I would do 2 things: do your dreadsteed quest for 150 riding skill, and save up a bunch of gold. Also, you could honor farm to get some gear, but I wouldn't worry too much. My shaman has like, 3 epics (all from MC) and the rest of his gear is crafted, or from the elements set, or from a lot lower instance (like my helm, which is horns of eranikus from ST) and I can grind fine in the beta. I think the difficulty of outland has been way overstated by people, because grinding is easy with a lot of blues from instances. And for the most part, the only gear that won't get replaced by around level 63 or so is AQ40 or Naxx gear. Unless you can just jump right in to a guild that farms BWL and get free tier 2 easily, honor grinding is the way to go for gearing up for the expansion.