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World of Warcraft

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The Burning Steppes is my new farming spot. I can make about 15g an hour not counting the money I get from selling the Dark Iron scraps which have doubled in price after the patch.


I farm Lord Incendius in BRD. He always drops a blue that can be disenchanted for a large brilliant shard that goes for 6g on my server. As a warlock, you can solo farm him 5 times an hour (only really takes 30min) for a cool 30g (not to mention heart of fires and essence of fires drop too)


The thing that still annoys me is how crappy shaman skills are overall in the expansion. Water shield is a pretty awesome grinding skill, and it's not terrible (but not great) in 5 mans. But I can see it being nearly worthless in raids... the ONLY spec I can see benefiting from it is an enhance shaman simply because they might get hit by cleave abilities. And it's just not good enough in pvp, either. I haven't leveled enough to get the summon totems (and I won't until the expansion goes live), but apparently the only good one is the fire elemental, and none of them are worth the 20 minute cooldown according to people who've gotten them. It's the same case with bloodlust/heroism - great spell, but the cooldown is insanely long. If they cut it to 5 minutes it'd be better, and might even be in line with the pally 5 minute cooldowns!

And really, elemental just sucks so bad. It seemed ok at first for grinding - it's definitely a decent grinding build simply because you will not get resists on mobs +2 or +3 levels of you. But totem of wrath is basically as good as moonkin aura, for 10 more talent points, and there's just a ton of flaws in the talents overall. Enhancement isn't all it's cracked up to be, either - it definitely does a lot of DPS compared to every other build, but you compete directly with hunters, who have FAR superior DPS, for armor, and warriors/rogues for weapons. And, for the most part a ret paladin will out-DPS an enhance shaman. Plus the enhance/elemental sets just aren't itemized as good as they could be. A lot of shamans who've leveled to 70 have said that if they take the elemental gear that drops, they actually LOSE int, and therefore get less out of unrelenting storm.

So... I'm glad they're adding BE paladins to the horde in the expansion, since it looks like that'll be my new main instead of my shaman.


jesus, that's insane. Of course, we don't really know if it's an attunement everyone needs, or just one person... but the description makes it sound like something everyone needs.

At least repping up with some of those mentioned factions isn't too hard.


Everytime I launch, the Launcher tells me that there is patch data waiting to be downloaded.....but when I exit the game the Pre-Patch downloader doesn't start. Anyone else having the same issue?


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Yeah I'm copping that patch downloader thing too. I just cancel it and will grab a direct link to the patch later on if something happens.

Anyway just need to ask a question for those in beta.

Few casual friends of mine just don't have the time for the PVP gear and have consequently "quit" WoW due to it. They're more worried about getting their arse-kicked PVE wise when they hit Outlands. Can we expect some pretty good quest reward items as soon as we step through the Portal?


I'd seriously say that most of the Hellfire quest reward greens are better than t1. That's more because they're basically itemized just about perfectly - stam, agi/int, str (for the DPS plate rewards), and AP/crit/hit rating or the spell equivalents, along with mp/5. There's also a level 63 or 65 elite quest (I forget which) that gives blue shoulders that, at least for casters, were stastistically better than nemesis. I forget the stats on the other shoulders, but I'll go look it up on thottbot. And the 63 elite quest is actually easy to solo... it's pretty deceptive, but the elites will weaken down to normal mobs if you just let them spawn enough weaker followers and take those out. Probably not doable by anyone, but I could do them on my shaman/warlock pretty easily. I didn't even know they got weakened on my lock though. They're basically giants who spawn "shardlings" and if they spawn enough shardlings, they go from elite giants to normal mobs. And when you kill them and loot them clean, you can mine their corpses for extra trash!

That's another cool thing I forgot about: a lot of Outland mobs are "skinnable" by more professions than skinning. I mean, plant elementals can be picked by herbalists for some extra trash loot (and a turnin for cenarion expedition quests), and there's those giants that can be mined. It doesn't apply to every mob, but it's a cool little addition to help them despawn and respawn faster.

e: here's the quest with the blue rewards, there's another one where you can choose a wand, bow, or totem/idol/libram reward. http://www.thottbot.com/beta?qu=10134
Yea, I took some pics of some of the quest rewards. I posted a link to a zip file full of pics here about a week ago. They give you some kick-ass greens and blues as quest rewards around Honor Point. That's the first Alliance town in Outland.

People shouldn't be worried about getting their asses kicked. They should really be grouping up though. It'll make things much easier. Even small guilds can do this. Just about everyone is 60 already and will be wanting to do the same thing when BC is released. Why try and solo everything when you can grab a guildie to come along?


