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World of Warcraft

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yeah, just kinda planned on getting rid of my desktop, then i started playing WoW again...and that may not be an option anymore :p.

PvE would play fine on it im sure, but PvP im not sure sure about. the processor is more than enough, and id be willing to drop another gig into it to get the full 2gigs of ram....but im just not sure if a GMA 950 can render PvP fast enough.

can only be that Laptop too, thats the one i can get for "free" from work (i have to choose between that laptop, and a KDF46E2000 TV). WoW doesnt need a lot of power, if it was pure PvE, and even 25 people Raids, i dont think i would have a problem, 40 man raids now get a little choppy on my PC now, so a little choppy on 25 man raids would bother me. i dont even need to run everything at Full....not much less than full of course, but wouldnt need to be full draw distance and stuff like that.


A mild diversion into Theorycraft: In Warlock v Hunter, which class is considered to have the advantage? What about Warlock v Shadow Priest?
"A mild diversion into Theorycraft: In Warlock v Hunter, which class is considered to have the advantage?"

Hunter. With some luck and smart play, a warlock can stay in the hunter dead zone while dots tick away and pet beats up on the hunter, but out of all match ups, hunters are the toughest challenge.

"What about Warlock v Shadow Priest?"

This is just a rough generalization, but it's basically this:

Affliction/Destro lock with Succ >> Non-BM Hunter >> Lock without Succi out
Demo lock > BM Hunter > A/D Lock

Some room for variation if one of them are morons, but that's basically how it works. 1 on 1 A/D locks with succi out can chain CC hunters to hell and stay in deadzone with ease if they have succi out. If they don't they'll probably die before they can do anything. And most demo locks are too attached to that stupid felgaurd to use succi.
Teknopathetic said:
"A mild diversion into Theorycraft: In Warlock v Hunter, which class is considered to have the advantage?"

Hunter. With some luck and smart play, a warlock can stay in the hunter dead zone while dots tick away and pet beats up on the hunter, but out of all match ups, hunters are the toughest challenge.

"What about Warlock v Shadow Priest?"


I've won mano y mano vs. Felhunter/Unstable/Spelllocked/LoLYour****edHealerDude spec before, but most are nasty and I only waste their time and mana.


Teknopathetic said:
"A mild diversion into Theorycraft: In Warlock v Hunter, which class is considered to have the advantage?"

Hunter. With some luck and smart play, a warlock can stay in the hunter dead zone while dots tick away and pet beats up on the hunter, but out of all match ups, hunters are the toughest challenge.

"What about Warlock v Shadow Priest?"


Yo Tre, I know you still play, and I don't know if Evilore does still too, but I am looking to get back in for Burning Crusade and was wondering what server you play on...? Also, Alliance or Horde...? I'd like to play with you dudes instead of random ****ers.
"Yo Tre, I know you still play, and I don't know if Evilore does still too, but I am looking to get back in for Burning Crusade and was wondering what server you play on...? Also, Alliance or Horde...? I'd like to play with you dudes instead of random ****ers."

Gilneas - Horde, just like way back :p.


Can anyone recommend a good grinding spot for my last 5 levels? Maybe I'm just overreacting after a bad afternoon, but it seems like all the high-level areas are teeming with douchebag Alliance gankers. I'm looking for an area with low-HP mobs that are not resistant/immune to Fear, and won't aggro other mobs while Feared. Preferably someplace off-the-beaten path that doesn't see a lot of Ally traffic.

I'm hoping someone here can remember where they went to power-through the final levels of progression. Winterspring and Azshara sound like the best bets, it's just a matter of where to find all the weak mobs.


azshara is awesome if you just want to grind. but if you can find a decent group I'd do BRD. WS/felwood have a good bunch of quests and grinding too.


Has problems recognising girls
border said:
Winterspring and Azshara sound like the best bets, it's just a matter of where to find all the weak mobs.
I grinded my last 3 levels in Winterspring, hitting on the Owlbeasts. There's not many people there and if you do see them, most of them are botters.
So I've been gathering up some stuff to use to power level Jewelcrafting.


Then transferred over to Beta to give it a shot and...



JC's got to be the most obnoxious prof to level ever because of how damn random prospecting is.

Also, bird's the word:



I actually didn't rely much on prospecting on my BE pally, and that was just off copper and tin! I just don't think it's worth it usually, although I guess it couldn't hurt with thorium after awhile.

I mined like 100 copper ore and saved jewels/copper bars on alts for months, too.


Wow Lingo help. What in world is a "rec server"? Both my friend and I could not figure out what folks were talking about. Could only guess it has something to do with server being 2 days old.

Oh random invites drive me insane. Doesnt anyone communicate in this game? Im minding my own business and I swear every ten mins Im getting invites with no explaination.:lol
firex said:
I actually didn't rely much on prospecting on my BE pally, and that was just off copper and tin! I just don't think it's worth it usually, although I guess it couldn't hurt with thorium after awhile.

