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World of Warcraft

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Fixed2BeBroken said:
Disagree on the druid, only time you can really kill a good one is if you can burst them at a vunerable state. my main is a druid, rogues are cake for me. Only time I ever die to a rogue is if they some how are lucky enough to get a blind on me while I am in caster and then burst me down...but not alot of rogues are mutilate so...the prep rogues get pwned.

a mage who double ice blocks both cloaks of shadows makes cloak of shadows useless. with 41 in sub, you won't have the damage to kill a good shadow priest while cloak of shadows is up, that goes for a good soul link warlock as well. However, locks are alot easier with cloak of shadows/prep imo than with mutilate...as I stated earlier.

Every single druid I've ever fought has eventually reverted back to caster form to try to heal. There's tons of options for prep rogues. Kick, blind, vanish -> cheap shot, gouge, kidney shot, etc. Maybe you just fight crappy rogues.

And while a mage could double ice block, he'd have to seriously be retarded. If it came down to him ice blocking through my second cloak of shadows, which usually isn't even necessary, I'll have blind, vanish, and sprint still up after prep. More than enough to take care of the mage.

I don't know what rogue you play or what bad rogues you play against, but cloak of shadows is basically God-mode against casters. The point of Cloak of Shadows isn't to kill them in those 4 seconds but for you to clear away their debuffs and resist their CC. Every single priest will try to Psychic Scream once they get out of a stunlock and that's why any good sub rogue will pop Cloak of Shadows before their last stun ends. Their scream gets resisted and it's QQ time for them. Even if a smart priest recognizes me casting CloS and saves his Psychic Scream for afterwards that's 4 more seconds of me hitting them.


John_B said:
I just think the mage is being developed into the superior class of the two. On top of all the advantages, they kick our ass with little skill required.

A good rogue is always a very hard fight for a mage. I can't see why you'd think mages have the upper hand with the new talent trees to be honest. I'd love to have a 1 minute cooldown ability that gave me 90% chance to negate pretty much anything a rogue can do for 5 seconds. Even better, you could make it a 20 second cooldown and call it Silencing Shot. Oh wait...


if you guys want to complain that rogues will be "useless" in raids, at least they're very useful in 5 mans in the expansion. The improved sap change is one thing (in the expansion it's getting reduced to 2 ranks, and 2/2 gives a 100% chance to remain stealthed, just like it was back in the original beta at some point I can no longer remember) and at least early on, there's also mobs and environment stuff that rogues can handle. Like mobs that drop traps you can either wait out, avoid (considering they do a TON of damage), run an eye of kilrogg over, or a rogue can disarm them.

Like I've said before with my beta updates, I'm avoiding spoiling too much of the stuff for myself... but just early on, rogues are a much improved class in terms of overall utility.


I don't play a priest, so I don't really know for sure, but maybe something like this? http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=dZfZxMGtMtR0tEo

The thing I wonder is if there's some unlisted cooldown on the 41 point talent, because for all like, 2 shadow priests I have grouped with, I never saw that dot up much, and it's a really nice effect.

Also, you could probably drop improved VE... I'm not even sure why I picked it.


Grinding with Dark Pact rules.....no downtime :)

I'm at 41 with the Warlock now....everything in Affliction. Should I move to the Demonology tree or Destruction tree? Or do I go all the way towards Unstable Affliction?


UA is a purely pvp talent, but everything leading up to it is nice for grinding. You may want to consider 40/0/11 or something.


I ran a few BGs and I'm not sure what happened, but now my pet/minion toolbar no longer appears when I have a summoned minion. What do I do to get it back?

EDIT: Nvm, I relogged and I got the bar back.
Synthesizer Patel said:
Thinking of respeccing my priest to Shadow for the 60-70 grind. Any suggested builds?

Well, since they deep-dicked 3 piece Tranny, I threw SPR to the wind and am trying this for my first ever Shadow build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=rVRhzhxZZxMgd0tRhtVo

1. Efficiency.

2. Power.

3. VT for both grinding and grouping.

Gonna be wierd without 400 Renew ticks and 400 SPR. A man gets used to that kind of healin' powah.
Hero said:
Every single druid I've ever fought has eventually reverted back to caster form to try to heal. There's tons of options for prep rogues. Kick, blind, vanish -> cheap shot, gouge, kidney shot, etc. Maybe you just fight crappy rogues.

And while a mage could double ice block, he'd have to seriously be retarded. If it came down to him ice blocking through my second cloak of shadows, which usually isn't even necessary, I'll have blind, vanish, and sprint still up after prep. More than enough to take care of the mage.