I agree that grouping is better than soloing in Outland, especially since they lowered the xp cap recently. I hope it stays this low, despite the catasses on the beta forums complaining that the pace is "thrown off" because it's "too fast/easy" now. Jesus, blizz would've been better off letting people who play this game like 15 hours a week and don't raid at all beta the expansion instead of letting in all of the ubernerd guilds that Tigole and Furor love so much. At least their whining isn't affecting the game that much, but it is really funny to read threads like "hay ive maxed every rep in Outland what am i supposed 2 do while waiting for raids to start since i dont like pvp" or "why did you make leveling faster, getting to 70 should feel like a monumental accomplishment that took years of your life."

It's really no wonder Blizz made the raid game cater to the EQ retards out there, since they're the ones who want to play punishment instead of fun.


Has problems recognising girls
Ok cool, grabbing that picture pack now.

One of the guys in the guild suggested yesterday that we should all be grouping for the grind and everyone was in agreement. Even though we're a smallish guild (around 10-20 active) we still strive to just have fun and not take things too seriously.


I'm probably going to join a similar size guild when the expansion drops. My current guild's way too big and I'd say it's likely it will splinter off into at least 3 guilds.


Yeah our guild is about 20 people right now, we've been part of a larger raiding alliance for all the 40-man content. With the expansion that alliance is shattering so we'll probably get a few of the good folks there to join up. Luckily our guild is quite well balanced on warriors/priests/druids so we can just get utility palyers or off-specs to join up:)
Here are some more pics. I think the ring dropped off a mob.







And those quest rewards are available (with a different name) for the horde, since I have the mail boots there on my shaman. Both that quest I linked and the one I mentioned that gives a ranged item are Cenarion Expedition quests, so anyone can get them. I really like the idea of a libram/totem/relic reward, since most of those items currently in the game are either expensive world drops, or raid drops, or are otherwise annoying to get.


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I showed one of my friends (who had quit a few days prior) that Libram quest reward since he's a Druid and his hiatus from WoW ended in 2 days :p

Those mail boots are awesome and would go perfectly with my Shaman if it weren't for the HWL pair I got a week or two back.


I have a 60 mage already and I'm trying to level up a warrior to 60 to have another option to play in BC next month. Can anyone give suggestions on how to talent spec a warrior for the quickest/easiest lvling to 40/60? I'm currently lvl 16 and have dropped everything into Arms (3/3 Improved Rend, 2/5 Parry, 2/2 Improved Charge)...


fury is probably best for lvling

go down cruelty, uw, imp bs, enrage, flurry, dw, etc...

your rage generation will be better, and will limit your downtime when lvling up

lvling up arms is pretty inefficient, i wouldnt even consider respeccing towards arms until like lvl 45-46, so you can get mortal strike and 5/5 cruelty


I agree that fury is good until at least 40, but if you have a lot of good 2h weapons for your warrior then I would just stick with arms. fury is awesome, but it's also more expensive in my experience because you'll have to have 2 good weapons vs just 1.

Lazy Z

Fury is really good for leveling yes, but if you can get somebody to help you get something like the Whirlwind Axe at 30, or the the Bonebiter axe from the Scarlet Monastery quest at 34, then you could try an Arms build too.

If you can get a weapon like that in your 30's and then spec Arms with Poleaxe specialization you should have no problems with questing/grinding. And then at 43 you could get an Executioner's Cleaver, another axe perfect for an MS build, and you'd be set until your early 50's. The Cleaver shouldn't cost you much, I got mine for 20 gold about a year ago.

Cooking is always a good idea if you're leveling a warrior, for minimum downtime and stamina boosts.

Not sure how good a Fury build with these two-handers would be for leveling, though. It could be better, but I never tried 2H Fury while leveling my warrior...


He's not the playable draenei, though. Seriously, the playable draenei are retarded looking. It's like if Tauren mated with squids, without the soul-devouring, insanity-causing awesomeness of C'thulu. Of course, I don't mind how the BEs look because of Cam Clarke voicing the males!

The BE mounts look retarded, and the race's animations aren't ultra-masculine like every other race in the game that's not gnomes, but I really think it works out better. I'd much rather have BEs than Draenei after playing both races. Though I guess I should work on the 10-20 zone for Draenei and see if it's as horrible as their starting zone.
I like the BEs alot. Everything about them is ridiculous. The males look like they've got a pair of dipends on at all time, and their arms are just terrible looking. Blizz really nailed the whole animu thing too, I honestly can't tell the difference between male and female BE npcs until they start speaking. The females are absurd too, with a ludicrous jumping animation and the best bow firing animation ever.
They barely lift the bow and fire straight into the ground.
I freaking love my chocobos too, trolls look great on them.

Draenei are okay, nothing special though. About as retarded as the tauren.