I mined like 100 copper ore and saved jewels/copper bars on alts for months, too.

Yea you don't need that many gems at all till 120ish, but once you get to 270 everything reqs 1 or 2 goddamn lvl 60 gems. You need 20 emeralds to get from 290 to 300 on orange recipes, and diamonds and sapphs and opals to get that high.

I prospected ALL that thorium ore (295) and got 8 emeralds. That's about the same droprate the outlands gems dropped at. It's terrible because at 290 all the diamon/opal/saph shit turns yellow and you need the emeralds.


jeez, that's awful. I'm probably going to be screwed after awhile then, since most of the gems I have are mid level stuff. Tons of citrine/aquamarine/etc. and I think a couple blue sapphires, maybe an azerothian diamond or huge emerald or two.
Aquamarine is another one of those must have gems. Something like 30 to get from 210 to 220 and 5 more to get to 225. Citrine isn't used that much, I actually ended up with more than I started with.

I'm sure that it's much kinder to level as you yourself level, but some of the requirements are just kinda hilariously random. I used like 100 heart of the wilds, a bunch of elementals, and freakin troll mojo.

I'd say as far as gems go moss agates, jades, and aquamarines are used alot. And maybe 20 of the low level gems like citrine and tigerseye. And then the high level bullshit. It's actually not *that* hard to get to 290 assuming you bring enough stuff to prospect. Even mithril spits out diamonds on occasion. But you either need a bunch of diamonds/saphs/opals to burn on yellow recipes or the stupid 20 emeralds.


Alex said:
Is BC in stores the 16th or ships on the 16th?

Well it seems that it's going to be delivered by the 16th so I'd assume it'll be in stores on the 17th, almost all the big stores will be open at midnight though for it:)
sorry stupid question, trying to get on the PTR again for this new patch, but when i DL and install this new patch, and everything says its ok....when i use the launcher and click on the Public Test button, it still takes me to the webpage =/

help me make it work :'(


Nobiru said:
sorry stupid question, trying to get on the PTR again for this new patch, but when i DL and install this new patch, and everything says its ok....when i use the launcher and click on the Public Test button, it still takes me to the webpage =/

help me make it work :'(

Are you in the Beta? I'm pretty sure the normal PTR isn't up now, there's no patch to test.
"Are you in the Beta? I'm pretty sure the normal PTR isn't up now, there's no patch to test."

PTR's up with 2.0.3 (has some of the talent changes and junk).


The logon server is going to explode, killing a few and injuring many in the process come the 16th. Should be madness.

I put my pre-order down a few weeks ago. Can't wait to try 'er out.


Could someone give me a link or direction to look for that old carrier quest to get animals to increase your loot drops? I imagine they still have these? I remember buying one once at auction but with a new server I would have to do quest to earn this on my own i would think.


They had the BC expansion up in the Blizzard store yesterday. It said if you ordered it by the 8th, it would be deleviered by the 16th. Too bad the store sold out in a couple of hours. :(

I need to make sure to activate my account in the next week while I can actually access the account page. Blizzard even sent out emails recommending that. :lol

Dear Adventurer,

While you've been away, something monumental has been happening in the World of Warcraft®. Beyond the Dark Portal, the sinister agents of the Burning Legion have been waging their demonic crusade to consume the magic of the universe and lay waste to all in their path. On January 16th, their Burning Crusade will come to Azeroth.

Blizzard Entertainment proudly invites you to return to the World of Warcraft on January 16th and journey beyond the Dark Portal, where an infinity of new experiences await you. Given the high volume of returning subscribers we expect when The Burning Crusade™ expansion goes live, if you are planning a return to Azeroth, we recommend reactivating your account as soon as possible in order to avoid the expected rush of launch-day activations.


I bought Grimoire of Tainted Blood Rank 4 for my Felhunter, but when I try to teach it to him I get a message that says "Your pet cannot learn any more skills". WTF? Anyone else run into this?


border said:
I bought Grimoire of Tainted Blood Rank 4 for my Felhunter, but when I try to teach it to him I get a message that says "Your pet cannot learn any more skills". WTF? Anyone else run into this?
Are you level 56? I think it required level 56


Hunter pets are being normalized correct? That means there is no reason for BE hunter during launch to try to run to mulgor and get the rake besides the appearnces correct? Would a BE use a bow like NE instead of gun? Hearing hundreds of gunshots go off in hour on my dwarf hunter got very annoying to me.

P.S. If my post count is reaching the annoying take heart that I post in splurts and then vanish for long stretchs.


yeah, hunter pets all get normalized to 2.0 speed. Personally I'd want a dragonhawk for a BE hunter anyway since they get an awesome racial skill. Anyway, BEs either start with bows or crossbows, I forget which. probably bows.


trilobyte said:
Are you level 56? I think it required level 56
Yes, I just turned 56....I buy all pet skills as soon as they're available, even for the pets I haven't used in 30 levels.

