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World of Warcraft

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ZombieSupaStar said:
Are you rerolling?

Yeah, I'm not sure what yet, but I am very, very much rerolling.

Sorry, I tried to respond to you on XBL, but every time I turn my 360 on, some distraction pops up and away I go. =/


Ohh, thanks for the screenshots. Is there a level requirement to talk to that vendor? Any chance of getting other classes?


ya i'm going to reroll on one of the new pvp servers when bc launches

not sure what class i'm going to chose

i might have to create another account, and play around with some classes, and get an idea what i want
Azwethinkweiz said:
Ok here's the hunter stuff:


Okay, I've seen enough of this.

How different is pvp in TBC for hunters? Because right now, hell, since the release of the game, hunter pvp = sit around and wait for something to crit. Theres almost no crit rating on TBC items though, and what there is is almost always below 1%. Not to mention resilience is everywhere and seems to be incredibly easy to get. Does the playstyle really change that much where hunters can do something other than unload as fast as possible praying for a crit? I honestly can't imagine that's the case, the int values on hunter gear still don't seem to be anywhere near useful levels, the sta values have barely increased, and from what I can tell hunter abilities just get even shoddier damage per mana as they get closer to 70. Plus the whole deadzone mechanic alone makes hunters inherently frontloaded.

I realize that right now hunters are stupidly overpowered, but I'm a bit worried level 70 won't just throw everything in the other direction.

If it's just a pve vs pvp itemization thing... They do realize the only reason any dps class cares about upgrades is so they can melt more faces in pvp right?


In full arena gear I think the most you'd get for a crit reduction would be like 10% and 20% crit damage taken reduced. I don't know the level 70 formula for resilience though.
Son of Godzilla said:
Okay, I've seen enough of this.

How different is pvp in TBC for hunters? Because right now, hell, since the release of the game, hunter pvp = sit around and wait for something to crit. Theres almost no crit rating on TBC items though, and what there is is almost always below 1%. Not to mention resilience is everywhere and seems to be incredibly easy to get. Does the playstyle really change that much where hunters can do something other than unload as fast as possible praying for a crit? I honestly can't imagine that's the case, the int values on hunter gear still don't seem to be anywhere near useful levels, the sta values have barely increased, and from what I can tell hunter abilities just get even shoddier damage per mana as they get closer to 70. Plus the whole deadzone mechanic alone makes hunters inherently frontloaded.

I realize that right now hunters are stupidly overpowered, but I'm a bit worried level 70 won't just throw everything in the other direction.

If it's just a pve vs pvp itemization thing... They do realize the only reason any dps class cares about upgrades is so they can melt more faces in pvp right?

Well the armor values seem to increase by about 200 over the current tier sets that I have. Also, the armor is socketed so if crit is a big deal, you can just add it that way. And I haven't hit 70 yet so I'm not sure, but with the new bread and butter shot, "steady shot", only eating 80 mana, and with aspect of the viper, mana shouldn't be AS critical as before. Sadly, the thing I hate most about the set is the way it looks. God it's ugly.
fallout said:
On the subject of hunters, I got Frost Trap Aura'd last night in WSG for 30 seconds. It was most annoying.

I got Silence Shot, but it didnt matter cuz I could only cast instant spells cuz a tiger was eating my ass. :lol

Actually, I beat one hunter with that annoying spec solo (23/28/0 healbot spec priest with half Tranny). Ton of folks going "41 points in one tree is cruise control for PWNAGE" or something.


Wow. So uh, people take this game a little too seriously methinks. We were in AV, and it was turning into the usual 10-15 minute affair. So me and my buddies, pretty much bored out of our skulls, hearthed back and fought the Alliance off. We did so well that we managed to keep all the towers up and pushed them back to Snowfall.

Then, just for kicks, me and a guildie capped Snowfall. Now, we knew people would be pissed off, but holy shit, next thing I know one of my buddies is all pissed off at me and his girlfriend isn't pleased either. I wasn't really expecting it from them. And it's like ... **** ... we were just having some fun. Sure, it slowed down the game, but it surely pissed off the Alliance players and allowed for a change of pace. Like, I was in AV ... and I was actually killing players of the opposing faction!

If you're that concerned about the ****ing honour grind, get someone to queue you up for AB/WSG ... you're out in 10-15 minutes and you can go hop into AV again. Or hell, use it as a break.

I don't really get how people can be so satisfied doing the same shit over and over again. And the match only took about an hour when it was all said and done. A far cry from the 17 hour matches of yore. Sigh ... anyway. Kinda /livejournal there, but it really shows how people look at this "game".


Has problems recognising girls
Some people do take this game way too seriously and it's funny at times to see their reactions over it all. It's their competitive nature that off-sets them and quite frankly I find it ridiculous when people tell me to do something when I am just enjoying the same repititive bullshit over and over.

Like last night, there was a big group of us that wanted to summon Lok in AV. So we had a 10-15 man defense at Iceblood choke-point and just collected the blood.. summoned him then enjoyed the hike upto Vanndar with people defending the flags. Some people were pissed off cause the match went for 50 mins - but so what? We hadn't seen Lok before and figured if there was a decent time to do it, it may as well have been that match.

Players can get really possessive, so the best thing to do is to just mellow out and chill. Another example was in Wailing Caverns no less when we were doing up our mains, and my friend had a Druid. A Hunter in our guild (who was a beginner and casual) rolled need on the leggings cause of the +agi and he cut sick on her, stating that they were his cause it was a Druid set. I told him to get the **** over it, that it was WC for christ sake. Poor girl was shocked for a few days cause he went psycho on her.. what a joke.