I'm at 49 now, and taking some time off to fill up my inventory with WSG/AB tokens. Need Warlock advice though:

So far I've had people tell me to respec to Felguard at 50 for faster leveling, and people telling me to respec to Unstable Affliction for faster leveling. Which is better? Does it make much of a difference?

Are there any particular caster/warlock items and quests I should be seeking out on this final grind to 60? Since I'm Affliction, I'm heavily geared towards damage gear right now.


firex said:
It's like if Tauren mated with squids, without the soul-devouring, insanity-causing awesomeness of C'thulu.
Well, nothing's as awesome as C'thulu. Honestly, I see "Tauren mated with squids" as a good thing. But meh, just me I guess. I think elves are ugly and boring for the most part, which seems to disagree with most of the WoW population.

Son of Godzilla said:
About as retarded as the tauren.
I will skull **** you. -_-


well, admittedly, Draenei do kind of feel like they should be a horde race - in game they feel completely half-assed, they look dumb, and their quests generally consist of collecting 5 bear asses that are a rarer drop than boe epics.

but it's just something you've got to see to believe! If the alliance were getting The Broken instead of the out-of-nowhere "these guys have been around since the beginning of warcraft, we just didn't want to mention them until now" Draenei, I'd be a lot more pissed. Broken are cool, regular Draenei are basically just the same kind of crappy, half-assed design horde's gotten since the original beta.

The only thing I don't like about BEs is it's hitting you over the head just how evil they are, and I preferred the gray area where neither faction was evil. Oh well, at least storywise the alliance are still huge assholes.
border said:
I'm at 49 now, and taking some time off to fill up my inventory with WSG/AB tokens. Need Warlock advice though:

So far I've had people tell me to respec to Felguard at 50 for faster leveling, and people telling me to respec to Unstable Affliction for faster leveling. Which is better? Does it make much of a difference?

Are there any particular caster/warlock items and quests I should be seeking out on this final grind to 60? Since I'm Affliction, I'm heavily geared towards damage gear right now.

I did my final 59->60 leveling and a bit of 58 the night the patch got released, I managed to get it done in three hours. Heavy Affl is crazy for grinding, and I don't see any way Demo can come close. Just dot, fear, tap/pact, and move on to next mob. When they come struggling back to you send succi to auto attack em and drain soul for the mana boost. Instant Howl is as much protection as you'll ever need. I remember when I was leveling I actually had to destroy a ton of shards cuz I never used em and was spamming drain soul so much.
fallout said:
Well, nothing's as awesome as C'thulu. Honestly, I see "Tauren mated with squids" as a good thing. But meh, just me I guess. I think elves are ugly and boring for the most part, which seems to disagree with most of the WoW population.

I will skull **** you. -_-

If the draenei managed to come close to a fraction of C'thulu coolness it'd be a different story, but there's no way. The tentacles just look like a lame blue beard and just about everything about them is obnoxious, from their stupid VA to their overblown animations and posturing to how every single NPC beats you over the head with how holy and devout these stupid looking squidbillies are.
The Christian overtones of the Draenei are a bit much but, I like their starting area and I like their mounts too. I think I'll just work for Exodar rep to get a mount rather than rolling one though. I've already played through the Alliance side too many times. I like everything about the BE a lot better. I'm definitely making one, maybe two.


Son of Godzilla said:
If the draenei managed to come close to a fraction of C'thulu coolness it'd be a different story, but there's no way.
*nod* ... I can understand that. I guess I'm just bitter about getting stuck with elves. I guess it'll be nice to see some well-planned architecture and quests.


I still absolutely love the BE zones. Most fun starting zone and 10-20 zone I've ever played. I don't care how laggy it will be on launch, I am definitely leveling up in ghostlands for that awesome faction and its awesome rewards.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
The only thing I don't like about BEs is it's hitting you over the head just how evil they are, and I preferred the gray area where neither faction was evil. Oh well, at least storywise the alliance are still huge assholes.
The Forsaken are on the same level of evil I think.. they just like to keep the flames low about it - heck even the Tauren Grimtotem clan are buddy-buddy with the Forsaken and the rest of the Tauren clans are worried about it. The slightly small but significant stuff that is contained in the game about the Forsaken and their attitudes towards not only their own faction, but the opposite as well, is kinda creepy; Forsaken exiles at the ruins of Dalaran with their notes about why they escaped Undercity, for example.

That and the fact that Sylvanas might have found where the three enslaved Old Gods are. Imagine her controlling three beings similar to C'thun :lol
Maybe one of you guys can help me. I've been searching for a detailed picture of Frostmourne. The sword that Arthas obtains in WarCraft 3. Whether it be official, or fan-art it doesn't matter to me I just need a good picture. If anyone could help that'd be great.


