead of 100 (woah).

Working on CC rep now, 3k from revered have the drape as well as the hilt. Should get the drape very soon, hilt probably not b4 expansion by which time it'll be useless anyway :p


Ooo, neat to hear about the rep changes. I like the idea of rep, I just hate how long it takes and how it takes longer after you've gained more rep. Gah. Just talking about it ... *shudder* ...

Anyway, here's a good list of all the PvP items and their costs ... I think it's laid out pretty nicely, compared to other sources that I've seen.



Jupiter said:
On their site, they say they are still updating the bar mod.

ahh thanks I hadn't seen that.. damn, well I guess I'll just make a copy of my WTF folder and then switch it back in when CTmod's bar mod is back


MrPing1000 said:
Rep has been changed, runecloth hand ins now give 75rep instead of 50. Twilight Texts give 250 instead of 100 (woah).

Working on CC rep now, 3k from revered have the drape as well as the hilt. Should get the drape very soon, hilt probably not b4 expansion by which time it'll be useless anyway :p


basically they are pushing everyone to get off their duff and gear up and I love blizzard for that:D


thread on the new draenei & blood elf quests.


I got my honor total wrong, the estimation was way off. I was just going by that, and it said 370. I actually got 1237. I'm guessing it counted both of my AVs + the one I was in that screwed up.
"The rewards should be way more expensive. I really hope they change this for the expansion. I know the weapon rewards for normal pvp are only blue, but the main hand dagger is almost on par with Kingsfall and costs a mere 15.000 honor. Any normal player would at least earn that in the time they grind 10 levels."

Oh, I missed this. A) the dagger costs 22500, B) for the average player, 22500 is still a week or two. C) Who cares if people are able to play the game on their own time and actually get some reward from it.


Any changes to Argent Dawn rep building? I was gong to try to make it to Exalted, but Cauldron grinding just started boring me...


If theyre going to be expanding each year, the game may become less of a grind in general, which is how it seems now, at least. Which would be fantastic, really.


oh, btw, I haven't bothered to even hit 63 yet in the expansion (I don't want to level TOO much and spoil content) but the leveling from 60-70 doesn't seem to be that slow. Of course, I still think it will be slow without rest (as they seem to have it wiped/frozen now) but still, the new instances are FAST (1-2 hours tops) and give a lot of xp for a full clear, don't really require crowd control (just focus fire, ESPECIALLY if you're coming from raiding) and in general are an awesome way to earn xp quickly compared to grinding it out in the zones. Honestly the whole reason I even bother leveling in the zones isn't for the xp, it's for all the money and rewards. It's like they flipped the formula from the regular game and made it so grinding quests gives a lot more money.


border said:
Any changes to Argent Dawn rep building? I was gong to try to make it to Exalted, but Cauldron grinding just started boring me...

I could've swore they upped the Cauldren rep to 200, I'll have to check it later on.



Just added 6 pics of all the General/HWL rank armor and weapons available, not including lower ranked stuff which is on a new NPC who also sells gems to go into socketed gear. Here's how it breaks down statistically (I'm way too lazy to go mouse over every single piece of gear and screenshot it):
Cloth - Dreadweave is pure resilience and spell damage, Silk is resilience, damage and spell crit rating
Leather - Leather is rogue, Dragonhide is feral druid, Wyrmhide is moonkin/healer druid gear
Mail - Chain is hunter, Linked is enhance shaman, Mail is elemental shaman
Plate - Plate is warrior, Lamellar is caster paladin, Scaled is ret paladin (the difference between this and Plate is Scaled has some +damage/healing on it)
HWL armor (obviously I'm showing the paladin sets) - Lamellar is caster paladin, Scaled is ret paladin
HWL weapons - the weapon on the left is main hand, the weapon on the right is offhand, most of the 2h are similar to the level 60 versions (but stronger, obviously) aside from the polearm, which is a lot faster (2.20 speed instead of the 3.8 or something like that most other HWL 2h are)
HWL offhand/shield - both have resilience, offhand has +14 damage/healing and +18 stam +12 int I believe, while the shield has +36 stam

