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World of Warcraft

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So is 41-points in Affliction still worth it, for grinding? This seems like the kind of nerf I never probably would have noticed if I hadn't heard about it, but now that I've heard I'm immensely annoyed :lol


WTF? I didn't even know a patch was coming out.

Blacksmithing/Leatherworking specialization has changed with specialization providing recipes to make powerful items that only you can wear. You can now unlearn a blacksmithing or leatherworking specialization and learn a different one by finding the appropriate NPC, paying the fee to unlearn your old specialization, and then find the new specialist to learn a new one. Also, all of the old blacksmithing/leatherworking recipes that required specialization no longer require it and can be learned by any blacksmith/leatherworker.

WOO! going to armorsmith I think....
fallout said:
Oh god, Blasted Lands is a ****ing warzone. Huge battle at the Dark Portal, little skirmishes everywhere. And to top it all off, all our raid UIs are messed up.

"I think I saw Kruul"

"More Dread Knights; assist green"


:lol :lol :lol
HELP :( :lol

So today I was exploring the Redridge Mountains and came across the Burning Steppe. I ventured JUST close enough to arrgo one of the huge stone monster things, and he wound up stunning and killing me. So I figured **** it, I'll rez in the graveyard instead of coming back here to find my body and possibly being killed again. But when my spirit was released I wasn't in the Lakeshire graveyard; I was in a graveyard deeper inside the Burning Steppe; I can't remember the name of where I am exactly, but I need help getting out. Everytime I tried running a huge monster would kill me in a couple hits. Hell I don't even have to be near them; they come out of nowhere.

All my armor is in the red now, and I don't know what to do. I don't have any stones that could teleport me. What should I do?


SatelliteOfLove said:
"I think I saw Kruul"

"More Dread Knights; assist green"


:lol :lol :lol
We were getting destroyed earlier. The Alliance had the entrance to Blasted Lands from Swamp of Sorrows pretty much barricaded when I logged. Fun times though, wouldn't have it any other way (with the exception of us winning).


I went out to the Dark Portal, and thankfully the Horde had the whole area on lockdown. There is a quest you can do there that is relatively easy -- kill 6 Invading Felguards. The only trick is to tag them before someone else does. If the Argent Dawn NPCs murder one that you tagged, you still get credit for the kill. So tag them with your weakest spell and then train them to the guards or another player, whoever is most likely to pull aggro off you =)

Quest is 6600 XP, 90 Silver, and nets you a special tabard with a "Use" function (just activates a flexing animation and magical explosion). Item description says "For Heroism in the Battle of the Dark Portal", which I think is pretty cool. Hopefully the quest will go away after next Tuesday so there will be a tiny bit of l33tness that comes from having it ;)

I managed to Enslave an Invading Felguard and an Invading Voidwalker -- both are useless. Felguard has a normal attack that hits for less than 100, and a Rend. Voidwalker has a Shadowbolt that does around 350 damage.


PhoenixDark said:
I don't have one

What happened to it? That's pretty much game-breaking.. if you somehow destroyed it or got rid of it (can you anymore?) then ask a GM to get it back. You will use that the entire time you play the game

edit: Does anyone know what BG items had their cost "reduced" in the expansion? I saw 18% reduced mana cost on Regrowth for Druid's. That's a nice buff, but really nice for Tree of Life's


Um. You can talk to an innkeeper to get your Hearth back..just select "Set this as your home."

If your gear is red just keep walking and dying until you get somewhere you can repair, and get a hearth stone.


Unless I am missing something this world event is lame as hell. everyone is standing by the portal AOE and hitting anything that moves. That is all that is happening.


All of the world events have been lame, and they need to learn that most people do not enjoy them, and they are typically wildly unbalanced and cause server problems.

I don't really like that everything has to be a war either, but whatever I guess, it is WARcraft.


Oh, also, for anyone interested, they said theyd have new servers going up at the expansions launch, sorry if it was mentioned before.