I don't know what rogue you play or what bad rogues you play against, but cloak of shadows is basically God-mode against casters. The point of Cloak of Shadows isn't to kill them in those 4 seconds but for you to clear away their debuffs and resist their CC. Every single priest will try to Psychic Scream once they get out of a stunlock and that's why any good sub rogue will pop Cloak of Shadows before their last stun ends. Their scream gets resisted and it's QQ time for them. Even if a smart priest recognizes me casting CloS and saves his Psychic Scream for afterwards that's 4 more seconds of me hitting them.

erm, you are probably playing some crappy druids or druids with craptastic gear.

Rogues on my server can attest to me.....I am the Durid tank afterall.

honestly, ever since mangle, rogues have been 10 times easier rofl.

I use to kill rogues without getting out of bear form if they had crappy gear....if they had good gear/skills I'd have to pull off some heals and I'd always get it off either with a feral charge/stun > entangle > abolish poison > heal...etc

however with mangle, I've beaten rogues with decent gear without even getting out of bearform unless they are mutilate. its funny. Mangle is kind of overpowered against melee.

and yea, cloak of shadows is strongest for removing dots, however, that 4 seconds of you hitting a good shadow priest with good gear with that spec, he won't die is my point. you may get him down, but you won't kill him. but we can keep disagreeing to the end of the world, it has to be fully experienced. This is coming from someone who originally specced cloak of shadows over mutilate and happenned to just try mutilate on a crappy geared rogue. I love cloak of shadows, but I've awaken to the facts that mutilate is purely broken and fun as hell. I guess thats the thing about Mutilate. Alot of people spec it and expect to two shot somebody or something, and they don't so they think it sucks. But the beauty of it is the crazy amount of combo points it generates WHILE still doing Great damage.


What’s the lag like in the battlegrounds on the US servers?

Europe (well my battlegroup certainly!) they’ve been almost unplayable since the patch, a good AV for me is 5 seconds lag before casts start! Last night I clocked 20secs for an instant cast, barely a game goes by without people having shit happen like:

a)Getting out before the gates appear once you zone in and then being able to grab GY’s with no one to oppose them

b)Drek/Vandarr wandering around outside the bases and being killed on places like the bridge

c)The battle starting, half the team getting through the gates which then for some reason close/re-appear, leaving half the team trapped for about 5/10 minutes


First week, the BGs were awful here. Ever since, it's been pretty good, though. Occasionally you have a bad night, and AB has been having some "in-combat" lag, but overall, I'd say things have been fine (on my server/battlegroup anyway).
border said:
Grinding with Dark Pact rules.....no downtime :)

I'm at 41 with the Warlock now....everything in Affliction. Should I move to the Demonology tree or Destruction tree? Or do I go all the way towards Unstable Affliction?

Get unstable affliction. It's strong and helps me grind faster and I'm lvl 54 right now. It's also funny as hell casting it on priests and pallys just to watch them dispell it and basically commit suicide. :lol


When 2.0.1 hit, I specced from MD/Ruin back to SM/Ruin (warlock, of course). Man, it is _so nice_ to have all of the affliction talents again. Just makes everything easier in PvE, and to some extent in PVP. When the expansion hits, I'm going to respec, since I no longer have to maximize my raid dps... but I'm torn on going full affliction, then some demonology, or full demonology and then some affliction. I wanna see what changes are made to demonology when the expansion hits, because they've changed the felguard a lot in the more recent beta patches.


shock33 said:
What’s the lag like in the battlegrounds on the US servers?

Europe (well my battlegroup certainly!) they’ve been almost unplayable since the patch, a good AV for me is 5 seconds lag before casts start!

I'm on EU Frostwhisper, the first week after the patch was like that for me too. It's been fine since then though.
I just came back to the game and went with a 43/8/0 build for leveling in the expansion. It's absurdly nice. CoA does 2400+ dmg, Corruption does 1950, and drain life ticks for 200 d+hps (which is twice as much healing as damage I'm taking against level 60 Twilight Avengers). Dark Pact is giving me 1075 mana and imp regen was suitably fast. I did a quick 30 minute grind in that area and never had to lifetap. This is without having any points in the drain soul talent that gives you 15% of your max mana back at the end of a battle (assuming you are using drain soul when the mob dies).

They did a great job cleaning up the affliction tree which had a lot of pointless talents for a while. Now it just has improved curse of weakness. 2 talent points to reduce physical damage by an additional 6! Awesome! (it's based on attack power in the expansion, might be worth something then)


The thing with mages now is while they can dish out a lot of damage, they're essentially tissue paper unless they get the jump on the player or they take a whole mess of survivability talents that nobody likes. (Arctic Winds? Bleah)

Every hunter/warlock/rogue I know basically targets mages first because they're a free kill these days.


So in a couple weeks, I'm going to try my hand at the fishing tournament ... any tips? I've basically got most of my guild down for protection and the slaughter of other innocent fishermen.


use waterwalking to go from the ZG island to other areas, since I know someone who's won it (he was a priest) and he said there's a lot of fish spawns that can go unnoticed over there.