Son of Godzilla said:
I did my final 59->60 leveling and a bit of 58 the night the patch got released, I managed to get it done in three hours. Heavy Affl is crazy for grinding, and I don't see any way Demo can come close. Just dot, fear, tap/pact, and move on to next mob. When they come struggling back to you send succi to auto attack em and drain soul for the mana boost.
How do people grind using fear? Doesn't that generally result in getting a ton of adds? I've been fine drain-tanking.....send suc in first, add 2 dots, Shadowbolt to gain aggro, Drain-Life/Soul until death as the mob flails at you......more Shadowbolt if Nightfall procs.


ToyMachine228 said:
Maybe one of you guys can help me. I've been searching for a detailed picture of Frostmourne. The sword that Arthas obtains in WarCraft 3. Whether it be official, or fan-art it doesn't matter to me I just need a good picture. If anyone could help that'd be great.
Google Image Search...


Really? The pics aren't spectacular but I dunno if they are gonna get much better. You didn't like some of the artwork from WoWWiki?
border said:
Really? The pics aren't spectacular but I dunno if they are gonna get much better. You didn't like some of the artwork from WoWWiki?

Well I need a detailed pic that shows the entire sword. I am considering getting it for a tattoo on my arm so that's why I need the entire sword.
border said:
How do people grind using fear? Doesn't that generally result in getting a ton of adds? I've been fine drain-tanking.....send suc in first, add 2 dots, Shadowbolt to gain aggro, Drain-Life/Soul until death as the mob flails at you......more Shadowbolt if Nightfall procs.

Eh, it depends. Most the time mobs will be so spaced out or there will be terrain issues that if you wait till they are almost on top of you to get the fear off they won't run to anyone. Other times they will run into mobs and not aggro em. I think what happens is if you get two different species mob they won't aggro each other if they simply run near while feared. You've got to actively attack the mob while its near a different species mob to have the other aggro. Of course I think most same species will aggro from proximity, but I'm not entirely sure. And still other times you can predict which mob it is going to aggro and just pick it to be the next to get dot+feared. If you start to get overwhelmed you can have succi offtank it for a while or seduce it or bust out a Howl or DC or drain tank or just plain run away.

It goes absurdly fast, and after I started doing it I couldn't go back to drain tanking for the life of me. There's something just absurdly fun about taking on so many mobs so quickly.


Sounds sweet -- how much damage gear were you wearing when doing your final grind? I'm at ~156 Shadow, ~120 generic damage.

I liked killing two mobs at once back when I was in my teens....when the Voidwalker could actually hold aggro on a fully dotted mob. Looking forward to trying out whatever it's called that you were doing....


It's probably just my hype for the expansion, since it's only a couple weeks away... but I can't seem to play the regular game now.

I have done a little bit of leveling on a draenei shaman I made in the beta, just to make sure if their quests ALL suck, or just the starting stuff... and I've got to say I just don't like them much. The zone is pretty atrociously laid out, and while the BE quests aren't that special, the draenei environments are so ****ing bland... The actual towns aren't so bad, along with ONE location in the entire zone, but it's pretty half-assed so far. There's just one questline I liked and it's led to the only really entertaining part of the zone - a furbolg village. Well, ok, I liked the fedex quest where you get to "borrow" an epic mount, but just because it removed the boredom of trudging through that terribly huge zone. The BE starting zone isn't much better in that regard, except that it feels a lot more vibrant and interesting.

I just haven't had much fun playing Draenei. They feel somehow even less worked on than the non-BE horde races. I mean, Azuremyst Isle to me is almost like Durotar, except with less content and more running. In a way, I like this - not because I enjoy it at all, but now, finally the alliance gets to feel what it's been like to play horde since launch.

Also the Draenei shaman totem quests are really hit and miss. The earth one is cool and definitely more fun than either the tauren or orc/troll quest. The fire one? Somehow it's WORSE than the horde fire totem quest. Easier, no doubt, but worse. You don't get sent off to a remote location (and you can complete another quest or three while doing the first part of it) but the second part is essentially the infuriating slap in the face that the horde typically gets with their quests - you literally get sent to the other edge of the zone, as far away from the quest giver as possible. At least you get an item to teleport back to the quest giver when it's done.

I'll see how Bloodmyst Isle turns out, cause early on it doesn't seem bad. Especially since there's more than enough doable content to get up to level 12 in Azuremyst. I'm 99.9% sure it can't top Ghostlands, though... that's just a flat out awesomely designed zone with huge payoff and a great sense of accomplishment when you're done working there, plus incredible rewards.


I like how all of them look, and due to my being shallow, that's all I really care about!

Oh, and music, I love the BE starting area music.
Was just looking at the Jewelcrafting stuff on Thottbot. Turns out all those stupid low level gems from Mines that I've been saving will pay off.
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