Online Ho Champ
Its not really much of a world event, just that in warcraft when you open a portal...demons come running thru, so they give a little quest to kill said demons. Anyone seen the Krull guy around?


Ah, I assumed it was some overwrought affair akin to Ahn'Qiraj. That was really a hellhole of a place to be at the time.


There's a ton of people at The Dark Portal, and my computer went to 0 FPS when I first arrived.....but once it loaded up all the models and stuff it ran okay. Server never crashed either.

The "Chatty Orcs" in Orgrimmar now say "If the Dark Portal is opened again, we can all go back to Draenor now!". Any stuff like this in the Alliance-side cities?

I tried to go through the portal, because I thought Blizzard might have come up with some immersive, organic way to prevent people from going through. Like say, buy the expansion and your character gets a special rune that allows you to pass through when equipped....and if you didn't have it you'd be told "You Need Rune of Blahblah to enter". But nope, you just get an inelegant disclaimer message -- "You must buy The Burning Crusade to access this area" or something.

I wonder if this is the extent to which there will be events to introduce the expansion, or if more stuff will be happening at the portal. Any sitings of other pre-BC events outside of Blasted Lands?


Alex said:
All of the world events have been lame, and they need to learn that most people do not enjoy them, and they are typically wildly unbalanced and cause server problems.

That one with the Ziggurats was awesome. They popped up all over the world, so there weren't any server problems. It was a totally fun undead slaughter that netted cool rewards and good Argent Dawn rep. I had a great time with that one.


:lol Oh man, this is like the AQ gate opening but better. None of this holding hands shit. Just balls out world PvP. If you're alone, you're going to die.

I got together with a bunch of Horde to take back the portal, and **** did we ever. We just kept pushing and drove every last ally out of there. We've held them off for hours, with roaming gank squads covering all of Blasted Lands. We've even slaughtered everything in Nethergarde keep a few times over. Hearth down? Want to use the flight master? Sorry! She's dead! Ahahaha. Awesome fun tonight.

Oh, and the tabard is my new "hey look, your dead" toy ... though the 5 minute cooldown is lame.


Moon Guard seems really cool so far. Only seen the troll orc starter area and barrens chat so far but if that is a fair assesment of the rest of this new rp server there seems be alot decent folks on it. I was soloing some Lieutenent 4 levels higher then me in a Keep and I had some adds, I quickly looted the key and then got corned on top of fort. I decided to jump off :lol Landed with like dimes worth of health I was basically zero. For some reason It aggro whole fort as these guys back down the castle to get to me. I had a shaman from a distance healing me as we tailed it out of there. Good times, good times.
fallout said:
:lol Oh man, this is like the AQ gate opening but better. None of this holding hands shit. Just balls out world PvP. If you're alone, you're going to die.

I got together with a bunch of Horde to take back the portal, and **** did we ever. We just kept pushing and drove every last ally out of there. We've held them off for hours, with roaming gank squads covering all of Blasted Lands. We've even slaughtered everything in Nethergarde keep a few times over. Hearth down? Want to use the flight master? Sorry! She's dead! Ahahaha. Awesome fun tonight.

Oh, and the tabard is my new "hey look, your dead" toy ... though the 5 minute cooldown is lame.

Tonight has been amazing. World PVP should be EVERY NIGHT. Screw the BGS.


All of the BC areas have world pvp no? should be interesting at least.

Although I do like bgs, I'd like to see another gigantic Alterac Valley affair though, possibly with, yknow, a lot less PvE focus.
"Although I do like bgs, I'd like to see another gigantic Alterac Valley affair though, possibly with, yknow, a lot less PvE focus."

It'd be awesome if they had a BG where they randomly chose a group of players and made them crazy buffed (think marshalls/warmasters) and 1 player on each side as a general and let both sides go at it.


I expected to hear people here upset that their system keeps crashing on them. The official forums are exploding with that shit.

And I'm also disappointed...because MY system keeps crashing on me and I get a video error.