Fishing tourney:

Most importantly set your hearth in BB that way you can hearth and turn in as soon as you get your fish.

Never fish a node if there's more than 1 person there. Ideally you should try and be the only one at a given node, this greatly increases the rate at which you're able to catch fish.

I always had my best luck fishing along the eastern coast but your mileage will vary based on faction/server. Just remember that the pools spawn at any ocean shoreline in STV outside of BB. May have to scope out the competition one week to find the least trafficed areas.

Other than that moving quickly and efficiently and a little luck you'll win.


DarkAngelYuna said:
It's also funny as hell casting it on priests and pallys just to watch them dispell it and basically commit suicide. :lol

The stupid ones at least. I found that now in PVP they bubble before dispelling. I might go to destruction. Mages are learning to ice block (which doesn't trigger CoA), pallys are doing their "super twins" thing to keep each other dispelled, and now with rogue's BS cloak of shadows (which also doesn't trigger CoA), dotting in PvP just isnt' fun anymore. Whats the point of unstable affliction if people can dispell it with not consequences?


Maybe your gear isn't good enough to pvp well with an affliction build? On a non healer I just have to throw up corruption, CoA and siphon life and run off and let them die. If they're wailing on me I hit howl of terror and I normally survive.

Here's an AB from earlier today where I destroyed everyone



Boomer said:
Maybe your gear isn't good enough to pvp well with an affliction build? On a non healer I just have to throw up corruption, CoA and siphon life and run off and let them die. If they're wailing on me I hit howl of terror and I normally survive.

You just said it yourself non healer. First wave dots are pretty usesless against a mana'd up priest, pally, ice-mage, and now rogue. Then again, you're alliance so you don't have to deal with pallys (you guys have no idea how much of a pain they are to horde affliction locks)

People complain about nerfing affliction locks, but if they would group pvp and be a little smart, they can render us useless in a real fight. Which unfortunatly for me, a lot are learning to play smart.

oh, warlock tip: if you see a rogue put on CoS, hit your insta-howl of terror to get em out of stealth asap


I don't have a problem with rogues except for the ones who use cloak of shadows, preparation, and cloak of shadows again. **** that.


Has problems recognising girls
Well all I can say is Earth Shield with 30% non-interruption heals, 70% non-interruption healing Resto talent and 1.5 second lesser healing wave for 1200 avg heals = unhappy Rogues who don't keep me stunned 24/7, Warriors who don't shield bash and Paladins.

Had a funny AB Blacksmith defence match last night where this NE Warrior just kept wailing on me, over and over.. so I got fed up and decided to teach him why Paladins are so annoying at times. All I did was stand there and mash down the heals for others and myself while everyone else finished off their customers and turned to my troublesome wart.

Even when I did run out of my surplus of 5200 mana, I just threw down Mana Tide and it jumped back upto 2000. I'm honestly surprised we haven't copped a major ES (i.e. timer limitations, charges perhaps?) nerf yet.


They won't nerf earth shield until they buff the hell out of elemental, and maybe even buff enhance a bit. Elemental sucks so badly, and enhance right now is decent, but it's going to get the same stigma as ret paladins (at least pre-2.0 ret paladins) - i.e. noob dual wield shamans. And even without that... enhance isn't THAT great, even for grinding. I mean, in the expansion, shamans are flat out the worst class. I still have a lot of fun playing mine because he's way better than he used to be... but everyone else got so much better than shamans did, and they still need a lot of work. So ES probably won't get nerfed at all until they rework enhance/elemental to make them better (especially elemental).

Most of Earth Shield's limitations are pretty reasonable anyway, though, and once people realize they're going to have to use spell interrupts/silence/dispels, it will make them less useful. Especially in the expansion, when shamans on both sides will just purge it right away. So in one way, I think they actually need to BUFF earth shield, by making it undispellable.
Boomer said:
I don't have a problem with rogues except for the ones who use cloak of shadows, preparation, and cloak of shadows again. **** that.

If they are wiling to blow that many cooldowns for one kill, they deserve it, no?
Just got my new rig and after working 8-6 I come home, put it all together, get it firing, install WoW, and download a patch...Figured it'd be 2.0.1. Nope it was 1.12, which is now upgrading to 2.0.1. So I've been waiting like 3 hours to try WoW out on my new beastly machine...The agony!


What minion should I have with me in a BG (at 40-49)? I have been taking the VW just for the Sacrifice shield, but the shield seems useless against pretty much everything but warriors. I don't know how or why but rogues seem to cut right through it and I still get hit with all the stuns and poisons. Paladin stuns ignore the shield as well, I think...


It's just a super PW:S, so it won't block stuns - just damage. If you're affliction spec, I would run with the imp for extra HP and some added damage from his attacks, or felhunter so you can devour dots/polymorph/etc. off you. The succubus is more of a destruction spec pet, and felguard or felhunter tends to be the best demonology pet.