Yeah, a couple patches ago they finally gave us a timer on our self-res, so I guess I shouldn't get too greedy. That sort of stuff takes a long time to code up, right?


Heh, this made me laugh.

So I'm going to not play the expansion, just quit. Can't be bothered anymore.

Should I just cancel, or (Long shot I know but hey!) sell?

Apart from a couple level nothing alts, I have...

1 Dwarf Hunter level 60 on a PVE server with 500ish gold, and a couple of MC epics. 300/300 engineering/mining.

1 Tauren Druid level 60 on a PVP server with 200ish gold, a couple of ZG epics, 300/300 alch/herbs, AND the ZG epic mount Swift Zulian Tiger.

Worth going through the trouble of selling? I know it's not much but maybe people are dumb?


Has problems recognising girls
The Druid would sell for a bit, considering the mount.

The Hunter as well merely because it's a 60 Hunter and right now, Hunters are close to king in AV PVP.


I don't think he can sell that characters separately -- unless he starts a new account under his name, and then transfers one character to that account.

Hunter is a great PVP class, but it's on a PVE server. That'll drag down the value somewhat.

I gotta imagine new PVP EZ Epics will drag down the value of all characters, too. Might wanna sell soon.


border said:
What's that? You mean just having the ability to scale really steep surfaces?
Pretty much. Already found how to get above and behind both the Horde and Alliance bases in WSG. But I won't cheat. Can get in to Hyjal still with wall jumping, too. For some reason I find exploring more fun than anything in this game. The most benign things can entertain me.
Sadly, I'm pretty terrible at it. Anyone care to teach? Lol.


Has problems recognising girls
Restoration Shaman kick major arse. Got major props when running with a premade on WSG earlier today about Earth Shield - it just helps so much.

As a test I ran a group of guildies into an instance as the main healer, just shoved ES on the main tank (as we had two warriors) and just healed the others now and then. Easiest run ever.


It was a good run for my Warlock, but it's time to hang her up, I'm done for now, and rerolling for BC. I'll see you fellows in a month!
Winter's Veil is AWESOME. AV gets heavy snowballs at the entrance and across the map and you can use em on enemies to fling em a good thirty yards. As if Hunters weren't overpowered already, this makes killing rogues and warriors hilariously easy.


Tamanon said:
Winter's Veil has begun!
Woo! Time for my guild's annual Naked Night Elf race to the Christmas tree in Org! We make NE alts on a server, strip down and race to the Christmas tree. If you're into that kind of stupid shit, just let me know and I'll post the info once we get it organized.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Hey guys I'm a 60 priest and used click heal for months. Basically since click heal as we knew it is gone, I'm looking for something like CTraid. Basically I want all the groups from our raid up with their name, and their %health only. The CT raid one is just to hideous and doesn't work out right at all. The way click heal did it before the patch was perfect. CT raid just doesn't have the functionality I would like. What are some other options?


fallout said:
Woo! Time for my guild's annual Naked Night Elf race to the Christmas tree in Org! We make NE alts on a server, strip down and race to the Christmas tree. If you're into that kind of stupid shit, just let me know and I'll post the info once we get it organized.
:lol I'm there.

Oh btw, what happens if you forget the "secret question" for your account? How do you get it back? I e-mailed Blizzard with no reply so far, and I'm considering calling them. Anyone ever had to go through that before? Basically a friend told me I could have his Undead Rogue which he never plays in encouragement to get me to be more active, and I'd like to. Only problem is, I need the "secret question" for the destination account. Uh-oh.


You can't transfer a character unless the last name on both accounts is the same. Doesn't matter if you have the secret question or not.


border said:
You can't transfer a character unless the last name on both accounts is the same. Doesn't matter if you have the secret question or not.
That's what it says, but I've transferred characters off my account before to other accounts, with no problems. If I understood it correctly, Blizzard doesn't "approve" of it, and may look into the transfer and take action. However, it is not restricted. Unless something has changed within the past few months?


So uh, is there some kind of trick to auto-grabbing the flag when the flag carrier drops? We were just playing some Illidan group and we must have killed their flag carrier 20 times but never saw the flag. It just kind of jumped over to the next guy.
"So uh, is there some kind of trick to auto-grabbing the flag when the flag carrier drops? We were just playing some Illidan group and we must have killed their flag carrier 20 times but never saw the flag. It just kind of jumped over to the next guy."

I just anticipate when the flag carrier's gonna die and prepare to mash button spam.


Has problems recognising girls
I don't even bother with trying to grab back the flag unless I'm the only person there. My connection latency is constantly at the 400ms mark and no matter how many times I try, it takes at least a second or two for it to properly register it.

Damn you US servers!


Has problems recognising girls
You'd be fine in AV, and most likely AB granted whichever team you're up against is too dumb to take out healers.


Teknopathetic said:
I just anticipate when the flag carrier's gonna die and prepare to mash button spam.
Yeah, it was just a large, large number of times. Could have been luck on their part, but there were times where I swear I didn't even see anything before they had the flag again.

vumpler said:
I've never done any of the BG stuff but are any of them worth doing for a 60 holy priest?
A good priest is key in just about any BG. Coordinated healing is like the dirty little secret of the PvP world. Well, maybe not that much of a secret.


WSG: You should be hugging the flag carrier's ass.
AB: Fear bombing node flags and healing whoever needs it.
AV: Fear bombing and healing the tank on Van ... though that's not needed as much anymore.
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