It allows me to cast the "Learn Tainted Blood" spell, but after the cast time goes off I get the "Your Pet Can't Learn Any More Skills" message.


Your Felpup is retarded. :( Just pop off a message to a GM, I'm sure they'll fix it, I had a problem fairly akin to that once with my Succubus. I leveled up and she did not.


So my first attempt at the fishing tournament went fairly well today. Got 33/40 before the thing ended. I probably would have won if we didn't get rolled by the massive group of alliance protecting the player that won.

Ah well, next week.
border said:
Yes, I just turned 56....I buy all pet skills as soon as they're available, even for the pets I haven't used in 30 levels.

It allows me to cast the "Learn Tainted Blood" spell, but after the cast time goes off I get the "Your Pet Can't Learn Any More Skills" message.

Yup this is a known issue but still open a ticket so they get it done.


border said:
Yes, I just turned 56....I buy all pet skills as soon as they're available, even for the pets I haven't used in 30 levels.

It allows me to cast the "Learn Tainted Blood" spell, but after the cast time goes off I get the "Your Pet Can't Learn Any More Skills" message.
Yeah I heard someone in Org complaining about their pet not being able to learn spells either. Open ticket.
So me and my guildies and an allied guild decided (knowing full well the guards had been buff), decided to try to kill Staghelm. I'd never seen so many treants and sentinels in one room in my life...


Welcome to my life for the past 3 months. Every day from 6-12 EST there is a queue of anywhere from 200-600, taking up to 40 minutes to log on. It's getting ridiculous. Right now I've been waiting for 20 minutes and I'm sitting at 329. Yay.
I dunno wtf I should be doing on wow now. I'm on the server demon soul which is pretty low pop. It takes forever to just get a group for scholo or strat.. I'm a 60 lock and just finished my epic mount quest. My guild is mostly lowbies still and I have no idea what there is to do now =\ I hate this server but the transfer cost is nuts.


Well, I send a ticket to the GMs about being unable to learn Tainted Blood Rank 4.....and no help. Apparently they know about the problem, but as of right now there is nothing that they can do about it.


What a bunch of bullshit. I guess my optimistic nature and thinking things improved failed here, sorry Border, well, thats now being revoked!

'Spose things will never change. The day I actually hear a GM say that they *can* do something to help a person with any consistancy, even on totally legit, easy to fix shit, I personally expect hell to freeze over, pigs to start flying, etc and so on and so forth all simultaneously.

I've probably filed at least two dozen tickets in two years, and I think the only one they did anything about was my aforementioned succubus bug and I had to go off on an absolute tangent to get it done, since they didn't fix any of my "stuck" problems on my Hunter which caused me to quit it early on in the games life.

It was easy to excuse a lot of it at the dawn of the games life, but now, meh. It's just getting tiresome.

I rememebr all the glitches with crafting getting stuck, pet problems, stat issues, skill issues, all the simple things really, they'd fix one for you about as often as you finding a pot of gold under a blue moon wrapped in golden tickets. And you know damn well they can do basically whatever they like and they dont even try, really. WoW has made really good progress in a lot of areas, it's a great game, but GMs and service in general is still some of the worst I can think of, and I've played way too many of these suckers.



Alex said:
you know damn well they can do basically whatever they like and they dont even try.
This is true beyond words. Anyone who has ever been or had a friend who was a GM on a private server knows what I mean. The sky is literally the limit. It amazes me how worthless they are with their bullshit rules.

I'm pretty happy with where I am right now. A month ago my friend gave me a Rogue in 8/8 Shadowcraft. Since then I've managed to up my AP from 650 to 930, about 800 more HP, 6% more crit, and 5% more chance to hit. I'm not looking forward to losing Cloak Of Shadows until level 66, but I guess that's just more motivation for me to level.


yeah, there's a guy in my guild who got a job as a GM for blizzard a few months ago, and apparently their hiring standards are absolutely pathetic. You don't really need anything other than an internet connection (literally, they don't require a HS diploma or anything), and you work slave-like hours. Like they're expecting 3 months minimum of mandatory overtime when the expansion drops and they work 40 hours/week minimum, usually a lot more. So the service is bad because the GMs are a mix of retards and halfwits, and they're all overworked.


basically my defunct old guild rerolled thursday or friday on one of the new servers they opened this weekend

<Ruin> [H] - Tortheldrin

i rolled a female orc hunter

i'm up to lvl 22 with 19 hours played so far, i think im hitting a pretty good clip lvling, i dont think im going to run any instances until after i hit 60 to maybe gear up a bit, im gonna stick to quests and grinding mobs, lvling a hunter is so EZmode tho, i can take on mobs that are at least 5-6 lvls above me
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