Teknopathetic said:
It'd be awesome if they had a BG where they randomly chose a group of players and made them crazy buffed (think marshalls/warmasters) and 1 player on each side as a general and let both sides go at it.
That sounds like fun.

I've always wanted to see a "beat the clock" scenario, where each team gets some number of tries at beating the other team at defending something. So, team 1 goes in and has to beat some time, like ... 15 minutes. Then, everyone swaps, and the other team gets a shot to beat the time. If they do, they win, if not, they lose. Who starts first would just be randomly made.


Teknopathetic said:
"Although I do like bgs, I'd like to see another gigantic Alterac Valley affair though, possibly with, yknow, a lot less PvE focus."

It'd be awesome if they had a BG where they randomly chose a group of players and made them crazy buffed (think marshalls/warmasters) and 1 player on each side as a general and let both sides go at it.

I'd like to subscribe to your news letter.


I'm fiddling around on a Rogue in PvP for the first time in awhile and Jesus ****, did they do something to Hunter traps? I mean, they have a radius of about 10 goddamn yards it feels like, it's retarded.

Maybe it's lag but I usually never lag much.


Has problems recognising girls
border said:
The "Chatty Orcs" in Orgrimmar now say "If the Dark Portal is opened again, we can all go back to Draenor now!". Any stuff like this in the Alliance-side cities?
The teleportation device to head to Silvermoon City has now got a model at Undercity, also the chatty Forsaken say "we're battling alongside elves again.. just like old times!" which I thought was pretty funny.

ManaByte said:
I've only found one quest to kill Felguards coming out of the portal. Any others?
That's pretty cool, I'll have to find some.

As for the PVP stuff at the Dark Portal, it's just insane. It changes hands constantly.. when the servers first came back up a few Horde PVP guilds went out and controlled Blasted Lands for a good 2 hours, and then the Alliance cavalry arrived to take it back. I decided to just keep out of it all till 1am server time tonight and there was no one there. A Night Elf Rogue at lvl 56 turned up just as I had finished my quest and I merely gave a /bow and /goodbye as I hearthed out.


hunter traps do have a radius of about 10 yards. It's still crazy how easily you can set them off, though.

I bit the bullet sort of, since some friends of mine (who, I should add, are WAY cooler than my stupid guild on Kilrogg) are all 60/around 60 on Rexxar. So I transferred my shaman over and it's fun. I'm doing 5 mans and stuff, no raiding, and I don't care because I'm having a fun time! It's also a nice middle ground server. It's not so young that there's hardly any 60s, but it's not like Kilrogg where if you AREN'T in at least full tier 1 or a lot of tier 2, you're a noob.

Anyway, I wish they'd just copy Aeon of Strife (the best warcraft 3 custom map ever, and the granddaddy of DOTA and Tides of Blood) into a BG. Limit it to like 20-25 players and it'd be awesome. AoS is like what AV should be, except it requires defense and isn't so focused on pve crap. A BG similar to that would rock since you'd have to split up into 3 teams (or else they'd just destroy the defenses and your main base and you could help buff up the NPC defenses a little, but they'd never be capable of destroying the enemy base.

Outland world pvp objectives aren't too different from the towers in EPL though. In fact, Hellfire's 3 objectives pretty much ARE the same thing as the EPL towers. The only real difference is the token system that allows you to rep up in Hellfire and Nagrand, and buy some really sweet pvp rewards in Zangarmarsh. Well, you buy rewards in Hellfire and Nagrand, too, but you need rep to get them. I'm not sure what, if any, pvp objectives there are in Shadowmoon Valley... and there's none in Blade's Edge or Netherstorm. But I can't imagine actually doing much world pvp in Blade's Edge anyway, that place is so annoying to get around that people would just avoid each other so they could grind out of it.


Yeah, I guess, it just seems so much larger than before, guy scatter shots me and I wander into a trap that procs from across the goddamn field.


well, I think frost trap is bugged as hell and that's why hunters are dropping it. I don't know how else to explain its continent-wide radius and hourlong duration. Other traps are normal though.