It's kind of interesting to note that all the HWL gear is blue. But it's also socketed. As far as the buyable gems go... they come in 6 flavors.
DPS - +20 AP, +10 crit strike rating, +10 AP and +5 crit strike rating
Caster - +12 spell damage, +10 spell crit rating, +6 damage and +5 spell crit rating
AP and spell damage match red sockets, crit/spell crit rating match yellow sockets, and the combo gem matches either red or yellow sockets. So depending upon your class, you may want to mix and match, or you may want to focus more heavily on one or the other. The gems take straight up honor points to buy (no marks) and can be bought at any level, so they aren't a bad thing to save up for. There are also rings, a neck and trinkets, but the trinkets aren't that impressive. One is essentially the AB trinket (absorbs a random amount of damage) with a passive +resilience on it, while the other is the pvp insignia, only the upgraded version also has passive +resilience on it. All the level 60 pvp gear is still there too, so it's quite possible that you can't see the expansion pvp vendors unless you have the expansion installed. It's not on the same vendors that are on the retail realms right now, aside from the accessories quartermaster. I also have not seen an epic war mount for BEs yet.

HWL sets are 5 pieces now, with the General rank gear filling the other slots. So for boots/waist/wrists you'll get epics (and they're pretty nice epics to be honest) while for all the other 5 slots you'll get blues (which are still statistically very nice).

Oh, I nearly forgot, there's also new cloaks. There's a Heavy Cape and a Heavy Cloak. The former is for casters and the latter is for DPS. All in all I like the pvp rewards better, because there are multiple HWL sets for hybrids.

And this is unrelated, but I saw a 70 lock in Orgrimmar while I was running to the Hall of Legends to get these screens wearing one part of the new level 70 blue dungeon set for locks (it's called the Oblivion set). I don't remember the stats exactly (seemed like it was +25 stam/int, +33 spell damage, 3 gem sockets), but I do remember the bonuses - at 2 pieces your pet gets 45 mp/5, at 4 pieces your seed of corruption does 180 extra damage when it detonates. Kind of makes me anxious to see what the other blue sets are like, and if there are multiples of those for hybrids/healers.


Thanks for the screenshots man. Any chance of getting some of the weapon stats as well? I'm especially glad about the spec-specific sets. No more little bits of everything on every piece of armor :D


Just cleansed a cauldron in WPL, and it's still a pathetic +25 AD rep. I guess I'm better off grinding the BGs for better gear.


yeah, I just took pics of the weapons and I'll upload them shortly. just check the same URL in my previous post. For what it's worth: all of the DW setups have the same stats (speed, dps, all other stats on them) aside from daggers (which I took pics of). All the 2h weapons are identical to the 2h sword aside from the polearm (also took a pic of it) and I took pics of the caster weapons, offhand and the shield too.

And the weapon in comparison in all those screenshots is the horribly underpowered BE paladin weapon quest reward. Why is it horribly underpowered? Simple - at around 20/21 you can do the final quest in Ghostlands, an elite kill quest for a named NPC that's kind of like the culmination of the Stalvan quest in Duskwood, and you can get a 2h sword that's arguably the superior weapon (especially for ret paladins since it's slower and has a higher damage range). The DPS difference using that polearm over the 2h sword is .9 DPS. PLUS you have to train polearms just to use the thing, while BE paladins start out with 1h and 2h swords. And it's literally just about identical - the ONLY difference is instead of farming the easy-ass ogres in the elite section of Loch Modan and going to deadmines, you have to kill a named level 20 elite boss after clearing RFC. So for a harder quest overall, you get a MUCH shittier weapon. Blizz needs to fix that asap.


I've been out of the WoW loop a long time.

What does QQ mean?

Anyway... undoubtedly my favourite image from WoW would have to be this:



It's so damn good it made me nearly get into WoW again (I put down a preorder for it but cancelled it a month later).

Incredible... too bad there's no equipment that can actually get a character looking like that blood elf... but how stunning would an updated WoW with an art style like that be though? That high detail UE3 engine level graphics... with that kinda art style, something much closer to the opening intro than the cartooney shit in the game.

That said, you couldn't get *that* outfit in WoW because the game doesn't differentiate between male or females of the race... indeed, it doesn't vary that much between the races (FFXI had greater amount of subtle differentiations between the armor graphics between races).

That BE looks like what they should be; lithe beautiful forms, but the face is kinda twisted and cruel looking rather than something attractive... ah... it's such a great picture. But alas, WoW is what it is... and that picture isn't really representative of what WoW is.