All right, so I've been thinking about changes Blizz needs to do for elemental talents for shamans, and I've got a list:
1) Make the elemental focus talent give free healing spells, too.
2) Add +crit with healing spells back in to the call of thunder talent (it used to do this in the original beta).
3) Change Eye of the Storm into a 35/70% chance to be uninterrupted while casting lightning bolt/chain lightning. It's pretty clear in the expansion that elemental shamans are meant to spam lightning bolt/CL, but eye of the storm is the only way to get that now and it blows, horribly.
4) Reduce Unrelenting Storm to 3 ranks, but keep it at 10% int as mp/5, to put it in line with Dreamstate.
5) To help play up the hybrid nature, replace elemental fury with a new weapon buff.
New weapon buff - Thunderbrand weapon
Adds 25% of your spell damage/healing to your melee attacks as nature damage, and while this buff is on, your spell crits will deal 100% additional damage.
6) Move totem of wrath up to the same tier as elemental mastery. It's really not good enough to be a 41 point talent, BUT it's a pretty good talent. I'd rank it as good as elemental mastery now, hence the reason for it to be moved up.
7) Up the % chance for lightning overload to proc. That 5% basically never happens.
8) Replace elemental shields with a talent similar to lunar guidance for balance druids - 3 points, 25% of int added as spell damage. Elemental shields sucks, and every other hybrid's caster tree has a % int added to spell damage talent.
9) A few different 41 point talent suggestions: A) Earthquake. Channeled AOE nature damage over 6 seconds, 30 second cooldown, does about the damage of 2 blizzards, has about the mana cost of rain of fire. May stun and disarm targets for 3 seconds. B) Lightning Shock. Another pure nature damage shock, but it either stuns for 3 seconds or does additional mana burn (i.e. rank 1 would be 300 nature damage and 300 mana burn, doing 50% of the mana burned as damage).

That's really all I can think of right now. I'm hoping blizzard takes some of these suggestions and puts them into the expansion in some form, since as it is elemental is a complete joke. I'm sure the whole list sounds overpowered, and it's not like I expect them to put ANY of these in... but I'm hoping they can at least put in a few things off this list. Especially the elemental focus, eye of the storm and totem of wrath changes.


ToyMachine228 said:
Just got my new rig and after working 8-6 I come home, put it all together, get it firing, install WoW, and download a patch...Figured it'd be 2.0.1. Nope it was 1.12, which is now upgrading to 2.0.1. So I've been waiting like 3 hours to try WoW out on my new beastly machine...The agony!

ummmm u ever think about downloading the patch from somewhere else?

blizzard's downloader sucks

my guild used to always post the patches online for fast downloads :)


firex said:
It's just a super PW:S, so it won't block stuns - just damage.
Yeah, but it doesn't even seem to block magical damage....kinda crappy, as far as shields go.

The imp is cool because I can re-summon if he gets killed w/o wasting a shard.....but all the little bugger does is burn through mana. Since I'm Affliction spec, I kind of need something that won't waste all its mana......the VW is nice because it almost always has a full bar at the end of a fight, and I can steal it with Dark Pact. Plus it's useful for interrupting flag taps.


Does reputation within battlegrounds serve any purpose now? It seems I can buy any of the items as long as I have the appropriate number of marks and honor. Maybe I'm missing something..
border said:
Yeah, but it doesn't even seem to block magical damage....kinda crappy, as far as shields go.

The imp is cool because I can re-summon if he gets killed w/o wasting a shard.....but all the little bugger does is burn through mana. Since I'm Affliction spec, I kind of need something that won't waste all its mana......the VW is nice because it almost always has a full bar at the end of a fight, and I can steal it with Dark Pact. Plus it's useful for interrupting flag taps.

Succi is all you need in BGs, regardless of spec imo. Can seduce to either save your ass or get a free casting interruption, has good dps, and can go invisible for easy capping interruption.

The VW shield is nice when you know you aren't going to live long, like playing D in AV. It's just a shield though, all it does is absorb direct damage.


SyNapSe said:
Does reputation within battlegrounds serve any purpose now? It seems I can buy any of the items as long as I have the appropriate number of marks and honor. Maybe I'm missing something..
AV at least is awesome, cause if you hit exalted then all the turnins give you generic horde rep. See: SoG's pic where he hits exalted with Silvermoon.


Q u o t e:
Info taken from worldofraids.com forums.


-Cost of Silencing shot also reduced (from 123 to 92).
-Pet Speed Normalized. All Pets have a 2.0 attack Speed.
-Several Pet Abilities' Icon have changed.
-Mana cost of Mutli-Shot Reduced (To Pre-2.0.1 costs)
-No Casting Animation on Hunters mark.
-Pet Revival now has a "whoooise light from above" animation at its end.

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