No, the one I have issues with is freeze trap, in the context that if my character walks anywhere *near* the vicinity of the trap, it'll fire. Not over it, not by it, but within like a 5-10 yard radius, it's nuts.

The frost aura one, I have no qualms with, it's obnoxious yeah, but it doesn't break stealth anymore!

Anyhow, I won't be playing that character in the expansion, I got rid of my others, still deciding on my new one, but I've always been like 90% Priest all along. Do you have any opinions of their potency in BC, Fire? I mostly just want to heal, though.
fallout said:
Oh yes, this is only a taste of things to come. :D

how does world pvp (new zones?) work on pve servers in bc?

would it auto flag you the minute you hit the zone, or say you cant enter unless flagged?

just wouldnt seem right for people to walk in crucial areas unflagged then flag zerg the encampments for whatever quest objectives there are...


yeah, you have to flag to capture stuff in Hellfire. For Nagrand, anything you activate has a pvp icon for it, similar to the stuff in Silithus, and you autoflag the instant you touch it.

The thing is, the world pvp stuff will be fun, but it may die out eventually. Well, ok, not Nagrand, because that's a living BG zone. Though I'll say that world pvp's going to be flooded with alliance zergs on both servers I play on, so it won't be fun for long.

e: Actually, the Hellfire stuff doesn't require any channeling or anything. You have to flag and stay flagged for awhile next to the area in order to capture it. So if you aren't flagged, you can't hold it. It's not perfect, but it could be way worse. I think on pve servers it will mostly just be an initial zerg. Zangarmarsh works in kind of the same way, but I didn't bother playing with it to figure it out. I didn't do any of the world pvp stuff in beta, cause it was always overrun by 70s.


I'm pretty sure you just have to retrain it or it's got a new icon and name. I could be wrong, but I swore I saw a druid actually do humanoid tracking today when I was in TB. I was lost at first too with my warrior's ranged stuff, then I realized they did away with shoot bow/gun/crossbow and rolled it into one generic shoot command.


border said:
The "Chatty Orcs" in Orgrimmar now say "If the Dark Portal is opened again, we can all go back to Draenor now!". Any stuff like this in the Alliance-side cities?
The humans say something along the lines of: "The elves betrayed us? They were never the best of friends, but to join the Horde? It can't be true can it?" and: "Draenei..? I guess if they're devoted to the Light they can be trusted."

I haven't checked to see what the dwarves and night elves are saying though.

Eric WK

Sorry if this has been addressed before, but I just discovered this thread and didn't want to look through a few dozen pages for an answer.

My question is how many GAFers are going to be rerolling next week. Is there going to be a coordinated reroll or anything?

I played my Warrior to about 63 in Beta and decided a new character (Drainei or BE Mage) will be best for me. Just looking for a potential home for her.


Has problems recognising girls
Blasted Lands at the moment is kind of interesting. Everyone is riding around in droves in case they get hit.. but we're somewhat seasoned in it now with our server.

Just last week Orgrimmar was hit by 3 full raid groups, some dolt said on Trade channel that Orgrimmar was getting hit by 120+ people and of course every bastard and their dog turned up. Could easily say that 300 Horde were inside the city when the server crashed. It's quite funny though as Horde killed the Gnome King that very morning, and then proceeded to kill Jaina Proudmoore a few days after the Orgrimmar hit.

World PVP is very much alive on Blackwing Lair.
The "Chatty Orcs" in Orgrimmar now say "If the Dark Portal is opened again, we can all go back to Draenor now!". Any stuff like this in the Alliance-side cities?

The Gnomes in Ironforge say..."Have you heard the Elves are stirring in Quel'Thalas!" and the Human's in Stormwind say "It appears the after many years, the Elves have emerged from the forest, but to join the Horde?"

Thank God enchants are green again. And they made Divine Illumination 15 seconds instead of 10 which does make it a tad bit more useful.


anyone know a busy PvP Euro realm? Im sick of playing in empty servers and with Burning Crusade I want to start in a populated place.
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