I actually doubt earth shield will get nerfed. It's got tons of limitations on it already and speccing resto doesn't offer much at all in the way of dps, so it's nothing but survivability. I think it can be purged too but I forget, it may actually not count as a magic effect.


firex said:
I actually doubt earth shield will get nerfed. It's got tons of limitations on it already and speccing resto doesn't offer much at all in the way of dps, so it's nothing but survivability.
I can still do a good deal of DPS with my spells. And besides, I'm a healing beast in group PvP. We were rolling in a WSG group last night. We'd let a hunter and a druid grab the flag and then I solo healed the 8 other people while we slowed the alliance players down in the middle. It was rare that anyone died, unless we were fighting a pre-made.

Anyway, the deal with earth shield is that it takes into account your +healing, which is just mind boggling, considering that in my mix of blues and purples, with a resto spec, I've got nearly +300. And that's not even wearing my healing gear (which I don't put on because of how much stamina I lose out on).

Maybe it's just the different style of play that makes me so invincible, but I'm just expecting cries for nerfs, and I wouldn't be surpried for Blizzard to go with it. Still, if nobody else notices, then I'm not going to bitch. :D

I think it can be purged too but I forget, it may actually not count as a magic effect.
Well, it can be dispelled/devour magic'd/purged. But I just read it on the forums and haven't witnessed it myself. Maybe once the alliance players wise up?

Teknopathetic said:
<-- Will have a HWL Bludgeon tomorrow after honor's calculated. Definitely loving the new system.
With my current spec and gear, I don't have much need for a 1h or the shield (maybe later), so I'm working towards filling in the gaps in my gear. Shoulders will probably be the first to go.
"With my current spec and gear, I don't have much need for a 1h or the shield (maybe later), so I'm working towards filling in the gaps in my gear. Shoulders will probably be the first to go."

That's more or less the same case here, but there's only a handful of decent hemo mainhand weapons, and all of those are either pre-60 or BWL and up. After that, I'm just going to get the gloves and legs and I'll be pretty happy. Both of those are slightly easier grinds than the weapon to boot.
Since the patch, about 4~ hours pvping (and not much else), mostly in AV for the passive honor. Some ABs. It really doesn't take much time at all. Even if you pvp 1-2 hours a day you'll get something significant within a week. Considering I would've had to pull even longer days than this previously just to go from rank 9-10 or from 10-11 and consistently, I'm pretty happy :).


Teknopathetic said:
<-- Will have a HWL Bludgeon tomorrow after honor's calculated. Definitely loving the new system.


...Is that a 1H mace? I didnt know they had 1h maces.

Oh, quick question, I dont wanna go to Stormwind right now; what marks do the GM weapons require?


I....did a bad thing.....I respecced to 2/46/3 on my mage. I had the Oven Mitts and the fire offhand in my bank in case I made the decision......and I really like Blazing Speed and my crit rate is through the roof!

...Is that a 1H mace? I didnt know they had 1h maces. "

It most certainly is and they most certainly do. The 2.9 speed on it makes it the 3rd best hemo weapon in the game.
I got my Grand Marshall rogue boots yesterday. That was about 3 days of nothing but PVP. I had 13k something honor points, 25 AV, 31 WSG, and 49 AB marks before buying them and they cost like 12k honor points and 20 AB marks. I'm going for the pants and the shoulders next. :)

Screw the haters. I am far from a casual player. I'm just not part of a raiding guild. I've had to either farm or solo my ass off for all my gear and mounts. It's nice to finally be able to get some epics on me.


I just got this new rig with 2GB of system memory.

I play WoW for a couple of hours and all of the sudden the performance is shit. I check Windows Task Manager and the memory use is 2.4GB, the hard drive is struggling with the page file, hence the performance hit. I had the same problem with the old rig and 1GB of system memory.

I'm thinking it could be a memory leak from some shit addon? It could be WoW is greedy and the more system memory you have, the less garbage it cleans up. Either way it's pisses me off. Somehow even if I kill wow.exe, the data is not removed from the memory. I have to restart the computer.

Anyone with a solution?


That said, you couldn't get *that* outfit in WoW because the game doesn't differentiate between male or females of the race...
Yes it does. Ask any female hunter who's been playing for long enough (way back in patch 1.4 or something, there was a bug where the female breastplate graphics for the beaststalker set weren't showing up, so they were running around half-naked unless they put a shirt on).

Or equally, check the graphics for [Vestments of the Shifting Sands] on male and female characters.

On the subject of the new honor system, i just dinged over 20k earned tonight. Should be able to pick up my first HWL Razor after it tallies it up tomorrow, assuming we get some pvp going after BWL. Mutilate is a ton of fun already with my perds/cht combo, i can't wait to be dual-wielding HWL daggers :D
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